MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 57

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After hanging up the video, Lan Muyu stared at the phone in her hand for a while, and it happened that something happened at the director's house. She only recovered when Fu Qian came to call Lan Muyu.

When Xiao Zhang took Lan Muyu home, she couldn't hold back her curiosity and started blogging on Weibo.

During this period of time, the trend on Weibo has completely changed due to Lan Muyu's lack of marketing and marketing.

Many Lan Muyu fans are angry and helpless towards Shangguan Min, and how long will the enthusiasm of passers-by to help them last? They often leave after a few scoldings, so they can only watch the public opinion turn to Shangguan Min.

After all - the award for the actress did indeed fall into Shangguan Min's hands, and no matter how dissatisfied they were, they couldn't change this fact.

Even if they quarrel with others, they have their fatal weakness. As long as the other party mentions an award, they can only shut up obediently.

Therefore, public opinion has changed from the very beginning of Shangguan Min being questioned and Shangguan Min's clarification and response to Shangguan Min being down-to-earth, Shangguan Min deserves his name, Lan Muyu resource cafe, Lan Muyu's strong support and so on.

Shangguan Min's fans were in high spirits, and after winning the public opinion, they still felt unsatisfied, and began to pick up the past deeds of Shangguan Min and Lan Muyu, as well as "Hua Snake" and "Limited Sale".

It seems to be a timeline for making a history class, and each group is clearly compared in a table:

The first is about private life, and it is also the place where Shangguan Min has the most advantage. On one side is Shangguan Min who has zero scandal since his debut, and on the other side is Lan Muyu, who used to be with Fu Yao and Li Ruonan, and because of Li Ruonan's confession, Lan Muyu who has been grouped as a CP by various fans.

The second is about marketing. On one side is the number of hot searches that "Limited Sales" has always been on the hot search list since its launch, and the other side is the low-key launch of "Snake", which was built with huge sums of money but unknown, and finally broke through in the National Day file. .

Then there's the backstage. On one side is Lan Muyu, who has Li Ruonan in the backstage and has to pay Gu Yan on the red carpet, and on the other side is Shangguan Wen, who has been working **** her own as a little transparent, and has finally achieved her career.

Finally, there are fans of both. On the one hand, Shangguan Min, who worked hard, won the award and was questioned by cyber violence, and on the other hand, it was Lan Muyu who became popular because of marketing.

Such a comparison, stand out.

Lan Muyu looked at the comparison remarks compiled by Shangguanwen's fans one by one, and remembered that she and Gu Yan were ridiculed on the red carpet that "she and Chi Huai are not the poor little ones who were squeezed by Gu Yan", and suddenly felt as if they were taking After reading the script of the vicious female supporting character, what is it like to bully the heroine Shangguan Min?

Gee, I really feel pity.

Seeing that Lan Muyu's image was relegated to the dust, Shangguan Min's efforts were yet to be suppressed by others, but the poor people set more and more people's hearts, and a topic aired to the first hot search:

#Huaying Award apologizes for the shady#

At this time, Xiao Zhang also stopped the car smoothly, Lan Muyu thanked him and walked quickly towards the house. She opened the door and threw herself on the sofa. She took a deep breath and opened Weibo excitedly.

This topic was airborne. Naturally, there were no other miscellaneous marketing accounts to attract attention. It was directly that the official Weibo account of the Huaying Awards issued an apology Weibo.

The content of Weibo is also very simple and clear. Just after yesterday's Huaying Awards ceremony, due to the excessive noise on the Internet, the organizers of the Huaying Awards checked the awarding process overnight and found that some of the judges did take bribes and changed it. awards.

And that changed awards, one of which was the award for best actress.

The Huaying Awards were unselfish and published the list of beneficiaries and the evidence of bribery one by one. The time and huge amount of bribes were clearly marked before the awards ceremony.

The Huaying Awards stated that it is not only the Best Actress Award. They have conducted a strict investigation on the Huaying Awards. In addition to the Best Actress, they will also void this year's Best Screenplay Award, and will permanently block those bribe judges.

And those judges are often old artists who have won awards, and their previous honors will also be voided, and they will appear in the permanent boycott list of the Huaying Awards. In the future, the Huaying Awards will be screened more strictly to prevent such The behavior happens again.

Faced with the Huaying Awards Weibo and the records of bribery, netizens were shocked and forgot to comment for a while. When everyone reacted and wanted to comment, they found that the entire Weibo was deleted because of this hot search. Completely crashed.

The end of get off work time is approaching, which speeds up the repair speed of the programmers, and within a few minutes, the page is loaded again.

It was in just a few minutes that netizens successfully digested all the information and prepared a draft for comments in their hearts.

Is there a shady scene at the Huaying Awards?

As an award that has existed in the Chinese film industry for more than 20 years, its reputation has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When netizens landed on Weibo again, the official Weibo account of the Huaying Awards posted another Weibo post, posting the initial list of winners. The list of other awards above matches the final winner, which is the best screenwriter. And Best Actress is not the last list.

And the original best actress was Lan Muyu, who was rejected by Shangguanwen fans online.

The official website of the Huaying Awards also stated that it wants to make up for the awards for the two artists who lost the award.

But Ling Shan immediately rejected the award for Lan Muyu, and the one who agreed with Lan Muyu was the screenwriter who missed the award.

But some things can be remedied, but when the stolen awards are returned, they have lost their original meaning.

Not only the glory of the awards ceremony, but also the disappointment of the Huaying Awards.

The two Weibo posts of the official blog of the Huaying Awards successfully made the Shangguanwen fans who were still bouncing dumbfounded. Seeing their remarks that they were charging for their idols, they were still laughing at Lan Muyu fans who didn't know how to appreciate their acting skills. Now they themselves have become frogs in the well.

And those Lan Muyu fans and some passers-by who were chased and scolded by Shangguanwen fans finally raised their eyebrows and started to fight back.

[The Huaying Awards are awesome, just buy it if you want? I don't know if this is the first time this has been done. It all means that the star pays sky-high, but I think the amount of bribes is only the pay of a TV series. For stars, it is really nothing. I have doubts about people who have won the Huaying Award in the past. 】

【effort? Small poor? Conscientious worker? It really made me laugh. It turns out that people in the entertainment industry can be so easy to set up, just cover your mouth and add a bunch of brainless fans who can charge for you? 】

[Looking at Shangguan Min's sarcasm, I couldn't help it. Who is jumping too high? Dominating the screen for a whole day turned out to be the so-called low-key, and it opened my eyes. 】

At this time, Ling Shan's message was also sent: "I wanted to tell you that I have dug up Shangguan Min's family background. She has a father-daughter relationship with one of the judges, but she doesn't have the judge's last name, and no one has ever been there. Contact in this regard.”

Lan Muyu raised his eyebrows, so he was still a related householder?

"It's okay, Sister Ling, anyway, the truth of the matter has been announced, and it has saved you a lot of things."

Ling Shan replied, "Do you need to expose Shangguan Min?"

Lan Muyu looked at the new comments on Weibo and replied, "No need, someone is faster than us."

After the first hot search was steadily occupied by a certain president, the topic about Shangguan Min was quickly sent to the second hot search by netizens.

Regarding the comparison with Lan Muyu listed by Shangguanwen's fans before, they were hit back one by one.

Regarding their private life, Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan are officially in love, but Shangguan Min has been exposed to many photos of kissing people at parties. Regarding the backstage, Shangguanwen's father was directly picked up, and he was one of the judges of the Huaying Awards.

As for the public opinion of the two people, the hot searches all day are all about the remarks made by Shangguanwen's Internet bullying of other people. What is there to be low-key at all?

A bright and bright new actress soon became a street rat that everyone spurned and beaten. The glory of Shangguan Min will also begin to collapse completely at this moment.

The door rang, Lan Muyu rubbed her eyes and looked towards the door, "Why are you back?"

Li Ruonan was holding a bag of food boxes, quite helpless: "How about you look at the time?"

Lan Muyu looked down at the screen of her phone, and unknowingly it was past six o'clock.

"Come over to eat first." Li Ruonan raised the food box in his hand, "I went to Minglai Pavilion to buy it for you, all of which you like to eat."

Lan Muyu jumped off the sofa, walked to the dining table a few steps and sat down, looking at Li Ruonan's movements with both hands on his cheeks, and said with a smile, "I like this way of venting my anger very much."

Li Ruonan let out a low snort and handed the rice and chopsticks to Lan Muyu, "Eat well, I said that kind of bad awards and people like that are not worth your sorrow."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li is right."

Li Ruonan reached out and rubbed Lan Muyu's head, "It's good to know, hurry up and eat, don't think I don't know that you haven't eaten anything all day."

"How do you know..." Halfway through speaking, Lan Muyu stopped his voice and suddenly reacted, "Xiao Zhang secretly reported to you again?"

Li Ruonan took a sip of the soup and looked at Lan Muyu like a fool: "Do you still think that Xiao Zhang was bought by you?"

"Difficult...isn't it?"

Li Ruonan nodded and said softly, "You are so cute."

After hearing this, Lan Muyu gnawed at the vegetables in a fit of anger, quack quack, chewing without any image, "Old sly and cunning."

Li Ruonan glanced at Lan Muyu, "Well, thank you."

Lan Muyu: …

This day is over.

But to deal with Li Ruonan, it's a serious matter, but it's not allowed to use other sidelines?

As the saying goes, if there is something that can't be resolved between lovers, it's good to fight.

Lan Muyu slapped the chopsticks on the table with a slap, "Li Ruonan, I want to sleep with you."

"What, what?" This time it was Li Ruonan who changed his face.

The corner of Lan Muyu's mouth raised a triumphant smile, and he said word by word, "Li Ruonan, I said I want to sleep with you, now immediately."

Li Ruonan pretended to be calm, but the hand holding the chopsticks gradually tightened, "No, eat first."

"No, now." Lan Muyu looked at Li Ruonan's ears turning red, feeling more and more proud. But she also knows that sometimes Li Ruonan eats soft and not hard, so she lowers her voice: "Is it okay?"

Li Ruonan put down his chopsticks, glanced quickly, and then avoided his sight again, but his tone was still indifferent: "You beg me?"

Lan Muyu couldn't help laughing: "Well, please."

Li Ruonan sighed, but there was joy in his tone, "I've never seen you so clingy, it's not just to help you out, as for halfway through the meal..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was already kissed by Lan Muyu, blocking all the unfinished words.

The light switch on the wall was resisted by something, and suddenly the light in the living room flickered, but at a certain moment, after a certain coquettish gasp sounded, it suddenly went out.

After a beautiful night, Lan Muyu was woken up by the phone ringing the next day. After all, while Shangguanwen fell into the dust, Lan Muyu's popularity also rose rapidly.

From being hacked for missing an award to becoming a victim with real acting skills, Lan Muyu even surpassed the popularity of Shangguan Min at the end of the awards ceremony.

This makes everyone envious. An ordinary girl has a lover who does her best for her like Li Ruonan, and has gained recognition in her career. She is also a career that lives under the spotlight and is sought after by countless people.

But there is always turbulence hidden under the calm lake water. Early the next morning, a marketing account posted a Weibo with the entry of the Huaying Award:

[I said, are you too simple? The Huaying Awards have already received money. If they didn't get more benefits or were threatened, how could they spit out the money they got and leave a blemish on themselves? 】

There is no directivity in these words, but Li Ruonan's name appears in the minds of netizens.

Those who can turn the Huaying Award against the water must spend more money, or restore this truth with greater power.

As the biggest beneficiary after restoring the truth, Lan Muyu is incapable of doing it, but Li Ruonan behind her is absolutely capable!

Those who couldn't say enough about Lan Muyu's fans finally seized the opportunity at this moment:

[Lan Muyu fans, don't be complacent, your master is not a resource coffee? Face to face, one set behind the other? I remember on the red carpet before the awards, the host mentioned asking Li Ruonan to invest, and Lan Muyu also said that Xingyu could come by himself without Li Ruonan. 】

[How big of a face is that Xingyu came by himself? Xing Yu has signed so many people and invested in so many dramas, making Lan Muyu a career-oriented tyrant and matching with Li Ruonan. I know that it's all Li Ruonan's money. 】

[Just how much money can Lan Muyu have? Is it because Li Ruonan was coaxed to be happy, and there is a salary, hahahaha. 】

[It's good to have a backer, sparrows can be packaged into phoenixes, and I don't know whether Li Ruonan's parents agree with his daughter's poverty alleviation? 】

Lan Muyu's fans were busy fighting against gangsters, but when there were too many likes for the poverty alleviation remarks and rushed to the front row, the house leaked during the overnight rain, and a video was posted with the text: [President Li's There is a well-matched unmarried object]

The video was censored, and only the relevant parts were intercepted, but it can still be seen that it was a video taken secretly at a banquet.

He heard a male voice asking a question to a seductive middle-aged couple: "Dong Li, you and your wife, the flounder, have an enviable relationship, but I haven't heard the good news about Ling Qianjin, and I think it hasn't been decided yet. My son Turtle came back from studying abroad, he is a talent, and young people may be able to play together."

Father Li frowned and replied, "This... she should like it herself."

The man persevered: "Young people don't have to do anything, it's just contact."

Mother Li smiled and said, "To be honest, we have already made a marriage contract for Xiao Nan. Our family has always been on good terms, and we are very relieved that we know the bottom line."

"Ah, that's how it is." The man complimented, "That can't be better. Emotionally, you won't be deceived. In business, after the cooperation between the two, Li's family can also go to a higher level."

Then Mother Li nodded with a gentle smile, without refuting the man's words.

The video ends abruptly.

In the end, Mother Li was more silent than sound, and the meaning she wanted to express was very clear. Li Ruonan does have an unmarried partner, and the two families are good friends.

After the video came out, even Lan Muyu's fans were dumbfounded. Li Ruonan, whom they always regarded as their backer, had already had a marriage contract!

Thinking of what the marketing accounts said before, Li Ruonan's background was just playing with Lan Muyu and raising a canary. The words of true love that they had been shouting incessantly before could no longer be said.

Li Ruonan has a marriage contract but still has an open relationship with Lan Muyu, obviously Lan Muyu is the mistress. But in this type of relationship, it is often not the one who cheats, but the one who is the mistress.

Coupled with the particularity of Lan Muyu's profession, all of a sudden, one-sided remarks began to boycott Lan Muyu.

Those insults continued one after another, but even so, many people were still unhappy on the hot search, and even went to Lan Muyu's Weibo, and began to curse at all of Lan Muyu's visible Weibo.

No matter how high you climb, how miserable you will fall.

Before Lan Muyu was subjected to cyber violence, it was also due to the entertainment industry, and the response would not be so great. But now, it has become a mistress who nakedly intervenes in unmarried relationships. This involves the bottom line of morality. Who would tolerate a mistress?

This must be the worst time that Lan Muyu has been hacked in two lifetimes.

Lan Muyu's fans looked at the remarks on the Internet. Some people moved with sympathy and wanted to help Lan Muyu to explain a few words, but other netizens began to chase Lan Muyu's fans following the large-scale sunspots. accused.

Some people even directly said the vicious remarks that wished Lan Muyu's fans to wear a cuckold in the future and get married.

This frightened those fans to dare not speak any more.

At this time, Ji Chao, who has the label of the rich second generation, also jumped out and posted on Weibo:

[As far as I know, Li Ruonan spent too much money for Lan Muyu, which has caused dissatisfaction with her unmarried partner. This time, the Huaying Award is actually a warning to the two from Li Ruonan's unmarried partner. 】

Ji Chao is a rich second-generation, but he chose to study abroad for postgraduate studies. In the eyes of fans, he is the clear stream among the sons and brothers. He does not rely on himself at home, and is highly sought after by his fans.

After Ji Chao made these remarks, his fans quickly gave Amway the identity of Ji Chao to the melon eaters. For a while, Ji Chao's image of the rich second generation was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and what netizens said about him also Believe it or not.

-Lan Muyu missed the Huaying Award because he offended Li Ruonan's unmarried partner.

And the home of the unmarried partner didn't want to make too much trouble, just wanted to sound the alarm, and then gave Li Ruonan another chance to turn around.

With the brainwashing of those rich and powerful idol dramas on weekdays, netizens opened their minds and made up a big drama in minutes. While sympathizing with Li Ruonan's unmarried partner, they hated Lan Muyu even more.

The attitude towards Lan Muyu was as if Lan Muyu was a heinous person who burned, killed, and looted. All the good things he brought before disappeared at this moment.

Lan Muyu couldn't help laughing after seeing the remarks on the Internet.

If she wasn't the daughter of her parents, if she wasn't the unmarried person who had an oral engagement with Li Ruonan and later recovered, but was really a mistress who destroyed others, she would have believed the online comments after such a marketing campaign.

But she was Lan Muyu.

I don't know how many hands are behind this, one after another, just after the organizer of the Huaying Awards apologized, it gave her such a big shock?

According to Ji Chao, it was because she was jealous that Li Ruonan liked her, so she bought the judges of the Huaying Award for herself and gave her award to Shangguan Min?

Although it is quite confusing, the conclusion is: Li Ruonan's unmarried partner wants to take revenge on her?

This is really interesting. The Best Screenplay Award should be awarded to Ji Chao. She believes that Ji Chao will make those **** scripts even more brilliant.

Just in order not to cause trouble for others, Lan Muyu sent a message to Ling Shan, telling Ling Shan to ignore the comments on the Internet and leave it to her to handle it herself.

A lot of Lan Muyu's sunspots and sailors, at this moment large-scale team building, swept the entire network, frantically blackened Lan Muyu:

[Lan Muyu get out of the entertainment industry, there is no shortage of you in the entertainment industry, I would rather buy a ticket to support a newcomer than go to your show, it really makes me sick. 】

[I don't want to see you anymore, and I don't want to see your gold master. If you didn't know it before, and you know it now, then you should spit out all the money you took from your sponsor, she has a marriage contract. 】

[I hope that Li Ruonan's engagement partner will kill this pair, and if he wants any engagement or cooperation, he will directly bet and take revenge. 】

[Dissolve the engagement, the people who can be in the right household with the Li family are also wealthy families, and they don’t lack this money, so why should they suffer such grievances? 】

[Lan Muyu gets out of the entertainment industry, I don't want to see this kind of person anymore. 】

At this time, another netizen joked:

[Save your strength one by one, the wealthy family will be resolved by themselves, didn't you see that Lan Muyu was powerless to face Li Ruonan's unmarried partner, and could only watch the prizes fly away? Don't you mess around, have you forgotten Li Ruonan's legal team? 】

Someone soon hit back: [Do you think Li Ruonan still dares to sue? Do you still have to cover your mouth if you cheat on yourself? Don't do anything with me before marriage and after marriage. Those who have a marriage contract should keep themselves clean. 】

[It's just a bluff, I don't believe that the two of them dare to sue this time. 】

[Sue me, tell me, I just retweeted and commented on these remarks, and waited for the lawyer's letter. 】

The author has something to say: Push Jiyou's article "No Zhangtai Road" by artificial sugar machine

I have a person I hate. She is the daughter of a minister. She is very good-looking. She is completely different from a country bumpkin like me.

She was reciting the Four Books and Five Classics when I went up the mountain to hunt for birds. She was practicing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting while I was recruiting cats and dogs all day long. When I was scolded by the cheap dad's ear for making an accident, a carriage passed by, and the wind blew the curtain of the sedan chair. I clearly saw her snickering while covering her handkerchief!

I hate her!

But after that, I couldn't leave her anymore.

She is my only solace in the deep palace, the flower that I have tried my best to protect. I do everything I can. For fear that the dirt in the palace wall would fall on her skirt.


Qian Qian x Wu Zhaozhao


1. The first person, as in the text.

2. Private facilities such as landslides.

3. After leaving the palace, open a love line.