MTL - After Hitting 200 Million-Chapter 17 Stay in a luxury hotel

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Bai Xiaocheng has 200 million in his bag, so he's a rich man, isn't he?

It's winter vacation, it's four o'clock in the afternoon, I haven't had lunch yet, I'm rich now, I'm rich now, what do I do now?

Eat, what can't you eat now!

Stay in a luxury 5-star hotel, and now you can't afford a luxury 5-star hotel.

If you have money, you can't lose yourself first!

And of course family.

In this noisy city, it seems that there is no pure land. What Bai Xiaocheng wants most now is to call his mother, give her a sum of money, and let her parents spend it well, the flowers of the bus, and what mobile phone my sister wants. do not care.

Before this, it was always my mother who gave me money. My mother knew her bank account number, but Bai Xiaocheng didn't know her mother's bank account number.

My mother has a passbook from the Agricultural Bank of China, so I will pay my mother 5 million immediately. If my parents faint, I will faint. I said that I won 10 million, and I plan to buy a big house in the city for 5 million. Others Money can be spent as Mom and Dad like.

Bai Xiaocheng is now in front of a five-star hotel. This hotel should be a first-class hotel in Beijiang City. Bai Xiaocheng stood in front of the hotel and called the hotel.

"Hello, I'm Beijiang International Travel Agency. I want to ask if your hotel has a room? We have a guest who wants to stay in your hotel." Bai Xiaocheng asked in the name of a travel agency.

"Sir, hello, wait a moment, um, the room is available now, should I make a reservation for you?" the staff asked.

"Miss, what's your surname? Let me check this room. How much is it for ordinary guests, and how much is it for our travel agency? My surname is Bai."

"Hello, Mr. Bai, my surname is Shan. The market price of our standard room is 1,288 yuan. If the guests check in directly, it's 1,088 yuan. The negotiated price for the travel agency is 900 yuan. Do you want me to book it for you?" Miss Shan said.

"Miss Shan, hello, I have reserved this room. Our guest is Mr. Bai Xiaocheng. He is near your hotel. You can reserve the room for me for an hour. If there is no accident, he will arrive at the hotel in advance. By the way, Miss Bai, does this price include breakfast?" Bai Xiaocheng asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bai, this price does not include breakfast. If breakfast is included, it is 150 yuan. There is no discount for this breakfast. If guests need it, they can also get it by paying directly at the restaurant. It depends on the guests. Whether the fee is paid by yourself or paid monthly by your company, if it is paid monthly, we need to confirm the bill first." Miss Shan said.

"Miss Shan, this customer is a friend of our boss. The boss doesn't want to make money from his friend, so he gave him the cost, so let him pay now, our company won't lose the account, can you think?" Bai Xiaocheng asked road.

"Mr. Bai, if you can get it, then I'll make a reservation for you. The guest's name is Bai Xiaocheng, and he will check into the hotel within an hour. Mr. Bai, can you leave the guest's mobile phone so that we can contact the guest. "Miss Shan said.

"Okay, Miss Shan, that's all right, you can leave my phone number. If you have any problems, you can call me. Do you have a caller ID on my phone number?" Bai Xiaocheng asked.

"Mr. Bai, we have your phone number here. Do you have anything else to explain?" asked Miss Shan.

"No, then I'll hang up, bye." Bai Xiaocheng said.

"Okay, thank you, bye." Miss Shan hung up after Bai Xiaocheng hung up.

Bai Xiaocheng doesn't care about that much anymore. He originally wanted to wander around the hotel for 10 minutes first, but after thinking about how precious time is now, he tossed for a few minutes in order to save 100 yuan, and made 100 yuan in the past few minutes. , that is to die for happiness, and now I have 200 million in my pocket, and I still care about this little money.

But having said that, don't care, but Bai Xiaocheng's essence is that poor children come out. If you can save some money, you must save it. In exchange for more than 100 yuan in a few minutes, there is a special sense of accomplishment.

"Hello, who is Miss Shan? My friend from a travel agency, Mr. Bai, just booked me a room with you. I need to check in." Bai Xiaocheng asked deliberately without looking at Miss Shan.

"Hello, you are Mr. Bai Xiaocheng, please give me your ID card and I will check in for you. Whether you swipe your card or cash, the room fee is 900 yuan, we are here except the room fee. The deposit is 2,000 yuan, and the hotel There are two bottles of mineral water for free, domestic calls in the hotel are free, and international calls need to be charged." Miss Shan said.

"Okay, I'll swipe my card." Bai Xiaocheng handed over his ID card and directly used the CCB VIP Gold Card.

Bai Xiaocheng has never stayed in a hotel when he grew up so big. As for such a luxurious hotel, he has never visited it, but now Bai Xiaocheng is not so curious about the baby. When he is worth his own money, what can he do with 900 yuan~ Isn't this money for spending? The 50 million financial management is 2 million in half a year, and the remaining money has to be used quickly. Let the snowball roll bigger and bigger is the kingly way. What Bai Xiaocheng needs is to become a real business tycoon, not to sit idle.

"By the way, Miss Shan, you can choose a higher floor for me, and then I need a single room." Bai Xiaocheng wanted to climb up and look far, and then sleep alone, of course, the bigger the bed, the better, hehe.

"Okay, Mr. Bai, please wait a moment. How about the 28th floor, Mr. Bai?" Miss Shan asked.

"No problem." Bai Xiaocheng said.

"Okay, Mr. Bai, your room card is ready. This is your bill. Please sign it." Miss Shan said.

Bai Xiaocheng signed the name of Long Fei Feng Wu.

Bai Xiaocheng took the room card and went upstairs empty-handed. This Bai Xiaocheng even gave his backpack to the begging uncle just now.

Well, this is rich, it's time to change clothes.

Bai Xiaocheng took a sightseeing elevator to the 28th floor, and then came to room 2808.

This room will be very good, which is what Bai Xiaocheng expected.

A room of 900 yuan is also very expensive, okay? Bai Xiaocheng has to work as a delivery boy for 5 days to make the money. Bai Xiaocheng did not sleep on the big bed, but picked up a bottle of mineral spring on the bedside table. Drink water, add some water.

There is no money for the phone in the room. There are two phones in the room, one on the bedside table and the other on the bar. Bai Xiaocheng doesn't care about the luxury of visiting the room. Anyway, it's just for a nap. It may be new now, but it should be normal in the future.

It is now 4:50 pm, and Bai Xiaocheng dialed the phone at home.

The phone rang twice and the other party picked it up: "Hello, I'm Xiaoya, who are you?"