MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 717 1 idea

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2018 in this world is the most intense year for people on earth to connect with the universe.

In the past, people on earth only knew that there were Qitarians and dark elves who wanted to invade the earth.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I understand it, I feel like I have entered a giant pit.

Thanos, a super-killing god, put forward the **** theory of "randomly wipe out half of life to make the world a better place" and put it into practice.

After a simple analysis, the heads of all countries on earth are extremely painful.

First of all, what kind of life does Thanos mean by destroying "life"? If animals and plants are also included, are the disappearing animals and plants themselves a food resource?

If the target of elimination is an intelligent race like humans in the entire universe, then this completely random elimination will often go uncontrollable. For example, if two people randomly die on a plane, and it turns out that those two people happen to be the captain and the co-pilot, are you only killing two people? The number of people eliminated will always be higher than expected, and will be much higher, so there will be many unexpected problems.

Cut off at least half of them!

China's implementation of family planning and forcible changes in the population structure have already made a lot of troubles. Had to let go of the second child after more than 30 years.

If Thanos does this, the reproduction and development of the human race will be in chaos if it does not collapse.

What's more, who can stand the sudden death of half of them, most likely including themselves and their relatives and friends!

Originally, there was a Nova Corps that seemed to be a bunker that could take refuge in, and the heads of all countries on earth were very excited.

Who knew that this little **** of reality slapped the heads of the world's countries so hard that they could see the reality - what kind of galactic police, it's not reliable at all!

At this time, Mei Jiexiao, who appeared at this time, has simply become the savior!

"But, didn't you say that your master was the supreme mage before? She was already..." The British Prime Minister said hesitantly at the video conference.

"I, who inherited the name of the Supreme Mage, have a combat power no less than that of Master Gu Yi. You can rest assured. In fact, I left the earth and went to Asgard not long ago, and only played Thanos. "Maybe temporarily reported the accident in Asgard to the Security Council.

But the big guys from all over the world are still worried!

True nurse Yelena, she turned President Ivanka Johnson, asked: "The problem is, that blow from Thanos was terrible. We just received Thanos in a way similar to distorting the beam of a laser fortress cannon. Half of the cosmos fleet..."

Mei Jiecao raised his right index finger:

"First of all, I don't deny that the current Thanos is very powerful."

"The Gem of Power allows the user to control and manipulate whatever power and energy he seeks to control. It supports other gems and enhances their effects."

"Using this gem, the user can even copy all physical superpowers, and as long as his body can withstand it, he can also make his own physical attack and defense capabilities to an invincible level."

"The person who uses the Power Stone can have almost the strongest energy in the universe. Even the slightest release can release an energy shock wave that knocks down a large number of enemies. The maximum power can even cause an energy explosion that directly destroys the earth."

"That's why Thanos can reverse a Star Fortress main gun and easily wipe out half the fleet."

Mei Jiexiao finished the explanation in one breath. A lot of delegates were dumbfounded on the spot.

How to fight this?

Mei Jiexao continued to 'poison' to intimidate the heads of various countries: "In fact, the power of the Infinity Stone must be built on the power of the master. It is useless for ordinary people to take the [Power Stone]. Using the Power Stone requires extremely strong power and Control can do it. It’s like having a human physically control a nuclear reactor and digest the electricity it produces.”

Just talking about this, all the leaders shuddered. Sure enough, those who single-handedly destroyed the cosmos fleet are monsters beyond human imagination.

This kind of super-individual combat power that surpasses any group and large-scale organization is really annoying to politicians who are used to playing political games.


Before May finished speaking, President Ivanka's eyes moved and he smiled: "The words before the word 'but' are all unnecessary nonsense, please speak directly."

This is a joke, but in fact, he is also pointing out his personal friendship with Mei Chuncao.

Other leaders don't know that this Ivanka is May's family!

This is also a kind of political means.

Mei Jiexiao smiled: "But the space protection of the three major temples of Kama Taj is not a decoration!"

The British Prime Minister reminded: "The space defense you said has been broken once. It is reported that even Tony Stark..."

He was referring to Thanos sending people to raid Tony and Vision.

"The intelligence is not accurate, Tony Stark is still alive, he is just injured." Yelena emphasized.

Mei Jiezuo waved his hand: "That's because I'm not here. And it's different now. I borrowed the [Space Gem] from Asgard!"

After all, Mei Jiecao solved part of the illusion and showed the space gem on the experimental version of the infinite glove, and the other two gems on the glove continued to hide.


"Is this another Infinity Stone in the legend?"


The delegates were amazed.

The French President asked: "Energy needs space to transmit. If the power of the Power Stone cannot be transmitted to the earth, does this theoretically mean that the earth becomes safer?"

Mei Jiexao shrugged: "You can understand that, at least the power of [Space Gem] can cancel most of the power of [Power Gem]."

The delegates breathed a sigh of relief.

Who knows that Mei Jiexao's next sentence will hang everyone's heart again: "I can only guarantee that the [Space Gem] plus the barriers of the three can make the earth immune to being directly hit by the cosmic fortress cannon. Explosion. Thanos' Dark Order army airborne, I still can't do it."



The delegates were speechless.

Mei Jiecao added: "Of course, if everyone agrees to authorize me in the name of Earth United, I can still use the Infinity Stones as bait to play a big game!"

The hearts of the heads of state and representatives of various countries will be scared out of their chests by Mei.

"How?" asked the chief nurse Yelena.

"It's still Nova Corps, but this time it was they who begged me, not me. As long as I release the news, not only Nova Corps, but even the most savage star thieves in the universe will come to help." Mei Jiexao's smile became more and more mysterious.

When the meeting was over, the opinions of the leaders didn't really matter, it was just a cutscene.