MTL - America’s Big Hero-Chapter 8 : Getting rich starts from a cottage

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"You still make wine?" Yuri was surprised.

"Are you going to make fake wine?" Sol, worthy of being a lawyer, pointed to the core of the problem.

"Can you talk, how can this be called fake wine!" Sean gave Sol a sideways look, "Is this called fake?"

"Otherwise?" Sol spread his hands.

"How can the brewer's thing be called a fake!"

"It's called a cottage!"

Seeing that Sol wanted to ask, Sean waved his hand and continued, "Yuri, how much is a bottle of this French brandy."

"55 dollars, the market price is 120 if it is imported normally, and it will sell for more than 400 dollars in a regular bar. However, this kind of smuggled goods, our bars only sell for more than 200. Of course, few people ask for a bottle, and most of them are used as base wine."

"If I mix it up, then the cost of a bottle of wine will only cost about 0.5 US dollars. In large quantities, it may be 0.3 US dollars a bottle." Sean had a mysterious smile on his face.

"Ohmygod, this is impossible!"

"Are you joking!"

"How can it be so cheap!" Thor's eyes were so dangling, they held their heads in disbelief.

Sean snapped his fingers confidently, "It's so cheap, of course, the bottle, the outer packaging, the transportation, and the labor are calculated separately. I'm talking about the value of pure wine."

"How much are those things worth? They add up to $2!" Saul shouted exaggeratedly, shaking his hands.

"Profits from the poisonous seedlings? Can the poisonous seedlings be sold publicly?"

"The transaction size of the poisonous yam... Well, this should be bigger than the liquor market, but it's not too big."

"But the profit ratio of Pantoxin is too low." Sean sneered and shook his head, his face full of disdain, "That kind of low-end stuff, only the gangsters like the illiterate ones can see it."

"Low-end, ignorant!"

"This, more than 20 times the profit, this is impossible, this is too exaggerated!" Yu Rui propped his hands on the table and looked at the glassware, his mind was muddy, and his mouth murmured unconsciously.

"I don't think those wineries have such a big profit. As far as I know, many French wineries don't make much money, and some still lose money." Sol frowned tightly.

"Nonsense, people made it, I just blended it, can it be the same!" Sean rolled his eyes, "Do you know how much time and labor it takes to really make a good bottle of brandy? ?"

Brandy is not always white.

Like baijiu, brandy is also a distilled spirit, but the raw material is grapes or fruits, but after production, it must be placed in wooden barrels for many years, and the best age is twenty-five to forty years old.

The barrels are mainly oak barrels, and the taste of different oak barrels is also different. The 'black oak barrels' are Armagnac, and the 'Lidsen' oak barrels are mostly stored in cognac.

There is a term for 'cognac' in brandy. Cognac is a region. Only grape distilled wine that has been fermented, distilled and stored in oak barrels in this region can be called cognac, but not in other regions.

Cognac is divided into many grades, VS grade (less than 4 and a half years old), VSOP grade (wine age between 4 and a half to 6 and a half years), XO grade (more than 6 and a half years), dry The longer the wine is stored, the better the quality and the higher the price.

All brandy distilleries use letters to distinguish quality, E (special) F (good) V (very good) O (old) S (good) P (pale and old) X (extraordinary)

Therefore, this bottle of real Golden Flower V.S.O.P. Camus is a wine that has been aged for more than 4 and a half years, and the price is really not expensive.

If nothing else, just because of inflation, prices will go up a notch.

"And the cost of a bottle of wine like our cottage depends on how much per kilogram of edible alcohol." Sean smiled and spread his hands, "As for the pigments and flavors, do you need to consider the price?"

Saul stood there dumbfounded, shaking their heads following Sean's words, this profit really scared the two of them.

"A ton of edible alcohol can be equipped with about 4,000 bottles of this 700ml wine. If you sell it at the smuggling price of 45 yuan, no, only 40 yuan, that is 160,000 US dollars!"

"As for the cost, it depends entirely on how much alcohol is per ton. I remember the market price was about $700 per ton."

Sean shrugged, "Actually, industrial alcohol can also be used, and the price is lower."

"No no no, my God, this is already amazing, you still want to use industrial alcohol, you, damn, capitalist, vampire!" Yuri didn't doubt Sean's words, he couldn't help rushing over to grab Sean The shoulders were laughing wildly, and the little tongue was clearly visible.

On the other hand, Saul was much calmer, but he couldn't help shaking a little when he spoke, "You, you, you can really do it? This, this is just ridiculous, those people have worked hard for hundreds of years to make it. Things can be made at such a low price and the profits are so high, then...then what else is there to drink, let's mix it up like you did."

"First, what I want to say is that all wines can be blended." Sean said with great certainty: "As long as the craftsmanship is accurate enough, at least, for ordinary people, they can't drink it at all. Fake, of course, there are people like sommeliers, but I'm not going to sell them."

"Second, it's like a mountain, but you don't understand the 'wine' industry." Sean said silently in his heart, I will tell you, did I work in Changli, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, before I was shot in the head. Master of fake wine?

"In fact, the biggest consumer group of wine is ordinary people, and they can't tell whether it is true or false at all, and the reason why they still need to work hard is entirely because they want to shape culture, taste, and style, and at the same time, it is also to raise the threshold of competition and give others It's just a barrier for those who want to enter."

"It's like cognac. If you change the region, the same craftsmanship will not be called French cognac, and it will not be the best brandy."

"Those drunk guys in the bar, if you give him a bottle of horse urine, he can drink it." Sean curled his lips, "It's like the law is there. Whether it is a crime, the judge will directly punish it according to the law. What do you want a lawyer for?"

Speaking of his own job, Sol immediately retorted, "When there is a lawyer, the judge is only a neutral person.

"Okay, I'm not here to discuss this issue with you, I'm telling you the truth." Sean waved to interrupt Saul.

"Okay, what to do with so much talk." Yuri waved his hand vigorously, this guy is an actionist who doesn't want to use his brain, "Come on, Sean, prepare it for us to see, and then we'll know everything."

"OK!" Sean made a gesture, "I've prepared the alcohol level, and now I'm going to start adjusting the color."

"This requires some pigments. Commonly used pigments are also red, yellow, blue and green four colors, capsicum red, beet red, monascus red, sodium copper chlorophyll, turmeric, gardenia yellow, phycocyanin, cocoa pigment, caramel color What."

"This thing is divided into food coloring and industrial coloring. I still have a good conscience and use food grade."

"Edible is divided into natural pigments and synthetic pigments. I choose synthetic pigments."


Saul gave a thumbs up, it's not right for him, mom, if you don't make a fortune!

The street lamp on the street must have one of yours!

"It's okay to use natural pigments." Yu Rui was a little embarrassed, and added a sentence next to it, "This thing is cheap, and the cost in wine is probably not even a cent."

"Stupid!" Sean raised his head and glared at Yuri, "Whoever said that natural pigments must be better than synthetic ones."

"Although some synthetic pigments are indeed not very good, such as amaranth, they can cause cancer, but that is the result of long-term consumption."

"The main thing is that natural pigments are more complicated, and there are no synthetic pigments that are easy to adjust, understand!"

"It's so easy for you to mix a color!"

Yu Rui was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to speak, but Sol quietly pouted. He still felt that Sean was too expensive.