MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 491 new leads

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  Chapter 491 New clues

  One of the two was silent, the other hummed, neither would speak.

  Jiao Yu sniffed, walked up to the guard with a dislocated shoulder, and said, "Here, I peed my pants."

  All the soldiers laughed, this man's face was pale and blue, he was embarrassed and frightened.

   This is probably the lowest point of his life.

  He Lingchuan also walked up to the prisoner with a dislocated shoulder, and patted him on the shoulder—

  The man let out an "ow" in pain, raised his eyes, and met the mirror that He Lingchuan sacrificed.


  The man wanted to look away, but it was too late. His eyes subconsciously fell on the mirror, and he didn't feel anything unusual.

   Until the reflection in the mirror, smile at yourself...

  The sorghum poles blocked the west-slanting sunlight, and everyone stood in the shadows, when a wisp of white smoke was drawn from the prisoner's mouth and instantly thrown into the mirror.

  The gaze of the captive suddenly became dull.

  This person is injured and weak-minded, and is more likely to be taken advantage of by external evils than his companions.

  He Lingchuan repeated the question again: "Who are you going after?"

  The captive replied blankly: "It is the man who is wanted in the whole city now, his surname is Mai."

  After losing his soul, he even lost his vigilance.

   "Have you dealt with him?"

  The man shook his head. They also just follow orders.

   "What are your orders?"

   "Take him back. If you can't bring him back, kill him on the spot."

   Sure enough, it was almost as he expected: "Who sent you here?"

   "Uncle Wu."

  Finally there is a new name to track down: "Who is Uncle Wu?"

   "Uncle Wu is an old man in Cen's residence. He has been with Mr. Cen for more than ten years and has arranged many things."

   "Master Chen? Master Cen?" He Lingchuan asked him, "What's your full name?"

   "Cen..." There was another look of struggle in the man's eyes.

   Even if you lose your soul, are you instinctively reluctant to say it? He Lingchuan said: "Don't worry, I've told you that nothing will happen to you."

  The man shook his head again and again.

  He Lingchuan had no choice but to change the question: "Do you live in the northwest corner of Baisha?"


   "Do you live east of the Blue Lake?"


   "What are the recognizable markings?"

   "A pair of white jade unicorns more than ten feet high in Zhengdamen Town, and a three-hundred-year-old sycamore tree."

  He Lingchuan thought for a while: "What does Uncle Wu look like?"

  "In his fifties, with a square face, slightly fat, not tall, and squinting when he smiles."

  These features are familiar. "Is he wearing date red silk today, a black gold-plated belt, and a black hat?"

  The person even recalled: "Yes."

  He Lingchuan smiled slightly.

  Uncle Wu was also on the tower just now!

   It is an old wealthy businessman who bargains with others in Chaohu teahouse.

   I don’t know whether it’s because he is a bold artist or because he is confident that he doesn’t wear clothes, but Uncle Wu went there himself.

  Fortunately, He Lingchuan also played enough roles on the tower, so that no one can see through it at a glance.

   "Is Uncle Wu the housekeeper of Cen's residence? What does he do?"

   "No, the housekeeper of Cen's house has someone else." The man shook his head, "Uncle Wu only follows Mr. Cen, we don't know what he does."

   "Uncle Wu is Master Cen's confidant?"


   "Okay, take it down." He Lingchuan said to the soldier leader with a happy heart, "Tell you all, immediately **** the prisoner with a dislocated shoulder to the capital and present it to the prince as an important witness; the other one will be locked up and be careful not to be silenced."

  The soldiers lead the way.

  He Lingchuan stood up, stretched, and whistled again.

  The goshawk flew over from nowhere, with a few magpie feathers sticking to the corners of its mouth.

   "Why did you eat it?" He Lingchuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Turn back and report to that person, and he needs to be followed."

   Goshawk stood on horseback and flapped its wings: "The eyeliner has been dispatched."

   Time is running out, everyone packed up and rushed back.

  It wasn't until the Chaohu Tower came into view again that two blue magpies flew from the front and landed in front of the goshawk, chirping a few times.

  The goshawk raised its wings to show off, and the two monsters flew up in fright.

"What's wrong?"

"They are lost." Goshawk was displeased, "They said that the third person who turned back entered a low room opposite the Chaohu Tower, and then did not come out again. They waited for a while and felt that something was wrong, and went in through the window to check , and found that there was no one there.”

   "Well, it has already slipped away, either a secret passage or a formation." He Lingchuan snorted, knowing that he would not be able to reach the opponent's lair so smoothly, "Take me there to have a look."

  Two blue magpies lead the way.

  They were temporarily recruited by Goshawk, who is the Chiyan demon official, who has the right to temporarily conscript these demon birds to do things for him.

  He Lingchuan followed them to a one-story house, just opposite the Chaohu Tower.

   It is not the first row facing the street, but the attic at the rear. This is equivalent to the second and a half floors. He Lingchuan went up to take a look, and sure enough, he could monitor the gate of Chaohu Tower through the window.

   Houses like this stand around Chaohu Tower, very inconspicuous. The people coming in and out are also mixed, and many foreigners rent houses here for cheap.

   After all, it is around the scenic area, not as closed as ordinary residential areas, and unfamiliar faces will be recognized immediately.

  He Lingchuan and Jiao Yu searched around the room a few times, moved the low table away, and found that there was a painted formation hidden under it.

  Jiao Yu immediately said: "This is a small mountain-moving array, and it can only move people two feet away."

   Of course, the price is also small.

   No need to look, the other end of the magic circle must be in the house next door, and the third target has already slipped away.

  Lan Que's stalking failed completely this time.

   "Take care of the existing prisoners, they are important witnesses." He Lingchuan straightened up, "Fortunately, we have already asked for new clues."

  Blue Lake East Mansion, with a white jade unicorn at the door, and a 300-year-old parasol tree.

   This is simply a name.

  Actually, when the three chased them out, He Lingchuan was already at ease.

   This time the goal of laying out the set has been achieved:

  First of all, he must find out whether Mr. Mai has contacted the real murderer behind the scenes.

   This is the relationship of the whole case.

   Now the answer is clear:


  After escaping from Shuanglu Town, Mr. Mai has never been heard from. Neither He Lingchuan nor his immediate boss could find him.

   Otherwise, these people don't need to take the risk of exploring Chaohu Tower.

  Mr. Mai's disappearance itself is an intriguing signal. Did he run away after smelling murderous intent and intending to protect himself, or did he have a plan from the beginning?

   If the latter, what is the purpose?

  Secondly, fishing.

  He Lingchuan does not expect to catch a certain big fish at once. To be honest, he also feels that the water here is very deep, and those who can bite the hook may not be the real culprits.

   But give him a vine, and he can easily touch the melon, and find a flaw in the opponent's strict defense.

   Now, wouldn't the clues be delivered to the door by themselves?


  After stepping out of the small moving formation, the third guard saw Uncle Wu.

  When Uncle Wu saw him coming back empty-handed, he immediately knew something was wrong: "What happened?"

   Before he could reply, Uncle Wu's expression changed: "Okay, let's go! Talk while walking!"

  Before the guard opened his mouth, Uncle Wu had already scratched the formation on the wall, and hurried away with his men.

   Half an hour later.

  Uncle Wu stood in front of his master, sweating coldly:

   "Those two idiots have never come back. The old slave is messed up and fell into the other party's trap!"

   "They may have already confessed." Cen Boqing walked around the house twice, "Just these two people can't bite the Cen's house, but the more people with the surname He are investigated, they must not stay."

   "Please show me."

   "He is the special envoy of the prince of the Chiyan Kingdom, and it is not appropriate to execute him publicly." Cen Boqing paused, "Then find the curse master and give him a ride."

   "You mean, Cheng?"

  Cen Boqing nodded: "He should be ready."

   "If you can invite that person to go out, you should be safe." Wu Bo breathed a sigh of relief, "Even the king of the Mang Kingdom died at his hands. This man named He should be a piece of cake."

   "Go and see, if there is anything else to prepare, don't let him be careless."

   Uncle Wu responded, and was about to leave when Cen Boqing suddenly said, "By the way, have you verified Mai Xuewen's background?"

   "I have already sent someone to review. His hometown is a bit far away. It will take three to five days to get the results."

   "I just heard that he sent his men to kill demons in a very special way?"

   "This..." Uncle Wu looked slightly pale.

   "You don't know either?"

"When Mai Xuewen first started doing this, I accompanied him to observe for more than two months. His method of leading people and killing demons is very common. It's not like, not like now." Uncle Wu swallowed, "Mai Xuewen later Wen has always delivered the beads on schedule, sometimes even exceeding the quota. He is the most low-key one among the agents, and has never had any problems, and the old slave rarely, rarely asks his methods."

  He has many subordinates, many things to worry about, and Mai Xuewen never makes mistakes, so why does he always stare at Mai Xuewen?

  Cen Boqing said softly: "You have a lot of delegates, it's impossible to question all of them, I know."

   Uncle Wu lowered his head. He knows Cen Boqing very well, and this matter cannot be settled easily.

   "But this is your second big mistake!"

  With a crisp bang, Cen Boqing threw a teacup and smashed it on the wall next to Uncle Wu.

  The fragments flew and scratched the back of his hand, but Uncle Wu didn't move, letting the blood drip to the ground.

   "Is the trap surnamed He set up at Chaohu Tower very clever? How could you step into it!" Cen Boqing slapped the table and cursed, "How did you train your subordinates? Either they were stupid like pigs or dogs, or they ran away!"

  Uncle Wu was scolded without saying a word.

  The biggest mistake he made on the edge of Chaohu Tower was that he didn't stay in the attic to watch. As a result, the three guards rushed out to arrest people, but they couldn't act accordingly.

   At this time, someone asked to see him at the back door, saying that he was an old friend of Lingxu.

   These four characters are code words.

  Cen Boqing calmed down immediately and took a deep breath. Uncle Wu also hurriedly cleaned up the broken porcelain on the ground.

  The servants brought in one person, dressed as a civilian.

   With such a large Cen Mansion, more than a hundred people are usually required to maintain its operations, so it is normal for people to come in and out.

  Cen Boqing thought it was Zhong Sunmou's guard in disguise, but he lifted his cap to reveal his light blue skin.

   "Brother Zhongsun?" Cen Boqing's surprise was not feigned, "Why did you come in person?"

  (end of this chapter)