MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 407 Is Zuo Qing willing to be a son-in-law?

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Zuo Daoqi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then he narrowed his eyes as if he remembered something.

Ji Lingshu didn't say anything, he really didn't realize that he seemed to be being used as a gun again unknowingly.

Thinking about everything during this period, the most critical conflicts in the court were actually the emperor’s dissatisfaction with the Confucian scholars and the emperor’s anger at the corruption in the southeast, or the conflict between imperial power and ministerial power, as well as the conflict between the central and local governments, which fit well with the background of the dynasty features.

After the South Sioux City incident, these two conflicts were completely detonated in the court because of the inaction of officials and the corruption of the local government, and the public opinion was in an uproar, which caused both the people and the court to be at a loss.

On the whole, the South Sioux City Incident was too sudden.

As far as high-level officials are concerned, the best way to resolve conflicts is to transfer them.

Transform the contradiction between imperial power and ministerial power, locality and central government into the contradiction between hero and imperial power, and unconsciously, the contradiction undergoes a second transformation. At the same time, the conflict with the officials of Yushitai...

Zuo Dodge unknowingly became this 'hero'.

He narrowed his eyes. The current situation must have been formed by multiple parties working together as pushers. The most interesting thing is that the transformation of the second stage of contradictions clearly shows the shadow of the emperor.

Zuo Daoqi just sighed with emotion, but didn't think much about it. In Dajin, the emperor could do whatever he wanted, protected by the two giants, the clan mansion and the Confucianism, as long as the emperor didn't do anything outrageous. , he will have nothing to do.

He was just thinking about the pros and cons of this matter for him. The people petitioned Yushitai. Presumably Yushitai would have to go to the emperor for help soon. In order to calm the storm, the emperor would naturally increase his rewards.

It's just that such a reward will inevitably attract a lot of criticism and dissatisfaction from court officials.

Zuo Daoqi weighed the pros and cons in his heart, opened his eyes after a long time, looked at Ji Lingshu and asked softly, "Lingshu, you live in the palace, do you know what has happened to your Majesty during this time?"

Ji Lingshu thought about it seriously, and said hesitantly, "It seems that the bones of the body have become better."

When Zuo Daoqi heard this, a dazzling brilliance flashed across his eyes in an instant. His previous feeling was correct. Ji Lingjun definitely had some chance, which made him almost completely reborn.

But judging from Ji Lingshu's demeanor, this change did not happen overnight, it should have been subtle over a long period of time.

Is this fueling the flames, is it following the emperor's mind?

"Don't think too much, Uncle, you just need to cultivate." Ji Lingshu's voice contained a kind of strength, and there was a kind of domineering arrogance that just go ahead and I'll take care of you.

"Lingshu, can you tell me who you have been in contact with recently?" Zuo Dodge asked calmly, he wanted to know which **** came up with this little girl's bad ideas.

A slight smile appeared on Ji Lingshu's face, and he looked at him with smoke, "Uncle really wants to know?"

Zuo Dodge nodded affirmatively.

"Then I want to eat grilled fish, sister, do you want to eat it?"

"Eat! It's just..." Changyi looked at Zuo Daoqi hesitantly, then bit Ji Lingshu's ear and said, "But he is not a **** now, can he still go to the Leng Palace?"

Zuo Daoqi's face twitched, this Changyi is really an idiot, he is a practitioner, whispering in front of his face, do you really think he can't hear it?

Ji Lingshu stretched out her hand to the side of the flowers, picked off a small white flower, put it in front of her nose and sniffed it lightly, and said in an unusually firm tone, "Don't worry, uncle is omnipotent."

"Ahem..." Zuo Daoqi couldn't help coughing twice, and looked at Ji Lingshu in disbelief.

"After all, he still has many old acquaintances in the palace." Ji Lingshu said this with a faint smile.

Zuo Dodge naturally knew who she was talking about, but he was helpless.

He still doesn't understand how Ji Lingshu saw his relationship with the Queen Mother. He was obviously restrained, and even Huarong didn't know much about it until now. How could she see it?

Fortunately, Ji Lingshu also seemed to say it casually, and then returned to the main topic, "I still need to explain this to the emperor's brother about uncle."

"What is he going to explain?" Changyi was a little dazed, and immediately raised his head and asked.

Zuo Daoqi nodded slightly, "I really have to go to Hanyuan Hall."

What to explain, of course, it has nothing to do with the people going to Yushitai to make trouble, and the emperor certainly knows, but he is now the center of public opinion, no matter what, even if it is just an appearance, he has to make a statement.

Thinking of this, Zuo Daoqi couldn't help being even more curious about Ji Lingshu. Obviously, these political methods cannot be self-taught. Is there someone behind Ji Lingshu?

Facing Zuo Daoqi's eyes, Ji Lingshu seemed to see the doubt in his eyes, and said with a slight smile, "These are all what he taught me when I saw Eunuch Wei a few days ago, by the way, uncle, have you I haven't seen Eunuch Wei, he mentioned you to me last time."

Wei Qian?

Zuo Daoqi suddenly understood that Wei Qian was the master of Yantian Dao in the past, and it is understandable to know this.

But what makes Zuo Daoqi think deeply is, is Wei Qian planning to completely 'go to' Zuo Daoqi?

Ji Lingshu didn't sit for a long time, she went out of the palace only to visit the elder sister who opened the mansion, and she needed to ask the emperor for instructions, so she went back on time when the time came.

Sitting in the small courtyard alone, Changyi stood on Fahai, looked at Zuo Daoqi with ignorant eyes, curiosity, surprise, and even shyness and fear in his eyes.

"Why is the princess looking at me like that?"

Changyi turned his body sideways, and moved a little away from him, and then felt that it was too obvious, and moved his **** unconsciously.

The green tea princess's posture was like a child's, which made Zuo Dodge feel a little funny.

"There is a tea party at the Imperial College. Mrs. Wang asked us to prepare some unknown allusions and explain the truth behind them. You have a lot of experience and knowledge. Let this princess give you advice."

Your uncle, the staff officer, you are going to the tea party, not me.

Although he complained in his heart, Zuo Daoqi didn't show it on his face. After showing a bit of thinking, he continued, "There is one, but it may not be in the right time. In the past, there was a mountain of flowers and fruits, and there was a stone of God..."

"No, no!" Changyi shook his head immediately after listening to the first chapter, "This is not allowed, the master hates this kind of idle history, so let's start a new one."

"Then... let's talk about the people related to Tang Sanzang?"

"Is there really such a person?" Although Changyi said no, he was actually very interested in the story of "Journey to the West". It seemed that what I said before was true, and I immediately became curious.

Zuo Daoqi nodded, then shook his head again, "Actually, I don't know, Tang Sanzang actually has a real prototype, named Xuanzang, who brought countless Buddhist scriptures from the Buddhist kingdom, and then invited many people to translate Buddhist scriptures. Bianji is one of them, and a princess is also involved."

He said, but he seemed to remember some unofficial history, with a narrow smile on his mouth, looking at Changyi.

Changyi didn't notice the narrow corners of his mouth, he was very interested. "Tell me."

"'You didn't intend to be a windbreaker, but you chose to lead the mountain torrents alone'..."

The more Zuo Daoqi talked, the more ruddy Changyi's complexion became. From time to time, he looked at Zuo Daoqi with a strange look. When everything was finished, the little princess' complexion was already rosy, as if she was about to bleed, and she slapped the stone table with her palm.

"That bald donkey is really shameless, he dared to seduce the princess!"

She is not a practitioner, and a Confucian scholar has a mortal body, so she grinned with the slap of the palm.

But still cursing in his mouth, "The bald donkeys are really shameless!"

Zuo Daoqi had a strange expression on his face. It was obviously Princess Gaoyang who was seducing Bianji, but the order was changed by the little princess.

However, when thinking about the national policy of the Great Jin Dynasty to exterminate Buddhism, and thinking about the turmoil caused by Puci some time ago, I understand Changyi's self-strategy.

While stroking his palm, Changyi rolled his eyes, clapped his hands and shouted, "This story is good!"

"I know what to say at the tea party, so I will say..."

She suddenly cast her eyes on Zuo Daoqi, and said with a smile, "Let's talk about the **** of the third trial! The eunuch's real face will be exposed at last."

Zuo Dodge touched his nose, Nima's...

Changyi looked at Zuo Daoqi with a smile, "How does Zuo Qing feel?"

"not so good."

Changyi picked up the teapot on the stone table, poured a cup for Zuo Dodge, and then poured another cup for himself, "I'm lying to you, people value Zuo Qing so much, why would they put Zuo Qing in the story, they don't Xiyuan is so cruel."

Zuo Daoqi was speechless for a while, but Changyi thought of something, and looked at Zuo Daoqi with a very inexplicable look, and his face turned red again.

Seeming to be a bit uncomfortable being watched by Zuo Daoqi, Changyi stood up suddenly, and threw Fa Hai in his hand viciously into Zuo Daoqi's arms, "It's boring, I don't want to play anymore, I'm leaving!"

Zuo Daoqi was puzzled, he just felt that Changyi was not as cute as before.

"Princess, go slowly, welcome to come again next time."


After Changyi left, Zuo Daoqi frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he shouted, "Little Bazi, bring the royal clothes that Eunuch Liu sent a few days ago, I want to enter the palace."

The official uniforms of the Jin Dynasty were distinguished by four colors of purple, scarlet, green, and blue, while the noble uniforms were only black, purple, and scarlet, but the patterns on the chest were slightly different. The official uniforms were honored with birds, while the noble uniforms were honored with dragon veins. Yipin embroidered cranes, Wang Jue patterns should be dragons.

As for Left Dodge…

The scarlet-colored robe, embroidered with snakes, ranks higher than the third rank, but it can be considered noble.

Zuo Daoqi didn't care about these extraneous things, but was still thinking about his words after entering the palace and the emperor's reaction afterward.

He may be the most embarrassing baron in Kyoto now, he only has a title but no official position, only a false name but no real title, and even after the imperial edict, he didn't even reward him with a noble mansion.

Of course, he was granted the title of Baron of Ling County, and if he was really rewarded with the Baron's Mansion, it would have to be in Ling County.

'Ling County...'

Zuo Dodge muttered in his mouth that he really had a predestined relationship with this place.

"My lord, we're here." Xiao Bazi's voice came from outside the carriage.

Zuo Dodge nodded, "Put the carriage aside and wait for me to come out."


"Relax, it's not like you and I have never been to this palace."

Little Bazi looked a little nervous. Hearing Zuo Dodge's words, he raised his head slightly, "Master Zuo, your current identity..."

"It's okay, the emperor won't kill me."

After Zuo Dodge finished speaking, he strode towards the palace gate.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Zuo Daoqi, a male from Chenlingshan County, is begging to see His Majesty. He has something to report."

Entering the palace again, without Liu Xi's greeting, without the badge of Changyi, standing here again with a brand new identity, gave Zuo Daoqi a strange feeling.

"Lord Zuo, wait a moment."

The guards at the palace gate were naturally no strangers to Zuo Daoqi, they were very polite in their conversation, and trotted towards the palace.


In the Hanyuan Hall · Imperial Study Room.

Ji Lingjun smiled, and walked around Zuo Daoqi's tall and straight figure a few times, looking at it carefully.

Then he patted Left Dodge on the shoulder vigorously.

"Xiao Luzi, you have really recovered. I told me before that I was a little bit unsure, but wearing this royal uniform today is quite masculine."

Zuo Daoqi clasped his fists, "Your Majesty praises me, I am today, thanks to His Majesty's cultivation and attention."

"Okay, you and I don't need those polite words, what's the matter with me this time?"

Ji Lingjun made an impatient look, as if she couldn't understand Zuo Daoqi's courtesy.

Zuo Daoqi was still meticulous. He looked around at the eunuchs and saw that Ji Lingjun still hadn't expressed anything, so he said loudly, "I'm looking for Your Majesty today to plead guilty."

"Apology? Please what crime?"

"The common people gathered at the Yushitai, which caused many adults in the Yushitai to be ashamed. Although I did not participate in it, the matter was caused by my minister after all, so I am here to plead guilty to Your Majesty."

However, Ji Lingjun showed a puzzled look, "Gathering people at Yushitai? Is there such a thing? I really don't know, Liu Xi, what are you doing to eat? Some people slandered Zuo Qing, why didn't you give me a booklet."

Liu Xi was so nervous that he almost scrambled, "The minister is guilty, please forgive me, it's really... After all, Yushitai is sensitive, and the papers they sent must be checked by the Shangshufu before they are accurate. Present to Your Majesty, so as not to delay His Majesty's time, if you want to come..."

"Is it because the Shangshu Mansion hasn't checked yet?"

Ji Lingjun instantly showed sullenness, "Go and ask."


Before he turned around, a smile appeared on his furious face just now. He smiled at Zuo Dodge, "The subordinates are ignorant and don't have any thoughts of their own. Why don't you worry about Zuo Qing."

Zuo Daoqi was silent, "Your Majesty's praise."

"By the way, you just arrived today. A few days ago, the clan mansion sent the current royal roster. I have an idea. Come and have a look."

Ji Lingjun showed a little excitement, and then walked towards the big case, greeting Zuo Daoqi while walking.

Although it is not the dragon platform in the main hall of Hanyuan Hall, it is also the desk of the imperial study. It is an honor to be able to read a booklet with the emperor on the same table.

Zuo Dodge didn't feel any honor in his heart, but instead had a somewhat ominous premonition.

"I read it a few days ago, and now the emperor's lineage is less. These days, every time I think about this, I feel uneasy, lest the thin population will make the Taizu dissatisfied. No, I have been looking for it these days. Zuo Qing came over to have a look at the school-age people who have been here for several days."

Ji Lingjun smiled and sat on the dragon chair.

Zuo Dodge followed suit, UU Reading lowered his eyebrows and bowed his head.

His gaze fell on Ji Lingjun's finger, and his gaze suddenly froze.

"Ji Lingrong, Princess Fengchangyi, was born on September 23rd in the first year of Yuanji..."

Zuo Dodge couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, this..."

"Before I knew it, the original little sister was already slim and beautiful. Counting the days, she was already twenty years old. It's my fault, but Rong'er was smart since she was a child, so I don't feel at ease handing her over to anyone. What do you think, Sir?"


Ji Lingjun didn't wait for Zuo Daoqi to finish speaking, she stood up suddenly and put one hand on Zuo Daoqi's shoulder.

"Is Zuo Qing willing to be a son-in-law?"

It's not loud, but it's as heavy as a thousand pounds!

(end of this chapter)

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