MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-~ Tang Dynasty officials

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   System: Three provinces and six ministries

  Official Rank: Genuine First Grade

  Official: Taishi, Taifu, Taibao, Taiwei, Situ, Sikong, Tiance General (the official position before Tang Taizong Li Shimin proclaimed emperor, and it will not be established after that).

   Lord: Prince, Princess

  From Yipin

   Officials: Taizi Taishi, Taizi Taifu, Taizi Taibao

  Prose official: Kaifu Yitong Sanshi

  Warrior Officer: Hussar General

   Jue: heir king, county king, prince of the country

   is the second product

   Officials: Shangshuling (because Li Shimin once held this position, this position has been vacant since then), Dahangtai Shangshuling

   Essay Officer: Te Jin

  Wu Sanguan: Fuguo General

   Jue: Duke of Founding

  Hon: Shangzhu Kingdom

  From the second grade

   Officials: Shang Shu Zuo Pu She, Prince Shaoshi, Prince Shaofu, Prince Shaobao, Jingzhao/Henan/Taiyuan Shepherd, Dadudu, Daduhu

  Prose Official: Doctor Guanglu

  Wu Sanguan: General Zhenguo

   Jue: Duke of Kaiguo County

  Hon: Zhuguo

   genuine three products

   Officials: Zhongshuling, Shizhong (promoted to the second rank during the reign of Emperor Daizong), six ministers, sixteen generals of Wei, Prince's guest, Taichangqing, Prince Zhanshi, Zhongdudu, Shangduhu

   Essay Officer: Dr. Jin Ziguanglu

  Warrior Officers: Champion General, Huaihua General

  Hon: Upper Protector

  From Sanpin

Officials: Censor Doctor, Secretary Supervisor, Guanglu/Weiwei/Zongzheng/Taipu/Dali/Honglu/Sinong/Taifu Qing, Left and Right Sanqi Standing Servant, National Child Sacrificial Wine, Dianzhong Supervisor, Shaofu Supervisor , will be the master craftsman, the general of Zhuwei Yulin Qianniu, the lower governor, the governor of Shangzhou, the governor of the governor's office, the deputy governor of the governor's office

  Prose Official: Dr. Yinqing Guanglu

  Wu Sanguan: General Yun Hui, General Guide

   Jue: Founding Marquis

  Hon: Protector

   is on the fourth grade

Officials: Huangmen Shilang, Zhongshu Shilang, Shangshu Zuocheng, Liubu Shilang, Taichang Shaoqing, Crown Prince Zuo Shuzi, Prince Zuoweiwei, Zhongzhou Inspector, Military Equipment Supervisor, Shangdu Hufu Deputy Dudu, Shangfu Zhechong Captain

   Essay Officer: Zhengyi doctor

  Wu Sanguan: Zhongwu General

   Jue: Founding Father

  Hon: Captain of the Light Car

   is under the fourth grade

   Officials: Shangshu Youcheng, Shangshu Zhushi Shilang, Left and Right Qianniuwei/Left and Right Guardians, Zhonglang General, Pro-Xun Yiwei Yulin Zhonglang, Xiazhou Inspector

   Essay Officer: General Consultation Doctor

  Wu Sanguan: Zhuangwu General

   From the fourth grade

   Officials: Guanglu/Weiwei/Zongzheng/Taipu/Dali/Honglu/Si Nong/Taifu Shaoqing, Secretary Shaojian, Hall Shaojian, Internal Attendant, Daduhufu/Prince's Palace Chief History

   Essay Officer: Doctor Taizhong

  Wu Sanguan: General Xuanwei

  Hon: Captain of Light Vehicles

  From the fourth grade

   Officials: Guozi Siye, Shaofu Shaojian, General Zuo Craftsman, Jingzhao/Henan/Taiyuan Shaoyin, Shangzhou Biejia, Dadudufu/Daduhufu/Prince's House Sima, Zhongfu Zhechong Duwei

   Essay Officer: Zhongdafu

  Army officer: General Mingwei

   is on the fifth grade

Officials: Advising Doctor, Imperial Censor Zhongcheng, Dr. Guozi, Shizhong, Zhongshusheren, Dushui Messenger, Wannian/Changan/Henan/Luoyang/Taiyuan/Jinyang/Fengxian County Magistrate, Yiwei Guard General Yubayashi, Governor of the Middle/Shangduhufu, Chief of the Prince's Palace

   Wen Sanguan: Zhongsan doctor

  Warrior Officer: General Dingyuan

   Jue: Founding Son

  Hon: Captain of the Upper Cavalry

   is under the fifth grade

   Officials: Crown Prince Zhongsheren, Nei Changshi, Zhongdudu/Shangduhufu Sima, Zhongzhou Biejia, Xiafu Zhechong Duwei

   Essay Officer: Court Consultation Doctor

  Warrior Officer: General Ning Yuan

   As the fifth grade: Sabao

   From the fifth grade

Officials: Shang Shu Zuo Si Zhu Shi Lang Zhong, Secretary Cheng, Shu Shi Lang, Prince Xima, Dian Zhong Cheng, Deputy Commander of the Prince’s Mansion, Xia Dudu’s Office/Shangzhou Changshi, Xiazhou Biejia, Dianzhong Provincial Sixth Bureau Fengyu, etc. Wang You[1]

   Essay Officer: To ask a doctor

  Warrior Officer: Ranger General

   Jue: Founding Man

  Hon: Captain of the Cavalry

  From the fifth grade

   Officials: Dali Zheng, Tai Chang Cheng, Tai Shi Ling, Nei Ji Shi, Shang Mujian, Lower Dudufu/Shangzhou Sima, Prince Consort, Du Li of Fengche, Director of Gongyuan, Du Lieutenant of Shangfu Guoyi

   Wen Sanguan: Chaosan doctor

  Wu Sanguan: Guerrilla General

   is on the sixth grade

   Officials: Doctor of Taixue, Chief History of Zhongzhou, Colonel Yiwei, Commander of Jingzhao/Henan/Taiyuan Prefectures, Commander of the Central Department of the Arsenal, Commander of the Left and Right of the Guards, Commander of Guoyi of the Zhongfu

   Essay Officer: Chao Yilang

  Wu Sanguan: Zhaowu Commander

  Hon: cavalry captain

   is under the sixth grade

   Officials: Qianniu prepares the body, prepares the left and right sides, the history of the governor of the lower state, the Sima of the central state, the supervisor of the inner minister, the supervisor of the middle animal husbandry, the deputy supervisor of the upper animal husbandry, the general of the upper town

   Essay Officer: Cheng Xilang

  Wu Sanguan: Deputy Lieutenant of Zhaowu

   From the sixth grade

Officials: Shijulang, Shijusheren, Ministers of Shangshu, Wailang, Dali Sizhi, Guozi Assistant, Chengmen Lang, Fu Baolang, Tongshi Shiren, Secretary Lang, Shu Zuolang, Servant Doctor, Zhuwei Yulin Chief Shi, Liangjing city decree, Xiazhou Sima, left and right supervisors and school captains, pro-Xun Yiwei brigade commander, Shangxian magistrate

   Essay Officer: Feng Yilang

  Warrior Officer: Colonel Zhenwei

  Hon: Captain of the Flying Cavalry

   from the sixth grade

   Officials: Shi Yushi, Shaofu/General Zuo/Guozijian, Sinong Temple Zhuyuan Garden Supervisor, Xiamu Supervisor, Gongyuan Director Deputy Supervisor, Mutual Market Supervisor, Zhongmu Deputy Supervisor, Xiafu Guoyi Commander

   Essay Officer: Tong Zhilang

  Warrior Officer: Deputy Lieutenant Zhenwei

   is on the seventh grade

   Officials: Dr. Simen, Zhan Shi Sizhi, Qianniuwei Changshi, Military Equipment Supervisor, Zhongxian magistrate, Jinxun Yiwei Guard Commander, Jinxun Yiwei Deputy Commander, Zhongzhen General

   Essay Officer: Chaoqinglang

  Warrior Officer: Captain Zhiguo

  Hon: Cloud Cavalry Lieutenant

   is under the seventh grade

   Officials: Nei Temple Boss, Zhucang/Zhuye/Sizhu/Wentang Supervisor, Zhuwei Zuozhongwei, Shangfu Beer General/Changshi, Shangzhen Deputy, Xiazhen General, Xiamu Deputy Supervisor

   Essay Officer: Xuandelang

  Warrior Officer: Deputy Lieutenant Zhiguo

   From the seventh grade

Officials: Imperial Court Attendant in the Palace, Zuo Zuo Bu Que, Dr. Tai Chang, Assistant Teacher of Tai Xue, Men Xia Sheng Lu Shi, Shang Shu Du Shi, Zhong Shu Provincial Chief Secretary, Left and Right Supervisors Direct Chief, Du Shui Supervisor, Zhong Xia County Magistrate , Jingxian Prime Minister, Zhongfu General/Changshi, Zhongzhen Deputy, Xunwei Prince's personal guard

   Prose Official: Assan Lang

  Warrior Officer: Colonel Yihui

  Hon: Wu Cavalry Lieutenant

  From the seventh grade

Officials: Chief of the Taishi Bureau, Chief of the Imperial Palace/Shaofu/General Manager/Guozijian, Commander of the Tingting/Gongyu Bureau, Commander of the Xia County, Chief of the Mausoleums of the Taimiao Temple, Deputy Supervisor of the Gardens of the Sinong Temple, Gongyuan Commander-in-Chief, Princess Family Order, Brigade Commander of the Prince’s Mansion, General/Changshi of Xiafu, Deputy of Xiazhen, Zhutun Supervisor, Zhuzhechong’s Colonel

   Essay Officer: Xuanyi Lang

  Wu Sanguan: Deputy Lieutenant of Yi Hui

   Depends on the Seventh Grade: Sabao House Zozheng

   on the eighth grade

   Officials: Supervision Censor, Xielu Lang, Yiwei, Doctor of Medicine from the Medical Department, Director of the Military Weapons Supervision, Chief of the Armoury Department, Chief of the Liangjing City Department, Chief of the Shang Mujian, and the Magistrate

   Essay Officer: To Shilang

  Wu Sanguan: Xuanjie Colonel

   under the eighth grade

Officials: Xi Guan/Neifu/Neifu Bureau Order, Jishen, Shang Pharmacy Bureau Chief Doctor, Jingzhao/Henan/Taiyuan County Chief, Taigong Temple Chief, Zhugong Farmer Supervisor, Mutual Market Supervisor, Sizhu Deputy Supervisor, Chief Supervisor of Sinong Temple and Zhuyuan Garden, Lingtai Lang, Lord of Shangshu, and Sige of Zhuwei

   Essay Officer: Seishi Lang

  Wu Sanguan: Deputy Lieutenant of Xuanjie

   From the eighth grade

Officials: Zuo Zuoyi, Imperial Physician's Office Doctor, Simen Teaching Assistant, Zuowei Qianniu Weilu Shi joined the army, Shangxian Chancellor, Zhongmu Superintendent, Jingxian Chief Registrar, Zhucang/Zhuye/Sizhu/Wentang Superintendent, Bao Zhangzheng , Zhu Zhechongfu brigade commander

   Essay Officer: Seongbong Lang

  Warrior Officer: Imperial Commander

  From the eighth grade

Officials: Dali Pingshi, Doctor of Law, Imperial Physician, Cao Cao of Qianniuwei, left and right, insiders, Dushui Superintendent, Zhongshu / Menxia / Shangshu Capital Province / Ministry of War / Ministry of Personnel / Examination / Chief of the Ministry of Rites, Chief of Zhongxian County, Chief of Jingxian County, Chief of Zhutun Supervisors, Commander of Shangguan, Chief of Shangfu Soldiers, Chief of Shanghu Huzheng, Chief of Zhongshu, Deputy of Shangshu, Chief of the Left and Right of Zhulvfu

   Essay Officer: Chengwu Lang

  Warrior Officer: Deputy Lieutenant

   is on the ninth grade

   Officials: School Scholar, Taizhu, Dianke Office Manager, Yuedu Order, Zhujin Order, Xiamujiancheng, Zhongxia County Chief, Zhongzhou Doctor, and Arsenal Office Supervisor

  Prose Official: Rulin Lang

  Warrior Officer: Colonel Renyong

   under the 9th grade

Officials: Zheng Zi, Xi Guan/Nei Servant, Nei Fu Bureau Chief, Tai Shi Bureau Si Chen, Dian Stable Office Chief Rider, Xia County Chief, Xia Zhou Doctor, Jingzhao/Henan/Taiyuan County Commander, Shang Mu Supervisor Book, Zhu Gong Farm Supervisor, Zhongguan Commander, Prince Wangwei, Shangguan Cheng, Zhuwei left and right holding halberds, Zhongzhen soldier Cao joins the army, Lower garrison chief, Zhu Zhechong is in command

   Essay Officer: Deng Shilang

  Warrior Officer: Deputy Lieutenant Renyong

  From the ninth grade

Officials: Shangshu/Yushitai/Secretary Department/Dianzhong Provincial Director, Fengli Lang, Legal Assistant, Hongwenguan School Secretary, Director of the History Bureau, Medical Assistant of the Imperial Medical Office, Jingzhao/Henan/Taiyuan House/Nine Temples /Shao Fu/ will be the supervisor of recording affairs, the governor/duhufu/shangzhou recording affairs city decree, the chief registrar of the palace garden, the county lieutenant of Shangzhong

  Prose Official: Wenlin Lang

  Warrior Officer: Pei Rong Colonel

  From the ninth grade

Officials: Director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Director of the Imperial College, Chongwenguan School Book, Doctor of Calligraphy, Doctor of Mathematics, Ceremony under the Door, Massage / Zhujing of the Imperial Physician Department, Dr. Bu of the Taibu Department, Acupuncture Assistant / Medical Zheng of the Imperial Physician Department, Tai Bu Zheng, Taishi Bureau Supervisor, Ye Courting Bureau, Gong Jiao Doctor, Taiguan Office Supervisor, Lezheng, Taile Advocacy Office, Dali Temple Prisoner, Zhongxiazhou Medical Doctor, Zhongxia County Lieutenant, Xiaguan Ling, Zhongxia Guan Cheng, Zhu Wei Yulin Chief, Zhu Jin Cheng, Zhu Zhechong's team deputy, Zhu Rufu's left and right holding halberds

  Prose official: Jiang Shilang

  Warrior Officer: Deputy Lieutenant of the Rong


The first class of Liuwai: Zhuwei / Dushuijian / Yulin Army Records, Shangshu / Zhongshu / Menxia Province / Censor Tai Lingshi, Taichang Temple audience, various scriptures of the master of ceremonies, river diversions at the River Canal Department, Imperial Physician Department of physician and acupuncturist, internal minister of the temple

  The first class outside the stream: Sabao Fu Zongzhu

The second class of Liuwai: Assistant Teacher of Taibu Department, Secretary/Dianzhong/Inner Minister Lingshi, Chengmen/Fubao/Xiwenguan Lingshi, General Affairs Lingshi, Shangshu/Menxia/Zhongshu Province/Yushitai Shu Lingshi , Taichang Temple Zhu Shi, the director of the palace garden, the official guest office, the pro-Xun Yiwei House record, the Taishi Bureau Dr. Liao Engraving, the imperial history of the palace hall

The third class of Liuwai: City Gate/Fubao Book History, Secretary/Dianzhong/Inner Minister, Censor Desk Book Command History, Zhumuyuanyuan Supervisor Recorder, Zhucang Supervisor/Zhuguanjin Recorder, Zhuwei Yulin Military Mansion /Prince Prince Zhan Shifu Order History, Shang Food Bureau Staple Food, Secretary / Palace / Inner Minister Department Book Order History, Inner Minister Province Inner Code Quote, Shang Pharmacy Bureau Imperial Physician Office Massage Zhu Ban Master, Taichang Temple Praise, Imperial Physician Office Doctor of Medicine/Acupuncture, Zhu Ji Shi of Taibu Department, Dr. Lokeke of Rugeng Temple

  Liuwai Fourth Class: Military History of Zhuwei Yulin, Main Treasure/Main Talisman of Menxia Province, Main Medicine of Imperial Physician, Provincial Tradition of Menxia/Zhongshu, Ban on Massage by Imperial Physician Office, History of Censorship Monitoring

  The Fourth Class of Sight Streaming: Sabaofu Rate

The fifth class of Liuwai: the history of the Dali Temple Secretary Zhiping, the Zhuyuan Farm Supervisor, the Zhumuyuan Garden Supervisor, the Zhudu Hufu History, the Taiguan Office Supervisory History, the Liangyu Office, the Zhangyu Office, the Zhuji Office, and the Zhujiyuan. Dianshi, the history of the government led by the pro-honor and Weiwei, the history of the prison in Dali Temple

  The Fifth Class of Sight Streaming: The History of Sabao Prefecture

  Liuwai Sixth Class: History of Yiwei House, Zhucang Guanjin House History

  Liuwai Seventh Class: Main Festival of Menxia Province, Zhuzhanggu, Dashijianlisheng, Astronomical Viewing, Zhucang Guanjin History, Zhucang Ji History

  The Eighth Class of Liuwai: Set up by the Shougong Office

   Liuwai Ninth Class: Guozixue/Taigong Temple cadres, various chariots.