MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 184 Wear back one hundred and eighty-fourth day

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The United Nations General Assembly is imminent, and Jiang Chen's plan to go home has run aground again. The process of the Yangtze River Project has accelerated, and he has to devote himself to a more intensive busy schedule.

In less than 24 hours, five agents from other countries were caught near the armament depots and military bases in various parts of the country, and the General Military Research Institute was no exception. Obviously, the bait thrown by DTW was very useful. But under the strict protection of the outside and the security control of the Yangtze River inside, no one has been able to get in.

Everyone knows that going on like this is not an option.

After obtaining the affirmative votes of more than half of the member states, the United Nations emergency special meeting was held as scheduled in the United Nations Building in Y City, Country A. This time, more people from various countries participated in the meeting, and there were many people of different colors in the foreign ministry brigade fresh faces.

Xingguo sent not only the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the delegation, but also the core personnel of the Yangtze River Project. This time it will be extremely important. It is related to the detailed information of the DTW system and the first exposure of the Yangtze River. More professional people are needed to help explain it.

The current situation is special, Jiang Chen naturally cannot participate together, but he also has his own way, he can directly observe this meeting.

This emergency special meeting discussed the emergence of the DTW system and the threats it would bring. In just one day, representatives from various countries have more or less grasped a lot of news about the DTW system, and some even have The news about the Yangtze River system, the sources of these news are naturally the channels of various countries, but more can not be separated from the information that the DTW system puts indiscriminately while disturbing the muddy water.

Sure enough, after the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Xingguo spoke, a representative of country A questioned: "All the information about the DTW system we have obtained so far comes from your Xingguo, and even the only Yangtze River system that can hinder the DTW system is from your Xingguo How can we be sure that all this is not self-directed and staged by your rejuvenating country, maybe your real purpose is to launch a high-tech war, disrupt the balance of countries, and use this to become a dictatorship.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Xingguo took a deep look at the representative of country A, shook his head and said, "We have an old saying in Xingguo, which is 'to judge others by ourselves', if we do what you say, we will not let the DTW system go to your national security with great fanfare. The troubles in the bureau let you know the existence of the DTW system in advance, and you will not expose the Yangtze River system at this moment. Because of the existence of the Yangtze River system, our Xingguo is the only country that can protect itself in this world war. When the war is over, we will completely You don't have to do anything to be what you say, ruler."

The foreign minister of Xingguo spoke in an unhurried manner, which caused the representative of country A to change his expression, but it was only for a moment, and he quickly continued: "How much damage the DTW system can cause depends on what Xingguo is saying. The Yangtze River system Whether you can fight against the DTW system is also what you are saying, now you Xingguo have the most and most comprehensive information, but we don’t know anything, it’s not fair.”

The representative of country E seconded the proposal: "I think Xingguo should share all the data selflessly, including the Yangtze River system."

The representative of country F followed closely behind: "Since this is a war concerning all mankind, we should work together. I suggest opening the Xingguo database, and convening scientists from all over the world to discuss and find a way to win this war together." A battle for all mankind."

Representatives from various countries nodded in support one after another, and there were endless echoes for a while.

The representative of Xingguo was as immobile as a mountain. After they finished seconding, he smiled and said: "It is about the continuation of human beings. We should really make selfless contributions. Opening the database is very easy to discuss. Should we find a time to discuss or discuss opening the database at the same time?" issue."

"at the same time…"

"At the same time as what?"

"Open at the same time?"

Representatives from various countries whispered to each other, and some people showed obvious dissatisfaction.

The representative of Xingguo smiled and continued: "Since it is a selfless dedication to all mankind, I think the representatives of various countries will not refuse, and it is their duty to share information with all people in all countries and all people in the world to tide over the difficulties together."

The representative of country Y disagreed: "We have not developed the Yangtze River system, let alone the data of the DTW system. We know nothing about it, and opening the database is of no help."

"How could it be?" Xingguo representative said, "This is a continuation issue related to all mankind. Apart from technological wars, all walks of life, including industry, military industry, and medicine, may regress or make progress in this regard. In order to ensure that the social progress of human beings will not regress, let alone we have an old saying, "Three cobblers are the best of Zhuge Liang", which roughly means that even if most of the materials are useless, they are gathered together and screened by the top scientists from all over the world. Discuss, maybe we can also research new inventions that promote human progress?"

The representative of country Y's face turned green and pale, turned to look at the representative of country A, put down the microphone and did not speak again.

Xingguo representative saw that the scene was much quieter, so he said leisurely: "So, can we continue to discuss how to deal with the DTW system now?"

The meeting was still going on, and Jiang Chen, even as a bystander, could see swords and swords in the battle of tongues, guns and lips. Time passed, and the representatives of the meeting were still arguing endlessly. From morning to evening, nothing was really discussed. .

After the Xingguo representative returned to the hotel, he confirmed that the surroundings were absolutely safe before opening the video conference. There were five people including the old man, and they revisited today's emergency special meeting. At the end, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "One This matter has been discussed over and over again for so long, and everything can be involved, and there is no end to it, and I don’t know how long it will take to finalize it.”

Hearing his complaints, the old man's heavy expression softened a little, and he smiled: "This is how international conferences are, and you will get used to it after attending a few more times."

Jiang Chen shook his head, conveying his unnecessary feelings with his expression.

As the only young man in the video conference, he managed to amuse several middle-aged and elderly people with his expression of distaste that he couldn't hide. The previous heaviness suddenly dissipated a lot, and the long day ended in a fairly relaxed atmosphere.

"It's early morning, go take a shower and go to bed early."

When Shi Fengyue came out wiping his hair, seeing that Jiang Chen was still busy in front of the computer, he couldn't help rubbing his head to urge him.

"Wait until I'm done with this."

"Stay in the room and watch other people's meetings all day long, aren't you tired?" Shi Fengyue pinched his face and turned around, leaning closer and said, "This meeting will last at least a week, and you will be like this on the first day." How do you get through when you're tired?"

Jiang Chen kissed him, turned his head and replayed the small meeting just now.

Shi Fengyue stood behind him, fiddled with his hair, and said lightly: "Tomorrow morning, we will discuss today's content again, and we will summarize in the afternoon, and we will not really enter the topic until the day after tomorrow. You should take a good rest these two days and get enough energy. "

During the small meeting just now, those few people also talked about the general process of the meeting, but at that time, Shi Fengyue was taking a bath, and now he talked about the international meeting in a familiar tone, as if he had participated in countless times and was able to handle it with ease. It should be said that mentioning such an important At the international conference, his calm tone was very abnormal.

Jiang Chen participated in several important meetings in his last life, but he was not a politician himself, and he was not good at it. No matter how many times he attended, it was still difficult for him to adapt. There is a difference between the performance in the field and the performance in the field that you are not good at, just like a person who sells stinky tofu can’t freely discuss the making method of shoes with a shoemaker. The essential unfamiliarity will affect the outward expression.

Jiang Chen leaned back in his chair, raised his head and asked him, "How do you know?"

Shi Fengyue lowered his head, and the towels on Jiang Chen's ears fell on both sides of Jiang Chen's ears, blocking most of the light source. The boundary between light and shadow became clear, and the deepened silhouette under the shadow made him look a little strange.

"With the current atmosphere, do you just want to ask this sentence?"

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the man's slowly approaching face, his eyes slid down from his eyebrows, along the bridge of his nose to his lips that seemed to be glowing with water, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and fell on his cheeks. Adam's apple, water drops from wet hair, winding down from behind the ear, and condenses into water droplets at the bulge of Adam's apple.

When Feng Yue's Adam's apple slipped, Jiang Chen closed his eyes, his left eyelid was slightly cold.

Immediately, a piece of softness covered it, and it was easy to touch.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, pulled the towel down, the man suddenly approached, his slender neck was close in front of his eyes, he slightly raised his head, and kissed the piece of skin that he had been eyeing for a long time.