MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 18 as you wish

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  Chapter 18 As You Like It

  Shelley's message is a bit big, making everyone in the room look at the young man beside her.

  He is our new detective?

  Luke was also very surprised by Shelley's sudden shooting and killing the "new detective".

   Shouldn't you trick him into a place where no one is around?

  Now it looks like this...

  The person died on the chair, spattering a large pool of blood.

   As a leader, should I sit or not?

   Shelley, Shelley, you were pulled out of prison by Agatha but not reused, why don’t you reflect on it?

   Luke said to Pisco: "Go, dispose of the body, and change the chair for me."

   "Yes, Inspector!"

  Pisco was so strong that he carried the body of the "new detective" and the chair out, and moved a new chair in after a while.

  Under the gaze of everyone, Luke went to sit behind the inspector's desk.

  Put the cane aside, and then take the detective appointment letter and put it in the drawer.


   "I'm very, very dissatisfied with your way of doing things! Originally, I should have dealt with this person secretly, and then I took the appointment letter to take office.

  Everything goes through the process, and it is safe and secure without disturbing anyone.

  However, due to your random arrests, this major inauguration accident has seriously affected the mission assigned to me by the eldest princess! "

   Shelley and Pisco immediately stood up.

   "Sorry, Inspector."

  Luke waved his hand, and said in a slightly relaxed tone: "Since the incident happened, I don't want to dispose of my subordinates for a period of time on the first day of taking office.

  What happened today is...someone came here to cheat with a fake detective appointment letter. As a result, everyone recognized him and shot him dead on the spot.

   You should have no objections, right? "

  Letting an "envelope" sit in the office of the detective of the Cape District Secret Intelligence Bureau holding an appointment letter grandly, this is definitely a major employment accident.

   YouQi is behind the secret mission of the eldest princess.

  Once the General Administration investigates and finds out the cause of the accident, the top and bottom of the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau will definitely have to pay a heavy responsibility.

  And if this accident is described as a fraud, then the Haijiao District Bureau of Secret Affairs is not only not at fault but also credited.

  The inspector took office normally.

   All are happy.

   "Editing" and writing case reports is what the Secret Intelligence Bureau of Haijiao District is best at.

  As for Luke's identity, no one in the room doubted it.

  Pisco had greeted them in the morning and told them not to rush to identify the "new detective" or let him wander around.

  Everything waits for the Black Mamba to come.

  It means that he has long known that there is a problem with the "new detective".

  After reading the appointment letter, the Black Mamba shot and killed the "new inspector" without hesitation. He also said that he was ordered by the eldest princess, and there should be other channels to know the inside story of the inspector's appointment.

  Perhaps the command is in the velvet.

   Besides, the Black Mamba came so late today, and he came with the real detective again.

   It is basically certain that Black Mamba and Pisco knew that the detective and the letter of appointment arrived separately.

   It was only a mistake in the middle that caused the "envelope" to take office with an appointment letter.

  Anyway, it’s best to turn this kind of thing into a small one. .

   All the people said together: "It's the detective's wise command."


   Luke's secretly hanging mind was relieved.

   It will take some time for Qingkong to gather the materials needed for the secret technique, and his current strength is not suitable for running around in this world. Being able to sit in the office of the inspector of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Haijiao District is no better than being frightened outside.

  The most important thing now is to be able to collect all the things needed for the secret arts as soon as possible.

   Only with strength can we deal with changing situations at any time.

   "Since everyone agrees...Kelina!" Luke called out the name of the confidential secretary of the detective's office.

  Kelina is a very young and introverted girl, wearing a light green female professional suit and a pair of large, somewhat exaggerated black-framed glasses.

  The light yellow hair is combed to the right to cover the right ear.

  Luke knew that her right ear was a metal auricle connected to the cranial nerves, which gave her super-human hearing and memory, but it also made Karina a little inferior.

   "Detective... Inspector! If there is anything, please tell me."

   "This case report will be handed over to you, and everyone's credit will be included."

   "Yes, Inspector!"

   Bad things have turned into good things, and everyone has a good impression of these new detectives.

   "Okay, you don't need to introduce yourself, I know the information of each of you. If there is nothing else, go out and do the work in your hands."

   "Yes, Inspector!"

  Luke's "subordinates" walked out of the office one by one.

When Shelley was about to go out, Pisco stopped her and said to Luke: "Detective, two vicious murders occurred in our Cape area last night. Together in the dock storage area of ​​Windshield Lane, Together at the Furious Ax headquarters, many people died.

  Especially the Furious Axe... Their boss, the horned demon giant tree, is dead, nearly half of the backbone is dead, and their vitality is seriously injured! "

   Luke thought, didn't I do this?


   "What does this have to do with us? Shouldn't it be managed by the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau?"

   Pisco look at Shelley.

  Shelley didn't expect such an important thing to happen last night.

   She explained for Luke to explain.

  Raging Waves City has a total of six districts, and each district has a secret bureau.

  Although the branches of the Secret Intelligence Bureau are all directly under the Imperial Headquarters and have no affiliation with each other, except for a part of the appropriation from the Headquarters, most of the funds for the activities of the branches come from the city's finances.

  So the right to distribute this part of the money fell into the hands of the Central Branch.

   "Inspector, the funds allocated to us by the General Administration can barely maintain the normal operation of this place, and the money allocated to us will be spent after a few casual drinks.

  The spies and informants who are not in the establishment below all need to be paid, and there are more visible and invisible expenses.

  The central bureau... on the grounds that taxpayers' money needs to protect taxpayers, gives priority to allocating funds to new urban areas and rich areas. The urban area of ​​our Haijiao District is as large as three urban districts, but the money allocated to us is only one-tenth of that of other urban districts, or even less.

  Which of the secret intelligence bureaus in other urban areas does not have more than a thousand spies, not including the secret ones. There are only 400 people in our bureau, both bright and dark. How can it be enough to manage such a large urban area?

   So we accept funding from some merchants and gangs.

  Mad Ax is one of our big sponsors. This time their boss is dead, and the industry they control has many people who want to swallow it.

  As the backstage of the Furious Axe, if we cannot keep them at this time, other sponsors will lose confidence in us. "

Piscoe, who knew more about the development of the incident, added: "I have sent a wave of people to the headquarters of the Furious Ax to block those people from the Security Bureau. We must respond as soon as possible, otherwise the headquarters of the Furious Ax will be shut down by the police. The people in the department swallowed it!"

  (end of this chapter)