MTL - All the Cultivators In the Immortal World Think That the Peak Master is Ruthless.-Chapter 286 The main peak direct disciple 8

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   Chapter 286 The main peak's direct disciple 8

   This incident was like a small episode, and it was revealed just like that.

  Gu Qingmo didn't say anything after he came back, and Mo Chuli gave up the question after he hesitated several times.

  Everyone did what they had to do as usual, but Gu Qingmo went to the main peak more and more times, and each time he stayed there for longer and longer.

   "Senior brother, do you still not allow me to go down the mountain?" Gu Qingmo sipped the fruit wine in the glass, and Liu Qingbai looked at her with a headache.

  Senior brother in charge didn't know what kind of stimulation Gu Qingmo had received, and suddenly he had to go down the mountain.

   Also, I used to come and ask every once in a while, but now I come here every day.

  Liu Qingbai grabbed the wine glass that Gu Qingmo brought to his mouth, and he didn't know what was going on. I don't know when, Gu Qingmo brought it no longer tea, but wine.

   "Don't you like drinking? Why are you drinking again now?"

   And have been drinking for several days.

   A thin red appeared on Gu Qingmo's indifferent face. Compared with the past, it was a little more vivid, and he was no longer the aloof Gu Fengzhu.

   "Senior brother, you haven't answered me yet."

  Liu Qingbai always felt that Gu Qingmo's state was not right, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, and even felt that her state was better than before.

   is like, found the target.

   "No, definitely not going down the mountain." Although Liu Qingbai was very worried about Gu Qingmo asking every day, he still did not let go.

   "Senior brother, you won't be ripped off." This was the first time Gu Qingmo had seen such a determined Liu Qingbai.

   In the past, when Liu Qingbai spoiled her, no matter what it was, as long as she said it more than three times, Liu Qingbai would definitely let go.

   But now, it’s been almost a month, and I just don’t let go.

   Not only Liu Qingbo was worried, but Gu Qingmo was also worried, "Senior brother, do you think I can find the meaning of the words Master left?"

   There is also the real cause of Master's death.

  Liu Qingbai hesitated for a while, and then rejected it.

  Gu Qingmo sighed, and returned to Jianfeng after drinking the wine.

  Gu Qingmo went directly to the hot spring, while Mo Chuli and the three were still in the front hall, and they would definitely not come over in a short time.

   There is nothing to say why she insisted on going down the mountain, she just wanted to find an answer.

After going out, she discovered that there are more and more secrets around her, not to mention the two magic circles that have not been solved until now, that is, the placement principle of the two four elephant stones, Xia Qing has not yet See something.

  Gu Qingmo took off his coat and went into the hot spring with only his underwear on.

  The warm spring water wets the clothes and sticks them tightly to the skin, reflecting a little white.

  Gu Qingmo has a high-level camouflage magic weapon on his body. Even if he is lying in the hot spring like this now, all he sees is the body of a man.

  The three people who practiced swords in the front hall have finished a stage and are resting.

   Mo Chuli saw two people, one was wiping the sword and the other was reading the sword manual.

   So he made an excuse to run into the apse, Sun Yuzhou raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Chuli's cheerful footsteps, until he disappeared, then he looked back.

  Mo Chuli sneaked to the apse, he felt it just now, and Gu Qingmo came back.

   And, as soon as I came back, I came to the apse.

   Recently, seeing Gu Qingmo less and less time, Mo Chuli's heart began to feel anxious for no reason.

   The idea of ​​​​seeing Gu Qingmo is getting stronger and stronger, how could he miss this opportunity.

   Mo Chuli thought he was sneaking to see Gu Qingmo, but in fact he was discovered long ago.

  Gu Qingmo was not hypocritical, and shouted directly to the door, "If you want to come in, come in, why be so sneaky."

  Mo Chuli was so frightened by the sound that he almost poked a hole in the door and window, and quickly opened the door and walked in.

   Behaves generously, but the expression on his face is cautious and somewhat embarrassed.

   "Brother, the disciple is wrong," Mo Chuli sneered at Gu Qingmo while silently drooling in his heart, "The disciple just wants to see the master too much, the disciple didn't do it on purpose."

  No matter what, it’s okay to admit your mistake first.

  Gu Qingmo just glanced at him, then took out a jar of wine, "Can you drink?"


   Gu Qingmo remembered again that Mo Chuli had been banned from drinking by her, so she probably wouldn't.

"come here."

  Mo Chuli's body was faster than his brain, and he immediately moved when he heard the command.

After    approached Gu Qingmo, he realized that there was a faint scent of wine on Gu Qingmo's body, and when he looked closely, her face was still slightly red.

  This is... Drunk?

   "In the future, exercise your alcohol intake."

   Mo Chuli held the wine jar and didn't move, so now Gu Qingmo is talking drunk?

   Why else would you suddenly let him drink?

  Gu Qingmo saw Mo Chuli staring blankly at her, and waved his hand, "Go back, Yuzhou should find her."

  Mo Chuli immediately returned to his senses, he couldn't let Sun Yuzhou see Gu Qingmo like this, "The disciple retire."

  Sun Yuzhou saw Mo Chuli come back with a wine jar, without asking a question, just by looking at the silly smile on Mo Chuli's face, he knew who gave the jar of wine.


   After a few days, Wanjianzong was full of guests.

  When Mo Chuli got up, he felt the tension in the atmosphere.

   Especially Sun Yuzhou, he is usually the most diligent one, but when he got up in the morning, Mo Chuli didn't see anyone, not even Chu Xu, not even Gu Qingmo.

  Mo Chuli couldn't care about anything else, and ran down the mountain quickly, and happened to meet He Chuci who was attracting guests on the way.

   "Senior Brother He, is there something important in the sect?" Mo Chuli glanced at the few people standing beside He Chuci, looking at the clothes, they should be disciples of other sects.

  He Chuci first introduced Mo Chuli to those people, and then answered Mo Chuli, "Didn't Gu Fengzhu say it? In two days, the sect master's apprenticeship ceremony will be over."

   "Accept apprentices? Who?" Mo Chuli was confused, he had never heard of which apprentice Liu Qingbaiyi belonged to.

  He Chuci didn't expect that Mo Chuli really didn't know anything, "It's Chu Xu, you two live together, haven't you heard him say it?"

  Mo Chuli:  …

  Sorry, not really.

  What is this? When I woke up, I found that I was the only one who didn't know such a big news.

  He Chuci comforted Mo Chuli, and by the way told him that Gu Qingmo went to the main peak to find the palace master of Misty Immortal Palace.

   Mo Chuli's emotions faded visibly, "Senior Brother He, do you know why Master asked Palace Master Helian?"

   "I don't know."

   "I see, thank you brother."

  The main peak is not allowed to go up casually without special permission.

  Mo Chuli rushed to the main peak on a whim, standing at the foot of the mountain and couldn't go up, so after thinking about it, he should go to Sun Yuzhou first.

   Such a big thing, how could he, a direct disciple, not show his face.

  Others, wait for Gu Qingmo to come back and ask again.

   In Yuelan Garden, where the main peak is banqueting guests, Gu Qingmo suddenly felt a little itchy nose.

   Ask if there are any new teachers who are interested in the new semester——

   Me: I like Teacher Shi.

   Roommate K: I like it too, she is really beautiful.

   Roommate M: Who is Teacher Shi?

   Roommate Z: The teacher who taught us on Monday.

   Roommate J: It turned out to be her, I like it too.

   Me: I have been looking at her face in class, her skin is really super good, white and light.

   Roommate M: I think her figure is really good.

   Roommate F: Me too, her figure is really good.

   Roommate J: She doesn't have a small belly and is very flat.

   Roommate F: Yes, yes! Super envious!



   (end of this chapter)