MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 13 programme

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N City is located in the south. In summer, it is a real small stove.

From the airport to get on the bus, just a few short steps away, the outdoor temperature is like a scorching wave, blowing on my face.

It is still the seat when you come, and the driver is also a familiar local driver arranged by Xiang Xun.

As soon as I got in the car, Xiang Xun wiped the sweat from the tip of his nose with his fingertips and muttered: "Damn, recording on such a hot day..."

What's more, the recording location is near a forest.

The sun is not so dry, and the temperature is one or two degrees lower than the city, but it is humid and there are many mosquitoes.

Think about it a little and know that this recording will not be easy.

Xiang Xun had a self-conscious expression on his face. When he entered the hotel and took the elevator upstairs, he patted Su Zhihe on the shoulder and sighed, "Take care, friend."

Su Zhihe glanced at him, wrong.

Upstairs, Su Zhihe had a suite, Qin Qing's room was next to it, and Cui Huohuo lived diagonally opposite the door.

Not long after, a staff member of the program team came over to connect with Su Zhihe immediately.

Xiang Xun left them to chat about work, and he was a scoundrel. He came out of Su Zhihe's room and went to the opposite door, Cui Huohuo. Qin Qing happened to be there.

Cui Huohuo said while packing his luggage: "Well, almost, sometimes..."

Xiang Xun walked in and explained Qin Qing's confusion in person: "Remember, don't ask such questions in the future."

Xiang Xun: "The question is that Boss Su has cards, the program team must arrange this, and then the question is that Boss Su has money. ."

The bottom of Qin Qing's heart: This tone is the Xiang Xun he knows.

And Qin Qing was still surprised that the assistant could live in the suite with the boss, and one room per person, even if Xiang Xun explained it so arrogantly.

At the same time, sum up: worthy of being Su Zhihe.

After being surprised, Xiang Xun sat on the sofa in the suite, raised Erlang's legs, and motioned, "Come, tell you something."

The so-called exhortation is actually what the two assistants need to pay attention to during the recording in the next few days.

Including but not limited to sun protection, anti-mosquito, anti-candid photography, diet, drinking water, rest, safety.

Xiang Xun: "The RV has been parked in the parking lot, the driver is the same old horse who picked us up at the airport today, and the two security cars we ordered will also come in the afternoon. They are all acquaintances who have worked together before. , Boss Su also knows each other, which is convenient."

Xiang Xun: "The other things are nothing more than the things that are over the mouth. Pay attention to safety. Don't let anyone else touch your personal belongings, especially your mobile phone."

After the exhortation, Xiang Xun checked the time: "I have other work, I'll be leaving soon, you follow Boss Su, call me if you have anything."

He looked at Qin Qing specially: "If you don't understand anything, just ask Cui Huohuo." After a while, "Or just ask your boss Su."

Xiang Xun left in the afternoon.

According to Cui Huohuo, it is another rising artist in his hands who is competing with others for an important role, and he is ready to go to the big broker to help the artist win the role.

Said and sighed with envy: "Oh, when can I be like my brother Xun..."

Qin Qing looked at him, didn't say a word, thought to herself, it's not easy to achieve the level of Xiang Xun, it's good to have a background, if you want to get in with no background, you have to pay like he did back then. Great forbearance and the price of blood and tears.

Qin Qing thought that Cui Huohuo was so emotional, and then followed by a self-encouragement, and then imagined the future by the way.

Who wanted to change the subject and said, "Are you hungry? I'm so hungry."

“…” Qin Qing couldn’t help but laugh.

Cui Huohuo looked at the time. Since their boss Su has been connected with the program team, they have been closed for more than three hours, and it is estimated that it will take at least another hour.

Cui Huohuo talked about eating. At this time, he was no longer stupid, his expression was bright, and he took the initiative to propose: "Go, go downstairs?"

Qin Qing had to remind: "Maybe I need someone later, so I'd better leave someone upstairs."

"No need." Cui Huohuo had already reached the door of the suite, and kept shaking his head to Qin Qing, and at the same time explained: "You just came, I don't understand, our boss never likes to call people when he is working. , it's easiest to be his assistant."

Added: "We're in the hotel, and we're not going out. There's something really wrong. He calls and we'll come up immediately."

At this time, Cui Huohuo received a message.

Su Zhihe: I still need some time here, take Qin Qing downstairs for dinner.

Cui Huohuo: Oh yeah!

The screen was raised and motioned to Qin Qing: "I said, let's go and eat."

Go downstairs to the restaurant, although it is past the meal time, but because the entire hotel has been booked by the program team and greeted in advance, the restaurant will always serve three meals.

Cui Huohuo is not particular about what he eats, and Qin Qing is not picky. The two of them ordered three random dishes and sat and waited.

While waiting for the meal, Cui Huohuo and Qin Qing had some personal conversations.

Only then did Qin Qing know that Cui Huohuo was a relative of Su Zhihe, although Cui Huohuo had always emphasized that this relative was a bit distant and belonged to a distant house.

Cui Huohuo also said: "Before I came, I was a graduate of technical secondary school, unlike my two brothers, who were both college students. My parents were worried, and they didn't know what I would do after graduation. Well, it just happened that my brother's assistant at the time resigned, so I came here."

Cui Huohuo thinks of what to say, has no heart, and is not very protective of others, at least he did not guard against Qin Qing, and said with emotion: "I am a good goth, I will be his assistant It was only half a year ago that the money was sent home. At the end of the year, it was given to me a lot, and I joined my family together to build the house in my hometown and rebuild it.”

After finishing speaking, she smiled embarrassedly, sniffed, and revealed a bit of the simplicity of the villagers: "It's just that I'm not very good at it, except for following my brother, running errands for him and being an assistant, It can't do anything else, it wastes a lot of his thoughts and arrangements."

Qin Qing was touched by this simple and simple chat.

Why couldn't he get in touch with such a simple and simple insider in his last life?

In the end, I was too eager for quick success at that time, and I couldn't hold anything else in my eyes, which were all opportunities, interests, and money.

Qin Qing listened and felt the simplicity in front of him.

After talking about herself, Cui Huohuo asked Qin Qing, "How about you? You also came from home to work?"

Qin Qing didn't hide it, and didn't think there was anything difficult to tell: "Well, I dropped out of school and came out to work."

Cui Huohuo took a drink of water, put down the water glass, and couldn't hide his surprise: "Drop out of school?"

I realized that my reaction was too strong, and put away my expression: "I'm sorry."

Qin Qing shook his head and smiled: "It's nothing, you say hello."

Cui Huohuo thought about it and said carefully, "Then you dropped out of high school, right?"

Qin Qing calmly said: "I went to school a little later than my age, and I was a sophomore before I dropped out."

Cui Huohuo blinked: "Because of bad grades?"

Qin Qing: "If I don't have money, my family won't let it go."

I don’t have money to understand, so I won’t let you go?

What is not allowed?

Cui Huohuo is incredible: "Isn't your family studying for you?"

Qin Qing pursed the corners of her lips, the meaning could not be more obvious.

Cui Huohuo couldn't drink the water anymore. As a family member of two college students at home, in his concept, as long as he can read, he must read books.

In their village, it is popular for every family to send their children to school. Regardless of men and women, if they don’t send it, they will be scolded by the neighbors and gossip. How can there be people who don’t teach their children?

This parent is too unqualified!

Cui Huohuo was secretly angry in his heart, but he couldn't talk more in front of Qin Qing.

Indignant for a while, served.

Cui Huohuo took a pair of male chopsticks and kept serving Qin Qing dishes: "Eat more, you eat this, this, eat this."

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became: I am not allowed to go to school, I can only go out to work by myself, so I can always eat more food!

Qin Qing faced a large bowl of vegetables that stood out from the edge of the bowl, and couldn't help crying: "It's alright, thank you, enough."

Cui Huohuo is not like a colleague who works together, but like a grumpy old mother, angrily: "Not enough! How can this amount be enough!"

It seems that eating more food can make up for the pain of dropping out of school.

He took the vegetables.

But with such a pure and simple intention, only Cui Huohuo at this moment.

Qin Qing was stunned for a while, and seemed a little embarrassed because he was not used to it. After a moment of silence, he also raised his chopsticks and prepared a dish for Cui Huohuo.

Cui Huohuo lowered his head and glanced at him, hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey laughed he picked it up and put it in his mouth, looked at Qin Qing again and motioned to him: "You eat too."

There are too many dishes, Qin Qing can't handle the bowl, and said with a smile: "Next time you want to bring me vegetables, I'll change a big bowl in advance."

Cui Huohuo opened his eyes wide and said, "You also found out? In big cities, eating in such big bowls is too small. I am still used to eating in big bowls at home, just like when I was a child, I When Dad eats, he goes straight to the big bowl."

Qin Qing listened while eating, and felt that the food in this hotel was ordinary, but the taste was extraordinarily fragrant.

So in Cui Huohuo's simple and worry-free chat, the two assistants got to know a lot.

After dinner, Cui Huohuo took Qin Qing to the parking lot to see the RV, and went inside the RV for a turn.

After entering the RV, Cui Huohuo didn't look anywhere. He went to the kitchen bar first and turned over the ice machine: "Our boss Su goes to work, and we can't do without ice cubes in summer."

Qin Qing understood: "He is afraid of heat."

Cui Huohuo felt relieved when he saw that there were enough ice cubes in the ice machine: "Well, I'm very afraid of heat, and when it's hot, it's easy to feel bad."

Qin Qing looked out the window along a window of the RV, the scorching sun, the hot temperature, it seemed that during the few days of recording, actor Su was in a bad mood.

After seeing the RV, he was about to leave when Cui Huohuo suddenly pulled Qin Qing: "Oh, wait."

Qin Qing: "?"

Cui Huohuo stood in front of the window and motioned him to look out: "Let's wait for those people to leave before leaving."

Qin Qing followed Cui Huohuo's gaze and looked over. In the outdoor parking lot, not far away, a few people got out of another car. The man at the head wore sunglasses and walked very fast. Followed by a few assistants holding umbrellas, and behind them, followed by a few young male and female assistants who were carrying bags or pushing suitcases.

Cui Huohuo: "Ye Chutian."

Of course Qin Qing recognized that it was Ye Chutian.

Cui Huohuo stared at the outside, his voice lowered: "You remember Ye Chutian's appearance, and the few people who followed him."

Qin Qing understood and asked, "Does it not fit with our boss?"

Cui Huohuo pouted: "Where is it?" How can you disagree? "That's quite inappropriate."

Qin raised his eyebrows lightly.

At this time, a commercial car came in from the small parking lot, and a male artist got out of the car.

Cui Huohuo pointed and said in a lower voice, "You also remember this."

Qin Qing: "It doesn't fit?"

"Where is it!" Cui Huohuo: "That's called a lifetime."

Qin Qing: "...?"

Cui Huohuo told the truth for a long time, and suddenly realized, Damn, what did he say? Qin Qing was brought by his brother's fancy, but he wasn't a real assistant!

How could he forget this!

Cui Huohuo hurriedly patched, and saved his brother's image from the air: "But don't worry, our boss Su is a friendly and generous person, and his heart is also very kind. Although we used to have an average relationship with them, but this The next time we record the show together, we will definitely be able to work together and turn the battle into a jade and silk."

Qin Qing glanced at Cui Huohuo and looked out the window.

He questioned.

The author has something to say:Boss Su: My image? ? ? Just ruined?