MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 317 Moonlight Court

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  After four hours of uninterrupted fighting, the barbarian warriors who blocked the monsters on Moon Lake gradually became exhausted, and the speed of death began to increase. On the shore, the newborn treemen stood around the lake, and they threw green light **** into the lake, using weak healing magic to heal the warrior's wounds.

  The moonlight rain is still falling, its purification prevents the destructive mysterious energy from being replenished, and the monsters produced are no longer as turbulent as before.

   Both sides have reached their limits, and the outcome will be determined at any time.

  At the bottom of the root system of the World Tree, Clear Sky in golden armor faced the continuous attacks of the burning wood giants, and stood firmly in front of the twigs of the World Tree. She couldn't remember how many times she added protection to the twigs of the world tree, and she couldn't remember how many times she defeated the burning wood giant.

  In the green pipes around the platform, the water is gradually becoming clearer, and the black smoke seeping out is not as thick as it was at the beginning.

   After absorbing the black smoke, the scattered pieces of wood repaired the broken body of the burning wood giant, but the speed slowed down a lot.

   Qingkong took this opportunity to supplement the protection for the twigs of the World Tree, waiting for the burning wood giant to attack again.

  It was raining in strands and strands.

  The moonlight rain falling from the hole on the lake watered the twigs of the World Tree, making its trunk several times larger. The beam of light shining upward from the canopy is thicker, and the entire space is filled with green light.

  The power of the revived World Tree is transmitted to the surface through the huge root system. On the entire grassland of the ancestors, the deserted land was quickly filled with grass sprouts. Around the ruins of the World Tree scattered throughout the grassland, the roots of the World Tree protrude from the ground, they climb to the broken ruins like vines, and then bloom green branches and leaves.

  The destructive mysterious energy on the remains of the world tree was taken away by the root system, and the branches of the world tree left behind were scattered, and a huge ancient treant grew on the spot.

  The ancient treants surrounded by flowers bloomed in circles.

  The grassland, which was heading towards the end, is bursting with vitality at this moment.

   Qing Kong, who guarded the twigs of the World Tree, looked coldly at the Burning Wood Giant in front of her. Just now, she repelled the Burning Wood Giant's attack again. The burst of energy made her slash with a powerful knife, cutting off its entire left leg. Immediately after the ice wheel strangled, the golden sword stabbed into the wood-burning giant's abdomen, and Jin Guangzhong gave it a large explosion.

  The entire lower body of the wood-burning giant was shattered. It lay on the ground and roared angrily, and its body broke into pieces in the flames and flew backwards. At this time, the black smoke coming out of the pipe was so faint that it was almost invisible, and the pieces of wood were re-gathered in the replenishment of mysterious energy.

  The speed was so slow that Qingkong felt that he could take the initiative to attack this time, defeating the wood-burning giant over and over again before it burned again.

   But before Qingkong could make a move, the ice layer behind her suddenly cracked.

  At this moment, the twigs of the World Tree, which were already growing in size, are growing at an incredible speed after reaching a certain critical point. In the pipes around the platform, a pure green energy stream flows, and the sound of rushing water echoes in the space.

  The trunk of the expanded World Tree twigs instantly swelled behind Qingkong, and the trunk cracked a gap to swallow Qingkong in.

   As soon as the fire on the wood-burning giant ignited, it was suppressed by the majestic life energy package. The giant's body spread out, the black wooden blocks were re-dyed emerald green, and then scattered and flew to the surrounding pipes and drilled in.

  The clear sky is wrapped in the trunk of the young branches of the world tree, and it rises together.

  The familiar yet unfamiliar voice resonated with her energy from the World Tree.

   "It was you who brought me back to this world. The authority and responsibilities of the previous generation World Tree will be inherited by you and me together!"

  This... the plot is a bit different!

   Qingkong has experienced the same plot. The task of recovering the World Tree was completed, and he was absorbed into the World Tree, and it was the same so far. But the last time I turned into a fruit directly, I became the first elf born after the World Tree revived.

   Later, I got a lot of rewards and a lot of honors, and then I did what I should do.

  What authority, responsibility, inheritance are you talking about with me this time!

  How can you change the script without authorization?

   "I'm not interested in responsibilities, and I don't plan to stay on the grassland of the ancestors in the future. You are the World Tree, and the legacy of the previous World Tree is yours."

  Who wants to reborn the World Tree but said: "I have inherited the energy of the previous generation World Tree, and I have also seen the memory of the previous generation World Tree when it was destroyed.

  He selflessly raised a prosperous world, but never taught the creatures under his shelter how to protect themselves when disaster strikes. As his successor, I also don't know how to deal with the next disaster.

  I don’t know how you obtained the energy of the World Tree, but since you are the successor of the previous World Tree like me, you must jointly inherit the authority and responsibilities left by the previous World Tree.

  I take responsibility to raise all the creatures who are willing to take shelter under the World Tree.

  You assume authority and teach them not to wait for disaster to strike again, only to allow all good things to be destroyed. "

  Qing Kong was a little dumbfounded, she never expected that inheritance rights could be divided like this.

  You take on the obligations, I enjoy the power.

  Such a distribution plan can only be thought of by World Tree, which is indifferent to the world.

   "Since you are so sincere, I will reluctantly accept the legacy of the previous World Tree. Let me explain first, what do I want to do, you can't interfere?"

   "Why should I interfere with you?"

  Qingkong felt that she was asking too much, what kind of ambition and greed can a tree have. Even if the World Tree of the previous generation was destroyed, it did not issue any orders. It only has compassion and dedication to all things, and does not ask for anything.

  The legacy of the previous generation World Tree was thus inherited.

  The clear sky rushed out from the center of Moonlight Lake following the rising tree trunks.

   A large number of green gemstones rushed out along with them. These were transformed from the core of the World Tree of the previous generation. They sprayed out and then wrapped in green light and slowly fell.

   At this time, the battle on Moonlight Lake was over, and among the green duckweed and red flowers, the surviving barbarian warriors were bloodied. When they saw the falling gems, they stretched out their hands and let the gems fall into their palms.

  Green halo swept across the body, and all the wounds were closed in the recovery of life energy. Fatigue is eliminated and the body returns to its peak condition.

  The core fragment of the dead tree king: it has a very strong recovery ability.

  The sheriff also got a gem, which was huge, bigger than his cat's head. The sheriff, who had changed back into a cat form, played with the gemstone with his paws, thinking about how to carry such a large stone with him.

   Everyone else looked at the big tree that sprang out from the center of Moon Lake.

  Its trunk completely fills the hole with a diameter of ten meters, and it will stop growing when it grows to a height of about one hundred meters. The forked branches are extremely thick, propping up a huge canopy, and the dense leaves rustle under the blowing of the wind. Within the range covered by the canopy, countless dots of green light flicker like fireflies, echoing the bright starry sky above.

  The moonlight rain stopped, and the moon cast a ray of moonlight on the new World Tree.

  At this time, an arch was opened at the lower end of the World Tree, and Qingkong came out from it.

  She took off her golden armor, and put on her head a crown of emeralds.

  Beautiful and noble, people dare not look directly at it.

  The gemstones in the hands of all the barbarian warriors burst out with strong light at this moment, and the message it conveyed made all the warriors bow down to the World Tree and the clear sky together.

   "Meet the Moonlight Tree King! Meet the Moonlight Queen!"

   Qingkong took off the crown and handed it to Jenny for safekeeping, and then strode forward.

   Give orders at the same time.

   "The Moonlight Tree King has just recovered. During its growth period, all nearby tribes must be prepared for earthquakes and flash floods."

   "From now on, the title of the World Tree ruins will be cancelled. The crater is named Moon Mountain, and together with Moon Lake, it is called Moonlight King's Court."

   "All the warriors who participated in the battle to defend the twigs of the World Tree will be given the title of Moonlight Knights, and the Moonlight Knights will be formed as the first army to defend the Moonlight Royal Court."

   "Send someone to notify all the barbarians in the western region... The World Tree is revived. The Moonlight Tree King and Moonlight Queen have established the Moonlight King's Court. The World Tree will protect them like their ancestors. Welcome to the Moonlight King's Court."

   "Order all the ferocious battle songs guarding the remains of the World Tree to confirm the location of the newborn ancient treants, and build a camp around the ancient treants, waiting for the follow-up orders from the royal court."


   Clear sky gave orders while walking.

  In the correct plot, the Moonlight King’s Court is a loose tribal alliance formed by the ancestors of the steppe for unity after the Moonlight Tree King was revived. Since the new World Tree, like the previous generation World Tree, has no interest in management, the Moonlight Royal Court has always been in a state of stocking.

  Wang Ting's influence in the Western Territory is strong, but very limited, and has gradually become a holy place for celebrities from all walks of life.

   This time the clear sky came to the grassland of the ancestors. The original purpose was to cooperate with the main body to play a big ticket in the western region and leave, so that the Moonlight Royal Court can continue to be its mascot. But who would have thought...a crown was put on the head inexplicably.

   Facing a poor and white ancestor grassland, whoring a queen for nothing, there is always something to do.

  First of all, it is to form a centralized royal court, and then to strengthen the recognition and sense of belonging of the western barbarians to the Moonlight Royal Court.

   Only by concentrating strength can we accomplish great things.

  The rest will be planned slowly.

  The sheriff turned into a big leopard cat again, he walked out of the world tree from the clear sky, and followed closely behind. Maobumai is arrogant, his tail is raised like an antenna, his eyes are arrogant and he regards everyone as nothing, and his heart is as happy as a fish that has swallowed a fish pond.

   That guy in the dark night flaunted in front of me all day after following a princess.

  What is a princess, we are now the queen's cat.

   Qingkong didn't know what the sheriff who followed her was like. She came to the lake to accept the worship of the newborn tree people.

  They are not as powerful as the ancient treants, and their one-meter-high bodies are very soft. Leaving the land to release magic is a great loss to them, and the branches and leaves are wilting like lack of water.

"For your sacrifice, I would like to extend my highest respect." Clear Sky saluted the newborn tree people: "The Moonlight Tree King still needs your continued protection. Go, find a piece of soft land, and put your roots deep into it. The world The power of the tree will be connected with you, and you will soon grow into real treant warriors, cultivating a forest for the royal court."

  Tree people bowed to the clear sky and spread out, looking for a suitable place to take root.

  At this time, the entire crater shook violently, and the world tree in the center of Moon Lake grew bigger again. The turbulent spring water erupted around it with a tide as high as ten meters, making the water surface obviously rise.

  The waterfalls around Moon Mountain became bigger and more urgent, and the mountain torrents poured down the mountain.

  On the grass outside Moon Mountain, the crown of the World Tree can already be seen protruding from the top of the mountain. All the watching barbarians burst into cheers resounding through the sky.

   World Tree is really back!

  The changes in the grassland superclass of the ancestors were completely out of Luke's plan for this westward journey. At first, he wanted to use the revived world tree so that Qingkong could borrow the power of the barbarians in the western region to cooperate with the encirclement and outflanking of the nobles in the western region.

  Now this "power" doesn't need to be borrowed, it is directly stuffed into his hands by the world tree, and the vast western region has become his own property.

   Then we can’t manage it well.

  The day of the Harvest Festival is getting closer, and with the increase of caravans from afar, Sunshine City has become crowded. The caravan that arrived later had to be stationed outside the city, and the goods piled up everywhere could not be seen anywhere in the western region.

  The number of nobles arriving is also increasing, and behind the prosperity are various murderous intentions simmering undercurrents.

  The eldest princess of the empire, who is on a mission to the west, is obsessed with shopping in Sunshine City. She didn't meet any aristocrats, and what she did every day was to squander a lot of wealth, buying carloads of special products from the Western Region.

  As the deputy envoy of the mission, what Meteor does is to focus on purchasing halfling wine. As the governor of Raging Waves City, he purchased halfling wine in a big way, which made businessmen who sensed business opportunities put their treasures on the appreciation of halfling wine.

  An insider spread the news that the price of halfling wine will increase by at least ten times when it is shipped to Raging Waves City.

  For a while, it was hard to find a barrel of halfling wine in the entire Riyao City, and someone had already offered a high price of 1.5 gold coupons for a barrel.

  Agatha spread money widely, and Luke specially raised the prices of special commodities, which caused the prices of Sunshine City to soar.

  The barbarian merchants who raised their faces were all smiling, while the lords raised were frowning.

  A meeting of the great nobles of the Western Territory was held in a secret basement in Sunyao Manor.

  Someone slapped the table at the beginning to express their dissatisfaction with Earl Ould: "Ould, we came to Sunshine City to participate in the Harvest Festival because we can buy the cheap supplies we want here.

   But my people visited the market in Sunshine City and told me... With the money I brought, I could only buy one-third of what I had last year, and maybe even less.

   What are you doing! "

   Someone said angrily: "Cousin Ould, are you going to use our money to please those barbarians? Remember your identity, you are the earl of the human race, with noble blood and family background.

  Don’t treat barbarians as relatives just because they helped you. Look at your army, it's full of barbarian soldiers, even the top generals are barbarians.

  If you really want to give the Sunshine Oasis to the barbarians, let me manage it for you! "