MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 21

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Lan Muyu pulled her hand back with a "swoosh", squatted down quickly, and buried her head in her chest without any image, as if she would not be discovered by doing so.

Closing her eyes made other senses more sensitive. She felt the breath of Li Ruonan getting closer, Lan Muyu's breathing became faster and faster, her heart was beating restlessly in her chest, and she was about to come out.

Countless escape plans flashed through Lan Muyu's mind, but they were all rejected by her in the end. No matter how she explained it, she seemed to lack some convincing.

Where did you come with the ambition to be a wild horse?

The whole family raises a little white rabbit—a rabbit who temporarily feels that he can be invisible.

Lan Muyu waited and waited, but the sound on the bed gradually became quieter, and the source of the sound moved away from her. She was a little puzzled, raised her head tentatively, and looked at the dark room, but Li Ruonan's outline was no longer there.

Lan Muyu looked for Li Ruonan's figure and slowly stood up.


The sound of the switch sounded, and the lights in the bedroom instantly brightened, driving away the darkness.

And Li Ruonan was standing right in front of her, holding her chest in Shuang Zhou, just looking at her like that.

Lan Muyu froze in place, not knowing where to put her hands and feet, she lowered her head and dared not look up, seeing a pair of jade feet gradually coming towards her.

Every time Li Ruonan took a step forward, Lan Muyu took a step back, and didn't stop until Lan Muyu's back hit the ornaments in the bedroom.

What catches her eye is a pair of slender and straight legs, ending in a creamy white silk nightdress, with a slender waist up, and then raising her head slightly, the nightdress faintly outlines the inner curve, making Lan Muyu's mouth dry. Dry tongue.

A soft voice asked, "Does it look good?"

Lan Muyu nodded involuntarily.

As the distance got closer, she could even see the ups and downs of her chest when she walked. She followed the V-neck pajamas all the way up, inlaid with two delicate collarbones. If she could take a bite on it...

"Like it?"

Lan Muyu nodded again.

"Heh..." As soon as the gentle smile fell, the voice changed its tone, with a few traces of anger about to erupt in the cold voice, "Lan Muyu, are you very courageous?"

Lan Muyu abruptly pulled her gaze back, and only then did she realize how much she acted like a disciple, she stammered and explained, "I, I'm not, I'm just, um, I, uh …”

Li Ruonan walked forward, approached Lan Muyu, and asked, "What are you? Did you come to my room on purpose, or did you touch my bed on purpose? Miss Lan, explain?"

"I..." Lan Muyu's ears were slightly red, she swears she didn't think about this when she came, just wanted to find a key. But now that Li Ruonan said it, her heart was a little fluctuated.

In the daytime, all I see are Li Ruonan dressed in professional attire and dressed up rigorously and meticulously. If she hadn't barged in like this, she wouldn't have known that Li Ruonan's figure was so good, even better than her...

Seeing Lan Muyu's eyes falling on his chest, Li Ruonan became angry and raised his voice to shout, "Lan Muyu!"

"Hey!" The sudden shout rang in Lan Muyu's ears, causing her shoulders to tremble.

"Speak, explain!"

Feeling Li Ruonan's increasingly cold gaze, she was about to be kicked out tonight anyway, so why don't she take a gamble before being kicked out.

Lan Muyu took a step forward without doing anything, and brought the distance between the two closer. She could feel the heat sprayed by Li Ruonan in her ears at any time.

Just as Lan Muyu thought, Li Ruonan immediately stepped back nervously, "Don't mess around, don't hurry back to sleep at night!"

The corners of Lan Muyu's mouth rose, and she stretched out her hand: "I want the key."

"What key?"

"You are too embarrassed to ask me what key I want. I want to turn on the air conditioner, and I want the key to the electric switch." Taking advantage of Li Ruonan's distracted moment, Lan Muyu quickly crossed Li Ruonan, ran to the bed, picked up the quilt and rolled himself in. , "If you don't give it to me, I will sleep like this tonight."

Li Ruonan was about to laugh at Lan Muyu, and walked to the bed in three or two steps, pulling Lan Muyu's quilt: "Do you believe that I will throw you out?"

"Believe it or not." Lan Muyu then rolled onto the pillow, only revealing a pair of eyes, looking at Li Ruonan brightly, "Mr. Li, good night."

After speaking, he turned around, turned his back to Li Ruonan and was about to fall asleep.

"Hey, Lan Muyu, get up for me." Li Ruonan has always been independent since she was a child. Living with Lan Muyu these days has changed her life a lot, but if Lan Muyu wants to sleep like this In her room, Li Ruonan still couldn't accept it.

"I don't, if you don't turn on the air conditioner for me, I'll sleep here in the future." Lan Muyu made the most of the splatter and rolling.

"Are you going?"

"Don't go, don't go."

Li Ruonan gritted his teeth, got up quickly, pulled out a bunch of keys from a cabinet, removed one of them from the key ring, quickly got on the bed, and patted Lan Muyu on the back: "Hey, Just give me the key and get out."

Lan Muyu turned her head, opened one eye and looked at the key that was so close at hand, snatched the key but fell on the pillow, "I just didn't give it to me, now I've changed my mind, your bed is so bad for me Heart, I want the key, and I want the bed."

After speaking, he stuffed the quilt on his head and refused to communicate.

Li Ruonan felt that the night was a bit magical, so he looked at the furnishings in the house again, and after confirming that it was indeed her room, he began to pull up Lan Muyu's quilt, "Come out for me, believe me or not. Withdrawal?"

"If you withdraw your capital, you will withdraw your capital. At that time, I will be bullied by people like President Taiquan, and you will be the one to blame!"

"Then do you believe that I changed your broker and changed your brokerage contract?"

"Change it, change it, and then I will be bullied by people like King Taiquan, and you are the one who did it!"

"Lan Muyu, what else would you say other than this?"

Lan Muyu turned her head and showed a sly smile, "I will also say-Good night, President Li, I will give you a heart-to-heart comparison."

"Lan Muyu!" Li Ruonan put some strength on his hand and finally pulled off a corner of the quilt, but Lan Muyu was not a vegetarian, and pressed the rest of the quilt hard.

The two of you come and go, and no one wants to let anyone else. The pajamas on their bodies begin to be messy, and their hair is also entangled. Li Ruonan finally pulled the quilt out of Lan Muyu's arms after exerting force.

However, Lan Muyu rushed forward in the direction of the quilt because of the inertia, and pressed against Li Ruonan just across the quilt.

Lan Muyu: !

Li Ruonan: !

The fluffy air-conditioning blanket seemed to have lost its former thickness, and Lan Muyu seemed to be able to clearly hear the beating of Li Ruonan's heart: "Boom, boom, boom."

The long curly eyelashes couldn't cover Li Ruonan's eyes. For the first time, Lan Muyu discovered that Li Ruonan's eyes were so beautiful.

Because in those eyes, she could only see her at the moment.

Lan Muyu stretched out his hand unexpectedly, his fingertips touched Li Ruonan's lips, and lightly rubbed it. Li Ruonan was the first to react and said anxiously, "You!"

The charming atmosphere between the two was interrupted, Lan Muyu slammed his hand back, as if he was caught by an adult when he did something bad, and the roots of his neck were all red for a while, "I, I'm not..." On purpose.

"go out."

"Ah, hey." Lan Muyu hurriedly got out of bed, trying to explain more, but still holding the key, he hurried out of Li Ruonan's bedroom and closed the door with care.

Lan Muyu leaned against the wall of the corridor and panted for breath.

She was the one who wanted to molest Li Ruonan at first, so why was she the one who couldn't stand it in the end?

She covered her face with her hands in annoyance.

In fact, this can't blame her for her lack of determination, the most important thing is:

Li Ruonan... is too foul?

Luckily, Li Ruonan didn't chase after him, and he kept that dignified face for Lan Muyu, otherwise she wouldn't know how to deal with it.

After Lan Muyu calmed down, she walked towards the electric gate and easily opened the gate with the key.

The buttons inside were very clear, and the only thing that was fiddled with was the circuit in her room. After she reached out and fiddled with the button, she returned to her room.

There was a cool breeze in the bedroom, but it was difficult to extinguish the heat in Lan Muyu's heart. After tossing and turning all night, the sky gradually turned white.

When Lan Muyu woke up, it was already noon. Since it was a weekend, Li Ruonan didn't go out either.

She and Li Ruonan met in the living room, and after meeting their eyes, they glanced away at the same time, and they didn't even mention what happened last night.

The takeaway was already placed on the table. Seeing Lan Muyu still standing there, Li Ruonan called out, "Can't you come for lunch?"

"Ah, here it is." Lan Muyu pulled out the chair and sat down, looking at the takeaway bag on the table, "The one from Minglai Pavilion?"

"Well, just ordered a few dishes, if you don't like it, don't eat it."

This is something she doesn't like, it's clearly the dishes she ate the most last night.

Thinking of this, Lan Muyu's mood improved a bit, "Well, it's fine, I can make do with it."

Li Ruonan glanced at Lan Muyu and handed the chopsticks to Lan Muyu, "Eat it."

Lan Muyu returned a smile without hesitation, "Thank you."

The two of them ate very quietly. After eating seven or eight minutes full, Lan Muyu also started chatting, "What time did you get up?"

"Just a few hours before you."

Lan Muyu wanted to tuck her head into her clothes, why is she the only one who wakes up late with insomnia?

But what Lan Muyu didn't know was that after she left last night, the bedside lamp was on all night in Li Ruonan's bedroom.

The atmosphere seemed to be deadlocked, and Li Ruonan took the initiative to open the topic: "By the way, you said you didn't like Fu Yiming before?"

Lan Muyu bit his chopsticks, "It's not that I don't like it, whoever makes me naturally beautiful, he's just greasy and simple. But well..."


"But I hate him because you gave him so much money in order to help me get Tianhao's contract. Is the money really going to come back?"

Li Ruonan explained: "After Fu Yiming was kicked out by Tianhao, he wanted to develop other careers, but their appetite is not small. Yuncheng is famous for the film and television industry, and they seem to want to build a film and television base."

Li Ruonan spoke up. Naturally, it wasn't just small talk. Lan Muyu actively cooperated and said, "The investment in the film and television base is not small, right? Where did Fu Yiming get so much money?"

Li Ruonan introduced: "I heard that Tianhao is going to release a few squeezed dramas recently, which will bring some blood back to them. Although the film and television base costs money, it does not need to be completely taken over by one family. The Qingyun Pavilion project in my hands, The mountains and rivers are the perfect fit.”

Lan Muyu nodded in understanding, "Then what?"

"I released the news after I came back last night. Fu Yiming is a newcomer to this field. If he does it alone, the risk will be too great, so he will definitely look for cooperation projects. Qingyun Pavilion is valued by the government. This morning, he I contacted my secretary."

"You want to cooperate with him?" Lan Muyu asked in surprise.

"Yes, no. I asked him to draw a big cake, depicting the future of Qingyun Pavilion, and informed him of the business opportunities contained in it."

"Isn't that cheap for him?" Lan Muyu suddenly put down his chopsticks, "I thought you were going to help me out, but you, you!"

"You listen to me first, why can't you keep your breath?" Li Ruonan stretched out his hand, "but I ask the partner to show enough sincerity, I don't accept scattered shares, if he wants to buy shares, he must at least ten percent."

Lan Muyu suddenly realized: "But the Fu family can't give so much money at all, so he can only find other people to make up for it. But his friends are all the second generation of playboys who depend on the family, so naturally he has no right to decide that. A lot of money. And since you helped him last time, he will naturally ask you again?"

Li Ruonan stretched out his hand and rubbed Lan Muyu's head, "You haven't rusted your brain after learning to perform all these years."

Lan Muyu smiled proudly at Li Ruonan, and then analyzed: "So Fu Yiming asked you again to borrow money?"

"Well, he doesn't know my true identity, but he knows that I want to support you, and naturally he also knows that my position is opposite to that of Fu Yao, and he is naturally happy to see it happen.

You can borrow money from him. Anyway, the interest is paid according to the bank, and the investment is not a one-off. During the construction process of Qingyun Pavilion, the more attention from the outside world, the higher his expectations will be, and the money he will invest in it will be higher. There will be more and more, but his share of Qingyun Pavilion is set from the beginning.

The larger the amount of borrowing, the higher the interest rate, and the project timeline of Qingyun Pavilion is long, and it is difficult for the government to accept it. "

Lan Muyu put down his chopsticks, "Isn't that... when he gets his share, maybe it won't be enough to repay the interest on the loan?"

"I didn't say that." Li Ruonan spread his hands, "If he can't repay the corresponding interest, he will have to let go and reduce his shares. If I come to Yuncheng, it will not be a loss."

Lan Muyu winked at Li Ruonan: "That's not right, so you shouldn't thank me?"

"I earned it all by myself, what does it have to do with you?"

"Why doesn't it matter? In the same entertainment industry, Fu Yao will definitely trouble me again. During the filming of the crew, I will be more honest. The more proud Fu Yao is, the more Fu Yiming can't sit still, so that your plans will be better. Make it happen soon."

Li Ruonan laughed and scolded: "You will take advantage of others."

Lan Muyu raised his chin: "I don't care about others."


A few days later, Gu Yan, who reintegrated the budget because of Li Ruonan's investment, completed the audition for all the spare roles again, and it was officially the day to start the game.

Xu was the last time the dinner at Ming Lai Pavilion sounded the alarm for Ling Shan. This time, Ling Shan pushed everything aside and accompanied Lan Muyu to the set early, and planned to stay with Lan during the filming. Beside Mu Yu, put an end to all existences that might harm Lan Muyu.

So, wherever Lan Muyu went, she followed Ling Shan and Xiao Zhang, which really made her depressed for a long time.

And since getting along these days, Gu Yan is also very satisfied with Li Ruonan as an investor. Apart from requesting the deletion of intimate scenes, Li Ruonan did not make any other requests for filming.

Giving money generously without making any demands or doing anything wrong, he is simply the investor that every director yearns for.

Li Ruonan was so good at talking, and Gu Yan was naturally happy to support Lan Muyu. He cooperated with the screenwriting team to make the heroine's character more three-dimensional, and deleted the clips that might cause Lan Muyu to gossip.

After Lan Muyu became the heroine, the position of the second female lead was quickly replaced by someone else, and everyone in the crew devoted themselves to intense work, and everything was going on in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, there was no news about Han Feifei, whether it was Han Feifei's entry into a new crew, or what kind of popularity she was fighting on the Internet, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Since Fu Yao fled in Minglai Pavilion last time, she has been holding a breath in her heart, and Jiang Qianrou also understands Fu Yao's mind and has been looking for opportunities to help Fu Yao save a game.

By chance, due to the family's relationship and Tianhao's capital injection, Fu Yao and Jiang Qianrou were quickly arranged into a crew, which was also a crew with the same background in the Republic of China - "Old Shadows of the Republic of China".

There are only a few film and television bases in Yuncheng that are suitable for shooting the theme of the Republic of China. The two crews quickly met, but the two crews each shot their own.

However, because of Li Ruonan's investment and Gu Yan's high standards, Lan Muyu's place was perfect, whether it was obedience or the design of the actor's image, it had to crush the next door. From a Reuters point of view, the popularity has remained high.

But "Old Films of the Republic of China" was a temporary opening for Fu Yao and Jiang Qianrou, and the script was not yet perfect.

And because Jiang Qianrou was studying in a foreign university, she was unfamiliar with the customs and habits of the Republic of China-themed script, and the progress of the crew was delayed again and again, so that it was compared with the "Limited Sale" crew next door. It seems that Fu Yao's side is even more bleak.

Even if "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" is an IP adapted from a novel, it has fans from the beginning, but it still falls short.

Fu Yao and Jiang Qianrou will come over and sneer at Lan Muyu when they are free. Lan Muyu is an artist and must maintain her image, but Ling Shan doesn't need it. She has been crawling and rolling in the entertainment industry for so many years, how can someone like Fu Yao and Jiang Qianrou be able to deal with it?

After not seeing Lan Muyu and having suffered a few losses from Ling Shan, the two of them came less and less often.

I thought it could go on like this, but this peace was broken one night:

A hot search broke out on Weibo, pointing directly to the plagiarism of the script of the "Limited Sale" crew.

The author has something to say: The names of the dramas appearing in the article are all my ramblings. If there is a collision, don't mix them up.