MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 10 gap

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  Chapter 10 Rift

   Facts have proved that being prodigal is also a technical job. He Lingchuan put all his energy into spending money, and only spent two hundred taels a month.

  In this frontier place, one hundred taels is enough for an ordinary family of four to live comfortably for five or six years!

Ying Hongchan coughed lightly: "Lingchuan, I was just about to tell you that Xiaqiu spends too much money, and the mansion has to cut down on food and clothing. From next month, your expenses will be reduced to less than eighty taels." glanced at her husband.

  Before He Chunhua made a statement, He Lingchuan had already shouted: "Eighty taels, go to Hongyan Tower twice and you'll be gone!"

  Ying Hongchan's expression darkened: "Your brother won't spend twenty taels a month."

   "He..." He Lingchuan refused to accept, "He eats and drinks at home, what kind of money can he use? I have so many people following, and besides, the relationship in the city has to be managed, and it costs money to manage it. It's not just for me!"

   "What kind of relationship do you want?" Ying Hongchan sneered, "Those people are flattering you, but they all stare at the master. Is there any need to maintain this kind of relationship? Our family has no shortage of watchdogs."

  She didn't give He Lingchuan a chance to answer the phone: "The current situation is turbulent, and money and food must be used in the right way. Lingchuan, your father and I don't ask you to relieve our family's worries, but let's stop causing trouble."

   These words were a bit serious, and He Lingchuan suddenly felt panicked and dissatisfied.

   These are not his own emotions.

  In fact, every time the family eats, he can feel the "unpleasantness" coming from the depths of his mind, which is almost a subconscious reaction of the body.

  Yuanji didn't like this scene very much. In view of He Chunhua's love for him, this emotion should mainly correspond to the mistress of the house.

   "Dad." He turned to his father bluntly.

  He Chunhua pondered for a while, and said: "Madam is right, but eighty taels..." It's still a bit small, "Let's mention two hundred taels."

  One hundred taels is enough, lest he spend too much money, He Lingchuan's face was displeased: "This is too little! Three hundred taels!"

  The mother and son argued for a long time, and He Chunhua was doing auxiliary output on the side, also known as Hexini.

  Ying Hongchan glanced at her husband reproachfully. She wanted to do subtraction for her eldest son, but this old man couldn't help but fight to lose twenty taels from last month!

   I really don’t know how expensive the firewood is if I’m not in charge.

   "I save more than six hundred taels of silver every month." He Yue blinked, "You can buy dozens of sets of excellent armor, or a few good war horses, and recruit at least sixty people into the army."

   As soon as he finished speaking, He Lingchuan slapped the table and stood up: "I'm full!"

  Before striding out of the dining room, he did not forget to fish out a stewed pear from the brass basin and eat it as he walked.

  This pear has been stewed with rock sugar and pepper for more than half an hour. It is sweet, crispy and soft, and has the effect of clearing the heart and dispelling the fire. It is suitable for those who have eaten mutton to reduce dryness.

  No one stopped him.

   When he was about to walk out of the garden, He Lingchuan looked back and saw that the three of them were still sitting around the table eating and discussing, enjoying themselves happily.

  He shrugged and walked quickly back to his residence.

  In all honesty, He Chunhua treats the eldest son really well. He Lingchuan monopolizes the largest, quietest and most beautiful courtyard in the east, with black pines and white peaches, curved water towers, and even a small martial arts training ground.

  Although He Yue's residence is also in Dongtou, the area is only half of that of his elder brother.

  The only servant in the yard heard the sound and was waved back by him.

  He Lingchuan took off his shirt, and punched for more than half an hour under the moonlight until he was hearty.

  The original body was not good at literature, but he was good at martial arts since he was a child, and he was not afraid of hardship, which is relatively rare among aristocratic families. The ancestors of the He family also produced military generals, and they had their own set of exercises for body training, which was passed on to the eldest son by He Chunhua.

  Practicing to the point of intoxication, the muscular body is shrouded in a layer of light white mist, but it is only obvious under the moonlight.

   This was just right, He Lingchuan quickly retracted his fists and sat down, adjusting his breath and exhaling.

  The white mist is reabsorbed through the mouth and nose bit by bit.

   This completes a cycle.

   What he practiced was the supernatural power passed down from the He family's ancestors, called "traction technique".

  He Lingchuan used the body training technique to force the true energy out of the body surface, making it in close contact with the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, especially the moonlight, and then retrieved it through breathing adjustment, dispelling the deadness and preserving the essence.

   In this way, one movement and one stillness, one out and one in, one pulling and one pulling, it is completed.

  Of course it’s not a problem to use the “traction technique” to complete a week on your own, but starting with body training can stimulate the accumulated cold, dirt, and disease in the body, and the effect of purifying the true energy is better.

  After adjusting the breath, He Lingchuan felt more energetic, grabbed the white scarf and went to take a bath.

  The hot water was also put by a servant, an honest man in his thirties.

  He Lingchuan soaked in hot water and let out a long breath. It would be nice if someone rubbed his back at this time, it would be comfortable.

  As a transportation hub for north-south travel, Heishui City also has bathhouses, which are called "bathhouses". In addition to taking a bath together, back rubbing and pedicures are also routine items. But that was in the bathhouse, Master He couldn't enjoy the back scrub service provided by the little girls at his own home.

  Because he had no handmaiden.

  Teenagers, twenties, and even thirty or forty-year-old maids... none of them.

  If you want to practice the He family's family martial arts, if you want to get twice the result with half the effort and benefit for life, you must guarantee that you will be a child before the age of eighteen.

  He Lingchuan was ignorant when he was a beginner, and he didn't know the disadvantages. When he grew up, he saw a group of friends who were happy and happy, so he questioned He Chunhua. In the end, the father beat his chest and stamped his feet, saying that he had accidentally broken the precepts back then, which caused the progress of his cultivation to be as slow as a snail in the second half of his life.

  He Lingchuan was obsessed with martial arts, so of course he was unwilling to give up halfway, so he endured it.

   Otherwise, there are many local teenagers who become fathers at the age of seventeen, but it is rare for him to be nearly sixteen and have not yet discussed marriage.

  However, He Chunhua didn't want to deliberately test the eldest son's stamina, so he didn't put females in his yard.

  He Lingchuan sat in the big wooden barrel, thinking of the Xishan leopard demon, the guards of Donglai mansion caught by Hongbaidao, and the sundries hidden in the leopard's teeth.

  When will Donglai Mansion find out that the guards sent to Heishui City have lost contact?

   How will they react?

  How will the sheriff respond?


  After dinner, He Yue resigned, and He Chunhua and his wife went back to wash up.

Only now did Ying Hongchan have the opportunity to scold her husband: "You are too used to Lingchuan. He alone accounts for the majority of the monthly expenses of the mansion! Look again, his attitude of slapping the table and leaving the table!" Arrogant!

   "It won't happen next month." He Chunhua reassured her, "He was only seriously injured, and we cut his expenses again. He will inevitably feel unhappy."

   Mrs. Ying wanted to say more, but He Chunhua had already changed the subject: "Do you see any changes in Lingchuan recently?"

   "Recently?" Mrs. Ying thought about it carefully, then shook her head, "Except for spending less money, nothing has changed."

  (end of this chapter)