MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 310 sunday castle

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  In the western desert area where industrial civilization has not yet covered, it may take several months to forge a set of armor by hand, and the enchanting time takes years. Coupled with the continuous cost of maintaining the armor, the armor has become a top luxury item, a family heirloom passed down from father to son and son to grandson.

  For the comparison of military strength among nobles in the western region, the number of armors is a very important indicator.

  For the Golden Shield Empire, which is qualified to compete for the track on the road of industrialization, the armor forging process is the production process of an armor factory stamping assembly line. Even the complicated and cumbersome enchanting is split into many processes, which can produce low-enchanted armor in large quantities, and can also produce high-enchanted armor at a faster speed.

  This time the empire launched a war against the Tedgar Hills, and all imperial military factories were operating at full capacity. The Imperial Army on the Southern Front ate meat, and Alec also won a mouthful of soup for his newly reorganized Western Territory Legion.

  Agatha led the mission to the western border. In order to deter the nobles of the western border militarily, Alec gave the mission team the first army to change clothes.

  The two armies met, and the contrast between the equipment and the military formation was extremely sharp. The imperial army lined up like a steel city wall, and their momentum was absolutely crushing to the Sunshine City army.

  The oppressive Earl of Ould couldn't help but reposition the direct military gap between the nobles of the western region and the empire.

  If the empire decides to use force against the nobles of the western region, the nobles of the western region absolutely have no energy to resist. No matter how magnificent the sand castle is, it cannot withstand the beating of big waves.

"His Royal Highness, Governor of Meteor..." Earl Uld got up halfway on his horse and saluted Agatha and Luke: "Friends from afar are welcome to Sunshine City. The Harvest Festival in the Western Territory will be held soon, I promise You will have a very pleasant experience here."

Agatha nodded slightly in return to Earl Ould: "Lord Earl, Father asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. The ancestors of the Ould family and the ancestors of the Augustine family have always been unbreakable allies. The empire guards the western border, and the Augustine family has always remembered the dedication of the Ould family.

  These are the gifts my father asked me to bring to you, please accept them. "

  Agatha is wearing a golden armor that fits her eldest princess status. The tall war horse is also wearing armor, and there are many gem decorations, showing wealth and beauty. On her head she wore a long princess crown, her face was covered with a veil made of golden pearls, and her earrings were the precious Stephen's Eyes of Tears.

   Even the fingers with gold silk gloves have to wear a few rings studded with precious stones.

  The servants brought over several large boxes.

  After it was opened, the precious stones and gold inside were shone by the scorching sun, making people unable to open their eyes.

  Actually, Agatha didn't want to use such a dress to meet Earl Ould, it would be too explosive and embarrassing for the royal family.

   But Luke had to be.

  In the western region, nobles don't understand what is simple luxury and what is connotative elegance. Only real gold and precious stones can truly blind their eyes.

  Let’s come to the Western Territory this time, don’t make winning the support of the nobles our top priority.

   is here to play!

   is here to show off your wealth!

   It is to let you western nobles see how rich the Augustine family who used to move bricks with your ancestors is now.

seeing is believing. During this period of time in the western region, he dazzled their eyes with gold and smashed their heads with gems.

   Shaking them blind and knocking them unconscious is the best way to do things.

  Agatha didn't know what big event Meteor was planning to do in the Western Territory. Since she decided to make one light and the other dark when she came, she had to play the role of the light bulb well.

  The brighter the brighter, the darker the darker.

   Sure enough... Seeing the military appearance of the imperial army, seeing the gorgeous imperial princess, and seeing the heavy boxes of gold and precious stones, Earl Ould's heart was constantly rippling with worry, awe, and happiness.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty, the Ould family will firmly guard the western region for the Golden Shield Empire forever. The residence has been arranged. Please invite Her Royal Highness the Princess, Governor Meteor and friends from afar to go to Sunshine Manor..."

   Earl Ould waved his hand, and his subordinates stepped forward to accept the gift, and warmly invited the imperial mission into the city.

  Agatha rode at the front, and Earl Ould was slightly behind and paralleled with Luke.

   "Governor Meteor, hello. Rage City is on the east bank of the empire, and Sun City is on the west side of the empire. Although the two cities are far away, the legend you created in Rage City has long been spread to this windy and sandy land.

  It is a great honor for you to accompany Her Royal Highness the Princess to the Western Territory this time. If there is something I need to do in the western region, but if Her Royal Highness the Princess is not good at explaining it, you can tell me as much as you like. "

  Luke couldn't help but sigh, Earl Ould is really good at making relationships. He treats himself as a young and newly promoted aristocrat without any of the old-fashioned old aristocrat's eyes above the top, and is kind like the elders next door.

   But this kind of person is more difficult to deal with.

  Luke whispered to Uld: "When the Earl was young, he fought against the rebellion in a desperate situation, and in a short period of time managed the Sunshine Oasis into the richest place in the Western Region. It is also a well-known legend in the empire.

   To be honest, many of the things I did in Raging City were inspired by you.

   Please rest assured, my lord earl, we have no intention of causing disputes during our trip to the western border. When the Harvest Festival is over, we will be considered as completing the task given by His Majesty, and the mission will leave when the time is up. "

   Earl Ould whispered back: "What is His Majesty's task?"

Luke looked around, and then said cautiously: "There are some things that everyone knows well, so I don't need to explain too clearly. The Blade Brothers will make His Majesty very upset, so they gave us the task of Secret Affairs Bureau .

  In order not to cause misunderstanding, I think the two of us can establish a contact line on behalf of both parties. If you have something you have to do, just send a message quietly, so as not to create an unmanageable situation. "

   Ould didn't fully believe Luke's words, but the two ultimate bosses of the Secret Service came to the western region, which means that the Secret Service must have a big move in the western region.

  The Brotherhood of Blades is deeply rooted in the western region. If a large-scale conflict breaks out between the two sides, Sunshine City will definitely bear the brunt.

  Now, according to Governor Meteor, they came to the western region this time because His Majesty ordered them to come. How to manage the damage reasonably is also something that the Secret Intelligence Bureau must deal with.

  Establishing a communication channel is beneficial to both parties. Everyone is a person of status, and no one wants to die in a sudden assassination.

  Count Ould said to Luke: "The Governor's proposal is very good. Now the situation in the empire is tense. Your Royal Highness the Princess and you are both honorable. I am most afraid that some extreme guys will create an uncontrollable situation.

  I will send someone to establish our contact line, and keep informed of the movements of the Blade Brotherhood, so that the Harvest Festival can proceed peacefully. "

Luke replied with a smile: "Thank you, Lord Earl, for your assistance. I will also keep you informed of the Secret Intelligence Bureau's actions in the Western Territory. Everyone is a person of status. There is no need to put yourself in danger to protect the safety of Her Highness the Eldest Princess." Returning to the imperial capital is the most important thing."

   "Yes, the most important thing is to protect Her Highness the eldest princess to leave."

  The common topic made Luke and Earl Ould quickly get acquainted. When they arrived at Sunshine Manor, the relationship between the two was as good as best friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

   Agatha, who was walking in front, couldn't help turning her head back frequently. Did Meteorite break into the enemy so quickly?

   This scene was naturally seen by more caring people.

  The first stop of the imperial mission to the west was Sun Yao City, and the news that it was stationed in Sun Yao Manor was quickly spread through Xinying.

  Everyone realized that something that would affect the entire Western Territory was bound to happen in this Harvest Festival.

  In the Sunshine Manor, Earl Ould vacated the central island for Agatha and members of the mission to live in. The personnel on the original central island, including the earl himself, moved to the building on the shore of the artificial lake.

  The central island is surrounded by water on all sides. Anyone who wants to harm the staff of the mission, the lake is a natural barrier. At the same time, the lake water also traps the members of the mission. If the nobles of the Western Region decide to respond to the Celtic Duke with force, it will be difficult for the besieged Agatha to escape.

  In the central island castle, Agatha stood on the terrace of her room, admiring the scenery in front of her. She took off her heavy armor and put on a plain satin dress. She leaned on the fence, her blond hair was loosely draped over her shoulders, and every strand of her hair shone with luster under the sunlight. .

  Below the terrace, the guards are taking over the defense of the castle. In the four-cornered tower, the mages reset the eyes of the mages inside; inside and outside the walls, imperial spies inspected inch by inch, and set up magic traps in important positions; Alchemy detectors are evenly placed in a circle around the central island.

  This time she came to the Western Region, Agatha was not afraid of the nobles of the Western Region and the Blade Brotherhood here, but she was afraid that the people of the Duke of Celtic would force the Western Region to become an enemy of the Empire through extreme means.

  Protecting yourself is the most basic condition for the development of work.

  Behind Agatha, the female officer reported to her the progress of the mission's entry into the Sunshine Manor.

  "All members of the mission have arranged their rooms. Colonel Greg of the Western Territory Legion is in charge of the outer defense of the central island, and the internal security department of the Secret Intelligence Bureau is responsible for the internal defense of the castle.

  The main guard force of the Western Territory Legion, led by General Walker, is stationed outside the city of Sunshine, and now the civilians accompanying the army are building camps. Sunshine City provided drinking water and food for the guards, but General Walker did not receive them.

  The New Moon Oasis merchants who came with the mission were allowed to enter Sunshine City, and the goods they brought were very popular with the people here..."

  At this time Luke came in from the outside, and he also took off his armor and put on a traditional aristocratic costume.

  The female officer was about to salute when she saw Luke, but Luke let her go out with a wave of his hand.

   Agatha didn't know what she was thinking, but she didn't realize that there was a change behind her. She said self-consciously: "The New Moon Oasis is connected to the hinterland of the empire by railway, and the merchants in the New Moon Oasis can purchase goods at very low prices, and then sell them at very high prices in various parts of the Western Region.

   But they are also a favorite target of Sand Bandits.

  This time they came to Sunshine City safely with the Imperial Legion to participate in the Harvest Festival. We should charge them a tax. "

  Hearing this, Luke couldn't help laughing: "As expected of the most diligent eldest princess of the empire, she is in the heart of the enemy, and she is also thinking about how to increase taxes for the empire."

When Agatha heard Luke's voice, she turned around, leaned against the fence and said, "The well-known plush carpets in the Westlands are really soft. I didn't even notice you coming in. When you entered the city, you and Ur Earl De muttered behind me, what did he say?"

  Luke, who can use magic power, brought a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses from the wine cabinet next to him with the magician's hand. He put the glass on the fence, pulled out the cork from the bottle and poured the wine.

   At the same time, he said while looking at the scenery outside: "I can smell the unique **** smell of the abyss mages, they and the Celtic Duke's envoy are all in this manor.

  Maybe they are looking at us from somewhere.

   Earl Ould and I have established a certain degree of mutual trust, and have limited communication in intelligence. He is a nobleman and even a businessman. He is very different from other western nobles. Before deciding to rebel against the empire, he will give priority to protecting our safety. "

  Hearing that there was an abyss mage here, Agatha picked up the wine glass and quickly scanned the surrounding gardens from the corner of her eyes.

   "Uld gave us to live here, and it seems that he is really protecting us. The Blade Brotherhood here is very powerful, and the Abyss Temple dare not do excessive things without certainty.

  You are dressed so formally, are you going out? "

  Agatha looked at Luke's clothes, apparently about to go out.

   Luke said with a smile while drinking the wine: "The sunshine in the western region is very abundant, and the wine produced here has a special mellow aroma that is not found in other places. And the carpet that you just praised, Your Highness, is also a good thing unique to the western region.

  I am the governor of Raging Waves City. Of course, I have to inspect the market here to see if there is any profitable business that can be developed. "

  Agatha couldn't help laughing: "You still said that I am the most diligent princess in the empire, but I think you are the most diligent governor in the empire.

  I was just thinking about collecting taxes, and you are ready to act to expand the market.

   You go... If there is something good, remember to buy it for me. "

  Luke drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp: "What's the point of me going by myself? You are the protagonist of this harvest festival.

  I am here to invite you to visit the market in Sunshine City. You are in charge of consumption, and I am in charge of inspecting suitable products. "

   Agatha understood what Luke meant.

   "You want me to attract attention and cover you from doing other things."

  Luke shook his empty wine glass and said, "Don't be so blunt. How can you show the wealth of the empire if you don't go out for big purchases?

  All your expenses today are considered to be in Rage City. I asked my people to carry the cash box to follow. "

  Agatha drank the wine in her glass in one gulp, and said boldly: "Today, the governor of Raging Waves City will pay the bill, and I can buy the entire Sunshine City."

   Luke puts the empty wine glass on the fence: "That's my pleasure."

   Agatha put her wine glasses together: "It's the first time I can spend money so happily...Let's go!"

   "Please, Your Highness the Princess!"