MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 577 Eyes in the Iceberg

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Lin Wu was also surprised. For a moment, he wondered if Zheng Lian had deliberately come to follow her as Mo Lang because he was worried about her.

 But she quickly denied it.

 Because it can be clearly seen that the person who came here has a fierce and dangerous aura that Zheng Lian could not play, like a lone wolf waiting for an opportunity in the dark night.

He was carrying a big bag on his back and another in his other hand. He walked very quickly and arrived in front of them in a short while.

The man looked calm and only tilted his head to ask Zhongjun: "Are you ready to leave?"

 Zhongjun nodded.

Mo Lang put down his bag and opened it. Inside was several sets of diving equipment that looked precise and of excellent quality.

 He took out a complete set and placed it facing Lin Wu, and then threw a set to Chongjun.

Zhongjun took off his coat without saying a word and started putting it on.

Lin Wu did not move: "After Zheng Lian captured you two years ago, he locked you up in a special place. How did you..."

Mo Lang paused and looked up at her: "I belong to the city lord, and I'm not useless enough to be locked up by a young boy."

Ren Ke understood: "You were caught on purpose to make room for Zheng Lian. In the past two years, you were imprisoned like Chongjun, and you stayed there intentionally. Until this time, the city lord contacted before entering the ice prison If I ask you, you come out here and, like Zhongjun, ensure Lin Wu’s safety before the city lord??”

 Mo Lang nodded.

Ren Ke hissed deeply and turned to look at Lin Wu.

 Her expression is particularly wonderful.

Lin Wu pinched the palms of his hands to keep calm and squeezed out one word: "Let's go."

 She wanted to see what the city lord was going to do!

Lin Wu leaned over the diving suit and began to put it on.

Seeing this, Ren Ke also opened the bag he brought with him, and there was a set inside. As a result, before she could even start to put it on, a suit hit her and knocked her staggering.

Ren Ke looked at the same equipment as Lin Wu and others in front of him and was confused.

Lin Wu also paused.

Mo Lang said: "The city lord expected that someone would follow the dark voice, and also hoped that someone would follow the dark voice, so let us prepare an extra set."

 Ren Ke was overjoyed.

"No!" Lin Wu objected. The ice prison was too dangerous and Ren Ke couldn't go there.

At this time, Chongjun spoke up, and said to the point: "The boat that brought you here has left, and she is wearing a diving suit. Even if you don't let her follow, she won't be able to leave, and will follow secretly."

Lin Wu reflexively looked back in the direction he came from. After a few seconds of reaction, he looked at Ren Ke again. His eyes fell on her opened bag, and then his face turned darker.

Ren Ke became confident: "Did you hear that? The city lord allowed it! Let me tell you, I am the most obedient killer. I must do what the city lord orders."

Lin Wu: "..."

Lin Wu stared at Ren Ke for a few seconds, and finally took a deep breath without stopping and continued to wear it.

 Ren Ke quickly packed himself up.

 After the four of them had put on their equipment and checked it, Mo Lang and Chong Jun led the way away to the ice bank in front of them on the right.

Lin Wu put the Wind Phoenix sign into the pocket close to his waist and said, "Seniors, have you ever been there before? Where exactly is the entrance that this sign can open?"

 Mo Lang and Zhong Jun shook their heads together.

Lin Wu thought for a while and said directly to Zhongjun: "Senior, attack me with the kind that can kill me."

Ren Ke: "? Lin Wu, are you crazy??"

Zhong Jun narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly raised his hand to hit Lin Wu.

Lin Wu's body reacted faster than his brain, and he leaned back to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Jun suddenly flicked his wrist, and a sharp blade appeared in his palm. He moved his fingers slightly, turned the knife around, and slashed at Lin Wu's neck with lightning speed.

The moment Lin Wu raised his arm to block, his shoulders felt hot and tattoos appeared quietly.

 Her heart skipped a beat.

Before she could recover, a small black tube was aimed at her heart!

Lin Wu immediately judged that it was a special type of pocket firearm, and its power should be terrifying. "That's it!" Lin Wu was injured and was not as fast as his opponent. He couldn't avoid it, so he could only speak out urgently.

 Zhongjun paused suddenly.

Mo Lang, who was behind, quickly grabbed Zhongjun’s arm to prevent him from inertly injuring Lin Wu.

Ren Ke also quickly pulled Lin Wu back and stared at Zhongjun defensively.

Lin Wu took a few breaths and said, "My tattoo has come out and I can go into the water."

Unsurprisingly, the places where this sign can be opened were also built by the Chi family. Since no one knows where it is, her tattoo should be able to point the way.

Hearing this, Zhongjun put away his sharp blade.

Mo Lang also let go.

Ren Ke felt relieved when he understood, but couldn't help but said: "Please give me a warning in advance, I thought you were really crazy."

"It's not too late." Lin Wu put on the goggles, turned on the deep-sea searchlight above his head, closed his helmet by pressing the side of his ear, and jumped into the sea easily.

 The three of them followed in turn.

The temperature in the sea was lower than they thought, and Lin Wu shivered as soon as he entered.

 Fortunately, the wetsuit is made of special nanomaterials and has a certain intelligence. It can automatically adjust to the appropriate temperature according to the surrounding temperature to keep warm.

Lin Wu adapted quickly, turned around and saw three white lights, and nodded slightly to signal them.

 The line of sight in sea water is blocked, and the farther down you go, the lower the visibility becomes. The four of them could only determine their positions based on the light of the searchlight and the thermal imaging scan of the helmet.

 The tattoo on his shoulder felt a little hotter. Lin Wu felt it carefully and moved to the lower left.

Her speed was not too slow, and she quickly dived forty or fifty meters. Then she looked back to make sure that Ren Ke and the other three were following her, and then she continued to dive.

 The wetsuit can relieve the seawater pressure to a certain extent. Lin Wu only started to feel slightly dizzy when he dived to about 90 meters.

The tattoo became even hotter. Lin Wu looked back at Ren Ke and the other three. They each kept a distance of about two or three meters from her. They looked around from time to time to be alert to emergencies, and they didn't look very uncomfortable.

Lin Wu continued to dive.

 When she dived about 40 meters deeper, suddenly, the tattoo on her shoulder began to tremble, as if trying to break free from her body. This made Lin Wu uncomfortable.

They also realized that they were probably at the right place.

 At this time, the visibility was less than one meter, and the four people were very close to each other.

Ren Ke and the others saw Lin Wu stop, so they stopped and the light focused on her to ask what was going on.

Lin Wu felt a little tight in the chest and short of breath, and his head was also swollen and painful.

She suppressed the discomfort, carefully identified the direction, and swam forward.

About four meters forward, an iceberg appeared in my sight!

At first glance, due to the obstruction of the line of sight, its size is a bit unimaginably huge, giving people a very shocking visual impact, and the surface is also uneven.

Lin Wu stepped forward, and the tattoo told her that the entrance was nearby!

 She gestured to the other three people to search separately, and then turned on the thermal imaging function and displayed it on the eyepiece.

The seawater at this depth is too cold, and the thermal imaging is not affected much. It can only detect the surrounding three or four meters.

Lin Wu made another gesture, and the three responded that they understood. They kept a distance of two meters and began to cooperate in the search.

Lin Wu didn't know if it was because of the injury, and his condition was very bad. Her head was hurting more and more. Even with oxygen supply, she felt out of breath, and her whole body gradually began to feel weak. It was like something was oppressing her.

Lin Wu thought to himself that this was probably caused by diving too deep.

 Her situation was not suitable for staying any longer. She had to find the entrance quickly, or else she had to dive in and take a rest before she got dizzy.

Lin Wu barely stayed awake, groping on the ice, moving in the same direction as Ren Ke and the others.

According to intuition, the entrance should be within a radius of two to three meters, and it shouldn't take too long to find it.

 But how come this entrance is on the iceberg?

Lin Wu was thinking wildly. Suddenly, she turned her head inadvertently and saw a yellow, turbid vertical eye in the thick ice!

He's staring at her!

 (End of this chapter)