MTL - After Setting up Her Own Stall, the Bigshot in Mystic Arts Went Viral-Chapter 486 : Naobudi, Subspace Lens Heart

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There is no wind in the dead area, which is enough to see that this is another unusual space.

Odin said vaguely: "I don't know what method you use to coexist with the human body."

heard the words.

Qu Jian'er didn't panic at all.

If you ask crooked ways.

As the originator of magic, she is at her fingertips.

Under Odin's gaze, Qu Jian'er immediately performed a clone technique that was classified as a forbidden technique by the metaphysical world.

Odin looked at another song that appeared out of thin air, and he really wanted to say that this is the clone in the split.

But the next move of the person in front of him made him fall into contemplation. He saw two Qu Jian'er besieging Odin one from the left and the other from the right. Its methods are not to mention fatal, but also ruthless.

It was a little difficult for Odin to deal with one Qu Jianer, let alone two Qu Jianers, he was forced to retreat.

When Qu Jian'er just wanted to stop in moderation.

Qu Jian'er took the initiative to stop the attack.

Odin couldn't believe it: "Apocalypse, have your nihilistic races realized the highest level of avatars?"

Qu Jian'er: "..." You may not believe it, it's really all left over from the old ancestors in the metaphysics world.

When Odin was shocked, Qu Jian'er carefully considered the word "nothing race".

It doesn't sound like Tianqi's race at all. Those who match Tianqi should be dark and sick.

Like a person without emotional intelligence, Odin stepped on the pain of Apocalypse: "Your family has no body, so you can only survive by robbing other people's bodies. We thought you came to the human world because of your outrageous abilities. It seems that we underestimated you."

Qu Jian'er said nonsense in a serious manner: "There is an old saying in human beings, if you don't improve, you can't survive. I'm also doing this to keep pace with the times. Who knows that if you make progress, you will evolve."

Odin nodded seriously.

Issue a few questions from the soul.

"Which human said that?"

"Is it the same wise man as our galaxy?"

"Is he still alive? Can take his brain and soul back, good things are worthy of our galaxy."

??? Qu Jian'er narrowed her eyes and looked at Odin: Oh ho, I heard that you fell in love with my brain and soul? Very good, then don't blame me for your ability.

After Odin finished asking, he suddenly felt a little cold.

It seemed that there was a burst of cold air rushing up from the soles of the feet.

He really doesn't understand why he is cold. In human terms, he is a warm-blooded animal.

Qu Jian'er changed the subject: "You are already immortal, why bother with another method of immortality."

Odin said: "Learning is endless."

Qu Jian'er: "..." Anthropology is not bad, do you want to consider staying here as a native?

Odin clenched his fists, with unspeakable cruelty in his eyes: "More importantly, we must hold longevity in our hands. Once other galaxies master this ability, the gap with us will become smaller and smaller. "


Qu Jian'er dismissed the idea of ​​letting all the alien races survive to help her earn money.

It is not unreasonable to say that people who are not of my race will have different hearts. If the other party has no good intentions, she will not repay kindness with kindness.

After Odin finished speaking, he looked at Qu Jian'er.

They didn't imagine that Qu Jian'er was Tian Qi.

After all, if the other party wants to come back, they can communicate well, and there is no need to make a big mech contest.

Did they give Tianqi the illusion that they had bad intentions and only coveted longevity?

All right.

They coveted at first.

He even wanted to forcibly hold Tian Qi back.

When they learned that Qu Jian'er was Tian Qi, they also thought that if the other party didn't cooperate, they would lock him up.

However, when they witnessed Qu Jian'er's ability with their own eyes, they would never again.

If Qu Jian'er can clone one, she must also be able to clone the second one, each of them is a thug without emotion, no matter how much they can fight, they won't be able to bear it.

At that time, Qu Jian'er didn't know what Odin was thinking, otherwise he would have called Brain Budi directly.

With her current ability, she can only choose one, but she didn't expect to bluff people directly.

Odin said: "For the human world, we have decided once and for all."

Qu Jian'er's eyes narrowed.

She guessed what Odin meant.

It is nothing more than throwing magic grids, and when they evacuate, they will destroy the human world.

Odin threw out an olive branch and spoke in a friendly manner: "We have investigated your past. Your body was mediocre before the age of 16. After you replaced her, it changed a lot and you have a lot. You won't let it go. ?”

He looked at the information that was called out, and displayed the data frankly in front of the two of them.

The great achievements in Qu Jian'er's information are not low-key, and they directly envy Odin.

They also want to be so high-profile.

But they couldn't do Qu Jian'er's relaxation, and if they were not paying attention, they might scare weak humans.

After seeing Qu Jian'er's profile.

Odin is even more sure that Qu Jian'er is Tianqi, who is from their higher galaxy.

after all.

How could such an outstanding person be human?

And a voice in his heart told him: No matter whether Qu Jian'er is Tianqi or not, it will be from today onwards.

After seeing Zuo Chen's photo.

Odin was meditating on the narrow road to the enemy.

Years ago.

Zuo Chen single-handedly instigated Julio, and it was their underestimation of the enemy that caused them to lose one of their "generals", so that the deployment of Moge was delayed by several years.

Qu Jian'er only said: "What if you don't want to give up?"

She looked at some photos on the file.

Zuo Chen's photo directly caught Qu Jian'er's attention.

It looks good no matter how you shoot it.

She really deserves to be her man.

Odin had a conciliatory expression on his face: "Of course, this didn't happen before, but because it's you, we can make an exception for you."

Do not know why.

Hear the words.

Qu Jian'er thought of the small favors that some capitalists would give their employees before making cakes.

She didn't answer.

Instead, he signaled the person to continue.

Odin waved his hand, the space vortex reappeared, and he pulled a small lens from the mirror monster.

Then hand it to Qu Jian'er.

Tell Qu Jian'er that this lens has a space field. In human terms, the small lens can identify the owner. After Qu Jian'er left with them, he could take anyone he wanted with him.

Qu Jian'er's face was full of unexpected joy: "Good thing, your mirror monster is smashed, is each piece a small space where living things can live?"

Odin said vigilantly: "Of course not, the piece given to you is the heart of my domain, the essence."

Qu Jian'er sighed.

Odin: "..." You look very sorry!

Qu Jian'er didn't give up, she chased people and asked, "Then can the heart in your space regenerate?"

Odin: "..." Should I nod my head? Tsk, don't be so excited!

Qu Jian'er restrained her expression: "You know, I know a lot of people, I'm afraid I won't be able to pretend."

Odin explained: "Although this small space is not as large as a galaxy, it is also the size of a virtual star."

Qu Jian'er half-closed her eyes: "Is the virtual star also formed by the heart of this kind of lens space?"

Odin was silent.

Qu Jian'er was so witty that she didn't speak, she was sure that Odin had more than one spatial heart in his hand.

As for why sure?

This needs to be explained.

Virtual star, virtual world, and the space they are in now, which one is not the secondary space?

Without Odin's knowledge.

Qu Jian'er has decided to reuse Odin~

Odin, who was not aware of it, said sincerely: "You are harming them by taking so many people to higher galaxies, and you can't protect them."

Qu Jian'er only looked at the lens: " She can't wait to experiment with the space in the lens to see if it's really that big.

▼皮▼ Odin: I bet a bottle of happy water, you didn't hear half a word I said!

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