MTL - Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters-Chapter 20 lost soul

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No one could see it because it was so fast, but Lin Tingjun saw it. The copper furnace seemed to slow down in his eyes. The air became twisted. This is definitely not the power of mortals!

Therefore, if this copper furnace falls to the ground, it will inevitably be filled with stones and dust! No, he only brought one piece of clothing. He immediately touched the ground with his toes and quickly dodged backwards, but still not as fast as the copper furnace.

I only heard a loud "boom!", and immediately the mud and dust all over the ground were shaken up, and the sand and rocks were flying, and I felt that the ground was shaking as if it was cracked.

Lian Youyou stood on a high place, only to see a small yellow mushroom cloud explode below, almost covering everyone in the yard. She grinned, this is also a master who is not too big to watch the excitement.

During the shock, all the villagers who stood close were splashed with soil head-on, and the strong airflow raised their clothes, and some of them didn't shut up, and the strong airflow directly rushed into their mouths, knocking their mouths open. The face was blown out of shape. A few of them were so thin that their feet were off the ground!

Yu Chifeng immediately raised his hand to block in front of him, but he also really felt the strong air current, and the flying dust made him unable to open his eyes at all.

The flying sand covered the sunlight, and standing in it, it was like the end of the world, which made people tremble with fear. Li Xiangu was suddenly paralyzed by the strong air current, this is, this is meeting an expert!

Although she is a liar, a liar can recognize real people better!

After a while, the wind was calm and the people who stood close were covered in dirt. Liu Qiang's body in the courtyard was also covered with dirt and buried directly at the scene.

Although the people at the door didn't feel as strongly as the people inside, the mushroom cloud really scared them. The wind blew the mushroom cloud away, and sand and sand entered their eyes one after another.

Who would have thought that a small copper incense burner could produce such a large mushroom!

Lian Youyou smiled secretly, jumped down the tree, and stood right next to Lin Tingjun. His figure was still a little slow, his face was preserved, but his clothes were still not preserved. The black official robe was covered with a layer of dust, which was particularly obvious.

Lin Tingjun glanced at her and patted the ashes off his body.

"How is it? Is it enough for me to enter your ninth gate?" Lian Youyou whispered to Lin Tingjun on tiptoe.

Lin Tingjun slapped his gray hands, glanced at Lian Youyou, Lian Youyou blinked at him, and walked towards the yard where the dust was slowly settling.

Lin Tingjun's eyes moved with her, and suddenly, a figure that was exceptionally clean among the natives caught his attention, because that person was at the epicenter, logically, he should have the most sand on his body, but his There is no dust on the white clothes, and the white ground is still dusty and refined.

Lin Tingjun half-closed his eyes, isn't this the fool who followed Lian Youyou? The clothes on him... He folded his arms around his chest, his eyes lit up: really nice!

"Cough cough cough cough..."

"Ah Choo! Ah Choo!"

The yard was full of coughing and sneezing, with dirt all over their heads and faces, and those who were close to the ground were all natives like the terracotta warriors.

"Everyone has seen that, as long as the height is high enough and the speed is fast enough, a censer can also make a hole..." Lian leisurely paced back to the courtyard and stood by the pit of the copper stove.

The villagers opened their eyes, and Mrs. He and his wife also stepped forward to have a look.


A small pit and fragments of a copper furnace came into view. Even if Lian Youyou didn't explain, the dust that was raised just now was enough to convince people. Moreover, such a thick pure copper furnace was broken! That's something even the strong men in the village can't do!

"Bah! Bah!" Guo Deguo just spit out a mouth full of dust, he didn't bother to pull up Li Xiangu who was sitting on the ground, and was just busy wiping his face clean first.

General Yu Chifeng was also very surprised, but he thought carefully, isn't that the reason for the catapults used in marching and fighting? It's strange that the mechanical complexity of the catapult can throw so much force. How did this little village girl achieve such force from the height of a poplar tree?

Of course, Yu Chifeng doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, he doesn't even believe in celestial masters who exorcise evil spirits, in his eyes, those are magic sticks. Therefore, his first thought was that this Lian Youyou is a powerful martial arts master!

A copper furnace smashed out a shocking mushroom cloud, which also caused Lian Youyou's identity to undergo different changes in the eyes of different people.

Yu Chifeng regarded her as a martial arts master who went down the mountain, Li Xiangu regarded her as a genuine celestial master, and Lin Tingjun did not regard her as a human being anyway. Is it because the evil spirits are about to be punished? He still has to make further observations.

Of course, these Lian Youyou don't know yet. Although she is not human, but due to the loss of divine power, she can no longer hear other people's thoughts clearly. Now she is only a little better than Ling Tingjun, and a little worse than the immortals of the mortal world, just such an awkward position. If a powerful monster really came at this time, he might be able to slap her to death.

Lian Youyou continued to smile at everyone, can she stop laughing now? Everyone looks like a panda with the color reversed, only the circle around the two eyes is white, and the rest is full of dirt.

"Are a few villagers already unable to stand upright just now?" Lian Youyou looked at the thin ones, they nodded repeatedly, with panic on their faces, and it seemed that they were terrified.

Lian Youyou tried her best to put on a serious and sincere expression: "So, the fire from the sky can blow people away..." Lian Youyou gestured with her right hand to fly up, "And Liu Qiang's fate is not good. When he fell, he just landed on a tree. On the broken tree..." Lian Youyou bent down, pulled out the chopsticks that He Shiqi had been holding on to, and the dusty steamed bun was stuck in the chopsticks!

"Oh—" There were exclamations again and again, and the same amazed expressions appeared on all the faces.

"What about the monster?! We all saw it!" Someone shouted.

The corner of Lian Youyou's mouth raised, full of confidence: "Did you really see clearly?"

Lian Youyou's voice seemed to be polite to several strong men, but in reality they hesitated in questioning, especially Lian Youyou's extraordinarily confident and sharp eyes, which made them a little guilty.

"Did you really see clearly!" Suddenly, Yu Chifeng yelled loudly like a bell, which made everyone's brains buzz, as if someone had slapped the ears hard.

The strong men shook their heads repeatedly: "No, I didn't see it clearly, but Dongzi saw it. He said he saw a monster."

Everyone quickly kicked the ball to the frightened Liu Dong.

Lian Youyou looked at Liu Dong who was curled up in the corner and hugged by his mother.

Liu Qiang's father swung his **** and shouted viciously: "How do you explain my son's matter! If it wasn't for a monster, he would be so frightened that he lost his soul!"

Lian Youyou smiled lightly: "Have you really lost your soul? Then I'll help you..." She narrowed her eyes suddenly, "Call me back." As she spoke, her figure flashed past Yuchifeng, bringing out a human look Brushing past Yu Chifeng's face, Yu Chifeng hadn't reacted yet, "Cen!" Lian Youyou pulled out his machete, leaped to Liu Dong with lightning speed, and chopped it down!