MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 372 Pei Shao humbly admits his mistake

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   Chapter 372 Pei Shao humble admits his mistake

"I'm talking to you, what do you think she does?" I have to say, the old man Xiao, who has been managing all his life, is not inferior to the young man at all, "With me here, don't try to hurt her again. A cent!"

   His posture of protecting the calf completely stunned Pei Xinyu.

   Besides, what does it mean to hurt her again? He didn't hurt her at all, did he? !

   She is the girl he has been waiting for for more than ten years, how could he want to hurt her?

   However, seeing the seriousness of Mr. Xiao, Pei Xinyu's words of defense were all swallowed up.

"It's a blessing for the girl to have such a good grandfather as you." With a faint smile on her face, Pei Xinyu assured me in a modest but not arrogant manner: "Don't worry, as long as I am here, I will definitely I won't let her suffer in the slightest."

  Although he was very sincere and the words he said were full of confidence, the old man did not believe a word of these words.

"That's nice." The old man sneered with a mocking expression on his face: "You did something to her just now, we have all seen it, don't try to deny it. What did you say to not let her suffer the slightest grievance? Oh, it's just Put P!"

   Xiao Yuefan always thought that the old man was testing Pei Xinyu, so he didn't say a word the whole time.

   But what did he hear?

   Pei Xinyu actually did something to Su Muxi? Is this worth it? !

  Because of the proximity, Pei Xinyu didn't even know the situation at all, and Xiao Yuefan grabbed his collar.

   If Xiao Yuefan hadn't been a little sensible, half of his face would have been destroyed.

"Is what my dad said true? You really did something to girl Xi? Huh?!" From his clenched teeth and the slightly tightened strength, Pei Xinyu could clearly feel his anger.

   But, is he really wronged?

"Uncle! Hurry up and let go." Su Muxi rubbed her temples with a headache, sighed tiredly, and said helplessly, "This is just a misunderstanding, I explained it for a long time, but Grandpa didn't say a word. Don't believe me."

   Hearing this, Xiao Yuefan couldn't help but look at Mr. Xiao, and then he looked at Su Qingcheng.

   Seeing him looking over, Su Qingcheng nodded helplessly, "Actually, we can't blame all of this on us. In the end, the problem lies with you, Boy Pei."

   Pei Xinyu: "???" After a lot of talk, is he the only one who dares to be wrong?

ten minutes later…

   Several people sat together, and finally let Pei Xinyu and Su Muxi explain the whole thing clearly.

The old man who knew that he had made a big oolong, touched his nose embarrassingly, "Although I misunderstood this time, you are not at all wrong. You said that it's not good for you to rub her, you have to face her. Kneading on top? This is also natural, if it is artificial, it will not be deformed by rubbing it for you?"

  Su Muxi: "..." Why does this sound weird?

   "Grandpa taught me a lesson." Pei Xinyu's attitude of admitting mistakes was good.

   Seeing this, even if Mr. Xiao had any opinions on him, it would be hard to say anything more.

   Maybe it was because he misunderstood him, but Mr. Xiao and Xiao Yuefan didn't embarrass him anymore.

  After dinner, with Su Muxi's help, Mr. Xiao and Xiao Yuefan directly stayed in the villa.

After    settled them, Su Muxi and Pei Xinyu held hands and walked aimlessly in the backyard.

   (end of this chapter)