MTL - After I Signed with AC Milan, I Opened Up-Chapter 20 Can you make it to the opener? quack doctor no doubt

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"Don't worry, I can recover in 2-4 weeks at most and treat my muscle injuries. I am very confident." Dr. Melserman, head of the Milan laboratory, said to Ancelotti with a smile.

"No, isn't the muscle tear a serious injury, how can it be cured so quickly?"

Huang Kevin asked a little unwillingly.

Damn, isn't it that the Milan labs are all veterinarians, how can he still catch up with the opener.

Dr. Melserman didn't get angry because of Huang Kevin's questioning, but comforted the team's big star softly, saying: "The thigh muscle tear is serious and serious, your injury is relatively minor, so the recovery will be faster."

"But it hurts a lot. I felt like my leg was about to crack. Would you like to show me again? I think I should be seriously injured." Huang Kevin was still struggling.

Ancelotti put his arm around Huang Kevin's shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, I know you are afraid that you will not have a good treatment for recurrent attacks, but our Milan laboratory is the best sports rehabilitation laboratory in the world, and the equipment used is all cutting-edge science. With prevention first and treatment as a supplement, every Milan player will be well taken care of."

Huang Kevin silently gave Ancelotti a **** in his heart. Hearing what Ancelotti said, he thought it was a cutting-edge laboratory in Central City.

In the previous life, the Milan laboratory was a representative of the veterinary school. This Dr. Melserman often appeared in the news that the star was misdiagnosed.

Dr. Melserman also made a promise, patted his chest and said, "If you don't recover within a month, I will voluntarily resign."

Who wants to recover in a month?

After a few months of truce, Huang Kevin's mood was not too beautiful.

Ancelotti saw that his face was not good, and was still comforting: "Don't worry, even if you are injured, you will not lose your main position. You played very well today, and your long pass will also become an important means of attacking us. I didn't expect you to be so good not only in attack but also in assists, which is great."

Okay, what are you talking about.

Let Kevin Huang get into a wheelchair, and Ancelotti happily pushes it.

When he was sent to the door of the club, Ancelotti was immediately surrounded by reporters.

"Carroll, is Kevin's injury serious and how many games will he miss?"

"Will this injury affect Kevin's status on the team?"

"Mr. Ancelotti, will Kevin's injury affect your formation?"

"Is there a plan for Milan, did Milan return to the 442 diamond midfield when Kevin was injured?"

Ancelotti handed Kevin Huang to Barbara and asked the club staff to put the wheelchair and crutches into the trunk, and took the initiative to attract the firepower of the reporters.

"Kevin is an important player in the team. Everyone in Milan feels very sorry for his injury. The strength he has shown is very helpful to the team. We will also work hard when he is not in the team. Winning is not one or two players. responsibility, I believe in every player, and I also hope that Kevin can recover as soon as possible..."

Barbara kicked the accelerator off the reporter and asked worriedly, "How are you?"

"Being able to recover before the season starts."

Huang Kevin said a little unhappy.

Barbara comforted softly: "It's okay, it's good to catch up with the start of the season, you don't have to worry about your status in Milan being affected."

Seeing that Huang Kevin's face was not good, she quickly changed the subject.

"Today my girlfriends said that you are great. If it wasn't for your injury, I would like to introduce you. The Fendi you signed before is a company owned by a friend of mine."

"is it beautiful?"

creak —

Another slam on the brakes.

The eldest lady didn't know what was wrong, so she slammed on the brakes when she got excited.

The painful expression on Huang Kevin's face flashed, and Barbara, who originally wanted to ask the teacher for guilt, quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I forgot that you were injured."

"It's okay, I deliberately teased you, don't be angry."

Huang Kevin said with a smile.

Even if he didn't have a long-term truce, he couldn't vent his anger at Barbara. He had a problem with his mentality just now.

"I hate it, don't do this next time."


Huang Kevin nodded guiltily.

After the two returned home, Kevin Huang discovered that his life in **** had just begun.

Barbara is wearing very cool clothes at home.

And he was instructed not to exercise vigorously, so Barbara put him into a forced single life.

For the time being, Huang Kevin, who didn't need to go to the team to play games, didn't fall asleep until after 2 o'clock.

When he got up he found out that Barbara was not at work.

"Are you up? I'll make you breakfast."

After more than 10 minutes, the simple sandwiches and omelettes were served, which was already the limit of the lady's craftsmanship.

"What about today's newspaper?"

Huang Kevin asked.

"No, I didn't come, I'll call and complain to them later!" Barbara said with dodging eyes.

"Take it out,"

Huang Kevin knew Barbara too well and patted her towering.

Barbara reluctantly handed over the newspaper and complained: "Don't listen to their nonsense, Gazzetta dello Sport has always liked to talk nonsense and has no credibility."

Huang Kevin smiled at Barbara, comforted the eldest lady, and then started to read the newspaper.

"Kevin's painful expression and wheelchair indicate that the injury is not as optimistic as Ancelotti said. Maybe he will miss half a season or even longer. This injury may affect Kevin's career. , UU reading Every talent will decline to varying degrees after experiencing injuries, and some players even left football early.

Seeing this, Huang Kevin's eyes lit up.


Anyway, his performance is not as good as before because he was affected by injuries.

"Gazzetta dello Sport" has given him an explanation.

Anyway, my poor performance is the fault of the Milan laboratory.

See Huang Kevin's smile.

Barbara felt a burst of sadness, and he must have smiled in order to reassure himself.

It must be very bitter.

A genius like Kevin is extremely arrogant. Being ridiculed by these inexplicable media people and predicting that his future is not very clear, Kevin must be very sad.

The eldest decided to activate her network to find sports injury rehabilitation experts around the world, and even if she was tied, she would be tied to Milan to treat Airo.

Kevin Huang, who was eating brunch, felt a gust of cool wind. This should be a problem caused by the weakened immunity after the injury, right?

do not care.

Huang Kevin decided to cultivate well in the past few days, wait for the teammates who played in the competition to return to the team, and then go to the team for a wave of presence.

He Huang is not a person who favors one over the other. If these teammates did not catch up with the guests before, please invite them again.

It's not easy for him to move.

Why don't you just invite the chef to the house?

Let Maldini pull everyone to the scene.

Just do it!

There are a lot of Brazilians in the team. When the time comes to cook some Brazilian-style dishes, the distance between these people will be shortened? Damn, Inter Milan can have a barbecue gang, and Samba Milan can't fall behind. As the team's organizing committee, we must let the Brazilian teammates feel the love from their teammates.