MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 41 her secret

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Jiang Ningshu has a snake face, with three-dimensional and soft facial features, almost forty years old, her skin is still well maintained, and the charm of a mature woman is full.

Not only that, she is also a SS-level omega, Jiang Jinyi inherited her almost perfect genes.

Jiang Jinyi pulled her legs and ran over, Jiang Ningshu tilted her head when she heard the movement, and a gentle smile appeared on her face, "Baby, are you up?"

Jiang Jinyi pouted, looking like she was about to cry, she jumped on Jiang Ningshu, put her arms around her neck, and buried her face in her neck, as if A child who has not grown up, keeps humming and chirping.

Jiang Ningshu had a helpless smile on her face, raised her hand to touch her messy hair, and said in a very gentle voice, "Why are you still like a child who hasn't been weaned?"

Jiang Jinyi said sullenly: "How dare you say it! Who let you go for so long and leave me at home alone..."

"Isn't there a sister to accompany you?" Jiang Ningshu said: "My sister said that you are very good, and she likes you very much."

Like me?

Jiang Jinyi was stunned, she propped herself up from Jiang Ningshu's arms, turned her head and glanced at Jiang Youwan.

Did she really not complain? I bullied her like this, how could she like me...

"Did you bully your mother while she was away?" Jiang Ningshu asked again, originally asking casually, but directly poking into Jiang Jinyi's heart, she was a little guilty , but thinking of what happened last night, she regained her confidence and opened her lips to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by Jiang Youwan.

"Xiaojin didn't bully me, she's very good, she treats me very well." Jiang Youwan smiled when he spoke, looking very sincere.

Jiang Ningshu said apologetically to Jiang Jinyi after hearing this, "I'm still worried that Xiao Jin will bully my sister. It seems that I think of you too badly. I'm sorry."

Jiang Jinyi's eyelashes trembled, she was speechless, and buried her face in Jiang Ningshu's arms again.

It's too clingy, according to Jiang Ningshu's words, there is no other 18-year-old adult who will stick to her mother like her.

Especially compared to Jiang Youwan.

For a moment, she felt that the pheromone scent on her mother was a little different, but it was only a momentary thing, and her attention was quickly drawn to other places.

Our family is living a good life, what does Xiao Jin think?" It could be seen that Jiang Ningshu was very concerned about Jiang Jinyi's feelings and asked her for her opinion.

Going to the hospital? Jiang Jinyi looked at Jiang Youwan again, and the feeling of wanting to hold grievances with her mother, wanting to drive Jiang Youwan out, and treating Jiang Youwan as an enemy went down a lot.

How could Jiang Youwan make her nickname so easy.


Only Jiang Jinyi has not eaten breakfast. She is having breakfast. After a while, Secretary Song arrives. You can see the courtyard through the glass window. After stopping the car, Secretary Song is outside. Walking around the house, it was obviously faster than usual.

"Director Jiang, you are back." She was respectful, and there was an unknown feeling in her respectful eyes.

"Well." Jiang Ningshu looked at her, "Is something wrong?"

Looking at Jiang Ningshu's eyes, Song Lian paused for half a second and said, "There is work to report."

Jiang Ningshu didn't give her another look: "Go back to the company and report back, I don't want to hear about it now."


At noon, the cook at home cooked a large table of dishes, Jiang Ningshu went home on time, plus Jiang Youwan, the three sat on the table to eat.

It used to be two people, but now there is one more person. Although it doesn't feel difficult to accept, it is still very uncomfortable.

Jiang Youwan could not see, so a special servant helped her to add vegetables and peel shrimps, Jiang Jinyi was always watching her, Jiang Ningshu noticed that she thought she also wanted people to help her with vegetables, Gave her a piece of meat.

Jiang Jinyi looked at the meat in the bowl and wanted to pick it up and eat it, Jiang Ningshu cast her eyes again, as if asking, could you also take a piece for my sister?

Jiang Jinyi lowered her eyes, took a piece of mutton, and put it in Jiang Youwan's bowl, "Here."

Jiang Youwan was a little surprised, the corner of his mouth raised a smile, then he picked up the mutton, put it into his mouth, seemed to pause for a while while chewing, and then continued to eat.

Jiang Jinyi didn't realize that something was wrong, so she buried herself in her meal.

Because Jiang Ningshu had been away for too long and had a lot of work to do, she went to the company after dinner and promised to come back for dinner at night.

After Jiang Ningshu left, Jiang Jinyi didn't have to pretend to be good, and went to Jiang Youwan aggressively. The weather is not very hot today. Under the sycamore tree in the yard, quietly.

Not this time, she seemed to be in the room, Jiang Jinyi clicked the door, and after getting a response, she pushed the door in.

Jiang Youwan was a little embarrassed, "Miss Jiang." Not in front of Jiang Ningshu, she didn't call Xiao Jin anymore, but called Miss Jiang back.

Jiang Jinyi frowned, thinking she was a little weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, she looked at her and asked, "Why do you say that I am good to you in front of your mother, I obviously didn't treat you well."

"Because I want to please you." Jiang Youwan didn't say those hypocritical words, he was generous and straightforward, but when he spoke, his voice trembled, his fists clenched tightly, and he was enduring something.

Her face was paler than usual, and now she is paler.

"You..." Jiang Jinyi finally realized what was wrong with her and approached her, "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine," she said.

She said it was all right, but Jiang Jinyi was not blind. After approaching, she could see the red rash on her face, not only on her neck, but also on her neck!

Jiang Jinyi was stunned, "What's wrong with your face?" This was clearly a symptom of an allergy, and she quickly thought of something, "Are you allergic to mutton?!"

Jiang Jinyi was in a hurry, so she didn't have any restraint, so she took off her clothes to check her body, and sure enough, there were red rashes all over her arms and back, she was surprised and angry, "I am allergic to mutton. Why do you still eat mutton? Are you sick?"

"I'll call someone and send you to the hospital." With that said, Jiang Jinyi wanted to go out and call someone.

"It's alright, don't go to the hospital."

Jiang Youwan grabbed her, told her not to go, and comforted her softly, "It's just a little allergic, these rashes will subside soon, it's fine, I just don't want to disappoint Miss Jiang's kindness. …”

Because of her last words, Jiang Jinyi was stunned, and then rushed out the door.

Jiang Youwan didn't know which of her words made her furious again, but soon her breath was filled with the fragrance of hyacinth flowers again, Jiang Jinyi went to call Dr. Li She received the phone call, and within a few minutes, Dr. Li arrived. Dr. Li helped her check her body, and Jiang Jinyi was by her side.

Today, the smell of disinfectant on Dr. Li's body is still so strong, but Jiang Youwan found that the smell of Jiang Jinyi who was with her can be very useful to cover up the smell of disinfectant. So, make her so uncomfortable.

So, she couldn't help but want to approach her.

If you want to get closer, get closer.

Dr. Li gave her medicine and said that she was suffering from severe allergies. Fortunately, she sought medical attention in time. When Yi heard it, her reaction was so great that she was about to cry, and the end of her eyes were all red.

In addition to taking the medicine, she also needs to apply the medicine. Dr. Li said to help her apply it. Jiang Youwan’s reaction was obvious. Jiang Jinyi took the medicine directly, asked the doctor to write it out, and then pulled it on Curtains, helping Jiang Youwan lie on the bed, she knelt on the edge of the bed, and she helped her apply medicine.

Jiang Youwan couldn't see her crying, only heard her slightly crying voice, she scolded while smearing: "Why eat mutton if you are allergic to mutton, idiot! idiot!"

"Then I won't take it in the future." Jiang Youwan felt that the symptoms were much better after taking the medicine, and the medicine was cool, "I won't take it if you clip it to me in the future."

" that what you want to please me?"

Jiang Youwan said silently, "I'm thinking, if possible, I can live with Miss Jiang's family... Live well, if Miss Jiang can't accept it, I'll be obedient, like my mother doesn't When I came back, I didn't break the rules."

Jiang Youwan looked up at her and said seriously, "I want the former more, so I really want to please Miss Jiang."

Jiang Jinyi was stunned, hesitated for many times, blurted out a word of idiot, and scolded a few words of idiot in a row.

Jiang Youwan suffered all.

Jiang Jinyi has scolded enough, and it is true that she is soft-hearted. After a long time today, she has completely confirmed that Jiang Youwan is really not here to rob her, even if she really wants to come She can't take away her mother's love by stealing things.

Mother's favorite is always Jiang Jinyi.

She sniffed and said in a slightly trembling voice, "Don't you want to be my model? Didn't you say it's not serious? If the rash subsides tomorrow, I'll paint it. you."

After a second or two, Jiang Youwan said with certainty, "Tomorrow the rash will definitely go away."



Next day.

The rash on Jiang Youwan's body had subsided so much that it was almost invisible. Jiang Jinyi fulfilled her promise and brought her into his studio.

Jiang Youwan was very impressed with this studio. She remembered that she was humiliated by this young lady last time, but these humiliations have been returned.

Now, this eldest lady wants to help her fulfill her wish.

Make yourself her model.

After thinking about it, Jiang Jinyi decided to draw according to her first impression of Jiang Youwan, a mermaid from the deep sea stranded on the shore.

"I'm going to paint you a mermaid."

"Mermaid?" Jiang Youwan seemed a little surprised, "Miss Jiang thinks I look like a mermaid?"

"The first time I saw you, I thought you were like a captive mermaid. After seeing the sun, you were stabbed and blinded. It's very poignant." Tell her the idea.

After speaking, Jiang Jinyi felt a little regretful, for fear that these words would remind her of those bad memories before.

Jiang Youwan said, "It's just what Miss Jiang wants."

She held Jiang Youwan's face and was helping her to paint mermaid makeup very seriously. It was completely different from the psychology of humiliating her and painting on her face at that time. She was very serious.

Jiang Youwan's eyes are closed, the eyelashes are like a small fan, the eyeliner is just right drawn by Jiang Jinyi, the red lips, and the blue deep sea mark on the side of the face//marks and patterns , Her hair was naturally curly, and after applying makeup, she was stunning, so stunning that people couldn't take their eyes off her.

Poor and fragile mermaid.

Jiang Jinyi's eyes lit up, she asked her to wait obediently in the studio, she went to her cloakroom to find clothes.

Her cloakroom has collected a lot of various clothes, and she has also collected several sets of mermaid clothes, the kind with big tails, she thought, Jiang Youwan wears it, I am afraid it is more than a mermaid Also like a mermaid.

When she heard the door of the studio closing, she was the only one left in the studio. Jiang Youwan, who was sitting obediently in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, moved, stood up, walked slowly, and walked along the wall. The palms slowly groped.

She always remembered what the purpose of her coming to this studio was, did she really want to be Jiang Jinyi's model?

To be honest, she has no interest in being someone else's model.

For the "secret" that Jiang Jinyi said when she was drunk.

She groped for a computer, stopped in front of the computer, and groped for the computer's switch, she pressed it lightly, it turned on, she didn't know if she needed a password, it didn't matter .

She took out a USB flash drive from her pocket and inserted /// into the usb port.

She came over for about ten seconds, and a soft "beep" meant that the file transfer was completed. She took out the USB flash drive, put it in her pocket, and turned off the computer again.

Return to the original location.

Soon, Jiang Jinyi came up with her mermaid suit.

She looked at Jiang Youwan and the clothes in her hand, and said, "You, hurry up and take off your clothes, I'll help you put this on."

Jiang Youwan: "You help me...?"

Jiang Jinyi was a little embarrassed herself, and whispered, "This is too complicated, you can't see it, you can't wear it yourself."

Indeed, she doesn't seem to be able to wear it.

This outfit is really complicated.

Jiang Jinyi walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and drew the curtains.

Jiang Jinyi thought for a while and said, "I'll ask the servant to come and help you dress."

"Don't." Jiang Youwan stopped her, in a pleasing tone, "Can Miss Jiang help me personally? I don't want others to see my body."

"Then, let me see..."

Jiang Youwan chuckled, "Hasn't Miss Jiang already seen it?" She was referring to the time she broke into the bathroom.

Hearing this, Jiang Jinyi's cheeks were pink and she whispered: "I don't have..."

That time was an accident, this time she was just for art, for art.

Let her stand up, Jiang Jinyi stood in front of her, Jiang Jinyi was a little shorter than her, bowed her head, and helped her unbutton her collar.

The further down she went, the slower she moved, her hands trembling, and her face redder.

I can only recite countless times in my heart, they are all born by the same mother, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

However, Jiang Youwan's appearance at the moment, with her eyes closed and calm, really looks like she is blaspheming.

Why was she the one who was undressed, and the one who was so nervous and shy?

Jiang Jinyi bit her lip and took off her entire shirt. Jiang Jinyi closed her eyes and took a deep breath, went around behind her with a red face, and untied the hidden buttons.

The fair skin was exposed to the slightly cold air, causing goose bumps, the most real reaction, the cherries were also frozen hard by the cold air, is Jiang Youwan nervous? The increasingly strong pheromone betrayed her.

It's just that Jiang Jinyi didn't have time to pay attention, she didn't dare to stand opposite Jiang Youwan, she could only see her white back, and she didn't have time to pay attention to her red earlobes.

The clothes were very difficult to wear, and both of them were responsible. Of course, Jiang Jinyi was the most responsible. She was too nervous. It took ten minutes to wear a set of clothes, and finally got it.

Jiang Youwan sat slanted on the ground according to Jiang Jinyi's good posture, with one hand on the floor, eyes closed like a fan, her long hair like a waterfall behind her, and her fish tail was long big again. Jiang Jinyi opened the curtain behind her, and a large amount of sunlight came in and sprinkled on her.

Jiang Jinyi was stunned for a few seconds. The tip of the pen was stained with paint, and it took a few seconds to paint her on the canvas.

The sun is about to set, and the golden sunlight is shining on Jiang Youwan, which is different from the daytime.

"Okay, let's go here today." The mermaid has been drawn, and Jiang Jinyi likes it very much.

The attitude towards Jiang Youwan became warmer and warmer one after another. She helped Jiang Youwan remove her big tail and said, "Wait, let the maid take you to take off your makeup, and then Let's go eat."

Jiang Youwan smiled at her and asked, "Do you still need me after this painting? I may go to the hospital tomorrow, and if I need it, I may have to wait for me to come back from the hospital. "

Jiang Jinyi blinked, "...going to the hospital tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Jiang Youwan smiled, but she didn't see how happy she was.

Jiang Jinyi frowned, she was going to have an operation, she would be hospitalized after the operation, and she would definitely stay in the hospital for a long time.

Mom definitely didn't have time to accompany her. If she went to the hospital alone, she would be very scared. Jiang Jinyi still remembers that she was particularly resistant to the hospital.

"You'll be back to light after surgery."

If an ordinary blind man knew that he could regain his light, he would be very happy, Jiang Youwan seemed particularly calm, his mood was even lower than just now, and he said something unexpectedly: "I am very happy. Looking forward to getting the light back.”

Jiang Jinyi thought she was so low because she was afraid of being hospitalized. She lowered her eyes and thought about something, but hesitated to say something, and finally said it more euphemistically, "Mom is so busy, But no one can accompany you."

Those servants are not family "If you are really scared, if you are really scared..." I can accompany you.

This sentence Jiang Jinyi did not say, but pretended not to know what to guess, "A few days ago, a friend of mine was hospitalized, I don't know if it is the same hospital, I It's boring at home."

Jiang Youwan's cold and magnetic voice sounded after a few seconds, "I'm not afraid." She laughed dryly, "I'm already twenty-four years old, and it's not the first time surgery."

Jiang Jinyi was a little nervous just now and then fell down, inexplicably lost, and muttered: "Oh."


The two left the studio, Jiang Youwan went to take off her makeup, Jiang Jinyi sat at the dining table sullen, Jiang Youwan soon came to the restaurant, Jiang Jinyi glanced at her , with a light "hum" to express his dissatisfaction.

Jiang Youwan was silent.

There is no more lamb on the table at this meal.

I heard from the servant that it was originally made of mutton, and I don’t know who used it to feed the stray dogs on the roadside.

During the meal, Jiang Jinyi ignored Jiang Youwan almost the whole time, and didn't even look at her. Jiang Ningshu asked her to serve Jiang Youwan food and she did not.

"You quarreled with your sister?" Jiang Ningshu asked with interest.

"No." Jiang Jinyi poked at the bowl, "I just don't want to serve the fool."

Jiang Ningshu looked at Jiang Youwan with a puzzled face, but Jiang Youwan didn't have any turbulence in her heart, thinking that Jiang Jinyi was still worried about yesterday's allergies.

Maybe she was afraid that she was allergic to something, so she didn't dare to clip it. Of course, it also contained ingredients that she didn't want to clip when she was angry.

The ambience of the dinner table was much cooler than today's lunch table.

Jiang Ningshu still has work to do in the company. She came back just to have dinner with Jiang Jinyi. After dinner, she went to the study to sit for a while, and then drove to the company.

I was so busy.

Jiang Jinyi's mood was even worse. When she was in a bad mood, she went to the studio to stay. Come back, go out and see.

Jiang Jinyi walked out of the studio and quickly bumped into Song Lian, not her mother.

"Secretary Song, why are you here? Where is my mother?"

Song Lian replied: "Director Jiang is still working overtime in the company. She said that some documents have been left in the study, so let me get them."

"Oh..." Jiang Jinyi did not doubt too much, and returned to the studio in disappointment.

Song Lian watched Jiang Jinyi's back disappear from her line of sight, her eyes returned to the dark and deep, she pressed the password of the combination lock of Jiangning Shu's study, walked in, and closed the door.

Downstairs, Jiang Youwan's room.

It's very late, Jiang Youwan hasn't slept yet, and the feedback to her there is that almost all of Jiang Jinyi's computer folders are related to painting materials and so on. There is no useful information either. The only special thing is that there are a lot of recordings, but it doesn't seem to be useful information.

In that case, what was the secret Jiang Jinyi said when she was drunk that day? Or is it just a drunken remark.

She picked up the headphones, put them on slowly, and clicked on the first recording, which seemed to have been recorded not long ago.

Two seconds later, a voice sounded. The voice was very familiar. It was undoubtedly Jiang Jinyi's. The voice was sweet and soft, with a little nasal and a little grievance.

"Jiang Youwan is going to the hospital for an operation in a few days, and her mother has no time to accompany her, I was worried that she was afraid, so she clearly implied that I could accompany her, but she didn't appreciate it! If there is no one to accompany her, she will go to the hospital for surgery alone, she will be scared to cry, just like when I was a child... Those servants are not family at all..."

After this recording was played, Jiang Youwan was stunned for several seconds, and it was not until the next recording sounded that she regained her senses.

"Jiang Youwan seems to be a little pitiful, and feels that he is too much, and will not be so fierce to her in the future..."

"Jiang Youwan bullied me last night! She bullied me! But she said it was for our plan, but she bullied me! Too much!"

"There seems to be nothing wrong with multiple sisters, right, I'm really curious about how she looks when she opens her eyes, she should be pretty."

"It's over, I seem to have bullied her too much. What if she sues her mother..."

"Jiang Youwan looks good and has a good voice. I don't know if her eyes can be cured..."

"There's a new person in the family who says she's my sister, and I don't like her at all..."


These recordings are really useless, Jiang Youwan listened in a daze, it turned out that the secrets that Miss Jiang said were these little-known thoughts.

These are the "secrets" she only dares to tell when she is drunk.

Jiang Jinyi said: "I can accompany her..."

The author has something to say:

Division in the next chapter


Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 lost sister;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 jkg lion;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4219636920 bottles; 15 bottles of mutton buns; Nanyi, Guazi'er, Cixiu 5 bottles; Shu Yierha 4 bottles; Shi Jingzhen, Cx3302 bottles; Tian Fuzhen's little girlfriend, dare to abandon the pit and beat you! 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!