MTL - After Wearing the Book, I Became the Second Mary Sue-Chapter 536 unlucky staff

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"The proportion of phenol in the disinfection water is wrong. Generally, it is 0.3% to 0.6%. Here, it is only 0.1%."

Gu Pan: "..."

Gu Pan: "???"

What is he saying? ? Why can't I understand a word?

"Okay, I know, let's find clues quickly, okay?"

Gu Pan squeezed Jiang Xun's palm, which forced him to withdraw his heart of trying to find out why the disinfectant was not right.

Gu Pan really wanted to shake Jiang Xun's shoulder and tell him please take away your occupational disease. It's just a game. It's good that people can do it like this, don't be too harsh!

Really tired.

The hospital scene was done very realistically, which was very similar to the ghost movies she had seen before, with several messy hospital beds, rusted IV poles, and **** handprints on the walls.

The surrounding environment was very dark, and Gu Pan was barely able to see a little through the flashing lights on the mobile camera.

"Look for the drawer first."

Gu Pan felt that the current environment was a bit like a secret room, and it was only in this space that he obviously had to find something before he could go to the next place.

She didn't take precautions, so she opened the cabinet under the drawer, and the staff who had been hiding there for a long time rushed up, screaming.


Gu Pan kicked up with a conditioned reflex, and with a "bang", the staff was kicked onto the hospital bed, rolling and wailing.

Gu Pan: "..."

She was still hanging on Jiang Xun's body - after kicking someone, Gu Xiaopan became frightened and found Big Brother Jiang for comfort.

"It's okay...don't be afraid."

Jiang Xun followed Gu Pan's back, her heart was beating very fast, even...even if there was something behind him, he could feel it, felt a little distressed, and at the same time resented the staff unknowingly.

"I-I'm fine." Gu Pan's voice trembled a little. To be honest, it's not the ghostly staff that scares you, it's his heart-breaking scream!

But everyone will be taken aback, this has nothing to do with being daring!

Gu Pan was smoothed out by Mr. Jiang, so he "looked" at the staff on the hospital bed through the darkness.

This person is dressed in white clothes, so he can barely make out an outline in the dark. He has stopped screaming, sitting on the hospital bed, looking a little suspicious of life...

"Brother, I'm sorry, you suddenly rushed out, I... accidentally couldn't hold back."

"...How about you go to the hospital for a check-up after get off work? Don't worry, if you hurt, I'll pay for the medical bills!" Not to mention the medical bills, the hospital belongs to her family.

The staff replied "it's okay" in a dull tone, and then went back to the cabinet very dedicatedly, ready to scare the next unlucky person.

Gu Pan felt a little guilty, and turned his head to discuss with Jiang Xun in a low voice: "Otherwise, will you open the cabinet next? I shouldn't be scared."

"Yeah." Even if Gu Pan didn't say anything, Jiang Xun was reluctant to let her go.

They briefly discussed the division of labor. The drawers and cabinets that were relatively small and couldn't hold people looked at them, while the larger ones were handed over to Jiang Xun.

However, their two hands were locked together, and it was said to be a division of labor. In fact, they had to act together.

After searching for a long time, I finally found the first task note in the box under the drawer. The couple looked at each other for 30 seconds, and then said to Ta what they wanted to say, but never could.

Mobile cameras are automatically recorded to detect whether they have completed their tasks.

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