MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 38 Not so fox-like.

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   Chapter 38 is not so vixen

  However, among young people, Chinese medicine emerged from the Internet. The urban soldier king, the urban medical fairy, etc. Shuangwen still made a wave of fame, coaxing some young people to be interested in Chinese medicine, such as Li Dandao, who also fell into the pit of learning Chinese medicine and cultivating immortals under this kind of novel.

   Anyway, a set of silver needles is worse than a set of surgical tools. I don’t know the sharpness of the scalpel, whether it can be used in this era, and the blade is also a disposable item, and it is easy to be blunt.

   However, Maboi Powder cannot be adjusted, and there is no strict disinfection method and sterile space. In ancient times, surgery was basically a matter of God’s will.

   And surgery relies most on various tools for locating lesions and checking. Without these tools, would you dare to open your stomach?

  Li Dan thought about it, the ancient surgery stopped at debridement and dressing change, at most a chicken was cut. After all, there were many eunuchs, and the technology was relatively mature, and then there was delivery and so on.

  As he was thinking wildly, Li Fucheng came back: "The medicine has been bought, it's these kinds."

Li Dandao looked fine, but Li Fucheng saw that Li Dandao had scratched the cover of his precious medical book, and immediately gave it to Li Dandao: "Are you idle and have nothing to do? Scratched my book? "

  Li Dandao held the muscle and network map and said: "Dad, you are guarding Baoshan without knowing it, your son and I are the destined person."

  Li Fucheng took the muscle and network map, his eyes lit up: "That old man really didn't lie to me."

   "What old man? What did I lie to you?" Could it be that Dad also has a routine of vulgar and third-rate novels? Is he the protagonist of this book or am I the protagonist?

  Li Fucheng said: "You Laozi and I exchanged this half of the medical book from an old man who ran away from the famine. He said it was the treasure of the Huangfu family."

"What treasure? There's no gold or silver." Li Dan said that he didn't think it was strange when he crossed over in later generations, but the craftsmanship handed down in ancient times was to eat rice bowls, and the awareness of confidentiality and anti-piracy was stronger than modern times. It is difficult to exchange information, and a craftsmanship is worth a thousand dollars.

You must know that in the Internet era, the information generated in one day is equivalent to the sum of all knowledge accumulated in ancient times. Li Dandao can search directly for whatever information he wants to find now, but not in ancient times, so many powerful figures in history came from the library. Curators started, they have a wide range of knowledge, not limited, more insight into the truth of things.

  Li Fucheng had to touch and touch the baby, and then said: "The good days of our fathers are still to come. If we understand this, we will be able to make a name for ourselves in the capital."

  Li Dandao rarely saw his father have such energy. Although he was in his thirties and he was about to run for four, he still had such a simple second-year idea. He was also infected at the moment and said: "Let's go to battle with father and son soldiers. After we finish our studies, we will go to the capital to open a medical clinic."

  Unfortunately, after calming down, Li Fucheng found out that although there were diagrams of tendons and acupuncture points and names of acupuncture points, he didn't know what effect it had, so he quickly asked Li Dan, "Did the immortal in your dream teach you?"

Li Dandao nodded: "I have taught some." Just kidding, you need to memorize the test, the order of the pulse, the twelve serious songs, such as the hand-taiyin lung meridian point song: hand-taiyin lung eleven points, Zhongfu Yunmen Tianfu Lie, the next time Xia Bai goes down to Chize, and the next time Kong is the most and Lie Que, passing through the canal Taiyuan and going down to the thenar, reaching the point of Shaoshang like leek leaves.

Another example is the Ziwu Liu Zhuge Jue, which starts from the lungs at the yin time every day, and flows into the large intestine meridian at the 9th hour; the heart fire of the spleen and the spleen flows into the small intestine meridian at the end of the day; when applied to the bladder and the kidney, it goes through the envelope of the Haijiao Palace; The gallbladder is ugly, the liver is yin and the lungs are the same, and the twelve meridians circulate in a circle.

   It’s just that Li Dandao is on the inside and outside, the meridians, the symptoms of each acupuncture point, the manipulation of acupuncture, etc., only at the understanding stage. After all, as I said before, acupuncture only has a few key points for health care.

Li Dandao explained to Li Fucheng one by one, but unfortunately Li Fucheng was a poor student since he was a child. When he heard Li Dandao talk about these things he was not familiar with, it was like listening to a book from heaven. : "You go do your work first, I'll figure it out myself."

  Li Dan had no choice but to let him go. He spent so many years pondering over half of the medical book, which is a half-hearted one. But Chinese medicine really depends on comprehension, and smart people learn fast.

  Li Dandao was busy refining pills. Seeing Li Fucheng's fascinated appearance, he didn't tell him about the strange female barefoot doctor he met today.

   These newly bought medicinal materials still need to be simply concocted.

   "Small accountant!" But it was Fuling who came back. Li Dan asked, "Have you caught the snake king?"

"No, I'll keep looking for it tomorrow, and I'll wait until it rains to see if there are snakes and dragons in the mountains that have been bred to give birth to a different kind of snake king. If you find them, you will be rich." It's time for monkeys, do you want monkey brains to be used as medicine?"

   "Huh~! Why do I want that stuff? If you say there are monkey wine, Hericium erinaceus, or wild kiwi fruit, I'm still a little interested." Li Dan said he couldn't figure out why he wanted monkey brains? Is bullying Sun Dasheng still pressing under Wuzhi Mountain?

Fuling said: "Monkey wine is the top grade of wine, and it is listed as the three ancient wine sources along with Dukang wine and Jiuquan wine. It is favored by ghosts and gods. If you want it, I still want it. If there is monkey wine, I will go directly to Jinghe. Isn't it worth it for Long Jun to have a baby?

   "Haha." Li Dan said with a smile: "Just congratulate Sister Fuling for her early adventure, whether it's the Snake King or the Monkey Wine, I'll take it all down."

  Fuling laughed until she heard Li Dandao's words, and said, "I think you are a fox, you talk like this."

   "Really? I also think that I am handsome, not as good as Song Yu, King Lanling and the others. In fact, it's okay, and I don't look like a vixen, haha."

   Fuling was dumbfounded. However, scolding people is a fox spirit, that person must be good-looking, not to mention that the fox is still an auspicious beast at this time, and has not been smeared by the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties. There is also the crow, which is also an auspicious beast at this time, and its status is still very high for its filial piety, and it does not say that it is a symbol of death.

   When it is said that the Xuanniao produces business, the Xuanniao is a black bird, a big swallow. It is misrepresented as a crow, but it is also associated with its auspicious meaning.

Another interpretation of   three-legged golden crow is that two legs cannot stand, so with one leg fixed, the ancient Shu worshipped either cuckoos or crows. The former was transformed by Emperor Wang, and the latter was the belief of the sun.

  Li Dan said that this was the thinking of later generations, and Fuling couldn't turn around. He only felt that Li Dandao was deliberately teasing her, so he laughed and scolded: "Little hooligan!"

   Li Fucheng smiled and said, "My son, your romantic appearance is comparable to that of mine back then."

  Li Dan said with a smile: "Father, mother is a few years older than you, and she has been in charge of you since you were a child. How can you be romantic? Thousands of ancient and romantic people still look at the present."

   "The number of romantic people still depends on the present." Li Fucheng could not read well, but he still had some appreciation ability: "This sentence has a taste."

  Li Dandao no longer speaks, plagiarizing other people's poems is just being scolded by readers, plagiarizing this one may cost a river crab.

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   (end of this chapter)