MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 747 beating (below)

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Thanos is really going to die, that's a typical Happy-ending!

However, a certain traveler is someone who has a system, and the system didn't send a prompt at all, which proves that Brother Hammer killed a fake Thanos!

Why are you blowing up buildings, leveling urban areas, diverting water and filling ditches, and pulling out your machete for almost a second? You actually told me that you are fake?

The only explanation is that the tyrant in this world is a real old yin gang!

There was a brief silence in the entire dark sect, and then, the voice of Thanos began to echo throughout the battlefield, no, all over the earth.

Ignoring the language barrier, it penetrates directly into the heart of every intelligent creature on the earth.

"Oh heh heh! I've always had a question, why is my plan always interrupted? Why am I being seen through every move I make? Even my every attack move is seen through? Now I have the answer."

There is a power that turns into substance hovering on the battlefield, and it can even be seen that the color of this spiritual power is yellow. There is no overwhelming coercion, and there is no sinister feeling that hides in the dark to give you a cold, it is a kind of pure observation, or even appreciation.

The power of the Mind Gem manifested as a gigantic head phantom with a diameter of thirty meters suspended in mid-air. Well, the yellow potato essence appeared. Thanos' scarred face and wrinkled chin look quite happy.

Unfortunately, his words did not make people happy.

When those yellow eyes like searchlights 'stared' at Mei Jiedao, Thanos' rumbling voice came from the void: "I should know, the inheritor of the ancient one, the new guardian of the [Eye of Agamato] The person who masters the power of time, Stephen *mu*mei, should not be such a weak character."

The plum wood staff leaned on the ground, his face was cold, and he finally managed to squeeze a sentence between his teeth: "It's a prize."

"No, it's not a prize. You are definitely a good move to win Thor, even I can't imagine that Odin's son would have such a terrifying explosive force, jumping to this level in one breath. Ya Tian father? No, he I have already touched the threshold of the heavenly father level. And you who have been hiding your strength..." Thanos said, as if he was afraid: "If it was me before, I would have ended in a fiasco."

"You will still fail miserably now!" Mei Mumu said so confidently.

"Hey! Not necessarily! You should have seen a lot of the future. But, have you seen my move?" With Thanos' voice lingering in the sky, a cluster of yellow beams of light shot up from the body of a dreadnought. Get up.

Even if the beam of light is not as bright as the rising sun, it is as dazzling as the lightning of hundreds of millions of volts, making it impossible to look directly at it.

One beam of light is forgotten, and immediately, the second, the third... In the end, on every dreadnought ship, a dazzling beam of light lights up.

Twelve yellow beams of light formed a perfect circle around New York, illuminating everything around them so brilliantly that no one could open their eyes.

A faint stream of light agitated, producing a tsunami of mind that was enough to make people uneasy.

What's coming out!

Those things are terrifying!

Terrible beyond words to describe.

"Den! Deng! Deng!"

Strange footsteps!

Originally, the footsteps with a span of more than tens of kilometers could not be transmitted to the central battlefield, but with the blessing of the soul gem, the footsteps that can be called souls still clearly and unmistakably spread to the hearts of every Avenger.

Obviously, every beam of light has the breath of Thanos.

But... where did so many Thanos come from?

A full dozen?

Can even the Destroyer of the World be wholesaled these days?

Many people panicked at once.

One tyrant is enough.

Twelve at a time?

Are you kidding me?

"Mei! What is this?" Thor was stunned. When he encountered such a thing he had never seen before, he immediately asked Mei for integrity.

Not far from the side, Tony, who was wearing a new armor, took over the topic instead. He opened Iron Man's visor and gasped heavily: "If the thing that Thanos got out of my head is indeed the [Inspiration Gem], Then it obviously gave Thanos new inspiration."

"What enlightenment?" Sister Widow was obviously a little anxious.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it must be from the technology side. Because the inspiration given to me by the inspiration gem has nothing to do with mystery, physical training, magic or anything else." Tony answered affirmatively.

It was Mei Mumu who gave the answer: "It's a super biochemical man who has inherited the power of Thanos and is directly controlled by the Mind Gem - Thanos!"

The faces of the Avengers turned pale in an instant.

No one will forget that Thanos easily destroyed New York by relying on the biochemical soldiers and biochemical beasts of the Chitauris. The super legion in the eyes of the earth people, for the technology of the Qitarui people, that is, the boss can produce a lot of killing toys with the push of a button.

So what happens when powerful biochemical technology comes together with the inspiration of the shocking Inspiration Gem?

The answer is the super replicant Thanos 1 to 12!

Normally, it is impossible to remotely control a replicant with such a powerful power. But the spiritual gem that transcended common sense in the world made it easy for Thanos to do this.

When the twelve 'thans' came out of the dreadnought, dressed in identical costumes, and marched proudly towards the central battlefield, the expressions of the Avengers became solemn.

The biggest advantage of our side is that there are enough strong people and more attack patterns.

Now it seems that the biggest advantage has been beautifully erased by Thanos.

Mei Jiecao stood in the center of the battlefield, but on the surface, he was calm.

Nima, who is beating who?

Does every replicant Thanos have the strength of a sub-heavenly father?

That's also knitting!

Direct 20 votes!

Speaking of which are all clones, what about the Thanos body?

I really don't believe that Thanos doesn't even want his strongest body.

There must be some flaws!

Mei Jiecao said calmly: "Of course, don't worry too much, just look at Tony's invention and know that there are always some things that are not reliable. Every inspiration is reliable, it is called [perfect invention gem] , not an inspiration gem."

Everyone was nervous at first, but after thinking about it, Tony's past is full of mistakes...

The biggest thing happened was that he wanted to invent a mechanical life form, and the result was Ultron, which almost ended in a war of annihilation.

Suddenly everyone is not so panic.

At this time, Mei Jiecao put the divine sword back into its sheath, handed the staff to his right hand, raised his golden left glove high, and snapped his fingers: "I announce - all the biochemical petri dishes are broken for me! "