MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 348 dungeon

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  Chapter 348 Dungeon

  The office building of Harut Heavy Industry Company in Dongdu has 15 floors. The dark exterior walls and red side strips give people an unusually solemn feeling. There are mercenaries driving war machines on patrol outside the building, and guards at the entrance and exit carefully check everyone's ID and carry-on items.

  After the outbreak of the war, the spies of the Golden Shield Empire were indeed very active in the Winter Capital, which made those big shots feel a bit like a snake, afraid of being accidentally assassinated.

  Luke took a taxi to Harut Heavy Industries Company. After he paid the fare, he walked up the steps of the building calmly stepping on the snow. There is no problem with the certificate and employment letter, and there is no contraband on him. The guard saluted him respectfully, and then said: "Mr. Luke, welcome to Harut Heavy Industry! You can take the elevator to the 9th floor, where there is a special reception Your people. Good luck with your work and life in Winter City!"

   "Thank you..." Luke nodded slightly while supporting the brim of his hat, and strode into the lobby of the office building.

  Up from the hall is a shaft leading directly to the roof. In the middle of the shaft stands a steam pipe that can only be embraced by two people's arms. Each floor has branch lines connected from the main pipe. The entire steam delivery system, while heating the entire building, also provides power for the stair defense system and the laboratories located in various places.

  Standing in the middle of the hall, Luke couldn't help admiring the uniqueness of Art County United in the field of steam. This kind of large-scale and efficient use of steam is something that Rage City cannot do. If Dongdu is not an inland city, and it is located at a high latitude, Raging Waves City will not be able to compete with Dongdu in the industrial field.

  Bad environment and climate are the congenital deficiencies of Yate County Union, and being controlled by heavy industry capital has caused Yate County Union to invest a very small proportion in low-efficiency light industry. This makes the living standard gap between the rich and the poor in Yate County very large. Mina's family can't afford gloves because they are very expensive here.

  All kinds of reasons make Art County United want to acquire the land in the south, and the social conflicts that are becoming more and more difficult to return can only use war to vent internal pressure.

  Luke hurriedly dispelled the divergent thinking. He didn't come here to do social research. Hurry to report, hurry to work!

   and other white-collar workers squeezed into a cage elevator, and when they reached the 9th floor, they saw the office area of ​​the steam engineer.

  Take out the certificate and employment letter at the front desk, and Luke sees his supervisor. After a brief question and answer, Luke successfully got his work permit from Harut Heavy Industry, a blue jacket overalls, and a steam pipe inspection form.

The supervisor is a very serious middle-aged woman. After completing all the procedures, she said to Luke: "You came too timely! The war against the Golden Shield Empire has greatly increased the company's production orders, and there are All warships require a lot of steel.

  In order to increase production, the range of steam boosting exceeds the orange danger value, and the frequency of steam pipeline failures has increased a lot. Many professional steam engineers are needed to inspect and repair pipelines.

  You don't have time to adapt to the new working environment, the people here are all sent out to inspect the pipeline. Take the map given to you, and walk through the lines that need to be checked today, and don't miss any potential failure points. "

   "Okay..." Luke recalled the supervisor's name: "Mrs. Yolanda, I'm going to check the steam pipe line now."

   Yolanda is very satisfied with this new employee. Not all new employees are willing to go underground to check the steam line on the first day of work.

  She reminded Luke: "You are only responsible for checking hidden dangers, just fill out the form carefully and bring it back. Don't give a clear response to anyone's questions, let alone make any suggestions for pipeline maintenance to the company's subordinate factories.

   The team responsible for protecting you is Ruskin Norton from the company's security department. Norton is a very experienced team leader. If you encounter any troubles, let him handle them. You only need to do what you are supposed to do. "

  Luke patted the form book in his hand and said with a smile: "Please rest assured, Mrs. Yolanda, I am not a meddlesome person."

   “Work hard and you will get paid very well.”

   "Goodbye, Mrs. Yolanda."

  Luke left the office area of ​​the steam engineer and took the elevator to go underground. In the area of ​​the security department of Harut Heavy Industry, he found the Norton team responsible for protecting himself from entering the underground steam city.

   There are four people in the Norton team.

  Squad leader Norton was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man. He was wearing a security team uniform canvas jacket, with a holster on both sides of his waist, and two long-barreled revolvers in the holster. With a wide-brimmed hat on his head and a cigarette dangling from his mouth, he looks like a cowboy in the west.

  Squad member Amao is a snowman with white hair all over his body. His body is like a strong polar bear standing up. Snowmen are the aborigines of the Northland, and their traces are all over the perennial ice and snow areas. As the United of Yate County expanded its territory to the poles, the Yeti naturally became a citizen of the United of Yate County.

   Snowmen have natural ice and snow skills. When encountering a steam leak accident, their ice and snow skills can quickly cool down the leak area, allowing maintenance personnel to safely repair the pipeline in an emergency.

  At the same time, Snowman has great strength and endurance, and can carry more equipment and supplies for the team. When trapped underground due to an accident, there is a snowman in the team, and the chance of survival will be much higher.

  Snowman doesn’t know the lingua franca. After Luke introduced Amao, Norton said: “I can tell you what you want Amau to do. Usually don’t get too close to him, he doesn’t like strangers very much.

  This is Harry, the outpost of the team, a very good thief. The underground is full of dangers, and he can help us prevent most of them. "

  Luke extended his hand to the thief enthusiastically: "Harry, hello, I'm Luke, the new steam engineer."

  Harry is short and thin, and his back is bent forward due to professional reasons. Facing Luke's outstretched hand, Harry was obviously taken aback, first happy and then inferior.

   "Thank you for the respect you have given me, but I am a despised thief, and I don't deserve to shake hands with a distinguished steam engineer like you."

   Before Luke could speak, his hand was held by a woman.

   "You are very interesting, unlike other steam engineers who look down on our hard-working coolies. My name is Rebecca, your last line of defense."

  Rebecca has a body-building body that attracts people's attention. The muscles on her body are not muscle mass trained in the gym and protein powder, but smooth muscle lines like long-distance runners. She had her security uniform jacket tied around her waist and wore only a tight T-shirt. A pair of shoulder straps were worn over the T-shirt, and a two-handed knife was stuck in a scabbard behind the shoulder straps.

  The blade is as wide as the palm of your hand, and the blade length reaches below the buttocks.

  Luke noticed that Rebecca's hair was very long, the dark red hair was tied into a ponytail, and the tip of the hair was as long as the blade.

  A very distinctive woman.

Luke shook hands with Rebecca: "Before I came to Winter City, I had heard about the dangers of the underground steam city. Criminals, gangs, pipeline accidents, underground creatures, and mysterious energy mutations will take people's lives at any time .

   I entrust my safety to everyone. "

The captain put a bullet belt on his shoulder, checked the gun again, and said to Luke: "Let's go, Mr. Luke. I saw your inspection route... It's not an easy road. Let's start as soon as possible, hoping to be able to Get back before nightfall.

  Harry, go get the track car ready. "

   "Yes, Captain." Harry opened the door and left.

  Amao howled and carried a large material box on his back.

  Rebecca stepped aside and said to Luke: "Please, Mr. Luke! During this journey, I will always be by your side, and Captain Norton will watch over us."

   "Let's go."

  Luke walks out of the room with the briefcase on his back.

  Walking through a long corridor, and then down a spiral staircase, a group of people arrived at the rail station built on the ground floor of the building.

  Harry has been assigned to a rail car.

   After everyone entered the carriage and sat down, the rail car slid along the rails deep underground.

  There is a large cave underground in Winter Capital. With the production of steam and heat transfer, as well as the development of mining and metallurgy, the cave gradually formed a colony of workers working underground. Later, the settlement became a town, and with the settlement of a gray industry, the underground of Dongdu became a unique underground city.

  Companies, factories, gangs, and those with special prestige control different areas of the city. In all kinds of contests and compromises, a set of order that is not expressly stipulated by laws is tacitly followed by all people living here.

   Not crossing the line is the most basic rule.

  The rail car slides down from the top floor of the cave along the spiraling rails, and the entire cave is the same as the surface day and night. During the day, the cave will emit red light to illuminate the city; at night, the red light will disappear, and the fluorescent moss on the cave wall will form a strange scene.

  Looking at the Dungeon Steam City from top to bottom.

  The area controlled by the company is orderly, mostly tall buildings. Most of the people inside are also well-dressed, and there are armed mercenaries patrolling and guarding.

  The factory area serving the company has a slightly lower style, with luxurious buildings and simple factory buildings.

   Other places are in chaos. The messy houses are like a maze, and there will be explosions from time to time.

  When Luke was about to land on the rail car, he saw a place suddenly burst into flames, and the strong explosion sound was extremely loud in the cave. And the members of Norton's team just glanced at the explosion zone, and then continued to chat casually.

  The rail car was parked in the station in the area controlled by Harut Heavy Industry, and Norton applied for an off-road vehicle with the instruction letter for repairing the pipeline. Then Norton asked Harry to drive, and the five of them left the underground steam city and drove towards the edge of the cave.

  Luke took out the map he got, compared it with the map in his mobile phone, and made a plan for his next move.

  The underground steam city is only a part of the winter capital's underground system, and most of the steam pipes are installed in intricate underground passages. Coupled with the mines dug out by mining, and the terrain changes caused by various landslides, the pipelines have been built and rebuilt, and rebuilt.

  In addition to the steam pipelines built by the company, there are many private or secret pipelines underground.

  The complexity of the pipeline here is no less than that of India's electrical system.

   There is another thing that most people don't know, that is, it is connected to hell. With the mining of underground thermal energy in Dongdu, the power from **** is gradually seeping in. The most direct change is... the mystification of underground steam pipes, in which the early steam pipes were transformed into mysterious props.

   It’s just that most of the early steam pipes have been disabled. What Luke needs to do now is to find out the steam pipes that need to be used according to the strategy, and then process them into auxiliary words and mysterious energy arrays suitable for the words of secret techniques.

   This is a very time consuming job and also requires having access to underground steam lines.

  So Luke applied to become a steam engineer at Harut Heavy Industries.

  This maintenance line...

  Luke found an early pipeline needed for the secret technique by comparing it with the array map of the secret technique on the mobile phone. One section of this pipeline was out of service because it was buried, and the other section continued to carry out steam transmission after maintenance, which is a line with a high incidence of failure.

   Then Luke noticed the end of the steam pipe.

   "Captain Norton..." Luke showed Norton a map, and he pointed to a mine area and asked, "This is the B36 mine. Was there a pipe burst accident a few days ago?"

  Luke didn't expect that he and Mina were so destined. On the first day she came to Winter Capital, she hired Mina as her maid; the first job to inspect the steam line was the B36 mine where Mina's father worked.

  Norton glanced at the map, shrugged and said: "During this period, due to the increased workload brought about by the war, all factories are operating at overload, and there have been more steam pipeline accidents.

  I don’t know if there have been accidents in the B36 mine recently, but some pipelines here are indeed very old, and accidents are very normal.

  Sir, you arrived in Dongdu on the first day, how did you know that there was a steam pipe burst accident in the B36 mine? "

  Luke did not hide this matter: "I met a girl at the train station. Her father worked in the B36 mine. A few days ago, he broke his leg because of a steam pipe accident.

   Now the family has no source of income. I pitied her and hired her to be my servant while I was living in Winter... a very poor child. "

Norton didn't have any emotions that resonated with Luke's description. He warned Luke: "I believe Mrs. Yolanda has warned you not to take care of things outside of your duties. The mine owners in the underground are not easy to mess with. people, offending them will bring you a lot of trouble."

   Rebecca, sitting next to Luke, also said: "Captain Norton is right. The underground factory owners and mine owners are both vampires and demons. If you offend them, you may disappear inexplicably.

  We can't protect you either. "

  Luke laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't cause trouble for you."

  (end of this chapter)