MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 290 Return to Saint Lun

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  Chapter 290 Return to Saint Lun City

  Rachel looked at Luke without saying a word. Although she didn't know about Raging Waves City, the name of Meteorite had already been spread all over the world. Such a person cannot be completely trusted, otherwise he would not know if he was sold.

  You can form a free army...

   "How do you convince me to believe you? If your purpose is to gather us together and eliminate them, if we accept your funding, then we will fall into your trap."

  Luke is not interested in talking about ideals with Rachel, he just wants an excuse to form an urban militia in Raging City.

  "Sincerity needs to be proved by actions, and trust needs time to be strengthened. You don't believe me, you should be vigilant, but you can't give up such a good opportunity because of doubts.

  Actually, you don’t need to gather liberals from other places to form a free army, because the momentum and scale are too large, but it will attract the empire’s encirclement and suppression. You now have fifteen people, and you should be able to pull up a free army of a hundred people.

  The terrain of the Kama Mountains in the north of Raging City is complex, connecting many imperial cities from east to west, and there are also many traffic arteries..."

   As he spoke, Luke took out a topographic map of the Kama Mountains.

  The Kama Mountains stretch from east to west, with towering peaks, and a steam airship needs a reasonable route planning if it wants to pass safely. Moreover, there are many thieves groups in the mountains. Although they are not large in scale, large caravans are often attacked.

   At this time, on the map spread on the table, there are many bandit camps marked.

  Rachel moved closer curiously, listening to Luke's explanation.

  Luke pointed to the bandit camp, and continued: "The banditry activities in the Kama Mountains have been very rampant recently, and road transportation, rail transportation, and even air transportation have all been attacked by them, causing great losses.

  Rage City cannot cross the border to destroy them, and the city involved in the case also intentionally indulged and sheltered them. In addition to supporting your beliefs, I want you to help you eliminate these bandits. "

  Luke's explanation dispelled Rachel's doubts a lot.

  She and her companions traveled and gave lectures, knowing that the prosperity and wealth of Raging City made many imperial cities jealous. These imperial cities did not dare to rob Raging Tide City openly, but some greedy officials and noble gentry would collude with bandits to rob Raging Tide City's goods.

  To tell the truth, Rachel and her partner also snatched the caravan in Raging City.

  This reason is acceptable to Rachel.

   "Governor, do you want us to protect your business?"

   "This is a win-win situation. Raging Waves City is very important to me, and it is also very important to you who will be in power in the future. Protect it well, and the country that has experienced war can quickly recover its national strength.

  With my intelligence and material support, those bandits are not your opponents. If you get the treasure of the Thieves Group, you can buy more supplies from me to expand the Freedom Army.

  Only by mastering an army can you seize opportunities when they arise. "

  Rachel listened to Luke's words, and her eyes on the map gradually became eager.

   Now that the Golden Shield Empire is strong, there are very few places where the free army can survive and develop. This is why the liberals can only stay in propaganda now. The Kama Mountain Range is one of the few areas where the imperial army is difficult to fully control. If the Free Army can really survive in the Kama Mountain Range, with the support of Raging Waves City, the Free Army will be able to grow a little bit.

   When the time is right, the powerful free army can quickly rush out of the Kama Mountains and occupy nearby cities.

  Rage City announced at that time to join the Free Army, and the Free Army had the power to capture the entire territory of the empire.

  Rachel, who was imagining a bright future, was a little bit up: "Okay, Mr. Governor, let's go to the Kama Mountains!"

   "Very well, freedom fighters should have this kind of sacrifice."

  Luke praised Rachel and her partners, and then talked about their uprising and their development after entering the Kama Mountains.

  Rachel was extremely surprised when she heard that, she could feel that fighting in the Kama Mountains was not a temporary idea of ​​Governor Meteor. The tactics he was talking about were those of the Bandit Group, but at the strategic level, they were beyond the reach of the Bandit Group. This is a brand-new war mode, and it is entirely possible to write a war masterpiece based on it.

  Rachel's heart is even hotter. With the guidance of a great wise man like Meteor, why worry that the light of freedom cannot shine on this land!

  Luke racked his brains to squeeze out the little ink of guerrilla warfare in his stomach, and let Rachel, who was almost turned into a fan girl, leave the office.

  Funds, supplies, and weapons were quickly put in place under Luke's special arrangement, and the high-spirited liberal youths drove away from Rage City in trucks and sang songs.

   Sparks have been spilled.

   As long as Rachel leads her people to launch an uprising, and then unfurls the banner of the Freedom Army in the Kama Mountains, Raging Waves City has a reason to form a small-scale militia.

  Then command the free army to attack Shangdao and nearby cities, and the imperial army was unable to enter the Kama Mountains to suppress bandits due to the deployment of the southern front war. Rage City can use the method of boiling frogs in warm water to find excuses to expand the size of the militia.

  Luke wanted to return to St. Lun City, so he handed over the work of cooperating with the Free Army to Viscount Iscoran.

  Viscount Iscorran first asked worriedly: "What if the Freedom Army loses control?"

  Luke looked at Iscoran, with the attitude of controlling everything in his eyes: "Out of control? What do you think the so-called freedom they believe in is in front of Raging Waves City?"


"Empty beliefs can only grow in poor places, and spiritual and material abundance can create new beliefs. If the Freedom Army cannot be influenced by the beliefs formed in Raging City, then it will not survive in the belief radiation circle of Raging City Space.

  The out-of-control free army is a group of thieves, the bigger they are, the faster they die. "

   Viscount Iskran nodded thoughtfully.

  The current Raging City has become a spiritual sanctuary for many people under the governance of Governor Meteor. The vigorous economic vitality and the quality of life far surpassed that of other places gave the citizens of Raging Waves a strong sense of superiority and pride.

  A new belief is sprouting and growing in this city. It is precisely because of this belief that the slogans of the liberals are like a clown performance here.

  In the future, with the expansion of Raging City's economic system, the beliefs formed in Raging City will also radiate outward. The first area covered must be the nearby Kama Mountains.

  Liberals advocate free competition. Naturally, whoever has money is right. Raging Waves City will use liberal methods to destroy what they believe in.

  At that time...out of control did not exist.

   If they are disobedient and cut off the supplies of the Freedom Army, they will be trapped to death in the mountains.

  Thinking about this, Viscount Iskran looked at Luke and said respectfully, "I know what to do... Your Excellency, the Empire is lucky to have you."

"We are lucky to be born in this era. If there is movement from Rachel, you can set up the militia. I will ask Lambert to give you the source of troops. The first batch will be 300 people, and they will be in the Patrol the northern mines."

  Rage City Secret Affairs Bureau ranger is divided into two parts, a small part is located at No. 102, Organ Street in the central city, supervised by Thomas who stays at the Secret Affairs Bureau, and is responsible for the normal secret affairs bureau work. The members of this special task force are mainly regular spies dispatched by the headquarters of the secret intelligence bureau to do their professional work.

  The headquarters of the Special Forces of the Secret Bureau of Raging Waves City was established in the former castle of the Furious Axe. All the recruited gang members were concentrated here, and Lambert was in charge of the management. This group of imperial spies is large in number and loyal only to Luke. After Shelley's training, they are already a paramilitary unit.

  The formation of the Rage City militia this time can form a combat effectiveness by pulling a group of ranger spies over. With the addition of heavy equipment and supplies, the combat effectiveness of a regular army can be achieved.

  In Luke's vision, the Ranger Headquarters of the Raging City Secret Affairs Bureau is responsible for training troops, and the source of troops is mainly recruited from the Cape District. Set up the militia support first, and then recruit soldiers from other urban areas to ensure the loyalty of this team.

  The militia needs to be expanded and must be transferred from the ranger to firmly control this army in its own hands.

  When the militia of Raging Waves City reaches 10,000 people and cooperates with the anti-smuggling fleet, once the situation changes, the imperial navy of Raging Waves City will be the softshell.

   So far, the urban militia in Raging Waves City has taken shape, and Princess Dai'er's coming-of-age ceremony is getting closer.

  This dance, Luke must attend. And before participating, he still needs to meet several important court officials. Therefore, after participating in the launching ceremony of the all-metal battleship of the Outer First Machine, Luke boarded the airship to the imperial capital.

   Arriving in the imperial capital, Luke did not go to the Copper Mulberry Avenue first, but quietly entered the Tulip Manor through the secret channel of the Bureau of Secret Affairs.

  In a secret room, Luke met Agatha.

When Agatha met, she said with a blank expression and a somewhat displeased tone: "I really didn't expect you to be so energetic. While stirring up all kinds of battles in the palace, you are still working in the lower city under my nose." Such a big thing happened.

   Is there anything you need to explain to me?

   Mr. Luke! "

"Let me have a sip of water first. I'm so busy that I don't even have time to drink saliva when I come out of Rage City." Luke sat down on the seat next to Agatha, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it all in one gulp, and said: "Your Highness only now knows about my actions in the lower city. The Bureau of Secret Affairs has a big loophole in the supervision of the lower city!"

  Luke's sarcasm made Agatha's complexion change again.

  The lower part of Shenglun City is expanding very fast, and the chaos and disorder make it a black hole for intelligence.

  Battles and vendettas made the Secret Intelligence Bureau very inefficient in developing informants here. Many informants either disappeared with money or died suddenly. Then the attack on Princess Dai'er and the subsequent court struggle made the Secret Affairs Bureau's attention all focus on Shangcheng District and Huangcheng District. As a result, when the Bureau of Confidential Information finally had some energy to pay attention to the Xiacheng District, it was discovered that the Xiacheng District had... changed in such a short period of time!

  It all started with a businessman from Rough City...Mr. Luke.

  In the next period of time, as long as the empire does not forcefully interfere with Mr. Luke's investment plan for the lower city, this huge slum next to the imperial capital will all fall into his hands.

   Agatha didn't know that Mr. Luke was a meteorite at first, until the intelligence said that Mr. Luke's wife's name was Jasmine.

   Now knowing that Luke is Meteor's alias, Agatha is even more disturbed.

  This is the imperial capital, not the city of Raging Waves, and the lower city is already another cape district.

   "What do you want!" Agatha questioned Luke.

  Luke replied with a smile: "Help the economic development of the lower city and let the poor inside get rid of poverty."

   Agatha said: "Do you think I will believe it! What is the first generation of mysterious substance mixture? What is the purpose of you forming the Polaris Mercenary Group?"

  Luke replied: "The first-generation mysterious substance mixture is a special secret technique developed by Miss Weathering Sky. The special structure of the sewage reservoir in the lower city can just produce the materials needed for the first-generation mysterious substance mixture.

  With the permission of Miss Weather Sky, I selflessly gave the formula of the first-generation mysterious substance mixture to the residents of the lower city, so that they can turn waste into treasure and improve their lives.

  As for the Polaris Mercenary Corps... The Watchers are willing to pay high prices for mercenaries. I just acted as an intermediary to help the residents of the lower city find a way to make money. "

  Agatha could not refute that Meteor had indeed sent out the first-generation mysterious substance mixture formula, and did not interfere with the production of the mixture medicine; the Watcher was indeed hiring mercenaries at high prices.

   "Meteor, I think our relationship can allow us to have a certain amount of trust and share things frankly with each other.

  You should know the importance of the lower city to the imperial capital. As long as I want, I can stop all your investment in the lower city. I absolutely do not allow it, there is an uncontrollable powerful force beside the imperial capital. "

Facing Agatha's threat, Luke poured himself another cup of tea, and then said: "The lower city is a slum area planned by Saint Lun City. The original lower city has existed for a very long time, but the scale has always been within a controllable range. The skyrocketing growth of the lower urban area took nearly 30 years. It took about ten years for the first doubling of the area, and then it took ten years for the second doubling of the area.

  In the following ten years, the area of ​​the lower city doubled twice. The area of ​​downtown is now sixteen times that of thirty years ago, and it is still growing at a very fast rate.

  Your Highness, you do not allow uncontrollable powerful forces next to the imperial capital, so can you control the lower city now? At present, the urban area has skyrocketed to a level that the imperial capital cannot bear, and the empire is in crisis again. Can the city wall stop the millions of hungry people? "

  Luke posed a difficult problem for Agatha.

  The rapid expansion of slums is something that no country has ever encountered in this era. Without experience in dealing with them, every city has a headache for the expanding slums around them, but there is no place to house them, so they can only allocate some resources as much as possible to keep them from starving to death.

  Everyone knows this is a ticking time bomb, and there are resources to keep them alive in order to be safe. But once the situation is turbulent and prices rise, it will definitely lead to a crisis.

  The lower city next to the city of St. Lun is the largest slum in the empire, and the current situation in the empire can be described as perilous.

   Agatha looked at Luke and asked, "This is your solution?"

   "This is my solution. Let the lower city of St. Lun City enter the supply chain of Raging City, and at the same time, the industries in the lower city will not compete with the heavy industry of St. Lun City.

  I have the confidence to use Raging City's economic vitality to drive the lower part of Shenglun City, so that residents in the lower part of the city can have a stable income, and even become a source of tax revenue for the imperial capital that is not inferior to other industries.

  Your Highness, do you still want to stop my investment in the lower city? "

  (end of this chapter)