MTL - Alien Snack Bar-Chapter 37 Trembling

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When the son was a daughter-in-law, he took a bite of "mouse soup" with a hard scalp.

Ok? A few people shine brightly, and the taste seems to be really good.

Especially the little son, after the soup was cleaned, even the bones were reluctant to lose, and they were chewed and swallowed.

Chen Sanye feels that something is wrong, is it really delicious? I looked at my wife and whispered: "Give me a bite."

The wife took the bowl to one side, and Chen Sanye looked at his son again. The son pretended not to see the old father’s gaze, and he took a bowl of bamboo rat soup clean.

Chen Sanye had to smash the soup pot, hey, really fragrant.

"Qin boss's cooking is really good, no wonder the business is booming. Can you teach me how to stew the bamboo rat?" The grandmother is very interested in cooking, so she asked.

Chen Sanye took a table: "I don't know the rules."

The boss of Qin is doing business. He relies on these secret recipes to make money. He asks people that they will not say it.

But Qin Fei smiled and said: "There is no secret. The bamboo and rat meat is cut into pieces, and the onion, **** and garlic are first fried, then stewed with the soybeans..."

The process is not complicated, and maybe the grandmother can be derived from her own. Qin Fei does not need to cherish.

"Thank you Qin Boss." The daughter-in-law of the children was full of joy and remembered, and learned a good dish.

Full of satiated food, Qin Fei excuses to open the store at night, they will leave, but passing by the bamboo forest, and went to catch the bamboo rat.

"Little guy, are you a heatstroke?" Qin Fei grabbed a chubby bamboo rat.

The bamboo mouse was confused and shook his head, as if to say that I did not.

"No, you have it." Qin Fei took the bamboo mouse and went to the store.


When I came to the official road in the north of the city, the rain was even bigger. Qin Fei’s shoes were all mud. When I was too lazy to go, I found a big tree on the side of the road to avoid the rain. If there was a carriage passing by, I would pass by. Take a ride back to the city.

Friendly reminder, children can not rain under the tree, it is easy to be thundered.

The reason why Qin Fei is not afraid, because he feels that he is a handsome, handsome is generally not to be thunder.

"Booming!" The sky flashed thunder, Qin Fei quietly cocked the middle finger, I was handsome, you refused?

"咔拉拉." The thunder was louder and louder.

Qin Fei can't wait for the carriage, and he is still going back to the city with rain. Unexpectedly, at this time, two people dressed in front of him.

"This boss, I have a piece of ancestral dog gold, I want to go to the city to change some money, but the weather is not good, can't go, you don't have to look at it, just give me something to sell you." The tall man pulled out a piece of crepe from his arms and opened it to reveal a yellow stone.

The so-called dog-headed gold is the unrefined gold ore.

Such a large piece of gold ore, if refined, at least half a catty of pure gold.

Qin Fei came to the interest, took over and looked at it. He nodded: "The color is good, how much do you want?"

"Three or two hundred silver will come out." The tall man opened the price.

Qin Fei nodded: "I didn't bring so many silver tickets, so let's go find a car, let's take a ride back to the city."

The two squatting men nodded immediately: "Good." Then they went to the nearby official roads and stopped.

Not long after, the man in the coat stopped the carriage of a car: "This boss, get on the bus."

"Good." Qin Fei boarded the carriage.

In a short while, the carriage entered the city, Qin Feidao: "Just stop here, you wait for me in the car, I will take the money."

"Okay." The man in the clothes quickly promised to come down and watched Qin Fei enter a narrow alley.

"Big brother, get rich, a piece of copper ore sells three hundred and two silver!"

"What is this? Big Brother, I used to sell a bowl of imperial porcelain to sell eight hundred and two silver. You learned something."

Both people are happy, but after nearly half an hour, Qin Fei has not returned.

"Big brother, it's a bit wrong, do you want to see?"

"Okay." The two squatting men are ready to get off, but the coachman is about to stop the two. "There is still no money in the car. There are a total of 120 articles. Who are you giving?"

There is no money in the man’s body now, just saying: “Wait for me here, go back and tie up.”

"Go back to your mother, do you want to sit in the overlord car? Do you want to go to see me!" The coachman was very strong, and the two men in the coat were unable to move.

"Who is sitting in a fighter car?" The tall man is not angry. "This way, I stay here and let my younger brother get the money."

The driver did not relax his vigilance, but he left the short man.

The short man walked into the narrow alley that Qin Fei had drilled before, and he came back in a moment: "Big brother, this is a dead end, there is no one at all."

The tall man stunned, and the gas was directly drawn. In what year, the scammers were deceived, and there is no reason!


Free to take a carriage, Qin Fei Shen Qingqi back to the exotic snack bar, as for gold ore or copper ore, he actually does not know how to distinguish, but there is no free lunch under the sun.

As long as you keep in mind that you are not greedy and cheap, any tricks are invalid.

Because it was raining today, many people did not start work, and the diners came to the snack street to occupy a seat early.

Especially the diners at the snack bar in different circles, each is a talent, and the boss is also very good at speaking. It is better to come here to pass the time than to face the yellow face of the family.

The diners were wrapped around Qin Fei and asked him to tell a story, but Qin Fei’s mood was not very good today, and he refused.

Can someone die, which pot does not open which pot, ask: "To Qin boss, your sister?"

Qin Fei’s face was black and he did not answer. He just said: “Suddenly think of a story, let me listen to it.”

"It is said that there is a contradiction between husband and wife, and the husband killed his wife and secretly buried it in the backyard."

"The strange thing is The children in the family love the mother, the mother has not seen many days, and has never cried."

"Father can't help but ask the child, don't you wonder where the mother went?"

“The child replied, isn’t the mother always behind you?”


This is a very short story of ghosts. After the diners have finished listening, they can't afford a cold sweat: "The trough, the trough, the boss of Qin, you suddenly come, not letting people have a mental preparation, scared me!"

"The meaning of Qin boss, he killed the little sister?"

"Fart, the ghost story will be fun!"

"It is said that children have clean eyes and can see things that ordinary people can't see."

"Yeah, sometimes when a child looks at a place and smirks, I am creepy."

The diners were shivering and shivering. Qin Fei felt much more comfortable and went back to the kitchen to cook.

One diners called Zhang bold, hard-pressed and forced to say that they were not afraid, and then hugged another one-year-old child with a diners: "What is so scary for children, how cute you are."

Unexpectedly, this little child was originally smiling, suddenly looked awkward, looking at one direction with both eyes.

That is the corner of the snack bar, nothing, only an empty bench!

The diners have numb scalp, is there a ghost there? !

Zhang boldly shakes like a sieve, lying in the trough, don't be so evil, I don't want to force it anymore.

However, the child suddenly turned into a refreshing face, and once he slid, he pulled the trousers and pulled it into the bold body.

The rest of the diners smashed and smiled, and the snack bar was full of joy.

As everyone knows, the empty bench did not move, it seems that the person sitting is getting up...