MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 336 Raging City Core Members Meeting

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  Roy Rachel is the leader of the Freedom Army in the Kama Mountains. The unique geographical environment and the secret support of Raging Waves City have allowed her team to develop very rapidly, from a few dozen people at the beginning to a scale of 300 people now.

  The free army attacked bandit camps everywhere in the Kama Mountains, and the determination to make this place their own base camp made the free army invincible in all previous battles. The bandits who relied on the mountain to rob the road suffered a devastating blow, which greatly improved the traffic conditions around the Kama Mountains.

  The winning streak gave Rachel a higher ambition, thinking that the opportunity to overthrow the empire and establish a free world has come.

  So, when Rachel heard that Governor Meteor had returned to Rage City, she brought a few cronies down the mountain and entered the city, trying to persuade Meteor to join her rebellion and create a new free country.

   Then Rachel was surprised to find that Rage City was more prosperous. The streets are full of traffic, and everyone's footsteps are in a hurry. The fast pace of the city makes it difficult for Rachel, who is used to staying in the mountains, to breathe.

  At the same time, the energy emanating from the whole city hit Rachel, and this feeling could not be experienced anywhere else in the world. Not only is it full of vigor, but also the self-confidence and pride of standing on the top of the world, so that everyone here wants to stay here and realize their own value.

  On the way, Rachel also saw the Nulei Tower rebuilt in Central Park. The new Wrath Tower is taller than the destroyed one, and the City Council has invited the Oulu Academy to be responsible for enchanting the tower. Moreover, under the suggestion of Governor Meteor, a sightseeing platform will be built at the top of the tower, and tourists can take the elevator to the top of Nulei Tower, from where they can overlook the scenery of the city and the ocean.

   I heard that after the new Nulei Tower is completed, its total height will reach more than 600 meters, and it will become the tallest artificial building in the world.

   Looking at the half-built Nulei Tower, Rachel couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

  Rachel and her partners arrived at the City Hall and successfully met Governor Meteor.

Sitting down in the reception room, and waiting for the unrelated personnel to leave, Rachel couldn't wait to say: "Master Governor, our chance has come! The Art County League has sent a message to all the liberals in the empire, and the County League will soon Launch an attack on the decaying empire. As long as we revolt within the empire to support the county alliance, we can quickly overthrow the Golden Shield royal family and rebuild a free country.

  Yate County United promised that after the overthrow of the Golden Shield Empire, they will not occupy the land of our country. When we Liberals complete the elections to form a national parliament, they will withdraw! "

  The day she had been waiting for finally arrived, and Rachel looked very excited.

"Promise?" Rachel's innocence and naivety made Luke laugh: "The relationship between countries is different from the relationship between people. You can trust a person's character, but you must never trust a country's country." Taste.

  Do you believe that you can get it back without paying any price for the land captured by Yate County United who died so many people? "

  Rachel said firmly: "If Yate County United doesn't return it, we will call it back!"

   "Joke, do you think the current war is still the same as before? A person with a knife is a soldier?

  Once the Yate County United overthrows the empire, the first thing to do is to evacuate all the industries in the empire, and then blow up Rage City to ruins.

   No economy, no steel, no industry... Yate County United don't need to occupy land, they can turn this country into a pig they raise, just come on time and slaughter it. "

  Luke's words obviously exceeded Rachel's cognition, but she thought these words were just perfunctory.

   "As long as you join us, how could the Art County United attack Rage City? Our common enemy is the corrupt and dictatorial empire.

  You don't need to worry about being liquidated, but you are very likely to be elected as the first president of the new country. "

Facing Rachel, who only had ideals but no thoughts, Luke said helplessly: "You are like a poor girl who was pulled into an MLM organization. I don't have much time to waste convincing you. I will prepare for you in prison. I bought a single room and some books, and I hope you can reorganize your worldview during the time you are detained."

  Rachel stood up abruptly: "You want to imprison me? You betrayed us!"

   Viscount Iscoran rushed in with a group of security officers and quickly subdued Rachel.

   "Your Excellency, the army to encircle and suppress the Freedom Army in the Kama Mountains has already set off. I didn't expect Rachel to come to see you at this time. This siege will be much easier."

   When Rachel heard that Raging City sent troops to encircle the Freedom Army, she was so angry that she cursed, but was immediately dragged out by the magistrate.

  The room is quiet.

   At the beginning, Luke supported this free army to have an excuse to form an urban militia. Now that the militia has been formed, the current situation in the imperial court does not care about Raging Waves City, so there is no need to keep this puppet.

  Luke said: "Don't embarrass the captured prisoners. People who are willing to sacrifice their lives for lofty ideals are worthy of respect. We may not be right, and they may not be wrong, but we are stronger than them now.

   If our path is wrong, we can leave them with lessons to learn from. "

Viscount Iscoran said sincerely: "Seeing the changes in this city, I firmly believe that the path you took us must be right. These liberals dare to believe in the promise of the Art County United, and the country will be handed over to them. That's the disaster."

  Luke said: "Don't mention these small characters, are you all here?"

  Viscount Iscoran saluted Luke: "Everyone is here, please go and preside over the meeting."

  Luke no longer thought about liberal matters, he stood up and walked out, Viscount Iskran followed closely.

  In the confidential meeting of the government affairs hall of Raging Waves City, the core members of the Luke faction gathered together.

  Rage City City Security Department Chief: Viscount Iskran

  Rage City City Financial Department Chief: Ible

  President of the Urban Alchemist Guild of Raging City: Mrs. Mihir

  Raging City City Militia Chief Instructor: Shelley

  Raging City City Militia Assistant Instructor: Pisco

  Director of the Public Security Department in the central area of ​​Raging Waves City: Nishizawa

  Inspector of Secret Affairs Bureau, Cape District, Raging City: Thomas

  Commander of Anti-smuggling Fleet in the cape area of ​​Raging Waves City: Mrs. Tasia

  Rage City Cape District Secret Affairs Bureau Ranger Captain: Lambert

  Rage City Haijiao District Machinery Factory Director: Wei Meng

  Secretary General of the Governor's Secret Art Office of Raging Waves City: Karina

  Rage City Governor's Chief of Staff: Yomington

  The special tactical team is responsible for the protection of the venue: sandpaper, kestrel, blue dove, egret, gray goose

  Sitting on the main seat of the conference table, looking at the two rows of subordinates on the left and right, Luke felt a different emotion in his heart at this moment.

  In the future world, development and chaos go hand in hand. The development of civilization is bound to break away from the old system, and gradually complete the establishment of a new system through plunder, war, and struggle.

  At the same time, the recovery of the world tree has added more variables that are even more impossible to ponder for this already unstable world order.

  Luke has received Pan's request to meet, and the demon tyrant has also sent a letter through Samuel to meet him.

   I don't know what the angels, dragons, and shadows will do.

  The team at this meeting is the basis for controlling Raging Waves City by oneself, and then responding to all challenges in the future.

   "I called everyone here this time because there are some important things to announce. With the invasion of the northern border of the empire, the expansion of the scale of the war is bound to affect Rage City.

  We must actively explore the war potential of cities without affecting the momentum of urban development. And ready to send troops to fight when necessary.

   Therefore, I decided to expand and reorganize the urban militia and form the Raging Waves Armored Assault Division. Appointed Shelley as the commander of the Raging Waves Armored Assault Division and Iskran as the chief of staff. The priority of all urban government affairs is to form and train armored assault divisions, and all departments try to release those who are needed by the assault divisions. "

   All the subordinates said in unison: "Follow your orders, Governor!"

   "Then it is to configure weapons and equipment for the armored assault division."

  Luke asked Karina to distribute the documents, and at the same time, the magical images of two alchemy puppets were projected in the middle of the conference table.

  One of the alchemy golems is a tin man commonly used by the military of various countries. Its structure is a metal mechanical skeleton, attached with alchemy muscle fibers, and covered with a layer of iron for protection.

  The Tin Woodman can carry out simple instructions, act as a porter on weekdays, and can be used as cannon fodder to cross the line in wartime. It is a consumable.

   Another alchemy golem is more advanced, with a soft metal skin that can be repaired automatically, and has elementary intelligence. It is called a metal soldier. This kind of alchemy golem fights with the elite squad and is used to attract firepower when necessary. It is an expensive consumable.

  The main armies of all countries pay great attention to the development and use of alchemy puppets. In some difficult battles, using alchemy puppets that are not afraid of death can often complete tasks that ordinary soldiers cannot complete.

After everyone got the documents, Luke said: "Our soldiers are limited, and every soldier is very precious and cannot be wasted meaninglessly. Therefore, we must give full play to our own advantages, increase the number of Alchemy Golems distributed and quality.

  Mrs. Mihir, you are in charge of the City Alchemist Association, do you have any good things to offer our city soldiers? "

  As a core member, Mrs. Mihir knew about the formation of the Raging Waves Armored Assault Division long ago, and also received instructions from Luke to develop a new type of alchemy golem.

   "Of course, Mr. Governor." Michel was very confident in what she brought, she released the spell, and the images of two alchemy golems appeared in the middle of the conference table. It's just that the appearance of these two alchemy puppets and the other two alchemy puppets seems to be exactly the same.

Mrs. Mihir's fingers were shining, and the image of the alchemy puppet rotated with her control. At the same time, she introduced: "The two types of military alchemy puppet currently used by the empire are actually very cost-effective. And many of our factories , these two alchemy golems can be produced now.

   If you want to develop a brand new alchemy golem, it will take a long time for research and development, and you will need a new production system. The new type of military alchemy puppet being developed by the Urban Alchemist Association cannot be mass-produced in a short period of time.

  So we use the existing technology to upgrade these two military alchemy golems.

   The first was a steam chassis designed for the Tin Woodman. "

  In the magic image, a square box appears next to the Tin Woodman. The Tin Woodman went to the box and squatted down. The box disintegrated into a set of exoskeleton armor attached to the Tin Woodman's body, and behind it was a set of steam engines that were smoking.

  Everyone looked at the Tin Woodman with the steam engine on with great interest.

Mrs. Mihir continued: "The steam chassis can provide the Tin Woodman with extra strength and load-bearing capacity, allowing them to have higher speeds. The disadvantage is that the auxiliary force provided by the steam chassis is too straight and hard, which has a negative effect on the durability of the alchemy golem's structure. A lot of damage, it is not recommended to use it in non-combat times, and it is not recommended for soldiers."

  Luke is already very satisfied that the Urban Alchemists Association can come up with such a thing in a short time.

   "Okay, hand it over to the machinery factory for production. How do metal soldiers upgrade?"

  Mrs. Mihir moved her fingers to manipulate the magic image, and a steam locomotive appeared beside the metal soldier.

   "This is an upgrade of the steam chassis, which can improve the combat maneuverability of metal soldiers. When needed, you can quickly reorganize your clothing and switch to a complete combat mode."

  Under the control of Mrs. Mihir, the metal soldiers straddled the steam locomotive, and then the steam locomotive sprayed out white steam and carried the metal soldiers on the conference table.

   When driving out of the table, turn around sharply and return to the origin.

  Then the steam locomotive transformed into a metal soldier attached to the exoskeleton armor. The two wheels stepped on the metal soldier's feet, and it could still maintain a high moving speed under the impetus of jet steam.

   "The cross-dressing steam locomotive has relatively high intelligence requirements for alchemy dolls. After testing by the Alchemists Association, metal soldiers can drive this cross-dressing steam locomotive very well."

  Luke is very interested in this transfigured steam locomotive.

  He knew that Mrs. Mihir's husband had a private steam engine research institute, which owned many of the world's top steam engine technology patents. Now that Mrs. Mihir has become the president of the Urban Alchemist Association, she can naturally get in touch with more advanced technologies, and thus complete the technical integration and come up with the deformable steam chassis technology.

  Before, transforming form could only be achieved through alchemy technology.

   And once the steam engine technology can be transformed, it means mass production and cheap.

  So Luke asked Mrs. Mihir: "With this reversible steam engine case and steam locomotive, can the amount of alchemy materials used inside the alchemy doll be reduced?"

  Luke's businessman thinking opened another door for Mihir technician.

   "The theory is feasible... Metal soldiers can reduce the use of alchemy materials by a small amount, while the Tin Woodman only needs to use a small amount of alchemy muscle fibers to drive the auxiliary force of the steam engine.

  But if the alchemy materials of the Tin Woodman are so streamlined, they can only be used as consumables in combat. "

Luke made a decision: "There are professional equipment for moving things, there are soldiers, and there are metal soldiers. All the tin men produced in the future will be converted into pure combat units, and... nest the tin man and the steam box together, and then design a Launcher, launch it directly during combat!"