MTL - After Being Forced To Become a Boss, I Just Want To Be a Salted Fish-Chapter 1063 can not go

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  Chapter 1063 can't go

  Now Lu Ning was a little anxious.

   Hold a meeting with all the hall masters, and prepare to rescue the three of them.

   But this plan is still being discussed, and Shura's people actually contacted them on their own initiative.

   Let them meet at Ghost Street that night.

   In this way, soldiers can only come to cover the water and soil.

   "Baby, don't go this time, let's go."

  Lu Ning stood up and looked at him: "Why do you think they took the initiative to contact this time. If I don't go, you may not even see Gu Chen and the others."

  Gu Zi was taken aback for a moment, and so was the hall master beside him.

  This time, there is a high probability that they came for Lu Ning.

  Lu Ning knows this well, only if she goes, can Gu Chen and the others be rescued.

   Gu Zi immediately said, "Then you can't go!"

   Lu Ning sighed and looked at him: "It's okay, I will make all the preparations."

   In fact, she doesn't know what will happen in the end, but she can't show timidity.

  Raising his hand to beckon, Lao Liu came over, took a planting gun, aimed at Lu Ning's neck and hit him.

   Lu Ning frowned subconsciously.

   "The planting is successful. As long as people who don't activate them can't detect it, when the time comes, touch and activate it, and we will know your location."

   Lu Ning nodded.

  Gu Zi still looked at her worriedly.

   "Okay, go out quickly, pack up your equipment, and go to pick them up at night."

   As she spoke, she kicked everyone out.

  I changed into the most comfortable and convenient fighting clothes.

  She doesn't need to bring anything at all.

   just quietly waiting for the arrival of night.

  Towards evening, she called Huo Jinyan.

  This time it was dangerous, but she didn't know to what extent it would end up.

  Huo Jinyan answered the phone very quickly.

  Lu Ning heard the sound of him flipping through the documents.

   "Did you go to the company?"

  Huo Jinyan was taken aback: "Just to take a look."

  Lu Ning sighed: "Didn't you agree to have a good rest, and you will be so misbehaved if I am not here."

  Huo Jinyan smiled: "Don't think I don't know. When I was in a coma, you were not good, you were almost in the company."

   Lu Ning bent his lips, listening to his voice.


   She suddenly called out.

   "Well, I'm here."

  Lu Ning said solemnly: "I love you."

  Huo Jinyan was startled suddenly, and the movements of his hands stopped.

   "Baby, I love you too."

   After he finished speaking, he seemed to perceive something, and asked subconsciously, "What happened?"

  Lu Ning smiled immediately: "There is nothing wrong, I just want to talk to you, and by the way, your girlfriend doesn't like you being so misbehaving."

  Huo Jinyan smiled when he heard the words: "It's pretty good, I'll just stay for an hour, and I'll go back later."

   "It's not too bad, then I'll hang up."

   As she was talking, Huo Jinyan suddenly stopped her.

   "Ning Ning!"


   Lu Ning responded, but there was silence.

  Huo Jinyan didn't know what was wrong, he just called her, but he didn't know what to say, and always felt a little uneasy.

   "It's okay, protect yourself, I'll find you soon."

  Lu Ning nodded: "En."

  After hanging up the phone, Lu Ning felt mixed feelings.

  She made the worst plan, but she will also desperately create a way out!


  At night, when it was completely dark, a group of people got into the car and headed towards Ghost Street.

  The surrounding area is quiet, even the sound of the wind can be heard clearly.

  Ghost Street is eerie and eerie, Lu Ning is sitting in the car with the door open, Gu Zi and the others are protecting him outside.

  (end of this chapter)