MTL - After Wearing the Book, I Became the Second Mary Sue-Chapter 524 ancestral

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Then it was published.

She changed the names and backgrounds of the characters in the story. At first glance, she had nothing to do with Master Gu, even Jiang Xun himself, if he accidentally read this article, he probably wouldn't call one of the protagonists in it. Connect with yourself.

This is what a normal person thinks, after all, it's incredible.

Gu Pan originally planned to upload another 10,000 words tonight, but now it seems that there is no drama, and his tools for committing crimes have been confiscated. What a pity.

However, after going to bed early all night, he returned to the old man's routine.

The next day happened to be the weekend, and since Gu Pan woke up in the morning, he glanced at Jiang Xun's bed from time to time.

In fact, she hoped that Jiang Xun would go to class today, so that she wouldn't keep occupying her computer and not return it to her, at least she could use it secretly when Jiang Xun was not here.

Unlike now, Mr. Jiang is sitting at the desk and writing, although his back is facing the position of the bed, but to be honest, Gu Pan is not so bold to steal the computer in front of Jiang Xun.

If you get caught...I guess you won't have to play in the future.

There is another way to go, there is another way!

Gu Pan cheekily squeezed to Jiang Xun's side, acting coquettishly.

"Boss, just give me back the computer first, I promise! Only play for ten minutes... no, five minutes! Can you supervise me?"

Jiang Xun didn't turn his head back, "You can play if you want, I'll take care of you, can I take care of you?"


That said, don't play it.

Gu Pan had already figured out Big Brother Jiang's routine, and he was not fooled at all, so he continued to beg for mercy.

"How dare I say what you said! I have always listened to your words. What you say, I will definitely do it!"

Jiang Xun didn't speak or react.

"...I really, really only play for a while, and then go out to play with you in the afternoon, send the dagger for appraisal by the way, and then eat well at night, rest on time, and don't touch the computer! What do you think?"

Jiang Xun's eyes flickered, and although he didn't let go, Gu Pan was still greatly encouraged.

At least it shows that this coquettish way is feasible.

So Gu Pan added the last fire...

"Brother, just play with me~"

With a click, the pen in Jiang Xun's hand fell on the table.

He turned his head and looked at Gu Pan with a complicated expression, something condensed in his eyes.

"Brother ~ good brother ~ just five minutes!"

"...Go, go and play."

Jiang Xun hurriedly looked away, took a pen and drew a few lines on the paper as if to vent.


Gu Pan quickly took back his computer, and cherished the five minutes of precious time that he had gained without shame and no bottom line.

First, I uploaded 10,000 words on the novel website, and I was surprised to find that there were more than a dozen comments on my article.

Looking forward to opening the comment area.

[It turned out to be a novel through a book? I used to hear from my grandma that they were very popular when they were young. I thought it was a boring old antique, but after looking at it, I found that it is very beautiful! Immediately follow up, the author cheers! ]

Gu Pan liked this comment.

At the same time, he sighed about his own seniority.

If that's the case...then she is at least from the ancestors, and I don't know how much difference there is between Jiang Xun...

Is this also... an old cow eating tender grass?

Gu Pan patted his head, thinking that he might be an idiot.

No matter how long it took, she would have lived for more than 20 years in her two lifetimes, at most... She was only a few years older than Jiang Xun in her mental age.

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