MTL - After Canary Was Reborn, He Was Favored As a Boss-Chapter 1230 I need face and face

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  Chapter 1230 I need face and face

  Wang Jing wanted to use this to defeat Yi Xueying's army, but unfortunately she was going to be disappointed.

   "Okay, no problem, the National Day of the 11th, when everyone wants to come to the capital to play, please report their names to me. Not only the air tickets, but also the accommodation will be covered by me."

"real or fake?"

   "Xueying, this lady boss is different, she is domineering and mighty."

  Seeing everyone cheering and flattering Yi Xueying, Wang Jing was so angry that her teeth were about to gnaw.

  She spent 160,000 yuan in real money, but Yi Xueying stole the limelight with a few words, so willing.

   "Who can't talk big!"

   "If I don't do what I said today, you are welcome to take everyone to slap me in the face. On the contrary, if you fail, I will take them to slap you in the face. How about it?"

   "You better remember today's words."

  When everyone returned to the party box, the dishes had been served and the wine was poured, and they were waiting for them to come back to start the banquet.

   "Oh, you guys are back, find your seats and eat!"

   Seeing that the seat next to Ou Tingyu was empty, Yi Xueying sat down naturally. Just as she sat down, she saw Wang Jing also pulling Gu Xiu to sit opposite her.

   "Husband, let me tell you, just now Yi Xueying said that all the female compatriots will be invited to the capital on the National Day of the 11th National Day. She will cover round-trip air tickets, board and lodging."

  Yi Xueying's original words were air tickets and accommodation included, but Wang Jing intentionally said that she included board and lodging, but Yi Xueying didn't bother to correct her, so she drank the tea in front of her.

  After playing all afternoon, my throat was already dry.

   Seeing that she was thirsty, Ou Tingyu thoughtfully picked up the teapot and refilled her.

   "Drink slowly, be careful of burning."


   "Yi Xueying, what Wang Jing said is true? Are you really going to invite everyone to the capital?"

  A male classmate asked in surprise.

   "Well, really, all the female compatriots present today count as one, and those who want to come to the capital on October 1st, I will cover all air tickets, board and lodging."

  Seeing that Yi Xueying answered happily, the other party immediately smiled and said, "Then I will thank you on behalf of my wife. She has wanted to go to the capital for a long time, but she is afraid of spending money."

  Yi Xueying smiled, "Actually, I want to thank you all, thanks to you saving up such a game, and giving me the opportunity to recover an old debt.

   It’s not that much, maybe two to three hundred thousand, please come to the capital for a visit, there should be a lot left. "

   Most of the people here are ordinary wage earners, two to three hundred thousand is not a small amount of money to them.

   For a moment, everyone looked at Gu Xiu in surprise and surprise.

  Wang Jing sneered, "Let's not talk about whether Gu Xiu spent so much money on you. You are a junior college student with no background and no connections. It's hard to imagine how you earned so much money."

   "Of course it depends on my appearance. Although I have no skills and no diploma, I rely on my appearance. Of course, people like you who are narrow-minded and can only judge others with their own will probably not understand."

  Wang Jing glared at her angrily.

  Yi Xueying stared back not to be outdone.

   "Eat and eat, the food is cold."

   "I'm sorry, I'm starving to death."

  Seeing that the two were about to fight again, the other people at the same table made noises to ease the atmosphere.

   When the meal was almost finished, two young men in suits and leather shoes suddenly opened the door and entered the box. Under everyone's doubtful gaze, they approached Ou Tingyu courteously and respectfully.

   "Mr. Ou, I'm very sorry, the traffic jam on the road has kept you waiting."

  Ou Tingyu put down his chopsticks and said softly, "Have you brought what I want?"

   "I brought it, Mr. Ou, please wait a moment."

  The young man turned around and motioned for the person behind him to open the lockbox in his hand.

  In the lockbox, there was a fist-sized black jewelry box pitifully placed.

   Fifth watch~



  (end of this chapter)