MTL - After I Signed with AC Milan, I Opened Up-v2 Chapter 45 Kaka: I choose brother

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Early the next morning, Kevin Huang saw the denunciation of Materazzi in the newspaper.

Think about it too, now that he and Huang have been "persecuted", anyone who stands against him and Huang is the opposite of political correctness.

"Gazzetta dello Sport" wrote: "Materazzi is a very savage and fierce player, his fouls are obviously subjective, he is not going to the ball, he wants to hurt Kevin, maybe he wants to If you can score, I can hurt you, and Materazzi succeeds. Such a situation is unacceptable, and the Serie A should not condone Materazzi, let them know that fouls have consequences. "

Ancelotti also called for strengthening the protection of talented players after the game. When he was interviewed by reporters, he said: "Those bad behaviors can't just be ignored. If the opponent violates him like this and runs away, it means that everyone Didn't take it seriously. The referees had to act, otherwise, the players would lose the opportunity to play in important games. Unfortunately, this happens from time to time. We have to act, we have to be firm, like taking a yellow card. I again To reiterate, to protect those talented players in football! At the same time, also to strengthen the punishment for flagrant fouls, it is obviously not the first time that Materazzi has done this kind of thing."

Huang Kevin shook his head and put down the newspaper, Materazzi was out of luck.

It might be okay to hurt someone else, but if you hurt someone Huang, then you're dead.

Sure enough, that afternoon, the Italian Football Association announced on its website an additional eight-match suspension for Materazzi.

Even so, Milan fans are not willing to forgive him easily.

When the TV station interviewed immediately, the citizens of Milan could not wait to hang Materazzi on the gallows.

European netizens even denounced Materazzi, perhaps because they don't have to show their faces, they are more radical than the Milan fans on TV.

Kevin Huang patted his chest after putting down his notebook. Internet violence is really terrible. Fortunately, I am the perpetrator.

Next, Milan's schedule is very tight.

It was a game in two days.

Fortunately, this schedule and Huang Kevin's absence did not affect the team's state. Milan defeated Sampdoria 3-0 and Atlanta 1-0 in the last two games in October.

November 1st at midnight.

Huang Kevin, who had just coaxed the eldest to sleep, was full of expectations for the refresh of the mall.

[Free Kick Master] 1000 Fate Points, [Pele Template] 10000 points, [24-hour Injury Immune Card] 20 points, [24-hour Hardening Potion] 20 points, [Massage Mastery] 100 points, [Skill: Growth Ball] Sense] 200 points.

Indeed more than before.

I bought the [Immunity Card] as usual, and then Huang Kevin was a little suspicious of the new potion. Is the hardening of the potion the hardening he thought?

However, doubts are returned, and I bought it.

Young people should have the courage to try.

The new skills that appeared in this refresh were also bought by him.

After some consumption, the [Fate Point] turned from 340 to 100.

[Skill: Growing sense of the ball - diligence can make up for one's clumsiness, the natural sense of the ball is not good, don't be afraid, as long as you work hard, you are also Ronaldinho, the harder you work on the training ground, the higher the reward]


This skill is indeed very good, and it can change the problem of poor ball feel.

But Huang Kaiwen feels that this skill is not suitable for him. How can I put it? The harder you work, the better you will be. Isn't this just fooling a little fool? He just wanted to skip the effort stage and just enjoy it.

After this injury, he finally lived a good life where he could receive wages without playing football. How could he start working hard again?

Forget it, talk is better than nothing.

With his body, if he trains too much, he will be injured.

A few days later, Caroline, who was on summer vacation, came to Milan.

In Brazil, it is almost 30 degrees in November, and the temperature will not drop until the end of January and February.

In addition to playing football, Kaka played with Kevin Huang and Caroline everywhere.

At most, two people went to Huang Kevin's house, and Caroline and Barbara watched the two players play PS together.

When Kaka was training and competing, Kevin Huang took care of Caroline.

It is worth mentioning that Barcelona returned home to successfully revenge Milan 2:1, which made them very proud.

"Gazzetta dello Sport" felt that they were invincible and attacked while Huang Kevin was injured.

And then ripped up with "World Sports".

When entering December, Huang Kevin clearly felt that Caroline's attitude towards herself had changed.

He even speaks softly and softly, and occasionally acts like a spoiled child to himself.

Huang Kevin can only sigh with emotion, it's not that I'm sorry brother Huang Kevin, it's Caroline's lack of determination. If you want to blame, you can only blame me for being so attractive.

I saw this result in [Fate Show] before, and Huang Kevin still has some psychological preparations.

But when it comes to the real face, it is still a bit overwhelmed.

Caroline implicitly hinted that Huang Kevin could only play stupid.

On December 18, Milan's last game of 2004 ended, and the two sides shook hands 0-0.

On the way Kaka sent Caroline back to the hotel, Caroline pulled Kaka to find a place with few people to stop.

Kaka, who is a Catholic, does not accept cohabitation before marriage, and Caroline is also a believer.

"Ricardo, I have something to tell you."

Caroline's expression changed several times, and finally looked at Kaka firmly.

"The weather is a bit cold, can you tell me something in the hotel lobby?"

Kaka tightened the scarf around his neck and complained.

"No, I must make it clear to you today."

Caroline gritted her teeth and said to Kaka: "I found that I like Kevin, so I want to break up with you."


Kaka's mind was in chaos.

He was what should I do?

"Being divorced, my identity as the Son of Destiny can't be hidden at last? 》

Or to say, don't bully young poor, thirty years in Hexi and thirty years in Hedong?

"How long?" Kaka asked, biting her lip.

"How long has it been?"

"I asked how long have you been together?"

"We're not together, he doesn't want to accept me, it should be your reason."

Hearing this, Kaka breathed a sigh of relief.

Turns out Kevin didn't betray me.

Caroline didn't notice that Kaka's face had changed, and said to herself, "So I hope I can break up with you first, I know you are a good person, but no one can control emotional matters. Although I'm a little sorry for you, please You forgive my selfishness and grant my request..."

"I agreed."

Kaka nodded.

"You have to be free and easy... ah, you agree?"

Caroline stared at Kaka with wide eyes.


"OK then."

Caroline thought Kaka would pester her, but she didn't expect Kaka to give up so quickly, which was different from what she thought.

"Well, I'm back at the hotel, you don't have to send me, take care of yourself, Ricardo."

Caroline turned to leave.

"and many more!"

Caroline turned around in surprise, she knew that Kaka couldn't bear her, it was really distressing that she was too charming.

"I don't care about your affairs, but don't hurt Kevin. Also, try your best to handle this matter and don't affect my relationship with Kevin."

After finishing speaking, Kaka turned and left dashingly.

Caroline froze in place looking at Kaka's back.

Suddenly, snowflakes fell in the sky.