MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 749 Ant-Man and the Wasp

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The six Thanos in the mirror space all have their own will, and began to think or try to find the flaws in the mirror space.

It's a pity that the strongest division in the world can be broken by just a few clones?

The Scarlet Witch's psychic radar was on, and Thanos didn't dare to use his mind to penetrate into this obvious mirror space, so someone could naturally do whatever he wanted in it.

It looks like six Thanos clones are running around blindly from the outside, but it's not the same on the inside.

The earth and the sky are cracking weirdly. Various visual short films are combined with the strange shaking like a kaleidoscope. A few fake Thanos, let alone finding an enemy, can't stand still.

The expansion of space magic means that a special trap is fully opened.

In front of the six Thanos, a seemingly thin human, wearing a yellow robe and a hood, was striding out of the void.

The fragment of space around him (her) has disappeared, only a magical rune avenue with golden sparks supports his feet.

Lifting the hood slowly, it is obvious that any clone has the strength to easily destroy a planet, but in her eyes, these little bugs in front of her can no longer escape.

The fake Thanos didn't plan to escape, they all raised their heads and looked up at this mysterious enemy.

When he took off his hood and revealed the female face with short silver hair, the tyrants had a moment of doubt, and they immediately reacted and exclaimed in unison——

"Gu Yi!?"

right! It was Gu Yi, and the Thanos clone put too much pressure on Mei Jiexao, and Mei Jiexao couldn't help but 'close the door and release Gu Yi'.

"Impossible! How can you be reborn from the corruption of the dark forces!?"

Gu Yijian raised his eyebrows: "You can play biochemical clones shamelessly, why can't I regain my youth?"

Gu Yi closed his short hair, this is not a copycat hair transplant technique, this is the real hair grown by himself, and it can even be seen that there is a little black at the root of the hair.

"However, I'm not interested in playing with a group of replicants..." A bright light gradually emerged from behind the old man - it was the resonance of the space magic rune.

On the surface, there is a new mirror space extending from behind Gu Yi, but in fact, countless, dazzling and bright lines of space laws are intertwined, further dividing the mirror space manipulated by this plum festival.

At this moment, this place is no longer an ordinary space gap, but a small world independent of the earth.

This world is extremely unstable, the space is fragmented, there is no space magic, and the guy who has no sense of space can't find a place to stand.

The world keeps spinning, and Thanos clones are all in trouble. Every Thanos floating in the void actually has to face the double strangulation of time and space forces.

Countless incomparably sharp space lenses are like the sharpest blades, while cutting the skin and muscles of Thanos clones that are unimaginably tough, while surrounding each clone...

On the main battlefield in the North District of Manhattan, New York, the fierce battle continues.

The clone Thanos may not have the powerful abilities of Thanos, but the physical strength and physical strength have inherited most of them.

Different from this divine artifact [Aura of Destruction], which has its own soul, [Death's Caress] is a god-level armor, but it can be mass-produced. Before Thanos came to Earth, he prepared a set for each of the 13 replicas.

This makes each replica extremely thick and skinny.

Basically, with the exception of Thor who had the upper hand in slashing people with the thunderbolt axe, everyone else was stuck against the four clones.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" All the Avengers were beating, at least halfway, but only Team America was being beaten. Fortunately, Steve is a man, otherwise Mei would have wanted to ask him, 'May I ask if you have a nickname [The Beaten King]'.

The Valkyrie combination has both offense and defense. Yallweite and Sister Bu can play a combination of points and attacks from time to time, a beautiful combination of one attack and one defense. Thousands of years of tacit understanding gave them enough confidence to win a Quanba clone without special abilities. The problem is only time and whether there is any external force involved.

The combination of Sif and Amora is also good. Sif was the king of beatings in front of him with a shield, and Amora kept disturbing the mind of the clone. All kinds of hypnosis, confusion, and spiritual erosion are thrown at the biochemical version of Thanos at no cost. This pair seems to have the upper hand, but it is actually risky. Once Sif's defenses are breached and Amora is forced into melee combat, it remains to be seen how it will end.

The most surprising is Tony. It was a miracle that Tony didn't turn into a crippled man after being opened and dug up the gem. No one thought that Tony could actually drive a Mark 85 out to fight.

It can be seen that Tony's offense and defense has an obscure feeling, which is obviously the sequelae of his body and soul not fully recovering. Even if someone Mei fills his soul, it will take a long and perseverance process to make the blank soul all dyed with Tony's own soul imprint, and then perfectly control the current soul and body.

No matter how hard Tony tried, it was impossible to erase the time needed.

On the battlefield, it was Mark 85 pressing the replica to fight.

Faster speed, stronger strength, and the most amazing thing is the two Iron Man arms, as if they are equipped with "three thousand lives for you", nanomaterials allow Tony to turn Mark 85's arms into weapons he wants at any time.

From the arm pile driver that has beaten the Hulk in history, to conventional laser pulses, to polymer vibrating cutters, Tony's weapons can be described as endless.

In the final analysis, this is the "anti-XX series armor" specially designed to deal with a specific enemy. There used to be versions of [Anti-Hulk] and [Anti-Mei Junji]. Knowing that Thanos was coming, a set of [Anti-Thanos Armor] was really normal.

Of course, this is a clear departure from history. After all, when this armor was developed more than halfway, Tony dug people's brains.

But that's not the point.

The point is, Tony has a big killer.

"Are you ready? Scott!"

"Okay! Your honest and reliable friend Scott is here for you at any time..." There was a chattering voice in the communication. Tony ignored the second half of the other party's words. Talk all day long.

Fortunately, no one treated him.

"Shut up! Be quick, okay? Scott."

"Well, since Lily you said it."

Tony stepped forward, and the right arm of the machine was suddenly divided into three parts, one part was a hammer, which made Thanos' clone tremble; the second part was a rocket, which smeared Thanos' face at close range, but could not hurt Thanos , is used as a cover; the key is the third part, this drill gun that almost gathers the maximum power laser beam, finally very hard to cut a hole in Thanos skin.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an Ant-Man and a Wasp reduced to dust and killed it.