MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 393 : Mr. Kada who made a dinner appointment

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The overall framework and rectification process on the umbrella side are all done, and the rest is much easier!

However, the HR of the personnel department of the umbrella is quite special, and it is impossible to dig casually from other companies. It requires not only professionalism in HR, but also a good understanding of military affairs.

Ordinary HR is bound to adapt!

Sean looked at Little John, "I still have to help you find information from the military's retired officers over the years, whether there is any HR work after retirement, even if the work experience is not so rich, but HR is easy to learn. In terms of military affairs, there is no way to understand without military experience.”

"I'll try." Little John agreed.

In addition to this matter, Little John also suggested that it is best to cooperate with the military and explore some experience during the company's reorganization.

This thing can't be seen from the outside, and you have to actually explore it to know the depth, shallowness, thickness, and detail.

Things were settled for the time being, and the next day, Sean went to Washington with John Jr. and Weinberger.

In the secret villa that Norris had been ordered to buy, Sean once again met several senior military officials who had dinner together last time.

Regarding the garrison mission during the construction of the Moroccan naval air base, I just mentioned it and passed it, and no one took it too seriously.

The military didn't spend his own money, and Sean didn't value this profit.

Just grind it in.

After a meal, Little John laughed and chatted about his retirement life, and everyone knew it.

After the meal, Sean got up and left. Of course, Norris had other arrangements for the old men, enough for them to be happy.


"What?" Sean looked at Lorraine in front of him in disbelief.

"Phone, Gaddafi." Lorraine nodded, indicating that Sean heard it right.

"Why did he call me?" Sean wondered, but picked it up anyway.

"Mr. Sean, it's a pleasure to talk to you on the phone. You must know who I am." Gaddafi's voice came from the phone.

Sean raised his eyebrows, oh, I know what does it have to do with introducing yourself to you?

"Of course, who in the world doesn't know Mr. Gaddafi's name!" Sean complimented a few casually.

The hearty laughter of Mr. Kadai came from the phone, and Sean was about to ask, where Mr. Kazuki got his phone number, but he heard Mr. Kadai's voice on the phone, "Mr. Sean, I called because I wanted to. Please have a meal, go to Libya, I believe, we will have a pleasant dinner."

What Sean heard was a black line on his forehead. Are you so sick? Can I run all the way to have a meal with you?

I know that there must be something wrong with Mr. Card, but you can just say it. What are you doing with so much nonsense?

Does Lao Tzu have time to play with you?

However, the next sentence of Zuo Cao made Sean promise, "I heard that Mr. Sean is a pure businessman, and he won't dare to set foot in Libya because of the tension between the United States and us."

Heh, Sean twitched, "Of course, capital is free and has no borders. I will go to Libya as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Sean scolded in a low voice, insane, and then ordered Lorraine: "Bring me the latest information on Mr. Card and Libya."

Lorraine went to prepare, and Sean was not idle. Today, he and Weinberg will go to the White House to visit President Reagan.

In addition to the task of covering the feet of the building, the government must also strive for the task umbrella. Now that the military contractor market is developing rapidly, it is necessary to seize the time.

The appointment time with Reagan is in the afternoon, that is, Sean and Weinberg are here. For someone else, I want to meet the president of the world's largest country one day in advance, and I want to eat shit!

As soon as Lorraine left, Monroe pushed open the door and walked in. He came in a hurry from New York, and Sean didn't know that he could stay in the United States for a few days, so he had to hurry up to handle official business.

At present, in addition to the business on the umbrella side, the most important thing is the construction of the credit card system on the Monroe side.

Like Katzenberg's film company, Sean didn't have the energy to care at all. He just heard that "Goodfellas" has been released, and the films of Michelle Yeoh and Maggie Cheung are about to be released.

Sean figured he didn't have time to go to any premieres.

"The card swiping machine system has been installed smoothly, the system server is provided by IBM, and the price is reasonable." Monroe began to report as soon as he sat down, "In terms of data transmission, we have cooperated with six telephone companies in the future. The way, there is currently no telephone company that can build a network in the United States, and can only choose the largest service provider in each state.”

"IBM thinks there is no problem. Although the data has been cut, but the problem of aggregation can be used in a continuous way, setting a base point on the east and west coasts, and conducting data exchange every three days. There are only a few people who can fly between the east and west. This kind of person should be the best quality customer, even if the card bursts, it is not a big problem."

"We have estimated the bad debt rate, which is acceptable."

"What's the difficulty?" Sean asked with a smile.

"The merchant pre-installs the card machine!" Monroe said solemnly: "Once we officially start processing credit cards, then the merchant must have a credit card machine when customers use it."

"But the problem now is that we have not officially withdrawn from the credit card swiping business, which is still a brand new concept in the world. Even VISA, the application scope is limited to hotels and official business, which is very different from us. Even so, ordinary people have not listened to it. through VISA."

"In this case, merchants are not willing to spend a lot of money to install a credit card machine!"

Sean frowned, "That is to say, without a credit card machine, we can't open a credit card, and if credit cards are not popular, merchants are reluctant to install a credit card machine!"

"Yes, infinite loop!" Monroe said in a deep voice.

"The promotion department doesn't have nothing to do, right?" Sean asked with a sullen face.

"Invite celebrities to advertise, plus the large-scale publicity of the new concept in newspapers and TV stations, so that everyone in the United States will know it, and then promote it, but I don't think this will work, the effect will not be very good, and the effect will be very slow, and it will also not solve the fundamental problem. Infinite loop problem, when the trend is just emerging, it may work well, but soon the wind will be diluted by other news, and then there will be nothing left." Monroe said with a frown.

Sean nodded, he thought so too, but how to solve this infinite loop is really difficult!

This is not like the future, when everyone knew the concept of swiping cards.

concept, concept...

Sean muttered, and there was an idea in his mind.

Waving his hand to silence Monroe, Sean leaned back on the sofa, covering his eyes with one hand and starting to think.

In fact, although the idea of ​​the promotion department is old-fashioned, the old-fashioned also means insurance, and the lower limit is high.

Just a little change!

Moreover, instead of relying solely on advertising, you can also add some promotional methods.

"I have an idea, so let's go to Hollywood in the evening and talk to Katzenberg." After a long while, Sean said with a smile: "I have to go to the white house in a while, there is no way, poor man, Work hard."

Monroe opened his mouth and wanted to say 'Okay, I'll wait here', but Sean choked and coughed on the spot.

Versailles or something, hate people the most!


During lunch, Lorraine sent over the information about Cardozuo and Libya in recent years.

Neither is confidential information, but that's enough.

In 1980, the United States declared Libya a "state sponsoring terrorism" and closed its embassy in Libya.

In 1981, U.S. Navy planes shot down two Libyan planes, and the two countries severed diplomatic ties.

In 1986, then US President Ronald Reagan ordered to stop economic and trade relations with Libya and freeze Libya's assets in the United States. Since then, there have been successive military conflicts in the United States.

In the early morning of April 15, 1986, the United States dispatched 3 aircraft carriers, 34 other ships and hundreds of aircraft, including 18 F-111 fighter-bombers, to carry out a surprise air attack on Libya code-named "Golden Canyon". The ultra-low-altitude bombing of the capital Tripoli and the important port of Benghazi resulted in the loss of 14 aircraft, 5 radar stations and more than 700 casualties in Libya.

After suffering repeated blows from the United States, according to normal logic, Libya would be very nervous, but if the Chairman of the Organization of African Unity, the King of Kings, Mr. Kada, would bow his head, then he would not be Mr. Ka!

Even in the face of the economic blockade and military attack by the United States, Mr. Kada still kept clamoring in the world, from the United Nations to the African University. Reagan was very distressed about this. This is a toad that fell on his feet and did not bite. People he is afraid of people.

In addition to challenging the United States, Cardozuo is still fighting against France!

Chad, one of the poorest countries in the world, fell into a civil war within a few years after independence for 60 years. In 1983, Cardozuo ordered to intervene in the Chad civil war, occupied the northern part of Chad in the name of supporting the northern rebels, and took the French. The forces drove out.

Of course, this will not delay the export of Libyan oil to western European countries such as France, Italy and Spain.

A war is a war, and a business is a business.

In August of the same year, the French began to vigorously support the southern Chad government forces to establish a defense line in the central region to resist the attack of Kadazoo.

After the U.S. bombed Kadazoo last year, Chad's president, Hussein Habré, saw an opportunity and began a counter-offensive with French support.

Interestingly, according to the data, the war was originally deadlocked, but in the first two months, Habré saw Sean's support of the Xisa Frontier using pickup trucks to stir up the storm on the sand **** line. Inspired after a while.

With the help of France, a large number of Toyota cars were imported through Cameroon, and anti-aircraft machine guns, small mortars, bazookas and other weapons were shot in the rear of the car to start sports warfare.

This time, Mr. Ka was really upset, and the armored troops couldn't handle the Toyota team...

Falling back!

So... "Zuo Ka is in a hurry?" Sean looked at the information, his face was dumbfounded, "He asked me to ask me to help him solve this 'Toyota tactics'!"

Lorraine shrugged, she also thought that might be the case.

"No, should Toyota pay me an endorsement fee?" Sean suddenly raised his head and said, "Damn, now Toyota is famous, at least in Africa!"

Lorraine ignored Sean's strange thoughts, and instead asked, "Do you have a way to deal with this Toyota tactic that you came up with?"

"It's not easy!" Sean touched his chin.

Toyota pickups are small, light, fast, have low engine noise, and have low requirements for gasoline standards. If they are replaced with khaki paint and thrown in the desert, it is difficult to find them at a distance.

Moreover, due to the low power and the hot desert temperature during the day, the difference between the position of the engine and the exhaust pipe and the outside temperature is relatively small, even if it is an infrared-guided individual air defense weapon Sam-7 or a stinger, it is difficult to complete the lock.

Even if the lock is really completed, it will be done with one shot. What is the price of the Sam-7, what is the price of the Stinger, and what is the price of a broken pickup!

As for what RPG, don't even think about it. Even if you want to hit a Mercedes-Benz pickup with an RPG within the range, you can only pray to God.

Of course, the premise of all this is that both sides of the battle are limited to Africa.

Replace it with any of the five rogues, what **** Toyota tactics, a special operations team, and teach them how to behave in minutes.

"The only thing that can defeat magic is magic, and it's not completely impossible," Sean said after pondering.

"Do you really have a way?"

Sean is a standard tactical lean back, what is a military expert.JPG

"But Libya and the United States are opposed to each other, and the White House has not announced the resumption of business relations with Libya. You are violating the government's order." Lorraine reminded.

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~!

What a **** government order!

Sean doesn't care, who said it was me who traded with Mr. Card, it's clearly Morocco!

After lunch and a short rest, Sean and Weinberg went straight to the White House in the afternoon.

After the military order was obtained, Sean also took the government order.

After a few chats in the president's office, Sean directly mentioned it.

The agency currently responsible for protecting the foreign visits of U.S. officials is the Diplomatic Security Service.

(PS: The speed and passion old driver Luke Hobbs (played by Dwayne Johnson) is the agent of DSS)

The DSS is the pioneer of the US Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. It was established after the First World War, but its responsibilities are very complex. It is responsible for international threat analysis, information security technology, anti-terrorism, security technology investigations related to US interests, and protection of citizens. , property and information security, provide a safe and reliable environment for the foreign policy conduct of the U.S. government, foreign intelligence agencies conduct investigations into the activities of the U.S. State Department, assist in the arrest of criminals who have fled into the United States, and provide State Department employees, applicants and contractors. Do a background check.

There are many things in charge, the power is relatively scattered, and most of them are civilians. The real combatants are called MSD teams, and there are very few people.

It is about a 10-person department, and 9 leaders watch 1 person dig a hole.

However, the scale of the department is already very large, and if it wants to expand, whether it is the CIA or the FBI, all six major intelligence agencies are opposed to it.

Why don't we give you a department in charge?

And the protected people, whether they are embassies or visiting government officials, are also dissatisfied. There are too few actual security personnel with combat effectiveness. For these American officials who are preparing to do bad things outside, their safety cannot be fully guaranteed.

The cooperation method Weinberg designed for Sean is that only the security personnel responsible for providing full-time combat to DSS will follow the instructions of DSS staff, and will never interfere with the work that DSS is responsible for, but will instead focus on the most dangerous part of the work. undertake.

Well, it's the one working out of 10.

So, when Sean mentioned it, Reagan agreed without hesitation to bring it up at the next Congressional session.

I believe that even people from the Donkey Party will not object!

After all, officials of the Donkey Party have to travel frequently, and no one will provoke the doctor when they are sick, nor will anyone provoke the security personnel responsible for protecting their own safety.

Most importantly, this proposal is bound to be welcomed by the FBI and CIA, which essentially reduces the possibility of DSS expansion.

And DSS may not strongly oppose it. After all, it is only the outsourcing of combat personnel, and it does not affect the absolute majority of collars... ahem, civilian personnel, the most important thing is that the funding will not be reduced, but will be greatly increased.

After all, hiring so many security guards costs money!

Umbrellas are not cheap.

This is arguably the perfect proposal, in everyone's interest.

As for government spending, it's never been a problem!

This is the value of the former Secretary of Defense. The cooperation plan designed with the government is perfect. Weinberg’s initial budget is 100 million yuan per year. If it is not enough, it will continue to increase. On the issue of protecting the safety of government workers, the United States will never stingy.

DSS doesn't skimp on spending money either.

The whole world is the same, the budget is 100 million yuan, but at the end of the year, only 60 million yuan has been spent, and the budget allocated by the fiscal budget in the second year will definitely be reduced to 60 million yuan!

But if 150 million is spent, the fiscal budget for the second year will inevitably increase, if not to 1.5, at least it will not shrink.

This is called the end-of-the-year surprise spending...cough.

Therefore, Sean is not worried at all that DSS is reluctant to hire people, they will spend the last cent, and Sean will not be stingy, and the benefits that should be given will not be less.

He's already planning to hire a bunch of people from DSS's retired executive ranks now.

Of course, it's not urgent, now Sean is going to talk about Mr. Card.

Umbrella is also a private military contractor backed by the military, and of course has to keep in touch with the military and the White House.

"Boss Card!" Regan was surprised that this guy would think of looking for Sean to solve the problem.

With a sneer, Reagan said: "When he was young, Da Zuo was still a hot-blooded young man. His family was very poor and his parents were illiterate, but he was determined to study when he was a child, and he went to university. You know that in the 1950s, Libyan people Literacy rate?"

"But since the overthrow of Libya, Mr. Carter has gradually become arrogant. He even confiscated the assets of the United States in Libya. Your Rockefeller family has suffered heavy losses because of Mr. Carter." Reagan said with a smile.

Sean shrugged and said nothing.

"Now, Mr. Cardozuo has completely lost his mind. We must be opposed to Libya in our attitude towards Libya. You must understand this."

"Of course." Sean nodded, and then said: "I have followed the developments in Libya before. I think if Cardozuo withdraws his troops from Chad and restores the former border line, it will be a good thing for Libya, the so-called occupation. Northern Chad is of no value other than to satisfy the needs of Mr. Cardo's own rejoicing."

"He hasn't dealt with the opposition forces in Libya!"

"So, I think it makes sense for the United States to support Mr. Kador and have them continue the border war with Chad."

"It's like the imperial cemetery completely sinking Lao Maozi into the mud, delaying Mr. Cadiz in northern Chad, and at the same time supporting the opposition forces in their country, making Mr. Cadizo overwhelmed and overwhelmed, only this can combat his arrogance and make him bow his head! "

"I can't predict the chain reaction that will happen after Mr. Card is deeply mired in the quagmire. In this regard, it is still up to the Ministry of State F to judge." Sean raised his brows with a smile.

Reagan thought for a while and found that this matter was very operational. The two countries had a long history of grievances. The earliest in 1970 was the announcement of the withdrawal of the US military base near the capital Tripoli.

Later, Gaddafi held 143 tons of gold reserves, in order to create a pan-African currency to oppose the current global dollar system, and at the same time use huge oil production to interfere with the US petrodollar plan. Excessive export of oil is also one of the reasons why the current oil supply exceeds the demand and the oil price falls.

Of course, the guys at OPEC are oversupplying...

That's why Reagan ordered an air strike on Libya. The small country is not big and the harm is not small.

I don't know what Mr. Ka was thinking, he was going to wrestle with the United States when he came up...

Of course, Mr. Kazuki really made the United States very uncomfortable, and the United States found that when it couldn't kill Mr. Kazor and couldn't launch a large-scale war of aggression, it could only compromise.

First: there are old men staring at them, second: the price of oil has reached a historic low, and the oil tycoons have no motivation to push the United States to start a war. What are they doing to grab the Libyan oil fields?

Just to reduce production? !

Even if production is cut, several Middle Eastern countries will only increase production to fill the gap, including Damu and YL.

Oil prices are still not going up.

Therefore, similar to YL, the United States has also been trying to improve relations with Mr. If Mr. Carter can be forced to bow his head this time, the two sides will re-establish diplomatic relations and not cause trouble for the United States, then Reagan will have achieved great achievements!

"What advice do you have?" Regan asked with a smile and looked at Sean after thinking for a while, asking what benefit Sean wanted.

This is America, not for the country or the people, only for transactions!

"As we all know, the United States never interferes in the affairs of other countries!" Sean said nonsense in a serious manner: "The United States is very sympathetic to the experience of the Chadians and will support Chad with a sum of money, but how the Chadians use it is their business. "

"Chad is too poor, they do not have the industrial capacity, and in order to fight against the tyrannical Colonel Kador and to achieve national unity, they can only buy arms in large quantities, and as a protective umbrella for private military contracts, they can sell arms to Chad. "

"Of course there is no problem with the United States. However, Chad is a traditional force in France, and they use francs. Almost all weapons are purchased from France. Given your relationship with the French side..." Reagan shook his head with a smile.

Sean: ! ! !