MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 418 : The country of craftsmen!

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【America's Big Hero】【】

"What is my identity, Sean, and a Japanese foreign minister who wants to see him can meet him, let him go!" When the Japanese asked for a relationship to see him, Sean pouted and waved his hand, refusing with great momentum!

Lorraine sneered and turned away.

I can't see you now. Where are you going? The fleet is not a plane. It has just passed Malacca, and it has not yet reached the Philippines. It is still far from the Sea of ​​Japan!

As the initiator of this matter, GE naturally has to follow in Sean's footsteps, and the chairman directly refused to go on a business trip in Europe.

Umbrella and GE are unmoved, and the dozen or so law firms that represent Washington cases will not compromise.

Whoever dares to put pressure on them at this time, they will dare to expose whoever, and a hat that interferes with justice will be put on, and they will all die!

Anyway, New Century Media will never refuse to break the news!

The activities of the Japanese have not achieved any results. It is not that they are reluctant to spend money, but that politicians also need to consider political risks. It is impossible to even give up a political career for money.

Of course, this wave of activities is not without any effect, at least Sean gave New Century Media another idea.

That night, New Century Media has a new program!

"Everyone knows that there have been many accidents with Japanese products these days, and many previously hidden problems have also been exposed one after another. The quality of the products has been questioned by everyone, which has had a great impact on American society and the public. However, Only a small number of people have the conditions to defend their rights through the law, so, Mr. Jon thinks, how will the Japanese deal with this crisis?" The host asked the guests.

"As a large international enterprise, of course it is time to stand up and take responsibility, such as recalling faulty products, paying for faulty products, paying for losses caused to users, public apology, etc. We all know that at this stage , the reputation of the company is far greater than the economic losses." Economic expert Jon said eloquently, "If the reputation of the company is corrupted, then consumers will refuse to buy all such products out of distrust, which is not good for the company. Saying it is tantamount to a catastrophe.”

"Of course, normal companies may do this, so, are Japanese companies a normal company?" The host smiled mysteriously and said loudly: "Come, let's take a look at what we have collected. After a commercial or political accident occurs in Japan, the relevant responsibilities Video material of human handling of events.”

On the TV, the company that caused the incident was first released, and the company was introduced.

"Sorry for causing trouble to everyone!" After a neat shout, the company leadership bowed 90 degrees.

The situation escalated...all the employees of the company bowed ninety degrees together.

After several cases were released in a row, Jon was dumbfounded and asked dumbly, "No, wait, and then, what about the compensation measures?"

"Sorry, no!"

"This, this, this, I admit that their attitude is very good. Well, a large number of people only want an attitude, but this can't be without any compensation measures!" From a professional point of view, Jon is completely Incomprehensible.

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【America's Big Hero】【】

"Then, let's take a few more cases. This time, they are all companies that are familiar to everyone, including Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Hitachi and other companies that caused this incident." The host said again.

The film is played quickly, or bow to the media, and bow collectively.

If it is a large accident that causes casualties, it is to kneel and kowtow, and come out to kneel and kowtow collectively!

As for more specific compensation measures, don't even think about it!

At the beginning, the audience in front of the TV also felt that the attitude of the Japanese was very sincere and sincere, but sympathy was exhausted once, twice, three times.

You can't just bow and kowtow all the time!

"In fact, not only Japanese companies have this attitude, but government officials also have this attitude when faced with incidents." The host continued: "Let's use the case as an example, an education ministry official, taking advantage of his position, Over a 15-year period, more than 1,300 women were forced to have **** with him, 452 of whom were young."

As he said that, the picture of kowtow and apology was shown on TV, with tears streaming down his face, very sincere, and resigning from his position...

And then no more!

"So, I conclude that for the country of bowing craftsmen, this incident, the Japanese will only come out and bow, and then there will be no more!"

After the news was broadcast, there was a big wave of hype. Some people believed it, but most people still didn't believe it.

After all, this is simply provoking people's worldview, how can it be possible to bow and apologize no matter what?

The result... the next day.

In response to the current anti-Japanese turmoil in the United States, several companies involved had to come out and apologize to the public.

Wearing a kimono with a heavy face, I am very sorry for the 'inconvenience' caused by the company's products to many users!

Then all the staff bowed ninety degrees.

This time, the scene immediately caused an uproar, and the reporters on the scene were both excited and happy.

The atmosphere is that these Japanese are so **** irresponsible, they don't care about American dads, happy that the big news is coming!

Carnival in the media world!

For a time, there was another anti-Japanese turmoil in the news media. The Japanese secretly changed the concept, turning losses and disasters into inconveniences, shirk responsibility, and have no shame!

In the face of the attitude of the Japanese, ordinary Americans are even more annoyed by the media incitement!

But when it comes to the business world, it's a different view.

"The Japanese don't know this is your conspiracy, are they crazy?" Lorraine asked with a puzzled look on Kashima.

"You just don't understand what crisis public relations are, so tell me, what else can you do if you don't apologize?" Sean raised his hand and picked Lorraine's chin.

"Of course I'm taking responsibility!" Lorraine opened his mouth to bite, and Sean quickly retracted his hand.

"Responsible? Indemnity? Don't want money? That's the last resort!" Sean snorted coldly, "For capitalists, there is no such thing as ethics, it's best to apologize to fool the past, even if you can't fool the past, let It's a good thing that things break out!"

"This can greatly speed up the consumption of people's enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is not unlimited!"

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【America's Big Hero】【】

"When the anti-Japanese slogans are almost shouted, the enthusiasm has subsided, and the media has no more speculation, the matter will pass!"

"Ordinary people only have 7 days in their memory. After a little longer, they forget that they should consume. There are so many things in the market. As for the voice of ordinary people, who cares?"

"Only the capitalists can really threaten the capitalists!"

"They're afraid of me!" Sean pointed his thumb at himself, "They're afraid that I will use public opinion to put pressure on them!"

"But the worst result is just losing money, so why stand up and lose money so early?"

Lorraine blinked, this, sparrow food.

"Hmph, you group of capitalists have nothing good!"

"Okay, not bad." Sean smiled, "You will find out in a few years that it is already a high standard to apologize. Those people will collude with the master, manipulate the media, and push everything to ordinary people."

"Those who are hungry to ask for wages, quit work, compensate, defend their rights, and return home will all come out. At that time, they must be dealt with in accordance with the law, zero tolerance, and high-pressure crackdowns!"

"Crazy, isn't it a matter of course to pay a salary at work? How can it be malicious to ask for a salary!" Lorraine sneered, "It's impossible, I don't believe it, no matter how crazy the capitalists are, they don't have the ability, think Don't even think about it."

Sean only showed a weird and unpredictable smile, reality is always better than that!

Benzi's calculus of expecting the enthusiasm of the people to pass quickly is a mistake, and Sean will never allow it.

New Century Media has stepped up its reporting, and Fox has followed suit, and these capitalists in the physical manufacturing industry have also begun to follow suit.

In recent years, from textiles to steel, from semiconductors to machinery manufacturing, the two sides have more and more grudges.

Soon, the European side also began to report related events!

Japan's ascension to the world's second largest economy is a result of stepping on many countries, and the bodies of many capitalists. There are too many enemies!

Capitalists of the world unite...

Sean even instructed people to directly expose the claim amount, and the 3.5 billion claim shocked the world.

On the other hand, General Electric is not far behind, and also broke out a claim amount of 1.5 billion.

Then came the disaster-stricken companies and mass associations in Washington, with more than a dozen law firms claiming a total of $16 billion.

These guys have a bigger appetite.

However, it has been five days since the accident was detected, and there is still a small half of Washington that has not restored power supply.

No way, the power grid lines have to be reorganized.

The most troublesome thing is that all the equipment has to be re-purchased, and there is a disagreement on whether to continue purchasing Japanese products or American products.

In theory, if there is such a big problem, it is safe to purchase American products.

But in practice, the government and power companies refuse to purchase American products!

For good reason, if the Washington ghetto is replaced with American goods, what about elsewhere?

Are other lagging areas in the state being treated fairly?

This breaks the consistent policy of American society. High-tax areas provide high service standards, low or no tax, and low-end standards are provided where money is lost!

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【America's Big Hero】【】

What's more, who said that low-income areas will have no oil and water?

Interest groups show a mysterious smile!

Obstacles are great.

It can be changed, unless GE can provide low-end products, otherwise, it can only be excluded.

But GE still can't produce such low-end products...

Don't be surprised, the production lines, raw materials, and workers are all high-end in the industry. Even if you force down, in the face of high costs, there will be no profit at all.

Of course, you can also buy interest groups... The question is whether the profit is worth it!

Garbage is not what you want to produce, you can produce it if you want...

On August 4, 2020, New York was hit by a typhoon. About 257,000 households in the city suffered power outages. Queens was the most affected, with 46,528 residents experiencing power outages. Manhattan was the least affected, with only 68 households experiencing power outages.

As a port city, it is a family meal for New York to be affected by typhoons.

"Tell them that there is nothing to talk about, as long as the compensation is paid, the relevant news will be cancelled immediately!"

"What, don't want to give money?"

"Don't give me money to talk to me about your mother's sincerity!"

"Sincerity, sincerity, what the **** is sincerity, sincerity is $3.5 billion!"

"Don't lose money and let them get out of here!"

Slam, Sean hung up the phone directly!


"Norris, call the congressmen who work with us and ask them to tell the media that in order to protect the lives and property of the American people, Congress will propose strict inspection procedures and industry standards specifically for Japanese products, and resolutely crack down on word games and edge balls. Strategy."

"For those companies that have caused great harm to the lives and properties of the American people, launch an investigation plan to investigate whether their business operations in the United States are illegal or criminal."

"Okay, boss!" Norris nodded and hurriedly went down to inform.

A motion is a motion, and it does not mean that it will be passed.

But now the limelight is just right, at least it can give the legislators a wave of prestige, and it will also put more pressure on the Japanese.

No matter how **** unyielding, the government is likely to pass relevant investigations out of pressure on the people.

Then the Japanese will be miserable.

Of course, that being said, any public pressure is bullshit.

There are more public opinions, and there are several times when the government respects it!

The mid-term elections have already passed, and public opinion is just a urinal, and it needs to be brought over and used at that time.

The key point is that now the real manufacturing industry is collectively hostile to the Japanese, and the financial world is taking advantage of the suddenly boiling public opinion to harvest Japanese assets.

At that time, there were some interest groups with close ties to Japanese companies, but the energy was still not enough.

The American consortium that has shares in Japanese companies will not take action. I really think that the company's shareholders must hope that the company will be prosperous and everything will be fine?

Stop bullshitting!

At this time, Japanese companies such as Toshiba and Mitsubishi have sought the help of the American consortium, and the result is that the public opinion is fierce, and we will talk about it when the limelight passes.

Short-term stock price volatility doesn't matter in the long run.

Rockefeller had communicated with a big consortium. At this time, the American consortium would not help, but wanted the Japanese to suffer more.

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【America's Big Hero】【】

Only after suffering will you know what the surname in this world is!

Only then did I know how warm the arms of American fathers are!

More shares will be given up, and more benefits will come out!

This is called a small tree that can't be repaired and can't be straight, and people can't repair it!

What should I do if I don't listen to the book?

Just hit it!

— Truman

Politicians in the United States are still very professional, especially when facing the financial master's father, if you give money, he really works!

The next day, a member of the Elephant Party said in front of reporters that he would propose a motion in the next Congress, in order to ensure... Barabara.

After all, it's all for the benefit of the people.

Several congressmen have proposed to launch investigations into Toshiba and other companies to strictly check whether there is any illegal activity in every business activity. Otherwise, how could so many substandard products be sold to the United States?

Some congressmen stood up and criticized the US quality inspection department for being irresponsible. For a time, the official attitude suddenly became tough.

With Sean's efforts, General Electric, General Motors, Ford, Whirlpool ... many companies followed suit.

Sean exerted force in Congress, and they exerted force there. Customs detained a large number of goods that the Japanese attacked, citing random quality checks.

Several states have opened investigations, and some district courts have begun handing down verdicts in small cases, demanding damages from several companies.

It's not a big deal, but it can't hold up much, and for a while, there is a sense of turmoil.

The Japanese couldn't hold it any longer, and they really started to investigate, then there were so many problems, how could the capitalists be so honest!

A charge of unfair competition can make them very uncomfortable.

They don't care if things come out alone, but together, once the storm forms, everyone is miserable.

When it comes to grabbing market share, it is extremely difficult, and it is very fast when it loses the city and land. If one is not good, it will take a few years of hard work to turn it into water.

The most important thing is that this anti-Japanese storm that is hanging up for some reason is sweeping from the United States towards Eurasia.

Germany, France, Spain, Italy, including the United Kingdom, have begun to see a large number of cases involving Japanese companies.

The media and newspapers only quoted American reports at first, and then various local reports began to appear.

Increased scrutiny of Japanese products has been proposed in several countries.

What makes Toshiba and Mitsubishi even more annoyed is that even the East has begun to follow suit. Some equipment exports and business cooperation that were originally under negotiation have all come to a deadlock, and competitors from Europe and the United States have appeared in the East one after another.

Suddenly, the method used to fool the idiots in the east was no longer useful. After the sales department invested a sum of money, they only got a vague news that there were Americans intervening behind this.

The news control on the east side is very strict, and the name Sean is only circulated among high-level people.

There is a lack of communication between various departments. The sales department knows that many companies in the east have sued them, but they are used to the high-level treatment of foreigners and they don't take it to heart. Outsourced already.

And in the east, there is no American news at all.

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【America's Big Hero】【】

"Tell them that I'm not in the United States, um, I'm on a business trip. Specifically, it's a business secret." Sean waved.

In the past few days, the Japanese are looking for a relationship like crazy to come to see him.

There are still many people who are willing to take this money, just to help the Japanese pass the news that they are going to meet without any position attached.

Of course, this type of phone call couldn't reach Sean, and was picked up by Norris' secretarial team, but the news was still known.

"Forget it, arrange a plane and go to Japan!" Sean thought about it and said to Lorraine, "Don't use the palace in the sky, just rent a plane."

Sean is going to personally preside over the case of Toshiba's private sale of five-axis machine tools.

In fact, after Sean learned about it from Murdoch, the intelligence department had already entered Japan and started preliminary work.

The main thing is to get in touch with Toshiba's staff, win over the relationship, and prepare for buying intelligence.

The other is to contact the local gang forces in Japan. The news is divided into high-end and low-end. This does not mean that there is any difference in importance, but a channel for obtaining information.

A day later, on the outskirts of Tokyo.

When he first came to Tokyo, Sean ordered someone to buy a mansion for Akina Nakamori to live in, and this time he lived here.

"How's the data investigation going?"

"It's all here, boss." A Japanese man who looked to be in his 40s smiled and handed over a document and put it on the table, and then put it away in different categories. "These are the list of Toshiba Machine Tool Division staff, 1980. Up to now, those who resigned in the middle are marked in red and have time to resign, and those in green are those who have been transferred with time attached.”

"This one is from our investigation. Hiroaki Tanimura, the head of the Machine Tool Business Department, and his confidants have detailed the time he followed him, the department he is currently in, and the situation."

"This document is the list of the staff of the manufacturing department, and this one is the list of Minister Lin Longer and his confidants."

"This document is a list of Toshiba's branches or divisions in Eastern Europe. The ones marked in red are for machinery sales."

"Yes, very detailed." Sean gave a compliment with a smile.

"Thank you boss." The Japanese man snapped and bowed.

These tasks are very simple for the intelligence department, and they are not high-level confidential information. Let’s talk about the list of staff. Not only the people in this department know it, HR knows it, and even the financial department knows it. Salaries are always paid. .

As for who's confidant, office politics is ubiquitous, and no one knows who the minister's confidant is better than people in their department. This kind of thing can be found out with a little money.

It is enough to verify a few more people at most, and it is also not difficult.

Sean began to look down at the information. According to Sean's years of experience in committing crimes, it is impossible for the minister to operate this kind of thing himself.

It must be someone from Lao Maozi who will investigate first, who is the head of the Machine Tool Business Department, who is more adventurous, and then try it out.

For example, in places such as cocktail parties, they secretly contact Toshiba staff in private, and the address must be in Northern Europe, it doesn't matter which country.

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【America's Big Hero】【】

No one in Lao Maozi needs to reveal their identities, as long as they release the news that they want to buy a five-axis machine tool at a high price. Of course, some private promises must be made.

After the news is delivered to Tanimura Hiroaki, you can just wait. If Tanimura Hiroaki has the courage, he will naturally send someone to continue contact.

To be honest, in Sean's view, Toshiba executives may not know about this, because for the huge Toshiba, the benefits and risks are not proportional.

It is very likely that Hiroaki Tanimura did it in private, and the operation method is also simple. After UU reading privately reached a deal, let the other party register a company in Northeast European countries that are not restricted by Batumi, such as Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Toshiba orders some equipment.

Hiroaki Tanimura secretly contacted Lin Longji of the manufacturing department. As long as the two reached an agreement, the records of the production department will be changed at that time. The report is the mechanical parts ordered there, and the actual production is a five-axis machine tool.

It's nothing more than deception.

The rest is simpler, packing, shipping, and as long as the things are on the cargo ship that Lao Maozi has prepared, then everything will be fine.

If you have a strong psychological quality, you can go to Eastern Europe by sea. The land is sparsely populated, and it is not a problem to transport it to Lao Maozi.

Be anxious, turn around after entering the high seas, and go to Vladivostok, which is just over a thousand kilometers. What are you afraid of when you enter Lao Maozi's territory!

Of course, someone has to install it. This kind of high-precision machinery cannot be installed by reading the manual.

Therefore, the technicians responsible for the installation must also be involved and get a share of the pie.

Sean just needs to find people who worked in Northern Europe around 1983 from Hiroaki Tanimura's confidant. If he happens to be promoted and raised after that, it will be even more correct.

As for the installation technicians, look for those who have traveled to Europe at the same time.

The manufacturing department has a similar approach. Finally, let the local gang help investigate whether they have changed houses or bought a new car after 1983.

Oh, by the way, you can also investigate whether Tanimura Hiroaki has lost a lot of money in the stock market before, or lost money in the casino...

It's a very simple operation!

Sean: No one knows better than me...