MTL - American Entertainment 1982-Chapter 84 what a beautiful morning

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  Chapter 84 What a Beautiful Morning

  The alarm clock rang in the morning, and Tommy closed his eyes, enduring the hangover headache and said, "Jason, turn off that **** alarm clock!"

   Waiting for a few seconds without Jason's response, Tommy shouted impatiently again: "Jason! Stupid*! I'm Boss, I order you to get up and turn it off!"

   Still no response from Jason, Tommy opened his eyes and was about to get up, when a sleepy female voice sounded from the next bed: "Who is Jason?"

Hearing the woman's voice, Tommy woke up immediately, sat up from the bed, and then realized that he was not lying in his dormitory at all, but a room with walls painted pink, with various girl decorations and dolls in the room Remind yourself that this is clearly a girls' dorm.

And I was lying on a single bed, and on the other bed were two blonde girls, Renee and Holly. At this time, the two were naked, most of the quilt was kicked off, and a large piece of smooth skin was directly exposed in that way. In the sight of Tommy Hawk, the female voice named Holly sat up generously at this time, with her upper body naked, raised her hand and shook her fingers to greet Tommy, and said sleepily: "Morning All right, Tommy."

  The floor was littered with finished beer cans and champagne bottles, and even a few Miss Pink energy drinks.

   No wonder I was dying of a headache.

  Glanced at the alarm clock, it was only six o'clock in the morning, and Tommy didn't know which idiot had set the alarm clock for six o'clock in the morning.

However, after Holly said hello, she suddenly realized something. She lifted the quilt and got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After walking around in a circle, she came back in shock. She said to Tommy who hadn't recovered yet and stared blankly at her: "At least we were so drunk we all remembered to use Trojan."

   "Us? To be honest, all I can remember now is the stupid question you asked me about the first kiss, and what happened after that, I don't remember at all." Tommy said painfully, rubbing his head.

While putting on her own clothes, Holly said, "I'm better than you, at least remember to lift you up and send you to that bed after you and I are done, lest the three of us crush this single bed, no I dare to imagine that my first sorority in college actually had a threesome. My boyfriend in high school might be envious of you, but you are better than him, funny, humorous, and very attractive to girls, so seeing you two Everyone was ready to go to bed, I chose to stay, and then after Renee finished, I came with you again."

"Thank you for looking up to me. It's a miracle that I'm so drunk that I can have **** with Renee once, and then you can't let me go?" Tommy stood up and moved his sore body: "I'm now My abs and thighs are so sore I'm going to probably go to the doctor."

  Holly dressed quickly, looked at Renee who was still sleeping, and said to Tommy: "You'd better not show off to her what happened last night, she thought I had left."

   "Even if I want to show off, I have to remember it." Tommy asked Holly, "Where is this?"

"BDP's sorority house, all the members went to SSD to have a party last night. There was no one here, so the three of us came back to play games." Holly looked sober, and said to Tommy: "And I still remember some things from last night." For example, when I was entangled with a certain man, that guy actually shouted drunkenly, opened the drawer, dignity and glory, dignity and glory..."

  Tommy covered his face: "I think it's good to lose some memories, at least it doesn't need to be embarrassing, but on the other hand, at least I was so drunk that I was trying to maintain the dignity of a man."

"Honestly, you're doing well." Holly opened the refrigerator, poured a glass of ice water and drank it, then looked at Tommy and blinked her beautiful eyes: "I'm going to leave first, so as not to be too embarrassing when Renee wakes up, If Renee is not going to date you, please contact me."

Then Holly walked towards the door cautiously, opened the door and looked outside, and found that it was very quiet outside, she turned her head and looked at Tommy: "You have to thank me for setting the alarm clock for you when I came back last night , handsome boy, you better wake up Rainey and get out of here, the sooner the better, trust me, because you have no clothes."

   After finishing speaking, Holly quickly disappeared outside the door. Tommy got off the bed when he heard what the other person said, and looked around. Sure enough, all his clothes were gone!

   "Shit!" Tommy went to the bathroom first, pulled off a towel and wrapped it around his waist, and then went to Renee's bedside to wake him up: "Rennie! Wake up! Renee~~"

   Tens of seconds later, Renee raised his heavy eyelids. After seeing Tommy, he forced a smile and wanted to close his eyes again: "Let me sleep for a while, Please."

   "We didn't use Torjan last night." Tommy said seriously.

Sure enough, this sentence was very useful. Renee immediately opened her eyes, sat up nervously and stared at Tommy. At the same time, her brain began to recall rapidly. Finally, after more than ten seconds, she fell back heavily on the bed and buried her head in the pillow. Lazily said: "I remember, I used two, one with blackcurrant flavor and one with banana flavor."

"Twice? How did you do it? Maybe I will die suddenly on your bed!" Tommy was stunned for a moment when he heard the other person's words, and he was sure that the pain in his body was not for nothing, and then he asked: " Where's my dress, Rainey? Think about it for me, where's my dress?"

Renee sat up again when she heard this question, pulled the quilt up to cover her chest, remembered the advice from her sorority group before attending the party last night, and said sorry to Tommy: "Sorry, Tommy, I forgot one thing Thing, the BDP sisters said that if you bring boys here to spend the night, they will take away your clothes and help SSD assess you. Your clothes were sent to SSD's fraternity house, and you have to run back naked.... "

"It's okay. It's nice to meet you. I knew the assessment would come, but I didn't expect it to be so soon." Hearing Renee's words, Tommy looked around the room, and then walked quickly to the window to look outside, because it was just six o'clock There was no one outside except for some morning joggers who got up to exercise in the morning. No wonder Holly said that she wanted to thank her for helping to set the alarm clock.

  He tore off the towel around his waist, opened the window, threw the towel out, and then said to Renee, "I'll pay you a new one, Renee."

   "Shall we meet later?" Rainey asked Tommy.

   "After we pass our respective assessments, we may have time to meet, and then I will ask you out." Tommy took a deep breath, then opened the door of the dormitory, and walked out naked.

At six o'clock in the morning, the hall was calm, and the BDP girls didn't seem to wake up from the hangover. Tommy breathed a sigh of relief, and went downstairs quickly along the stairs, ready to rush out of the BDP gate, then picked up the towel and ran all the way to The SSD fraternity house five or six hundred meters away.

   It’s just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Just as he sneaked up to the stairs on the second floor, BDP’s exclusive cook who was in charge of preparing three meals a day for everyone appeared in the lobby on the first floor, staring at Tommy.

   "Please!" Tommy begged the other party without caring about covering up the important parts, and at the same time speeded up and prepared to rush down the stairs and escape from the main door, because he had already seen what the other party was going to do next!

  But just after two steps, the thigh muscles reminded him that strenuous exercise is not suitable at this time!

   "Shit!" Tommy cursed!

  The next second, the cook pressed the fire alarm bell!

The bell rang throughout the BDP sorority house, and then the doors rang from upstairs and downstairs. Dozens of girls appeared around in pajamas or underwear. Seeing Tommy running down the stairs in a panic, they all laughed , even Rainey and Holly are among them.

"Rookie, staying overnight at BDP without permission is what happens." The vice chairman of BDP said to Tommy while leaning on the railing on the second floor: "He has a good figure and good looks. No wonder he attracted six or seven sisters last night. Drooling all over you, is he still tasty, Rainey?"

  Rennie saw her sister looking at her, she shrugged her shoulders cutely: "It's not bad, he's very strong."

Tommy didn't care about the teasing of these girls, he rushed out of the front door all the way, ran out of the window of Renee's room, picked up the towel and wrapped it around his waist, and ran towards the SSD fraternity house with bare feet, The morning runners on the road smiled knowingly when they saw Tommy's appearance. Every year, they saw all kinds of embarrassing scenes of freshmen.

  And Tommy wasn't the most eye-catching one at this time. After all, he had a bath towel on his body. The other fraternity rookies who had successfully used their charm to win the beauties to sleep with each other were obviously not as lucky as Tommy.

It seems that although the girls kindly helped to set the alarm clock to prevent them from getting up and running naked during the morning rush hour, they don’t have Tommy’s experience. At this time, they can only use the bushes on the side of the road to avoid the morning joggers. It looked like special forces preparing for assault operations, launching an assault on their brotherhood naked in stages.

   "Good morning, Stephen, your **** is so up!" Tommy looked at it for a long time, and finally found a familiar figure. He was naked at this time, and he was rushing towards the Order of the Phoenix with the help of bushes.

  Stephen saw Tommy's shape, and couldn't help but said while running forward: "Damn! Where did you get that thing?"

   "Do you need it? When I get outside the door of SSD, I can sell you this bath towel, which still has my smell on it." Tommy teased Stephen.

  Stephen ran directly towards Tommy, shook off the towel around Tommy's waist, and ran forward side by side with him, so that although the back of the two of them had a clear view, at least the important parts in front were covered.

  Tommy jogged and asked, "How was last night?"

   "It's okay, the girl you met, we two were together last night, how about you?" Stephen relaxed, and at this time, he looked at the rookies who continued to rely on the bushes with the same mockery as Tommy, and said in his mouth.

  Tommy said: "I slept with two girls from the Blonde Club, and now my thigh muscles and abs hurt like hell."

"There must be something wrong with this world. How could a poor guy have a **** with a sorority sorority just after college? I haven't had a chance to try it yet." Hearing Tommy's words, Stephen's eyes widened, and he turned sideways Looking at Tommy: "Did you take the medicine?"

   "It's charm, man!" Tommy said.

The two ran to the side of the SSD gate, Tommy left the towel to Stephen, and rushed towards the main entrance of Sparta naked, and said with a smile: "You idiot of the Order of the Phoenix, I want to give you some Look at the colors!"

Tommy rushed into the hall, immediately picked up a pair of trousers from a pile of clothes on the sofa in the living room and put them on himself, then picked up a hand-held horn, ran out again, just wrapped a bath towel around his waist, and was about to stop and relax. Before Stephen Binn could react, the guy had already shouted to the passing morning joggers through the tweeter:

   "Stephen Bean, with a net worth of 600 million, the richest Stanford student, and the future elite of the Order of the Phoenix, is running naked like an exhibitionist! Welcome to watch!"

"F*ck! F*ckYou! Trash Tommy from the White Robe Club!" Stephen pointed a **** at Tommy, and hurried towards his fraternity without taking a break: "You better pray for the rookie competition Don't meet me, or I'll kill you! Poor ghost!"

What responded to him was still Tommy's voice from the tweeter behind him: "Stephen Bean, with a net worth of 600 million, the richest Stanford student, and the future elite of the Order of the Phoenix, is running naked like an exhibitionist at this time !Welcome to!"

  Seeing Stephen fleeing in embarrassment, Tommy laughed: "What a beautiful morning."

   The total of the two chapters is 7,000 words~~ I will try to code another chapter during the day, try to write as much as possible before it goes on the shelves, and apologize, after all, the update was not stable because of illness~~



  (end of this chapter)

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