MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 469 Code Words in the Book of Prayers

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  Chapter 469 The Code Words in the Record of Worshiping the Gods

  He Lingchuan took a look outside the door, and saw that no one was around, so he shrank his head and placed another barrier.

   Seeing him so grand, even Jiao Yu became nervous.

  He Lingchuan opened this "Record of Worshiping the Gods" and flipped through it page by page.

  In order to give Sun Fuling a gift, he memorized the entire "Record of Respecting the Gods" without missing a single word. But that booklet was found for him by Master Shi Er. Although the content is the same, the layout and font are quite different from this book.

  He Lingchuan flipped through it quickly and confirmed that there was nothing mysterious in the book itself, so he took out Mr. Mai's book.

  Yes, it is the book full of code words.

   "What!" Jiao Yu's tiger eyes widened in an instant, "Is this code word matched with "Record of Worshiping the Gods"?"

  He Lingchuan smiled, holding Zhizhu in his hands: "Why don't you give it a try?"

   In fact, it was Zhong Sunmou who received the book first. He Lingchuan saw it and thought about it for a long time; when the lame beggar also came to give "Record of God", he would be a fool if he didn't understand it!

  If the book is useless, why should the tall man give both?

  Jiao Yu became interested, and the huge tiger head leaned over, just covering the light tightly: "How to analyze it?"

  He Lingchuan had no choice but to push his big head away: "Don't block the light!"

   I have to say that the fur feels first-class, so he touched it twice more.

   General Ling also came over.

  He Lingchuan simply took out the fluorescent grass.

"To decipher this code word, the difficulty lies in finding the book. If you find the right book, you will be more than half successful." He Lingchuan pointed to the first row of code words, "Each group of numbers has three, which should correspond to the number of pages, columns, and rows. So this is page thirty-fifth, column six, row nine, let me see—"

   "The word is 'five'."

   Adopting this method, he solved all the code words on the first piece of paper:

   "At noon on the seventh day of the first month, Baisha Xingwangzhuang South Tea House?"

   The place name "Baishayu" is very eye-catching now.

  Jiao Yu carefully flipped the second piece of paper with the tip of her claws so as not to break it: "Come again."

   "On the morning of April 23rd, Lingqu Baishiyuan."

  Jiao Yu commented to He Lingchuan: "Lingqu is a small town in the north of Chiyan."

   "Located in Qizhou?"


   "How far is it from Baishayu?"

   "Well, about fifty miles?" Jiao Yu asked him, "Do you think this is the time and place name of the meeting?"

   "Of course." He Lingchuan smiled, "But the handwriting on the book is not Mr. Mai's. That is to say, the time and place of the meeting were designated by others for Mr. Mai."

  Jiao Yu understood: "Superior?"

"It's very possible." He Lingchuan said while thinking, "Mr. Mai is not so careful when collecting the beads from Wan Song and others, let alone changing the transaction location every time. It can be seen that this person has a higher status or is special." , risk averse and require a more cautious approach.”

  He analyzed another code word.

   "July twenty-ninth, two quarters before the hour, the fourth floor of Baisha Chaohu Tower!"

  Jiao Yu's eyes lit up when he saw it, "Today is July 19th, and they haven't met yet!"

   "How long will it take to get to Qizhou from here?"

   "It will take about five or six days to travel at a normal speed." Jiao Yu calculated, "If we travel day and night, at most two and a half days with our foot strength!"

"That is to say, according to Mr. Mai's normal schedule, if he stays in Shuanglu Town for ten days and then goes to Qizhou, the time is just right." He Lingchuan smiled, "He is going to hand in the beads. "

  If Mr. Mai has a family, he must hand in all the pearls he obtained from Wan Song on a regular basis.

  General Ling stood up and shook his hair, showing impatience: "Let's go straight on the road, and we must be ahead of Mr. Mai!"

   Driving at night?

  Seeing that He Lingchuan frowned, General Ling salivated and said, "My deadline to go east is approaching, and I will be punished for missing the deadline. I want to settle this matter as soon as possible, and Zhongsun Xiaoduzi is staring at me."

  He has to go to the battlefield within ten days, and now he has to take a trip to Baisha, and the time is so tight that he can't afford to waste it.

   "White sand?" He Lingchuan smiled: "No!"

  General Ling stared: "What?"

  Jiao Yu also said: "July 29th is the trading day, what's the use of us going early?"

   "I have an old friend in Baisha, maybe he can check for us." General Ling tried to persuade, "If we can prepare in advance, wouldn't it be nice to get all the stolen goods?"

   "You forgot that Mr. Mai is on the run." Jiao Yu pointed out directly, "Mr. Mai's lair was taken out, maybe he will warn the family, then this transaction is likely to be cancelled."

   "Uh..." Mr. Ling was speechless, and then became irritable, "Then what do you think?"

  The two monsters stared at each other, and looked at He Lingchuan at the same time, only to see that this person pressed one hand on the "Record of Worshiping the Gods", his face pensive.

   "Guess who sent this book?"

  The two demons shook their heads simply: "I can't guess."

  Jiao Yu even asked: "Apart from us and Zhong Sunmou, is there anyone else who is also staring at Mr. Mai?"

"I can't say for sure, but that person must really hope that we will arrive in Qizhou in time." He Lingchuan thought to himself, the person behind the scenes was not sure who had these pages of code words in their hands, so he had to send books to both him and Zhong Sunmou , Hedgehog.

   This is probably because when he took the scroll from Mr. Mai's study, the old gatekeeper who had been inoculated with eye mites hadn't returned yet.

   That is to say, it is the same person who planted mites for the old gatekeeper and gave books to both teams.

  Who would this person be?

  He couldn't simply judge that this person had no malice towards him.

   "He knows very well what Mr. Mai is doing, and he also knows very well how Mr. Mai contacted his family." He Lingchuan said seriously, "He was even anxious to push all the clues to us."

  Jiao Yu pondered: "Could it be that this person has a deep hatred with the murderer behind the scenes?"

  He Lingchuan said: "Maybe this is another trap."


"You forgot?" He Lingchuan did not forget, "We went to Moon Mountain to check the pig's nest, and Mr. Mai took the opportunity to send Wan Song to intercept us because he knew our whereabouts. If he does the same thing this time... From Shuanglu Town to Baishayu, how many routes are there?"

  Jiao Yu thought for a while: "Two? Three?"

   "Two, two!" General Ling knocked on the floor impatiently, regardless of whether the guests downstairs were sleeping, "Just tell me what to do now!"

   "As I said, we won't go to Baishahau."

   "Then what are we doing?"

"Let's leave Bai Shahao to Zhong Sunmou. If he can solve the case, we are happy to enjoy it." Fu Shanyue's appeal is to find out the truth, the process is not important, and it doesn't matter who solves the riddle, just give him a definite result. . "We stayed to track down Wan Song's whereabouts, just the opposite of the previous division of labor."

   Previously, Zhong Sun was looking for the murderer, and he was chasing Mr. Mai, but now it seems that he is about to reverse.

  General Ling sighed: "Yes, we want to track down Wan Song!"

  The direct murderer who killed the Zhuanfeng orcs was Wan Song, of course he should go after Wan Song first to pay for his blood!

   It's all because of the complicated situation at the moment, which almost took him into the ditch.

   "So where to start?"

   "I want to go back to Youtian Town again." He Lingchuan said, "I walked too fast during the day, and I didn't understand some things."

  After asking Mr. Mai’s address at Wandahu yesterday, they hurried over.

   "By the way, what clues does that ivory ball have?" General Ling suddenly remembered such a thing, "I think you have held it for a long time."

   "It's just an ivory ball, what clues can there be?" He Lingchuan smiled slightly, "I like ivory, so what's the problem with two more rounds?"

   "Uh..." General Ling started to leave. He Lingchuan called the goshawk from the tree down, and said: "You keep an eye on Zhong Sunmou, and don't let this team out of your sight."

   Goshawk nodded.

  Before it flapped its wings and flew high, it gave him a tail feather to guide the way later.

   Birds are good at monitoring and tracking. He Lingchuan sighed again, and then set foot on the road back to Youtian Town with a few monsters.

"This time let the inspectors of Lingxu City find the way for us." He Lingchuan laughed, "We did not go to Baisha after receiving the "Revelation to the Gods", but left Shuanglu Town for Youtian Town. Sun Mou took it away, and the follow-up attention will be focused on him."

  Jiao Yu nodded: "No matter what, you can't let the people behind the scenes lead you by the nose!"

"He took so much effort to guide us to Baisha, probably because he set up a good game. We went to enter the trap, and it would be a pity not to go." He Lingchuan said leisurely, "Then let the inspector find the way for us, Taiping It's best to have nothing to do, once you encounter a trap..."

  Jiao Yu said with a chuckle: "The inspector is bold, so we don't need to worry about it."


  The road between the two towns is relatively flat, so it doesn't take much effort to drive overnight.

  He Lingchuan rode on the back of a blue sheep, and the wind left and right the fierce tiger, causing passers-by along the way to turn their heads. I don't know what the origin of this human being is, and why he is so majestic?

  He Lingchuan ignored the eyes of others, and said to the monsters: "As for Zhong Sunmou, I suspect that he has more information than what is revealed on the surface."

  Both monsters are in awe: "How do you say?"

   "Remember in Mr. Mai's yard, I said that we found out that the murderer behind the scenes was doing the business of killing demons and getting pearls?"


   "At that time, Zhong Sunmou casually said, 'Get the pearl, what kind of pearl'?" He Lingchuan repeated, "I won't ask any more questions later."

  General Ling turned his head to the side, but he didn't hear anything wrong.

   "He is here to investigate the case, and he shouldn't let go of any clues. Obviously we revealed such an important motive for the murder, why didn't he ask or mention it?"

  Not mentioning it because...? Jiao Yu blinked: "Does he know what that is?"

"I spoke vaguely, and I didn't say what kind of bead it is. Besides, not all monsters can be condensed into a bead, and Zhong Sunmou didn't ask." He Lingchuan said slowly, "This is subconscious, there is no need to ask, Because he knew in his heart what it was."

   "Of course, it is not ruled out that this guy is careless, but I think the chances of this are not high. To be appointed as an inspector by the Lingxu City Committee, he must be at least somewhat careful?"

  (end of this chapter)