MTL - After Marrying the Sick and Weak Son, I Turned Around (I Turned Over A New Leaf After Marrying A Sickly Lord)-Chapter 318 Overwhelmed

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   Chapter 318

   Zhou Qing turned the vase on the bookshelf, and a secret passage slowly unfolded. This used to be the property under his name, so he knew the layout of each room. He didn't look back, he strode away.

  Su Anan looked at his leaving back and couldn't help but shouted again, "Little beggar..."

   However, it didn't arouse any emotion in him, he just paused slightly, then walked decisively, the robe drew a ruthless arc and disappeared in front of her eyes.

   Su Anan looked at the restored bookcase, and fell to the ground in a hurry. Tears welled up in her eyes again and hit the back of her hand.

   She curled up, hugging her knees with both hands, extremely helpless, she didn't even dare to cry.

  The sun sets in the west, and the mottled light and shadow fall through the window pattern of Grape Teng.

   Reflecting the people in the room, the loneliness of the room spread...

  Su Anan cried for a while, then finally got up, tidy up her appearance, sat at the table and ate a piece of horseshoe milk cake.

When    went out, she restrained all her emotions and looked the same as usual.

  This private room was specially reinforced by Zhou Qing, and the sound insulation effect was very good. Yueluo didn't hear anything unusual. Seeing the lady coming out, he stepped forward and put the cloak on it at the right time.

   Su Anan let her go, her eyes were empty and empty.

   As soon as he arrived at Hou's Mansion, Cuiyan walked towards him and said nervously, "Miss, you are back, Master is here, waiting for you in the front hall."

  Cuiyan whispered, not only did the master come alone, but also brought Su Nian. After sitting in the front hall for a long time, the master was going to get angry. Thinking that the young lady was doing well, she abandoned her parents' family and deliberately turned a blind eye.

   Su Anan sighed and said tiredly, "Let's lead the way."

   The snow that had fallen two days ago had melted a lot, and when she passed the garden, she glanced at the exposed silt.

  What should be exposed will eventually be exposed. The snow is only covered for a moment, how can it be flawless all the time?

   She sighed and walked slowly to the front hall.

The maids and servants saluted one after another, and before they stepped into the house, they heard Su Nianjiao's voice dripping, "Father, eldest sister let us sit empty for so long, it's clear that she is ignoring you, eldest sister is also really, transforming into a phoenix. Now, she is not grateful at all, if it wasn't for her father who betrothed her at that time, how could she have such a glorious life today."

Su Nian's mouth was very broken, and the muttering made Su Sheng's face worse and worse. Finally, he slapped the table angrily and said, "Shut up for me, this time I'm here to beg you, eldest sister, please stay with me. Give me a better attitude later, did you hear me!"

  Su Nian just shut up and lowered his head to drink tea.

   Cuiyan stood at the door frowning, and then deliberately shouted, "Miss is here."

  Su Nian suddenly snorted, didn't know she was heard when she broke her mouth just now?

   She secretly regretted it, and hurriedly greeted her, and was about to pull Su An'an's gloves close to her.

  Su Anan just frowned slightly, and Yueluo reached out her hand in time to block Su Nian and said, "Sorry, our wife doesn't like others touching her."

  Su Nian arrogantly said, "I am Mrs. Hou's sister!"

   Cuiyan clicked his tongue, "Our wife has only given birth to our young lady."

   "You!" Su Nian twisted her waist and stomped her feet, feeling aggrieved, "Eldest sister, look, you maid is so unruly, why don't you care about her."

  Cuiyan looked at her pretentious attitude and said, "To speak ill of people behind your back is to be educated? Our young lady doesn't have such a sister."

  Su Nian squeezed the veil tightly, looking at a maid who dared to be presumptuous, but she was too suffocated.

   "Enough." Su Sheng said aloud, "You finally came to your eldest sister's place to be a guest and tell others what to do to make your eldest sister unhappy, so why don't you apologize?"

  Su Nian immediately slumped and replied in a low voice, "It's my sister's fault, she always talks fast, which makes her angry, please don't blame her."

   Su Anan felt even more tired looking at the scene in front of her.

   She didn't have any greetings. She didn't even call her father when she entered the door. She sat on the main seat and said directly: "What are you doing here?"

   Su Sheng squinted his eyes and was extremely displeased with her attitude, but he still endured begging her for something, and first acted as a loving father caring about her recent situation.

   also said that it's been a long time since I came here because I missed her, etc.

   In the scene style, even the heart has not left, and the purpose is exposed everywhere.

   She rubbed her brows and didn't have the energy to be around the corner, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to rest. I'm not feeling well today and I want to rest."

   She was really tired, but anyone who really cared about her could see that her face was not good, but Su Sheng frowned, thinking that Su Anan was deliberately dodging her words of neglect.

The character of a loving father finally collapsed, and he directly broke it, "Your sister is useless, there is an accident in the marriage, she has no sense, she did something out of the ordinary, and she was divorced from the marriage, and it hurt you and the rest of the people. sister's reputation."

   "I won't let you help her, but Nian Nian, think of a way to arrange a good family for her."

   "Cheng'er is now a marquis, and the new emperor will value him and entrust him with a heavy responsibility. It's just to help Niannian arrange a marriage. It's not difficult, right?"

   The charcoal fire in the room is very warm, but Su Anan always feels cold.

   Her cold voice was tepid, "They are not my obligation, and my reputation is not my loss. I can't help, and I won't help."

  Su Nian's eyes widened, never thinking that Su Anan would dare to face rejection like this.

  Su Sheng was displeased, pressed him down, and said, "You are the eldest sister, and you should help your own sister."

   Su Anan shook his head lightly, "Father should know if I am the eldest sister."

  Su Pingping is older than her. It can be seen that at that time, her mother was deceived. She felt deeply unworthy for her mother to marry such a person.

   Su Sheng had a meal, she actually knew.

   coughed and said, "You are the eldest sister in name, even if you are married, you should also help your father's family and pull down your sisters. Why do you only care about your own beauty?"

  Su Anan finally raised her eyelashes, "I'm beautiful now, you want me to help, but when I first got married, did anyone in the Su family come to see me?"

   That group of concubine girls, who would want to visit her once?

  Su Sheng was at a loss for words, so he had to soften his tone and explain what he said at the time when the family was busy with business, and it was ignored for a while. It was because they didn't care for her. Those sisters were still young and heartless, and they couldn't think of that much.

   Su Anan couldn't help chuckling after hearing this far-fetched explanation.

   Still young? Which one is not human?

   She didn't have the heart to deal with it, and said lightly: "I remember my father said before that when you marry a girl, you can just treat me as that basin of water."

   "Go back, don't come to me in the future."

   Overwhelmed, she won't go back to Su's house again...

   Su Sheng saw that her attitude was indifferent, and she didn't have much respect, so she finally couldn't hold back her temper.

   "Why, as your sister said, when you climbed the high branch, you immediately wanted to get rid of your parents' family?"

   "Su An'an, do you have any conscience? I raised you so much, but I asked you to do a small favor. Are you so indifferent?"

   (end of this chapter)