MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 396 : characteristic idealist

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Da Zuo didn't know what the car Sean was talking about, but he was sure that he was moved.

It's not that any country can play with a large tank force. This thing is a gas guzzler. Of course, Libya is not short of oil, but they lack a perfect logistics system.

It doesn't mean that just hanging a few fuel tanks on the tank will allow the tank to drive freely!

A complete logistics system is too complicated, transportation network, vehicles, food, medicine, drinking water, tents, weapons and ammunition, field hospitals, field maintenance...

This is only a general direction, and professional talents are needed!

With the level of education in Libya, it is difficult to find talents who can manage any small project, no, no need to understand it.

How much do 300 tanks need to be equipped with?

Take the east as an example:

The tank division has 324 tanks, a tank division has 3 tank regiments, a tank infantry regiment, an artillery regiment, an air defense regiment, a logistics support regiment, a division headquarters, a reconnaissance battalion, a chemical defense battalion, an engineer battalion, and an anti-aircraft regiment. Tank battalion, communications battalion, repair battalion, transport battalion, etc.

The three tank regiments have more than 1,600 people, the infantry regiment has 1,360 people, the artillery regiment has 1,100 people, the anti-aircraft regiment has 500 people, the logistics support regiment has 610 people, the communication battalion has 200 people, the engineer battalion has 450 people, and the reconnaissance battalion has 200 people. There are 200 people, and other people add up to about 500 people, and together there are more than 7,000 people.

This is what a complete team of 300 tanks needs to be equipped with.

But tanks will not be dispatched alone, and also need to cooperate with armored divisions, infantry divisions...

This is still the east side with developed infrastructure, complete road network and sufficient logistical reserves.

If it is in a desert without roads, just ensuring the daily water supply can make Kadazoo explode in place!

Most of the tank divisions of the current Kadazoo are stationed in the northern coastal areas of Libya. Libya's major cities are all on the Mediterranean coast, where most of the population gathers.

The rest of the population is mostly in the north near Tunisia and Algeria, while the south near Chad is all desert and no-man's land.

Not to mention logistics.

"I need to see something to decide whether to buy it!" After thinking about it, Mr. Ka said in a deep voice.

Don't look at whether the chief officer dares to give Lao Maozi money, that is because he knows that there is America, and Lao Maozi dares not **** him, so he has nothing to fear.

The reason why it is so certain is that in the fourth Middle East war a few years ago, the Arabs used Egypt as the battlefield to fight with the S column.

The Egyptians asked Lao Maozi for support, but Lao Maozi refused directly. The Egyptians were furious, and Moscow shouted directly. If you don't give me support, I will defect to the Americans!

American: OK, OK, I have money, you want to defect to me, I will immediately let the S column compromise!

When Lao Maozi saw that this was not good, he could only hold his nose and sell a lot of weapons to the Egyptians at a low price.

Then the Egyptians were defeated...

When your opponent is an Arab, you have won!

Closer to home, Mr. Ka didn't dare to fool Sean, and he didn't dare to default on the payment.

It is no problem to owe money to the country, it is a trivial matter and can be discussed slowly.

But you owe private money to try it, it won't kill you!

When buying things with real money, Mr. Ka must be careful.

"It's not a big problem, I'll bring things over, but this arms order can't be less than $1 billion. It can be in dollars, gold, pounds, or even francs, but I will never accept oil!" Xiao En said, staring into the eyes of Da Zuo.

"I will never pay a high price for some junk!" Mr. Card looked at Sean vigilantly.

"Don't worry, you can ask the Saudis for Sean's reputation, and ask silly Damu and them to inquire. The arms I sell are cheap and easy to use."

Speaking of this, there was a smile on his face. He knew that Sean's phone number was from Saudi Arabia.

Sean has a really good reputation in the Arab world.

After the business was over, both of them had smiles on their faces, and they seemed to be chatting casually like old friends.

Especially when talking about the French, the two suddenly found a common topic and scolded very happily.

If it weren't for the French, a few years ago, Mr. Cardozuo was really sure to take down the whole of Chad. In Africa, no one cares, as long as he can eat it.

But the door of the room was opened again, and the chief's subordinates looked at the two people who were as close as brothers, each with a confused look in their eyes.

This is the first person who dares to quarrel with Da Zuo and finally has nothing to do with it!

In the evening, Cardozuo arranged Sean in one of the largest hotels in the capital.

The five-star hotel is very luxurious. It is located next to the Mediterranean Sea. Although it is only 20 stories high, I have to say that Sean was surprised when he moved in.

There are five-star hotels in Libya!

In fact, Libya during this period was very rich, at least in Africa. Libyans were not primitive people. There were also capitalists and very rich capitalists here.

For example, the owner of this hotel, although a Libyan, lives in Europe most of the time.

If Libya can operate, it is not enough to rely on Da Zuo alone, and neither can Da Zu’s fellow Sirte. These people are like the ancient families in the east. No matter who is in power and who controls the country, they all need it. These people come to run the country.

After a night of rest in Tripoli, the next day, more than 200 cars were brought in from Cardazoo and waited for Sean downstairs in the hotel.

From the top floor of the hotel, you can see the convoys that fill the square in front of the hotel, including the highways on both sides.

"Is this so crazy?" Sean looked at Diane Lane and Halle Berry beside him with a depressed expression.

The two women also twitched at the corners of their mouths, not knowing how to evaluate.

The door was pushed open at this time, and Lorraine stepped in, as if he didn't see the two women in black and white, who were only wearing three o'clock, and said to Sean with a cold face: "Zador Cardas invites you to visit him. army and the African miracle created under his auspices."

"What African miracle?" Sean looked dull, Pyramid?

"The Great Artificial River Project." Lorraine said: "In 1983, a large project led by Mr. Kada was entirely funded by the government. It is estimated that the fraud will be close to 25 billion US dollars. It will be completed in 5 phases and started in 1984. The project is the largest water conservancy project in the world today, and it is unlikely to be surpassed even in the next few decades, and it is called the eighth wonder of the world.”

The desert area of ​​southern Libya, under the deserts of Egypt, Libya, Chad and Sudan, is the largest freshwater resource of its kind in the world today, 16 times the total freshwater content of the Great Lakes in North America. The volume of freshwater in sub-sandstone aquifers is greater than that of all freshwater lakes and rivers on the surface of the earth.

Cardozuo decided to pump out the underground fresh water under the Sahara Desert, and then use the giant reinforced concrete pipeline with a total length of 4,000 kilometers and a diameter of 4 meters to transport it to all parts of the country.

Some 1,500 miles of pipelines have been built to bring fresh water to three huge reservoirs in 1991, Tripoli in 1996, and the northeastern town of Gheryan in 2007.

"The Great Colonel made a grand oath that he would turn the desert into an oasis. Not only did he promise, he actually did it, and he invested astronomical amounts of money for it."

Sean: ! ! !

Standing in the same place, Sean frowned and his expression was stiff. Which one is the real Mr. Card?

You say he is kind, he launched a war with the outside world, which can be called brutal.

You say he was brutal. Under his leadership, Libya overthrew the original feudal dynasty and did not engage in massacres. Instead, he did indeed lead the Libyan people to become richer.

"Don't make people wait." Seeing Sean in a daze, Lorraine reminded.

"Ah, oh." Sean said while getting dressed under the service of the two women: "Pack up your things. If you can finish the tour today, then leave immediately. Mr. Kadez is poisonous. I think I'd better stay away from him. ."

Sean said quickly, because he found that he had a **** curiosity about this guy, Mr. Card.

Going downstairs, Mr. Card, who was still wearing a white robe, gave Sean a big hug. This time, he got into Sean's exclusive car. The car drove around Tripoli in the middle of the 200-car convoy.

Cardozuo spoke eloquently along the way, telling Sean what Libya used to be like and what Libya is like now.

All free education and medical care, no one is hungry anymore, pointing to the construction sites, telling Sean which are the affordable housing he is building, which are the hospitals, schools, gymnasiums, factories...

In the next few years, under the leadership of the Colonel, the state will implement price subsidies for food and other necessities of life. Most families have cars. The Colonel has built tens of thousands of affordable housing in Tripoli and Benghazi. Every Libyan who has a family can Apply to the government for housing and get it for a very low or even nominal price.

Libya is the richest country in Africa except South Africa, uh... After Mandela, it is the richest country in Africa.

Don't ask what happened to South Africa after Mandela's victory...ask is freedom!

Decades later, the Libyan people finally saw Da Zuo's true face and stood up against Da Zuo Ka. With the help of the free world, they overthrew the brutal Da Zuo rule and successfully brought their living standards back to before liberation overnight, with poverty, war, and hunger. ...

In 13 years, the unemployment rate in Libya was as high as 40% after the war. Even in this case, young Libyans are reluctant to do manual labor. The manual laborers here are all foreign laborers from Thailand, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Sudan. , Niger, Chad, Pakistan and other countries.

Libya is free now!

Listening to Mr. Card's tirade, Sean was in a trance.

Tripoli seems to be a picture scroll that allows Cardaso to unleash his imagination, allowing him to unleash his lofty ambitions.

From the inside of the city to the outside of the city, we arrived at the famous 'Azizia' barracks of Kadazoo.

The reason why he had to visit his barracks before visiting the Eighth Wonder was because Mr. Card, who was blackmailed by Sean with his warship yesterday, was very unconvinced.

Although he admits that Sean's missile destroyer fleet is terrible, and the ballistic missile formation is also very deterrent, he doesn't think his army is bad!

Outside the city of Tripoli, Cardozuo deployed an anti-aircraft missile division.

In 1973, Libya still had close relations with Europeans, and France sold 9 companies of "Sidewinder" air defense missile systems to Libya for airport defense.

After falling out with the Western society, Colonel purchased a large amount of equipment from SL to build a Soviet-style air defense system, including 39 sets of S-75 Sam-2 air defense missiles, 36 sets of Sam-3 air defense missiles, and 7 sets of "Square" self-propelled air defense systems. Anti-aircraft missiles.

After that, 2 squadrons and 4 battalions of S-200VE long-range air defense missile regiments and 1 Sam-8 air defense missile regiment were added.

The Army also received 144 SAM-9 anti-aircraft missile system combat vehicles from the Soviet Union. SAM-13 anti-aircraft missile system combat vehicle, in addition to a large number of 14.5, 23, 30, 57mm anti-aircraft guns, including ZSU-23-4, and SAM-7, SAM-14, SAM-16 man-portable air defense missile.

Currently, these detachments and troops are organized into 18 anti-aircraft missile brigades, including 9 S-75M3 and S-125M mixed brigades, 7 "Square" brigades, 1 "Wasp-AK" brigade, and 1 S-200VE brigade , in addition to a French-made "Sidewinder" anti-aircraft missile brigade.

However, having weapons is one thing, and whether there are people who can control these weapons well is another.

Shawn, accompanied by the Chief, toured his unit, which he admitted was spectacular and intimidating.

But that's just scary!

The more high-tech weapons, the higher the requirements for professional technicians.

This requires highly educated professional and technical arms and long-term practice, and the chief officer, who relies solely on the purchase of weapons, obviously cannot give his soldiers the opportunity to practice combat, and there is not so much ammunition.

This led to the fact that when the US bombed Libya last year, only three US aircraft were shot down.

If it were replaced by Lao Maozi's professional soldiers, the US military would not have the courage to launch such a reckless bombing.

After coming out of the barracks, he boarded another plane, and was escorted by several fighter jets all the way to the south. Sean refused, but Kadazoo had to take Sean to see it. At this moment, Kadazoo was like a Children eager to show their honor to their parents.

Pulling hard, Mr. Ka was uncharacteristically smiling the whole time, and Sean had no choice but to follow.

Not far, it landed in the southern region in less than 3 hours.

Under the leadership of Mr. Carl, looking at the long, 1,000-mile water pipeline, Sean couldn't help swallowing. What's more, Mr. Carl is a lunatic!

What's so special about pumping water from a depth of 500 meters!

Sean always thought that this kind of perverted infrastructure project can only be completed by a rabbit, but I didn't expect that Mr. Card would dare to do it!

Even if Sean didn't want to, he had to give a thumbs up to Chief!


On the way back on the plane, Mr. Kata became silent again for some reason. Sitting alone, he lowered his head slightly, closed his eyes, and did not know what to say in his mouth, as if he was communicating with their gods.

He was chattering, and Sean's brows gradually wrinkled. He didn't want to look at the Chief, who didn't know what to do, but he couldn't help looking up.

In the end, Sean was really embarrassed and wanted to interrupt this guy, so let's just think about it.

Looking out of the window, Sean really wanted to tell the Chief that you were still too young.

This guy is a pure idealist, a lunatic living in a world he has shaped, arrogant and timid, extremely paranoid and weak and docile, full of doubts and naive...

He was so kind to the people, he didn't understand what was meant by Sheng Mien and Dou Mi Chou.

If Da Zuo learns what is a minor violation of the labor law, what is 996, what is good news, what is a father-son loan, and a farmer who goes to the city to buy a house and drive to farm the land...

Will these **** who think about earning mortgages and car loans all day have the time and energy to overthrow his rule for freedom?

Sean doesn't think so!

Mr. Card, you won't let the working class bury their heads in the factory?

You betrayed the working class, scumbag!

Look, those who go on strike all day long, who want to overthrow their bosses, who are crying and shouting for revolution, who are not blood-sucking capitalists at home and abroad!

But in the large enterprises of entrepreneurs, the workers are honestly working, why?

Because once there is trouble, you may lose your job, so the property that has been accumulated for two generations to buy becomes the bank!

Make a fart!

I don't feel bad if the guaranteed welfare house for whoring prostitutes blows up, but you don't feel bad for the house that spent two generations' savings to buy!

It doesn't matter if you look at the pirated version, if you are rotten or not, if you look at the genuine version, you will be scolded to death!

Whoops... off topic.

Da Zuo didn't understand what it meant to be too far ahead, and what it meant to be without oppression, there was only resistance left!

Sean didn't tell Da Zuo about this until he returned to Tripoli.

It wasn't about race or class, but Sean knew he couldn't persuade an idealist.

Eastside stationed in Libya, Wang Heli said: Gaddafi is an idealist with a unique personality.

When he left this time, Mr. Ka changed his previous arrogance and went to the airport to see Sean in person. He was both a friend and a brother, which made Sean himself wonder if he really almost had **** with Mr. Ka before.

It was not until the plane rushed into the clouds that Sean completely relaxed, and said in a complaining tone: "You can't tell the good or bad of this, moody, arrogant, self-willed, think about it, and master a lot. With the paranoia of the military together, you get tired and irritable."

"Ha!" Lorraine gave a meaningful laugh, squinted at Sean and said, "You still know, thank God!"

Sean blinked, "No, what do you mean by that?"

Ha, Lorraine didn't answer with a haha, lying on the sofa and looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey, you might as well make it clearer!"

Sean turned his head to look at the two women again, one of the two women was studying the shoes while the other was fiddling with his nails, all of them looking very serious.

Hey, Sean is so angry, what do you all mean?

Compare me to that lunatic?

"Torre, you said!" Shawn shouted.

"Ah, head, I'm going to check, don't let unknown people get on the plane!" After speaking, Torre turned his head and trotted away.

Lorraine couldn't help laughing, stood up, and when he walked past Sean, he reached out and stroked Sean's face lightly, "Be aware of yourself, Mr. Card must be your long-lost half-father. Mother and brother!"

After saying that, he twisted his **** and walked out with a big smile.

"What's wrong with me!" Sean slapped the sofa angrily, "I definitely won't admit it, I'm much more normal than him, I'm not some **** idealist!"

From Libya to Yanjing, Sean has been emphasizing the difference between him and Mr. Kada to everyone along the way.

Sean felt that he couldn't bear to be compared with Mr. Carter. He felt that he was much smarter and more aware of his life than Mr. Carter!

He wouldn't do anything to provoke the five hooligans!

U.K:? ? ?

France:! ! !

Sean has been trying to quibble, but, obviously, the effect is not good.

Yanjing, airport.

The Prime Minister seemed very happy about the arrival of Sean, an old friend of the Chinese people.

Because every time Sean comes to China, he comes with a big order, and Sean said the same thing on the phone before.

In dealing with people, Dongfang has always been the best in the world.

Whether it is a friend or an enemy, whether it is talking about business or politics, the reception process will be very subtle, like a spring breeze.

One is not grand, but feels that after the reception ceremony with heart, Mr. Li did not rush to discuss business with Sean, but arranged for someone to send Sean to the Prince Chun mansion he purchased.

The palace has been inhabited and not dilapidated. When Sean left the last time, he left behind money to request that it be renovated as it was, and three links should be arranged.

Let's look at the "Xiao Mansion" this time, what is antique!

A mansion with a history of 300 years, it is not too much to say that every brick and tile, every plant and every tree contains the vicissitudes of history?

Anyway, Diane Lane and Halle Berry, who came along with them, were dumbfounded.

After a day off, Sean and Mr. Li talked about business in the early morning of the next day.

Outside the East Third Ring Road, inside a base.

At this time, there was still a wasteland outside the East Third Ring Road.

6 straight-5, 12 212 lined up!

The first medium-sized multi-purpose helicopter manufactured by Z-5 Hafei is also the beginning of the scientific research and application of helicopters in the Eastern Aviation Industry.

The Zhi 5 was finalized in 1963, and it was not completely mature in technology until 1967. There were various improved models such as passenger type, agricultural and forest type, aerial survey type, and water life-saving type. 545 aircraft were produced before and after, and production was discontinued in 1980.

What Sean is going to sell to Mr. Card this time is the straight 5 military model.

In addition to loading 1.2 tons of cargo, the military model can load and unload 212A jeeps in the cabin, and can carry 11 paratroopers. A 12.7mm machine gun is installed in the belly, and rocket launchers are carried on both sides.

After a professional introduction, walked to the magic car 212 again.

As a **** car, the 212 also makes the east side play, only the two-seater convertible, with the 107 rocket nest in the back.

Four convertibles with machine guns!

The shed is equipped with Red Arrow 73 anti-tank missiles.

With recoilless gun.

With individual missile system.

In addition to carrying various weapons, the rear lateral seat can also be changed to a vertical row, which can carry 8 soldiers at a time.

It can also be converted into a field medical vehicle, a transport vehicle, and a little crazy. It is OK to weld steel plates and bulletproof fences on all sides, but the simple version is used for armored vehicles, and ordinary RPGs can't do it...

Really fancy and versatile, what is the third world magic car!

(PS: The role of grille armor will not be introduced. If you are interested, you can check it out. This thing is anti-RPG playing probability)