MTL - American Entertainment 1982-Chapter 86 Testimonials

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  Chapter 86 Testimonials

  Uh, after a month and a half, it’s finally going to be on the shelves. I’m very happy. This means that no matter how much or how little, at least some of the manuscript fees will be paid in, which can ease the financial pressure.

This book chooses a very small topic, which is an unfamiliar field for the author. As I said before, I don’t know anything about the United States at all. All my impressions come from American film and television dramas, so this book is not at all. It is true, because the United States in American dramas is false, and the products of cats and tigers will naturally only be more distorted. If there are readers who like textual research and real American history, I would like to remind you that this book is purely fictional. I can’t afford textual research, and I can’t blame you for competing for it. It is not like the previous subjects. I can brag that I have read a lot of information books for research. If this book is to be verified, a lot of information is in English. For street writers, it is really too difficult, so I am telling the truth, not being modest. All the story ideas in this book come from various American film and television dramas.

It is a work of practicing writing, it is to write a story about the protagonist who travels through time, goes to university, starts a business, falls in love, and does business. It looks like a stupid thing in the second year. Frankly speaking, I have never been to college, so I can only fantasize about it. According to my fantasy, if I am reborn and go to those colleges, I will definitely want to try those stupid things. It has nothing to do with whether I am mature or not. There are other plots to tell about the maturity and rationality of the protagonist, but I think it’s a pity that since I’m writing about college, I don’t see those wonderful fraternities. I think it has a unique charm, otherwise the United States would not have only two since its founding. The president did not join the fraternity, and the rest are all members of the fraternity. 80% of congressmen and senators have fraternity status. I am very envious of those who write about rebirth and go back to the past, and write about campus life delicately and vividly. The author, so I just tried to practice with this book.

This book has never asked for a reward or a monthly ticket since it was opened, but today I would like to ask all readers to give me a subscription support, which is very important to me. I have various problems with my status, but at least I think it’s okay to update my attitude. I have a high fever and I haven’t stopped updating for a day because my child has a high fever. , just try to help me and give me more codeword motivation.

Some people say that the author is aloof, carries it, and has little interaction with readers. Let me explain here. The author is not aloof, but three high. An author who hits the street has chicken feathers to carry. The main reason for my lack of interaction with readers It’s because there are too many things at home recently. I haven’t been idle since October. I’m almost going to recharge at the hospital and become a senior VIP. I’m the author, everyone is the reader, everyone is equal, or to put it more exaggeratedly, I’m Ge You The teacher is begging on his knees~ and everyone is Mr. Huang~ I have to rely on your subscriptions to support my family, and I hold it to the readers, unless I don’t want to mess around, so it’s not what those readers said.

That's it, update at 12 o'clock in the evening, I don't know how much I can code, and I can write as much as I can, and I will write more. Thank you, readers, for your support all the way from the beginning of this book, thank you , I wish you all good health and good luck.

  Finally, I recommend a few books: Blow a Big Balloon 9’s new book, "The Reborn Myself Wants to Make a Big Game"

Brother Qiu, my old friend, is about as unlucky as I am, but unlike me, he hates the world in the book, but is cute and cute in reality, unlike me, he is so cowardly in the book, where to go in reality They are all regarded as the scum of the chaotic society. This is his new book after he was banned for two new books.

  The new book of the sheep who don't like to eat grass, "I am going to the Basketball Hall of Fame with all my heart"

Mr. Yang, a veteran and well-known basketball author, anyone who likes to read NBA basketball articles should have read his "God's Whip of Basketball". He is also an old friend who has known him for many years. A man has to admit that if this guy didn't code, he would start working in Baima, and he would have been on the Forbes list long ago.

  Three more non-stop books "Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison"

The third child, a well-connected Hong Kong comprehensive author, from well-known masters to beginners, there is no one he does not know, and he is very good at cooking, although I think if I write Hong Kong comprehensive, it will be better than him It's pretty good (just kidding, this kind of thing won't happen at the starting point), but he's actually well written. Readers who like to watch Hong Kong dramas can check it out.

I would also like to thank Teacher Chiji (Chiji's Book Famine Relief Center), Nine Brothers (The Thirty-Six Strategies of the Great Book Famine), Teacher Aier (Aier Sky) and other public accounts for their support of this book. Recommended, thank you all.

  (end of this chapter)