MTL - After Marrying the Sick and Weak Son, I Turned Around (I Turned Over A New Leaf After Marrying A Sickly Lord)-Chapter 275 you don't want to marry?

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   Chapter 275 You don't want to marry?

  Su Anan laughed, looked at the slightly haggard face of the princess's grandmother, and said with concern: "How is the body of the princess's grandmother? Can the poison be eliminated?"

  The old princess waved her hand, "Don't worry, it's all gone, thanks to your aunt."

   Speaking of Aunt Xiao, the old princess is very grateful. Although Zhou Qing really gave the antidote, the detoxification process is also complicated. It is entirely up to Aunt Xiao to worry about it. After a few days of contact, the old princess likes Aunt Xiao very much.

   And Aunt Xiao and Aunt Jing Wang are about the same age, and they have become good friends.

  Su An was relieved, and the princess's grandmother would be fine. She asked, "What about Aunt Xiao, is she still in the house?"

  Aunt King Jing said: "An An didn't come back in time. Yesterday, A Shan just left and said that she had something to do when she went back for two days. She will return to your grandmother in two days."

   Su Anan snorted, thinking that Aunt Xiao must have returned to Yudu. Aunt Xiao helped a lot with this, and she will come to the door tomorrow to thank her.

After chatting with the two elders for a while, the princess' grandma yawned, and when it was the usual nap time, Aunt Jing helped the old princess to rest, An An and Yanfang said goodbye to the old princess and returned to Fengting Waterside .

   Along the way, Yanfang talked about the recent anecdotes in the capital, the renovation of the Hou Mansion, etc., and also talked about Sister Wanrong.

   Speaking of Wan Rong, she couldn't help feeling that she hadn't seen Sister Wanrong for a while.

  Since the last time Sister Wanrong was beaten, Mrs. Xiao used the excuse that Sister Wanrong was not feeling well to stop her, and no one could visit her. As a result, there is now a lot of discussion. Many people are watching to see if the position of Princess Wanrong has changed.

  Yanfang sighed, "If you want me to say that King Jing is so different in appearance, he even beats people, even if he doesn't marry."

  Sister Wanrong deserves better.

   Su Anan remembered that she was pregnant again, afraid that the Xiao family had already known about it, so they grounded her. This time, the husband came back in a hurry, and he didn't know what the Xianwang would do.

   She also sighed, "Wan Rong can't decide whether to marry or not to marry. World events are unpredictable, so let's wait a few days before we talk about it."

   always feel that the situation is imminent, this quiet is short-lived.

  Yanfang hummed, as if she was still full of emotion and preoccupied.

  Su Anan knew that she had a good relationship with Wanrong, so she patted her hand and comforted a few words.

   Arrived at Fengting Shuixie, Yanfang chatted for a while, chattering like a cheerful bird, Su Anan liked her liveliness and couldn't help but tease, "Doctor Du married you, so I won't be afraid of boredom in the future."

   Hearing Imperial Physician Du, Yanfang stopped her mouth, buttoned her cuffs and seemed shy to change the subject.

   But Su Anan keenly felt that she seemed to have something on her mind.

  I have had this feeling since just now. Although she still seems to be very active, it is easy to catch her trance from time to time.

  Su Anan meditated, "Yanfang, don't you want to marry Imperial Doctor Du?"

  Yanfang raised her eyes and whispered, "No..."

   Su Anan frowned, "Then do you have something on your mind?"

  Yanfang pursed her lips, hesitated, and said, "Sister-in-law, it's not that I don't want to marry, I just think Imperial Doctor Du doesn't want to marry..."

   She is not stupid, she can feel that Imperial Doctor Du agreed to this marriage, and she had to bring a large part of it.

  My father and mother put pressure on her because she took the medicine by mistake and had a skin-to-skin relationship with him. She originally strongly disagreed.

   But who would have thought that she would be tied up, and he knew that she was in danger, so he left with her, taking care of her on the way, and saying that he was not moved at all would be a lie.

   But, she could see that Imperial Physician Du really didn't like her. Although she felt that the other party had a good character, she didn't want to bind him morally.

   In the end, Imperial Doctor Du was also very wronged.

   Su Anan suddenly smiled when he heard this, "So, are you struggling with this?"

  Yanfang pouted, "Well, sister-in-law, don't laugh, I don't want to force others."

   She had the heart to mention that the marriage should be fine, but her parents strongly disagreed, so she had no choice but to give up, feeling depressed.

   Su Anan shook her head, her eyes soft, "If you say you're stupid, you still don't believe it."

   She analyzed it carefully. Although the doctor Du didn't know much about him, he could still feel that he was a very assertive person after only getting along with him.

  If he really doesn't want this marriage at all, she thinks, Doctor Du will have more ways to refuse.

   It was really impossible, and he would ask his husband to mediate, but he did nothing. At that time, he just thought about it and agreed, which proves that the marriage was at least voluntary.

   And when she was in the bamboo forest, she received a letter from Maoming's younger brother, and she just notified him and didn't complain, which shows that this marriage was really not forced by him.

  What to say about coercion or not, Yanfang just thought too much.

   Yanfang's eyes widened after hearing this, "Really? Is this marriage really willing?"

  Su An'an said: "Really, don't worry, you, be more obedient recently, learn from Aunt King Jing and learn from the master, and then get married with peace of mind."

   Yanfang felt relieved when he heard this. Sister-in-law's analysis made sense. If he didn't want to die, his parents wouldn't force him into it, and he would just let him go.

   As soon as I figured it out, I felt relieved. When I heard the sister-in-law saying that she was getting married, she couldn't help blushing. She pulled the sister-in-law's sleeve and said that she was already learning these things.

   I finally heard the shyness of the girl to be married in this sentence. After thinking of coming to Yanfang to figure it out, Su Anan smiled, took her hand and told her to learn something.


Shen Juncheng went straight to Du's house. Du Maoming was tinkering with medicinal pills in the pharmacy. When he saw his senior brother coming back, he immediately put down the mortar in his hand, ran over with a roar, and said excitedly, "Senior brother, you have to decide for me, junior brother was forced to marry. Yes."

  Shen Juncheng avoided the tiger puffing over him with disgust, and said lightly: "If you don't let go, no one can force you. Come on, don't be cheap and be good, Yanfang matches you, I'm wronged."

  Du Maoming: "!"

The eldest miss is still wronged, is he the one who is wronged? He doesn't want to get married so early, he hasn't had time to be chic, he hasn't gone to drink Qingyulou's flower wine, and there are still a lot of things to do, he is about to get married, I feel Some suffocated, crackling accusations.

Shen Juncheng had something on his mind, listened to his chatter, and waved his sleeves directly: "You are already twenty-one years old, you are two years older than me, Yanfang is only sixteen, you are so much older than her, she doesn't dislike you, you You also despise the lack of freedom, so be content."

  Du Maoming was shocked again, the friendship between teachers and sects in recent years is fake, it is definitely fake!

   He went back to the medicine cabinet and added a heavier dose of the Jinsuogujing pills he had just prepared.

   Make up, make up, absolutely need to make up for it in order to stop senior brother's deteriorating color.

Shen Juncheng didn't pay attention to what he was tinkering with, he found a place to sit down, took out the half-jug of wine from his cuff, and said, "I'm looking for you on business, look for me, this bottle of wine has been mixed with it. What medicine?"

  Du Mao rubbed the herbs in the dark, looked back at the wine gourd, and said, "You don't know medicine yourself, so you can't tell the difference between an herb?"

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion