MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 83 Astrologers and Rebels (12)

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The voice called again, full of endless thoughts and tenderness.

No longer caring about anything else, Ling Yan turned around suddenly.

The traces of hardships and ups and downs have completely dissipated.

Now it looks more like the snow lotus on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, with a coldness that penetrates the heart and spleen.

Ling Yan knew at a glance that this was Gu Zhong, the true **** of war.

"Looks like you're in trouble again..."

Gu Zhong sighed lightly and stared at Ling Yan with tender eyes.


Ling Yan only felt that her mouth was dry, these two words tremblingly overflowed from the corner of her lips.

"Your cultivation?

In the blink of an eye, Gu Zhong landed in front of her and put his fingertips on her forehead. Immediately, the sword frowned, and his expression became serious.

The completely different words, deeds and cultivation realm coercion, as long as those present are not fools, they should know that this care is no longer the previous care.

"Senior, please listen to me, it's all a misunderstanding."

"What's the matter?"

Gu Zhong ignored him at all, all her mind was still on Ling Yan.

"You... don't remember?"

Carefully issue a tentative inquiry.

The person who was thinking about it was standing in front of her, but Ling Yan suddenly didn't know how to face it.

She recalled the nightmare that had been haunting for thousands of years, the black mist that filled the sky and the **** hand inserted into her lover's chest.

The tragic past that she did not want to recall, she was to blame for her death.

"Remember what?"

Looking at Ling Yan with a puzzled look, Gu Zhong didn't seem to understand what she was talking about.

"What happened to the Battle of the Leading Edge?"

There is a guess in my heart, Ling Yan asked again.

"Liding? When did the gods fight against the demons?"

The words were full of shock that could not be faked, but it confirmed the slightly disappointed conjecture in Ling Yan's heart.

—This concern is just a residual memory... Her memory only survives the time when this cave was built.

Obviously, everything she was looking for was for the resurrection of her lover, but at this moment Ling Yan felt a despicable sigh of relief.

Only now did she realize that she was completely unable to face the real concern, the one she killed herself.

That's all right, at least it's her, though not quite her.

Even if this is just a remnant that will dissipate at some point, I can let myself embrace the warmth for a moment.

The hooligan Gu, who has always been stubborn and took advantage of his face, was caught off guard by Ling Yan's initiative for the first time, and he couldn't help but stay in place, his eyes widened.

Equally shocked, there are the voice door people lying on the ground unable to move.

Qingzhu's eyes were full of shock at first, but then gradually turned into reality, and finally became sad.

They thought they knew the reason why Ling Yan would accept a waste wood as an apprentice-because she had the same face as the deceased person, and now she has become the skeleton of that person.

Although I don't know when and where Xing Xuanjun met such a powerful man, Qingzhu clearly understands in his heart that he has no chance.

After a moment of shock, Gu Zhong calmly accepted his lover's rare initiative.

She hugged Ling Yan's soft waist back and gave a deep kiss back. Between their lips and tongues, the smell of fishy sweetness filled their mouths.

During the tenderness, Gu Zhong felt the deep thoughts and sadness that came from her soul. Although she did not know why Ling Yan was sad, she knew how to comfort her.

"Ayan, I'm here."


It seems that only by repeating her name aloud can she express her longing for so many years.

"Ayan, I..."

Gu Zhong seemed to want to say something, but before he finished speaking, his aura instantly weakened.

At the same time, the shackles that besieged the upper voice door disappeared.

Aware of this obvious change, Ling Yan quickly pulled away three feet away.


The man shouted, a completely different call, it was Gu Zhong coming back in this life.

She doesn't have the aura of the whole body, as if she lost her spell after midnight and was beaten back to her original shape, she is still an inconspicuous weed.

The corner of her mouth raised a bitter and clear smile, and she called out again.


When she was occupied by the familiar and trusting residual thoughts, she did not lose her perception and consciousness.

She soberly looked at the consciousness that called the master she secretly lusted after as "A Yan", so familiar and intimate, the buried past and love were inaccessible to others.

I watched the master kiss the body actively, and also felt the alcohol between her lips.

For a moment, Gu Zhong didn't know whether to hide under this skin and enjoy the tenderness that did not belong to her, or to be jealous and resist.

Someone else.

She was lucky to have the same face as this person.

Bring her to this dangerous secret realm, presumably to find this remnant, she is just a tool to carry.

Master just wants to revive the care she loves.

This is such a sad and depressing fact, Gu Zhong should hate Ling Yan, but she can't.

After all, Ling Yan did save her from despair over and over again, allowing her to truly see the world of immortality and experience everything she had never experienced before.

Dun Dun's teaching is so diligent and sincere that I can't see any reluctance to adulterate.

Even if he wanted to give her his life, Gu Zhong would not hesitate.

However, if she were to be a puppet with a soul, Gu Zhong would not be reconciled.

Even though she still has consciousness and perception, it is not her own hands to touch the beloved.

The soul was imprisoned, and she could only watch her body being manipulated by a lonely ghost who came from nowhere to kiss and embrace the master she loved so much.

The thought of this made her unbearable, and it was absolutely not allowed.

So she began to use all her strength to smash the barrier that cut off the soul in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the result was unexpectedly as she wished.

She easily gained control of her body, but she could detect that the residual thoughts did not dissipate, just fell asleep in a corner of her sea of ​​consciousness, waiting for the opportunity to wake up again.


Looking at Gu Zhong's eyes full of grief, the repeated thoughts and guilt in Ling Yan's heart once again flooded into Ling Yan's heart.

They should be alone, after all, there is only one concern in every life.

But they are really not alone. When the remnants of the past and the present coexist, how to separate the emotions.

This life is more complicated than ever.

The hard work she once made has been rewarded, and she is no longer a waste material that is not profitable.

"In the future, your cultivation will be fine. Congratulations..."

This is Ling Yan's heartfelt congratulations and joy.

"Does Master really think so?"

Gu Zhong lowered his eyes and stopped looking at Ling Yan, his hand tightly clasping the sword at his waist.

She can feel that this sword does not belong to her.

"Why do you say that?"

Hearing this, Ling Yan was startled, Gu Zhong seemed to have made up something in his mind, and the snowball of misunderstanding between the two was getting bigger and bigger.

"I don't want to be as Master wishes."

Forcing the reluctance in his heart, Gu Zhong took off the sword from his waist and held it in front of Ling Yan.

Perhaps due to the catalysis of focusing on the origin, this spirit sword has quietly changed.

After the spirit sword removed all disguise, Ling Yan recognized the sword that was familiar to her.

This is the Yanyun sword that Gu Zhong asked for from her because of a small bet.

I still remember when Gu Zhong asked for the sword at that time, he was chased by this powerful spirit sword and beaten half of the gods.

If she hadn't reassured Yan Yun that she would protect Ling Yan until her death, I'm afraid that Yan Yun would not be the master of her.

Recalling the comical appearance of the mighty God of War in a low voice and kind words in front of a sword, Ling Yan's mouth couldn't help but evoke a nostalgic smile.

"Master, this is also her sword..."

Gu Zhong handed the sword to Ling Yan again, a wave of anger gradually rose in her heart, for the past that made Master unconsciously indulge.

"This is your sword too."

Ling Yan did not take Yanyun, she restrained her thoughts and looked at Gu Zhong seriously, hoping that she could understand what she meant.

"No, it's not mine."

At this time, Gu Zhong seems to be a child who is awkward because of not getting attention, stubbornly insisting on his own ideas, not giving an inch.

" are you doing?"

Ling Yan sighed lightly.

"It's not mine, it should be returned."

Forcibly holding back the love for the spirit sword in his heart, Gu Zhong kept reminding himself that it was not a real idea.

"And then what?"

Ling Yan patted the sword soothingly when she heard Yan Yun's dissatisfied sound on Gu Zhong's hand.

The sword follows the master, but I don't know which master it follows, so arrogant.

When I don't want it, I hate it. I really don't want it, but I get angry.

"Forgive my disciples for offending, and ask Master to allow me to leave."

Gritting her teeth, Gu Zhong finally violated the desire in her heart and said something she thought she would never say.

"Gu Zhong, do you want to betray your teacher?"

The jade hand holding the sword stopped, Ling Yan looked at Gu Zhong with a burning gaze.