MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 371 Zhu Hongyan

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A small restaurant on Nanping Street.

Zuo Dodge sat opposite Leng Yue, and several bottles of warm wine were placed on the table in twos and threes.

Leng Yue was a little vigilant, her face was not drunk, her eyes were clear.

On the contrary, Zuo Dodge didn't suppress his drunkenness with mana, and his face was slightly red at the moment.

"Grandpa, drink less."

Leng Yue falsely cared about Zuo Dodge.

Zuo Daoqi chuckled, and looked at Leng Yue with a strange gaze. He knew that Leng Yue was beautiful before, but the imperial concubine was by his side, so he didn't look at it too much. Looking at it now, it is really charming.

They are all beauties. She is a completely different beauty from Ji Lingshu, the Queen Mother and others.

Perhaps because of the encounters she encountered during her practice, there is a unique stubbornness and stubbornness between her brows, the thin eyebrows full of heroic spirit are very charming, and the sparkles in her eyes flow.

"I have nothing to do today, and I feel happy when I see my old friend. After all, I need to drink more."

Zuo Dodge raised his glass from afar.

Leng Yue chuckled lightly, no longer persuading her.

When the wine was in full swing, Zuo Daoqi suddenly said, "I heard that Miss Leng Yue once had a relationship with Your Majesty?"

Leng Yue's face remained unchanged, but the hand that poured Zuo Dodge's wine froze slightly.

"Your Majesty? Does Engong mean the Great Jin Emperor? How can I see Your Majesty as a commoner woman?"

It's a little difficult.

Zuo Daoqi sighed in his heart, judging from Leng Yue's answer and the vigilance in her eyes, she probably did not reject the matter of entering the palace.

This is not difficult to imagine, after all, for a woman who bears hatred, she has no idea what she will do.

"Is Miss Leng Yue willing?"

Zuo Dodge didn't care about the cold words, and continued to ask questions.

Leng Yue paused slightly, and picked up the wine bottle again with the hand that had been put down, and poured it into the wine bottle in front of her eyes.

"Is it important whether you are willing or not?"

"Of course it's important." Zuo Dodge said softly.

"In a person's life, there are always more important things than hatred."

Leng Yue's face became solemn in an instant, even the current master Xu Yuan didn't know much about her background, how could Zuo Daoqi know that she was carrying hatred?

"Mr. Zuo has investigated me?"

Zuo Dodge shook his head, seemingly unaware of the change in Leng Yue's title, "The people from the Corpse Sect told me that they didn't intend to investigate, but that Miss Leng Yue was with her sister at that time, and I must be responsible to her."

Explain first, and then explain his feelings for the imperial concubine. A man who is affectionate always deserves extra points.

Especially since he is Leng Yue's savior.

Facing Leng Yue, Zuo Dodge had to use some tricks. This woman was not a nympho, and she seemed unable to conquer her with her face alone.

Leng Yue's expression was slightly cold, but the cold light in her eyes dissipated a lot, she drank a cup, "Since En Gong knows my origin, he should know what kind of power I am facing."

"Feng Mozong? Miss Leng Yue, why don't you tell me about the Feng Mozong, and how huge it is."

There was a bit of pride in Zuo Daoqi's tone. After all, in today's world, the strongest force is undoubtedly in the city under his feet.

A smile appeared on Leng Yue's face, with a hint of mockery.

"Perhaps Mr. Zuo has lived in the Central Plains all year round, and he doesn't know the strength of the Fengmo Sect overseas. I will talk about a characteristic of the Fengmo Sect. Mr. Zuo can understand it when he thinks about it."

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"One, door, two, yang, god."

Leng Yue paused every word, with a heavy emphasis on her words.

After the words fell, Zuo Dodge couldn't help but stagnate, and his breathing also changed.

One family and two sun gods?

so scary?

The sect that summons demons actually has the power to seal demons.

You know, the Yang God who is nominally loyal to Da Jin is only a handful.

Of course, Zuo Daoqi doesn't know how much background there is, but in terms of the strength competition on the surface, it can be seen from the powerful pipe of Feng Mozong.

"But Miss Leng Yue thinks that once you enter the palace, you can..."

He was about to continue speaking, but he saw a person hurried into the tavern, walking towards him with a little staggering footsteps.

Then Zuo Daoqi was dumbfounded, and he fell straight into his arms.

It was an acquaintance.

Zhu Hongyan?

Why is she here?

And... Zuo Dodge reached out and touched his forehead lightly, and his complexion changed drastically!

I just feel that Zhu Hongyan's body is like a candle in the wind, drifting and turbulent, as if it will go out at any time.

His eyes instantly became gloomy, this is the sign of lack of soul blood!

I also saw that Zhu Hongyan had wounds all over her body, and new wounds were added before they healed.

Leng Yue's expression also became serious.

"The method of sealing the Demon Sect!"

Zuo Daoqi raised his head suddenly, his gaze sank slightly, "Feng Mozong?"

Leng Yue nodded affirmatively, "This... Mr. has traces of being severely injured by the Seal of Sealing all over his body."

Zhu Hongyan had already shielded this aura along the way, but the distance was too close, and she was in a coma at the moment, so Leng Yue naturally noticed it.

Zuo Daoqi's voice was low, suppressing his anger, "Feng Mozong? But the Feng Mozong you mentioned just now?"

Leng Yue nodded.

Zuo Dodge's eyes were fierce, but he suppressed them after a while.

He embraced Zhu Hongyan, then looked directly at Leng Yue, "Now, we have a common enemy."

Leng Yue's eyes froze slightly, and she heard the subconscious meaning in Zuo Dodge's words.

After hesitating for a moment, she said softly, "I will tell Master that I have realized something in my practice recently, so I will postpone entering the palace."

Zuo Daoqi may have a great reputation, but he is only a climber after all. With this level of cultivation, facing a sect of two Yang gods, Feng Mozong, she could not make up her mind after all.

So she is just willing to give Zuo Dodge some time, and it won't be too long.

Zuo Daoqi was too lazy to care about Leng Yue's thoughts at this moment, and when she saw that she agreed to postpone the time of entering the palace, he turned and left.

Back in the mansion, the gloom on Zuo Daoqi's face disappeared.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the mission of the Queen Mother has been completed.

As for what I just said...

The power of Feng Mozong should not be underestimated, and the relationship between him and Zhu Hongyan is not deep.

Of course, if Zhu Hongyan broke through the Yin God, it might make him think again.

Zhu Hongyan's settlement made him fall into thinking again. Her identity as a demon cultivator is very sensitive. If she is allowed to stay outside, she will be chased by the people of Feng Mozong at some point.

After all, even Leng Yue, who is a mere divine pill, can feel the aura of Feng Mozong on Zhu Hongyan.

"Snake God, with your suppression, can the Demon Locking Tower completely block the breath of this woman?"

Everything is undecided, ask Hades.

Don't ask, don't ask, anyway, this guy steals his spirit stones and elixir all day long, and asking some questions is all rent.

The huge body of the Hades Snake is now slowly swimming in the Demon Locking Tower, and the cold and erect snake eyes are opened.

"The old man needs to sleep, such a trivial matter has to toss the God!"

"A mere aura, with the presence of the god, everything in the Demon Locking Tower is illusory."

Zuo Dodge nodded, took Zhu Hongyan into the tower, and fed her some pills, but it could only delay her injury and prevent it from getting worse. As for the treatment...

Obviously not what he can do now.

'Let's treat Sakura first, and after the second 'training' is over, I'll help you find the elixir. '

It's time to invest. After all, Zhu Hongyan will be able to become a real person in the future, and she can be regarded as a thug to some extent.

It was already the second day when Xiao Ying and the others were brought back from the Demon Slaying Mansion.

Ji Lingshu and Changyi didn't come today, and Zuo Daoqi didn't look for them either. Now that it's an eventful time, try to keep a low profile as much as possible.

After Lingshu came to power, he would raise his profile again.

Thinking of the future, Zuo Dodge showed some excitement on his face.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Zuo Daoqi looked up and saw Xiaobazi's figure.

"My lord, everything is ready."

Zuo Dodge suddenly felt more comfortable, it was still comfortable to have someone take care of him, he didn't have to do anything, and someone would help him to take care of everything.

A moment later, in the quiet stone room.

Sakura's face was a little timid, standing in the corner, looking at the surrounding stone chambers filled with all kinds of wonderful talisman seals, "Master."

Zuo Daoqi smiled lightly, and touched her head as a sign of encouragement, "Wait a while, Xiaoying will be fine, and later, I will teach Xiaoying how to practice as a teacher, and Xiaoying wants to fly around in the sky like sister Xiaoyu .”

Sakura thought for a while, then nodded vigorously, "Think!"

"Close your eyes!"

Sakura closed her eyes for an instant.

A look of relief appeared on Zuo Daoqi's face, and he stretched out his hand. The magic power in his body was instantly transformed into magic essence. He didn't have Buddha power, but he had the supernatural power of Buddha and demon heaven and earth.

In an instant, golden light bloomed all over his body, like a golden Buddha.

Stretch out your hand to touch the space, and a ripple emerged, and all the spiritual creatures that had been arranged in the cave flew out one after another, gathering around Zuo Daoqi.

Zuo Dodge suddenly opened his eyes, with a delicate expression, and moved around Sakura at a speed that could not be observed by the naked eye.

Using the body as the axis and the hand as the pen, those spiritual objects exploded one after another and turned into 'ink'.

Like drawing talismans, in the blink of an eye, Sakura's body was covered with golden talisman seals.

Zuo Dodge finally stopped, stood still, and stroked Sakura's forehead with his hands.

"The last step requires the soul blood and will of the Great Monk...I can't be considered a great monk, but I have the inheritance of Buddha, demon, heaven, earth and universal compassion, and I can be regarded as the will of the Great Monk, but I lack the soul blood..."

‘However, Princess Jiqing gave me a relic in the past, and some powder is enough to serve as soul blood! '

"Snake God!"

Zuo Dodge let out a low drink.

Hades, who had been prepared for a long time, slowly poked out four heads from the void.

"Boy Zuo, this **** is not your servant! Next time something like this happens, don't look for this god!"

Scraping a little powder from the relic, Zuo Dodge naturally couldn't do it, he needed help.

"Last time, last time."

The underworld snake snorted a little arrogantly, and a few wisps of dust slowly floated out after a while.

Zuo Daoqi had sharp eyes and quick hands, and at the same time, he suddenly released the golden light of Puci's inheritance, which fell on the surface of Xiaoying's body.


Xiao Ying's body trembled, and she fell backwards as if she had lost consciousness. Zuo Daoqi reached out to catch her, and then his consciousness swept over her body.

Well done, a little rough, but finally done.

Sakura's coma was also expected by him.

The next day, when it was time to go to the Mansion of the Commanders of the Five Armies, Zuo Daoqi was about to send Xiao Ying, Fang Lao and Xiao Bazi, who had not yet awakened, to the Demon Slaying Mansion again.

But a person came who surprised him very much.

The emperor's close servant, Liu Xi.

"I met Eunuch Liu. Eunuch came really early today. Have you eaten yet?"

Liu Xi's face was slightly condensed, and he said in a low voice, "After eating, Mr. Zuo came to our house, His Majesty has a will."

Zuo Daoqi looked solemn, what is the purpose of the emperor's visit at this time?

Wouldn't it be to let myself join the disappearance of the emperor's corpse?

Zuo Dodge really didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

After walking to the rockery to the side, Liu Xi first cautiously used Taoism to shield the voices of the two, and then said softly.

"Mr. Zuo is going to the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, right?"

"Your Majesty ordered that the point will be temporarily canceled. If Mr. Zuo has any doubts about his practice, he can go to the palace to find a master in the palace."

Zuo Daoqi's expression moved slightly, and he heard some other meanings from Liu Xi's words.

He immediately showed some thought.

Obviously someone offended the emperor.

The appointment ceremony of the Five Armies Commander's Mansion was carried out by Xu Yuan. Could it be that Xu Yuan offended the emperor?

for what?

Leng Yue delays the time of entering the palace?

Thinking about it, it shouldn't be so, Ji Lingjuan's contact time is not short, he is not lustful, he has only seen Leng Yue once, and with Ji Lingjuan's current suspicious and suspicious temperament, it is impossible to talk about falling in love with him to death.

Didn't Xu Yuan offend him, but only stopped Xu Yuan's business, was he trying to warn someone?

Zhang Weizheng?

There was a conflict between the emperor and Zhang Weizheng?

Zuo Daoqi asked with a delicate expression, "There is something unclear about Zuo, and I would like to ask Eunuch Liu to clarify."

"But His Majesty's oral order?" Liu Xi is also a smart person, but he can understand everything.

"I received a letter from the frontier a few days ago, saying that His Majesty wants to send troops to the Buddhist kingdom."

Zuo Dodge suddenly looked stunned.

Ji Lingjun's going to send troops to the Buddha Kingdom was such a big event, it was natural that there would be no news of it being revealed, and so far there has been no news, it must be because it was rejected by others.

Who in the court can have a veto power over the emperor's will?

The answer is self-evident.


After all, Ji Lingjun also began to fear Zhang Weizheng.

"Then, did His Majesty ask Zuo to do something?"

Seeing that Zuo Daoqi understood the deep meaning, Liu Xi felt a little relieved. He was afraid that Zuo Daoqi would not understand, and he wanted to go to the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion to practice. After all, no monk would miss this opportunity to practice.

"Mr. Zuo bears the emperor's favor and is a warrior of Tianyuan. How could His Majesty have the heart to disturb Mr. Zuo's Qingxiu? It's just that there are many people in the world with complicated thoughts. It's safer to seek advice from a master in the palace. What does Mr. Zuo think?"

Zuo Daoqi smiled lightly.

Ji Lingjun, the emperor, might have been a bit stupid after being suppressed by Zhang Weizheng for too long.

To come up with such a naive way of revenge.

Forget it, if you don't go, don't go, Shoufu fights with the emperor, with his small size, he should stay away as soon as possible.

After Liu Xi left, Zuo Daoqi's whole body was filled with aura, and a figure exactly like him emerged.

There are policies and there are countermeasures. I received the order and said I would not go, but the person who received the order was Zuo Dalu, so what did he have to do with Zuo Daoqi.


The Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies has the responsibility to protect the capital, but now it is the Tiger Guard, one of the six guards, who is on duty in the capital.

Mo Tu lived directly in the barracks here.

In the huge barracks, there was a somewhat conspicuous single-person tent, whose specifications reached the level of a commander. Of course, this was not enough to match Mo Tu's status.

It's just that he is used to eating and living with his soldiers.

Mo Tu sat in the tent, holding a piece of fine flannelette in his hand, and carefully wiped the long knife named 'Shanhe' in his hand.

This is a very good knife given to him by the emperor a few days ago. It is said that it is a weapon of a certain master.

Now, it's his.

"Old Mo, yesterday I felt that your breath was surging, but you are going to become a master?"

No need to look back, the only person who yelled at him like this in the camp was the deputy commander, Mr. Wen.

"It's not far off."

Mo Tu's words were concise and to the point.

Mr. Wen walked into the tent with a smile, and then fell silent.

Mo Tu was not good at words, and Mr. Wen's silence meant that the whole tent was silent.

"Are you really going to do it?"

After a long time, Mr. Wen finally spoke.