MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 74 Astrologers and Rebels (3)

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A person who cultivates immortals does not know the years, the cold and heat, once Ling Yan retreats into meditation, and then wakes up, the time flies, and a few years have passed.

When the calamity clouds above her head dissipated, she slowly walked out of the retreat cave and saw a group of elders and disciples waiting outside the door.

"Congratulations to Xing Xuanjun!"

No mentality will make these compliments, Ling Yan is secretly annoyed at this time, and has let Gu Zhong go alone for a few years.

Although the jade talisman has never changed, I don't know how much grievance this person has suffered.

At this time, she desperately wanted to visit, and it was not impossible to bring it back to the door.

"Young Sect Master, Sect Master please!"

Ling Yan still didn't go to Gu Zhong first to take a look.

Since Heming Mountain's monsters changed, there has been no major event in the Xiu Xian world. However, in the confrontation between the fairy and the monster, the power of the fairy gate is getting weaker and weaker, and more and more monsters are emerging from the land of Kyushu, but today they can still maintain a delicate balance.

However, there was a report from the mountain recently, saying that all the villagers in several deep mountain villages disappeared for no reason, suspected of being the work of monsters.

This matter is abnormal, and it happened that Ling Yan broke through the border, so she sent her to investigate, and it was good to consolidate her realm through experience.

A few years have passed, so there is no rush at this time.

Gu Zhong never imagined that he would look so embarrassed when he saw Xing Xuanjun, who had fascinated her for years.

Even when faced with a crisis that was difficult to deal with, he was the first to be thrown out.

When the hurricane wolf's **** mouth bit her, Gu Zhong almost thought that his miserable life was coming to an end.

However, she never imagined that a burst of white light burst out from her arms, turning into a star power like silk, and instantly shattering the golden elixir monster into ten thousand pieces.

The next second, the mysterious white robe branded deeply in her mind appeared in front of her eyes. She looked inexplicably with a touch of divinity. It also made the disgraced Gu Zhong feel even more ashamed.

The colleague who had slipped away saw the monster die inexplicably and knew what treasure Gu Zhongding had.

How to expect Ling Yan to descend from the sky, glanced at it coldly, and their meridians were stagnant, and they dared not do it again, and hurriedly crawled away from here.

"Are you all right?"

He softened his expression and restrained the momentum of transcending the calamity. Ling Yan just stepped forward and walked cautiously towards Gu Zhong, who was sitting on the ground and watching her.

The fluctuation triggered by the jade talisman really shocked Ling Yan for a moment.

"Thank you for your help!"

Recovering, Gu Zhong hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted.

Seeing her so unfamiliar and polite, Ling Yan felt a stagnation in her heart, but she also knew that this was the inevitable result of the huge gap in identity and strength.

Besides, this is the second time they meet.

"No more politeness."

"You and I are also destined, so you don't have to make any false gifts when you meet again. I have always disliked such things."


Gu Zhong looked embarrassed, even if His Holiness promised so, people with low strength could not overtake it at will.

"As you wish."

Seeing her like this, Ling Yan sighed helplessly and turned to talk about other things.

"Your fellows are not right, stay away. Why don't you go with me for a while?"

"...Okay, thank you, Immortal Master!"

The moment Ling Yan appeared, there was a voice in Gu Zhong's heart that kept shouting, eager to be closer to her.

I never thought it would be possible.

One after the other, just like in the past.

The difference is that Ling Yan said a few more words than before.

"How come your realm is stagnant?"

"The disciple is not talented, and there is no talent in the way of immortality."

Hearing Ling Yan's question, Gu Zhong clenched his hand on his side for a moment, then let it go again weakly, and replied in a low voice.

"May I have a look at your inner palace?"

Ling Yan has been in doubt for a long time about the stagnation of Gu Zhong's realm.

It's really unreasonable.

In view of the inner palace, generally only the most trusted relatives and elders can do it.

After all, it is a matter of life.

Xu was because Ling Yan saved him twice, perhaps because of the inexplicable trust and affection in his heart, Gu Zhong did not reject her, but agreed.

With permission, Ling Yan turned his spiritual power into filaments, pierced into his dantian, and probed inward along the spiritual vein.

But for a moment, the result shocked her.

No matter how much spiritual energy circulates in her body, it can't be retained, and it is no wonder that there is no benefit for many years.

However, if Gu Zhong can step into the threshold of immortal cultivation and enter the period of qi training, the spiritual root must be taken away after she stepped into the immortal gate.

Thinking about it, Ling Yan only wanted one person—Yao Yun.

As Gu Zhong's master, he is the only person who can visit Zhong's inner palace, and he should be the only one who can find out the problem of the spiritual root in Gu Zhong's body.

"Immortal Master? But what's wrong?"

Seeing Ling Yan's solemn expression, Gu Zhong asked nervously.

Looking at Gu Zhong who was unaware, Ling Yan was not sure whether she should tell her the truth.

For so many years, Gu Zhong has always believed that diligence can make up for one's weakness, even if there is no benefit, he will continue to work hard.

If she knew that with her current physique, how to cultivate is useless, it would be no less than a devastating blow to her.

However, if she conceals this matter and allows her to go further and further down the wrong path, how is that different from fooling?

Sometimes the so-called white lie is far more hurtful than the truth.

Ling Yan stared at Gu Zhong for a moment, in those black as obsidian eyes, she saw the inexhaustible will and unyielding.

She forgot that the God of War was never easily defeated.

How can you not accept the fact with such care?

"You know, you have no spiritual roots?"