MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 7 Ziji Baojian

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Coming out of the imperial concubine's room, Zuo Daoqi looked unspeakable.

Today he suddenly found a thigh comparable to Ji Lingshu's, and his heart was filled with the desire to lick it.

This cold palace needs to move around a lot in the future.

Could it be that the background behind the mother and daughter of the imperial concubine is the Queen Mother?

The Eighth Prince is a master of cultivation, what about the Queen Mother?

Thinking of the Eighth Prince aroused Zuo Daoqi's desire to practice. Tomorrow will be the night of the full moon. I wonder if he can find the opportunity in Wang Lu's second act?

On the third night after crossing, he was still tossing and turning in his mind.

Waking up again, Ji Lingshu woke up earlier than him this morning, and was already boiling water in the courtyard after he got up.

"Lingshu, good morning, did you get up so early today?"

After two days, Ji Lingshu was no longer so afraid of him. He didn't run away, but he didn't speak.

"Lingshu, do you hate eunuchs?"

Ji Lingshu glanced at him, nodded, and shook his head again.

Zuo Daoqi felt happy, the little girl was still arrogant, "Are you boiling water for the imperial concubine?"

Hearing him talk about his mother, Ji Lingshu said sullenly, "Mother sweats and can't sleep when the seasons change. Boil some water to wipe her body."

Zuo Dodge couldn't help but said, "Just let me do it, you need fire to boil water, what will you do if it burns?"

Ji Lingshu gave him a strange look, but said nothing.

Thinking of the method he had originally thought of training Ji Lingshu, Zuo Daoqi cleared his throat, "I said, leave such things to me in the future, don't you understand?"

The little girl had a psychological shadow in her childhood, most likely due to pstd reaction. After Zuo Daoqi's voice fell, Ji Lingshu stood up straight and intertwined her two little hands, "Are you... a bad **** too?"

Zuo Dodge almost vomited blood, "I'm not, am I not treating you well?"

No answer was received.

After all, Ji Lingshu didn't ask Zuo Daoqi to wipe the imperial concubine's body. After all, she knew the imperial concubine well and was not used to others looking at her body. This **** has only been here for a few days and is not worthy of trust.

At noon, Zuo Dodge started cooking again. Looking at the empty vegetable cellar, he sighed again in his heart, is he really going to use all the wealth that the Ninth Prince gave him to buy vegetables?

But I still made a hearty stew, with plenty of oil and salt.

Ji Lingshu was full of praise, but Concubine Wan Gui hesitated to speak.

Finally at night, Zuo Daoqi, who had already been extremely anxious in his heart, came to the imperial concubine's room early, made the bed, and waited quietly.

The silver moon is like a plate, and finally rises.

Zuo Dodge got up from the bed, quickly lay down on the ground, and found the somewhat raised floor tile.

A ray of moonlight mischievously jumped over the window, illuminating the whole room in white.

The strange floor tile was like an ordinary floor tile, reflecting light outward, but Zuo Dodge noticed something.

The ray of light reflected by this floor tile pointed at the courtyard at an extremely weird angle.

He came to the window to have a look.

The southeast corner of Xuemei Garden is full of plum trees. This kind of plum tree is very large, and its quality is completely different from the previous ones on the earth. The light falls on the fourth plum tree.

Zuo Daoqi was surprised, could it be that the exercises are under the tree?

Waiting for Concubine Wan Gui to come back, chatting with her about family affairs and contacting her, Zuo Daoqi went downstairs and waited for Concubine Wan Gui to turn off the lights, then rushed to the plum tree garden.

The fourth strain…

The silver moon is cold and the autumn wind is bitter.

Zuo Dodge shuddered, picked up a shovel and started digging.

Fortunately, it had just rained and the soil was loose.

After digging up a layer of soil, the color of the soil below was completely different from the surface soil. Zuo Dodge understood that he had found the right one!

After digging a few more floors, a small box suddenly appeared inside.

The material of this box can't be seen, the surface is as black as ink, under the moonlight, it actually refracts a strange jade light, and on the sealing part, there is a lifelike carving of a small dragon.


Forward to the totem.

Zuo Dodge took a deep breath, looked around like a guilty conscience, first put the black box back in his room, and then came out and covered it with dirt with his hands.

From the beginning to the end, he moved very little.

Touching the box with excitement, he touched Molong with his hands. When he was young, the original owner had grown up in a Taoist temple. His brother was a Buddha and was very good at unlocking locks. Zuo Daoqi recalled the trick, and it wasn't too difficult, so he opened the lock.

The contents in the box are very simple and clear at a glance, three books with yellowed covers and a small seal.

Zuo Dodge didn't go to get the books at the first time, but glanced at the jade seal, and couldn't help but gasp!

The previous dynasty... passed on the jade seal of the country?

Immediately realized that Chuan Guo Yuxi is not so small.

He didn't see what it was, he only knew that this thing must not be seen by the second person, otherwise it would be hard to argue.

After hiding the seal under the bed and pressing it down with sundries, Zuo Daoqi reached out and took out the book.

There are three books in total.

A book of military tactics, "Wu Shengfa", a book of exercises, "Ziji Baojian", and the last book is about martial arts, with a very strange name, "Chrysanthemum Transformation into Extreme Hands"!

Looking at the last book of martial arts, Zuo Daoqi couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth, his hand turned into a chrysanthemum, is this martial skill serious?

Just ignore the two books and open the middle one.

"Ziji Treasure Mirror", I don't know how many kinds of exercises are considered.

Zuo Daoqi was so excited that he opened the book slightly.

The original owner had read with the prince, so he was naturally literate.

There is a line of small characters written vertically on the title page: The big sun is red, the crescent moon is silver, and when they merge together, they become purple. I have forged the Ziji Baojian with my whole life.

There is a signature at the bottom: Master Ziji. UU reading www.

Zuo Dodge was excited and continued to flip through the pages of the book.

The book is not thick, but it records two exercises, one is called "Da Sun Treasure Book", and the other is "Crescent Moon Divine Art".

Each page has an extremely complicated diagram of meridians and small characters as dense as mosquitoes and ants.

It seems that people who are afraid of learning the exercises are too stupid. On the last page, they can be separated again to form a huge map, which is a map of all the meridians of the human body, marking the various acupoints of the human body, and some The hidden acupoints and meridians discovered by myself.

Even every muscle is labeled.

It has to be said that this body has other specialties besides specialties.

Unexpectedly, he has a photographic memory, and can even instantly draw inferences about the acupoints marked in the exercises in his brain, and correspond to his own body!

After just looking at it once, Zuo Dodge closed his eyes, and he remembered it exactly, even the picture and the corresponding annotations were word for word.

Looking up again, he confirmed that the candles in the concubine's mother and daughter's room were not lit. Zuo Dodge extinguished the candle, recalled it in his mind, and then put on a posture.

It is recorded in the book that the so-called Martial Arts is to use body training to drive the inner body and give birth to the inner breath, so it is necessary to practice the "Great Sun Treasure" first.

The Great Sun Treasure is divided into four layers, corresponding to the first three ranks of martial arts.

The first level is just an entry level, and each time you enter a level, you can increase your martial arts cultivation by one level.

It's a pity that today is night, and it's not the best time to practice the "Great Sun Treasure". The Great Sun Treasure is named after the Great Sun, so it naturally relies on the sun.

The three time periods are the best when the sun is born in the morning, the sun hangs high at noon, and the day is getting late in the afternoon.

But it is not absolute, although it depends on the sun, but it is not impossible to practice without the sun.

Zuo Dodge closed his eyes slightly, opened his posture...