MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 414 : Propaganda, discrediting...

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Chapter 414: True Propaganda, Discrediting...

"It's hard to find actors in this book!" As soon as he went back, Chernin discovered the biggest problem.

"Trash, don't you go to the Koreans? Do you think Americans can tell the difference between Koreans and Benzi?" Sean shouted on the phone.

"This, Korean?" Chernin looked confused.

"Don't you know that Koreans can speak some Japanese, such as Bakaya Road, specifically to speak out after doing bad things abroad, so that people around them think they are books!?"

Cherning: ! !

Is the road so wild?

Is this a tactic!

"Don't worry, no one knows the book better than the stick."

If it is to discredit the book, the stick can not charge!

Chernin's speed is very fast, and the task assigned by the boss himself, don't care if it makes any sense.

That night, New World Media temporarily modified a talk show.

The host changed to the most popular talk show host on the TV station, and after bringing the topic to the book, he began to bring up last year's acquisition of Sony's acquisition of CBS Records.

A pantomime was performed on the stage. A tall man with a moustache came out with his head held high, his legs were obviously abnormal, and he was walking on stilts.

Opposite, a normal American, with a humble face and a pleasing smile, nodded and bowed ninety degrees, the old standard.

The humble American handed a document to the tall notebook, took it over with a blank expression, and threw it on the ground.

Then he looked condescendingly and watched the American bend over and pick up the scattered documents on the ground.

The tall book nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand and rubbed the American's head a few times like a dog, while rubbing his head and laughing.

The pantomime was short-lived, but the effect was overwhelming.

Even if the audience is a professional audience team with long-term cooperation with New Century Media, they are still furious.

If it weren't for the contract issue and the greeting before, a few red necks would be uncontrollable and go up!

As soon as the stage turned, the host appeared again, "Very sad, very annoyed, the world's largest acquisition, Benzi successfully acquired CBS, the largest record company in the United States."

"It happened inevitably, and predictably, it's not the end."

"From now on, Benzi has a monopoly on CDs, and we will give them money for every CD we buy in the future. CBS's copyright library already belongs to Benzi. No, there is no CBS record company anymore, only Sony Music Entertainment, those Classic American songs have nothing to do with Americans, they belong in the book."

"Americans want to sing these American songs, no, it's Benzi's songs and they're paying for Benzi!"

"It's not the worst."

"What's even worse is that the book takes control of our singers to promote their products, CDs, CD players, music formats, and use the book culture to invade the United States, and maybe there will be such a scene in the future..."

With that said, the song rang, and a Michael Jackson imitator danced and rushed out from the day after tomorrow, but the Japanese-style mustache on his face looked extremely dazzling.

After jumping from one end of the stage to the other, another woman came on the stage, Whitney Houston's imitator, this time wearing a kimono, the black man also deliberately turned into a geisha-like white face and red lips, and even when singing Bend over and bow...

The effect of this round of imitation shows is explosive!

According to post-event statistics, when the show was broadcast, gunshots rang out in many parts of the United States, and many people couldn't stand the stimulus to shoot at the imitation show on TV, and the TV exploded on the spot.

Even with a good temper, many people smashed the TV directly on the spot.

According to the statistics of the second day, more than 60,000 TV sets were smashed overnight in the United States, and most of the TV sets that were smashed were Japanese products.

It's not just white supremacists who are stimulated, but also many black people who hate books, and star fans of Japanese parody shows.

This show is too naked and too damaging!

What's more, bad quality posters appeared in many places in the United States the next day, all of which were posters from yesterday's Japanese-style star imitation show, mainly on the streets of major cities across the United States, which stimulated the nerves of many people.

Early the next morning, the atmosphere at Sony Music Entertainment's headquarters was very solemn, and the air was a bit more depressing than before. All the American staff members looked sternly at the occasional Benzi staff.

It's not that I'm going to find fault, I just want to see if these people will show that arrogant expression in private.

Although everyone knows that New Century Media is exaggerating the facts, Sony is afraid of causing American boycott after acquiring CBS. In order to eliminate the influence, it completely keeps the original management system unchanged, and rarely intervenes in the operation of the record company.

I don’t even dare to promote Japanese culture. In the words of Sony headquarters, don’t worry, take your time. As long as the management is not brain-dead, they will tilt some resources towards the book.

But knowing is knowing, emotion is emotion, and I still can't help thinking about it in my heart.

It's like the relationship between the nobles and the serfs has suddenly been reversed. Will the serfs not turn their heads and take revenge on the nobles?

Even if the serfs did not dare for a while, what about the future?

At least the lost nobles don't think so.

When Yetonikov, the president of Sony Entertainment, arrived early in the morning, his face was so gloomy that he was about to bleed. Yesterday, the man with a sly smile in New Century Media was imitating him. Anyone who was familiar with this could see that.

After all, it is also the United States, a big man in the world's record industry, a tycoon in the entertainment industry, and being so smeared by others, it is strange that he is in a good mood.

Anyway, early in the morning, he always felt that the eyes of others were full of ridicule.

But he has nothing to do, they are just a record company, there is no publicity channel, and New Century has not named them by name, so it is impossible for him to even sue.

Of course, he couldn't do that either.

This is the urgency of the media in this era. If I blackmail you, it will give you a face. We all dare to black the president. You dare to resist and try.

Relationship screwed up every day black you!

You have to lick your face to apologize for blackmailing you!

As for the use of other illegal means, this idea only flashed in Yetonikov's mind. No one in the industry knows that behind New Century Media is Sean, the umbrella company.

During the previous riot in Los Angeles, the umbrella man hustled more than a hundred people with machine guns in front of everyone in Hollywood. No one in the entertainment industry knew about it. Are you crazy? That's courting death!

Yetonnikov just came to the office, and before yesterday, the secretary came over and said, "Mr. President, the Tokyo headquarters just called."

"Got it!" Yetonnikov's face was even more ugly, and he could guess what would happen.

The phone was dialed back, and sure enough, Akio Morita personally answered the phone, and it was a comfort first, and Yetonikov accepted it.

Although everyone knows that this is going through the motions, it does not eliminate the inner estrangement. In yesterday's pantomime, Akio Morita was the one who was on top, and it was Yetonnikov who was embarrassed.

Otherwise, what else can we do, we can't really fight.

The routine comfort was followed by asking if something happened in the United States, otherwise New World Media would not start attacking Sony for no reason.

You must know that both the former CBS and the current Sony Entertainment will carry out promotion activities through TV stations, which cost a lot of money.

Yetonnikov can't figure it out right now. He can only say that he will immediately launch an investigation on the relationship within the circle.

Akio Morita also promised to launch the relationship immediately and do his best to suppress the adverse effects of the matter.

It's just that things won't wait for them to deal with it slowly, and Sean didn't just instruct the TV station to do things.

Under Sean's instruction, Jonas, Yuri and the others instructed the gang below to do things with high efficiency.

In the morning, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Dallas... All major cities have teams of different sizes to take to the streets to demonstrate, calling for a boycott of the company.

Various slogans appeared on the streets: American music belongs only to Americans!

Give us our music back!

Boycott the book culture!

Get out of America!

Others held up a portrait of Truman with the slogan "Kill the Japanese!"

What's more, there are pictures of atomic bombs going off!

In April 1945, after the death of President Roosevelt, President Truman came to power with the slogan "Kill the Japanese." Two atomic bombs were dropped on August 6 and 9.

Attracted by these parades, many fans of Sony Entertainment's artists also took to the streets to join the parade.

These fans can't imagine what it would be like to wear a Japanese kimono if one day their idol really had a Japanese beard...

Regardless of whether the impact is actually that big or not, on the surface, the parades in major cities across the United States are huge enough.

In particular, TV stations that are not too serious to watch the excitement have begun to track and report interviews, as if the United States has begun to turn against Japan.

The hardest is the singers under Sony Entertainment, who have been spoofed by others, and their reputations are damaged.

How to say?

Saying that you are not working for the Japanese?

Or do you mean you can't wear a kimono and grow a beard?

One side is the company, the other side is the fans... Damn!

They can only let the brokers put pressure on the company, they must, stand up immediately to quell the incident. If it continues, they will not rule out forcibly terminating the contract with the company for the sake of reputation!

Sony Entertainment was in a mess, and the pressure was unprecedented. They had to stop all the activities that were originally scheduled to be held in the near future. They didn't want to have a parade at the event site and cause bigger things to happen.

On the other hand, in line with the principle of Fox, which is in favor of the new century, against it, since the morning, Fox News began to analyze the incident.

From Sony's acquisition of CBS Records, whether the copyright of those songs has become a book, to whether CDs and other people's commercial reference songs have to pay Sony.

After a legal debate, I found that it is indeed!

Finally, it comes to Sony's real intention to acquire CBS Records. After some in-depth analysis, one faction's point of view is economic. In order to promote CD discs, CD players and their music formats, CD will dominate the market in the future.

One school of thought believes that economic interests are all used to cover cultural exports, and their purpose is cultural penetration. As we all know, the United States has no history and culture is at a disadvantage.

Good guy, this discussion made Sony even more embarrassed.

Whether it is economic monopoly or cultural invasion through standards, it is extremely offensive.

The TV station also mentioned the fact that Japanese products are flooding the American market, and they kindly took out Sony's CD player to show it.

Watching the TV station's free publicity for Sony's products, Akio Morita's face was gloomy. This is flattering. In this case, the better Sony's products are, the more emotionally uncomfortable Americans will be.

When did American products become synonymous with backwardness?

The morning passed in such a commotion.

Yetonikov is also a senior executive of the original CBS Records. The parent company of CBS Records is the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation, or CBS for short, which is one of the three major wireless TV stations.

In the industry, Yetonnikov's network of connections is still very large, including Fox TV and New Century Media, both companies have his former colleagues. Intervention is impossible, but it is not difficult to inquire about news.

The news given by Fox is to cooperate with New Century Media.

On New Century Media's side, Yetonnikov lost a lot of favors to get a piece of news that made Yetonnikov's brain hurt. The big boss suddenly ordered that the programs were temporarily and forcibly changed.

They don't know why the bosses do this.

New Century is not like other American companies. Sean's company has too much control. No one dares to object to the orders of the big boss.

Yetonikov was blind, all he could do was contact CBS, the former parent company, and hope that CBS would help to suppress it. After all, it was CBS's own record business, and this incident was not glorious.

CBS is also very embarrassed. It sells American assets to Benzi, and the cap of succumbing to Benzi is firmly put on him. Whether it is Fox or New Century Media, they are competitors with CBS. If you can discredit it, everyone will start It doesn't feel soft at all.

For the rest, he could only tell Akio Morita about the situation, and if he wanted to untangle this knot, he could only go to Sean Rockefeller.

As we all know, Sean is arrogant, cruel, and moody... At least Yetonikov knew that he could not be contacted, and he was not qualified to talk to Sean.

Here, Akio Morita is looking for a relationship. Sony has a lot of American capital, but the capital only depends on the income, and will not easily intervene in such specific affairs, not to mention Sean's size is not too small to offend, and there is Rockefeller behind. Woolen cloth.

It's just that this side is still operating, and attacks from New Century Media follow one after another.

That night, New Century Media continued to break the news, continuing Sony's acquisition of CBS Records, turning American songs into book songs, and then targeting the most proud film industry in the United States. They are negotiating acquisitions with Columbia Pictures, one of the eight major Hollywood studios!

Take American movies from the American people and turn them into original movies!

Benzi is aggressively invading the United States and exporting Benzi culture to the American people.

On the TV, a man with a moustache and a book costume shivered on top of a white woman. The woman had a picture of the Statue of Liberty on her face. As long as you were not blind, you could see that it was an ejaculation. ' too.


Then, the TV screen changed. According to Sean's instructions, the Statue of Liberty logo of Columbia Pictures was replaced with a kimono bundle, and the smile on his face became obscene with a slight modification...

He also held a buzzing **** in his hand.

After the show aired, people watching the show went crazy.

A lot of emotional people smashed the newly bought TV set again and did not pick it up. They called New Century Media directly and scolded the TV station!

This is an insult to the American flag!

Yetonikov and Akio Morita, who are also paying attention, are also stupid. This, this, this is too cruel. How can they carry out acquisitions like this.

Don't talk about them, even Columbia Pictures and Coca-Cola are stupid.

Thinking of the social pressure that will be faced tomorrow, the acquisition negotiation must be temporarily terminated.

The next day, the media and public opinion exploded again. Yesterday, it was singers and fans who were insulted, and today they are movie stars and fans...

This time without Sean's advice, the parade on the streets was bigger than yesterday.

Especially in Culver City, the headquarters of Hollywood and Columbia Pictures in Los Angeles, the number of parades exceeded 10,000, and the city government had to dispatch a large number of police forces to maintain order at the scene.

The parade blocked Columbia Pictures and asked the head of the company to clarify whether they were going to sell American movies to Benzi!

The people in the parade were very excited. Who would dare to speak up at this time?

Columbia's executives were mad and called Sean Pictures. Katzenberg didn't know what was going on, so they could only find Sean.

Uh, if you're looking for Sean or something, let Coca-Cola go. Don't get involved in the business of capitalists and professional managers.

In the morning, a lot of calls came to Sean, including old man David, not to stop Sean, but to say that he was a bit too spoofed. The Statue of Liberty is also a symbol of the United States. You are already disgusting if you change your kimono. Still laughing so obscenely... cheap, and turning the torch into that thing, it's too much!

Under pressure from all quarters, New Century Media had to publicly apologize to the people of the whole country on the TV station, but...

"Our TV station apologizes to the people of the country for some of the things in the program broadcast yesterday. It is still unknown whether Sony will change the company logo once the Columbia Film acquisition is completed.

"We believe that these things are not part of Benzi's culture, and they don't have films about it."

"Maybe Sony is just making movies to make money, maybe it doesn't include private goods in the movies, maybe it's not a cultural invasion, maybe ... maybe ... yes."

It’s okay not to apologize. This apology is even more disturbing. The whole process is probably approximate, it’s all speculation. If these things are not included in the book culture, can men still understand?


The world is not just about woodpeckers!

What's more, most of the action film companies in this book are registered in the United States...

Being hacked into a bear like this in the United States, Benzi's embassy couldn't sit still, but according to the rules, they could only contact New Century Media Company, but not Sean.

Even if you contact New Century Media, there is no legal excuse. The media has the right to report and speculate on the news. New Century has not made a conclusion on this matter from beginning to end, which does not violate the press law.

A press freedom pushes the embassy back.

This made the embassy in the east very happy, and the country gave them news, but they didn't expect Sean to act so fast and so ruthlessly.

It would be wrong to say that the people on the diplomatic side are all shepherds, most of them are still separated, and there is no shortage of hatred for the book.

The official book has no choice but to express his dissatisfaction with the random smearing of New Century Media Company. UUkanshu can't do anything else, but the huge pressure is placed on Akio Morita.

Although I don't know why Sean's father suddenly became angry, if Akio Morita can't quell the incident as soon as possible, then he will be cut to the stomach!

Fortunately, Coca-Cola also suffered a huge loss this time. They wanted to sell Columbia Pictures, and they would be uncomfortable if they were disturbed by Sean.

It's just that Coca-Cola's business scope has nothing to do with Sean, and it is not an opponent in terms of size. It can only be a match for Akio Morita.

Sean agreed to meet with Sony's people. The time was set on the night of Murdoch's arrival, and the location was also on Kashima.

Akio Morita rushed to New York, but did not expect to see such a scene...

PS: It’s finally open, my God, it’s been blocked for more than a month, people are going crazy, and they don’t say anything, drinking, drinking, or **** drinking!