MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 535 : Draw lots to choose the king

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The Gulf War has come to an end, but the impact has just begun.

In just 43 days, the coalition forces led by the United States caused about 100,000 casualties in Iraq. In addition, more than 400 aircraft were damaged in the battle, and more than 5,000 tanks were scrapped, causing Iraq's direct economic losses to reach 2,000. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

In Kuwait, 1.5 million tons of oil have been leaked into the Gulf successively due to the war, and more than 50 million tons of crude oil were burned in the oil wells that were set on fire.

If you drive 10 liters of gasoline every day, the wasted oil is almost enough to last a car for 10 million years. Sulfur and smoke from burning fires wafted into the Himalayas.

At the same time, the technologies and new tactics displayed by the U.S. military in the Gulf War taught the world a good lesson.

In order to cope with air superiority and electronic warfare, countries around the world have paid great attention to air defense missile projects. Air defense systems represented by Russia's S-300 and S-400 series have begun to be sought after by the world. Promoted the development of satellite technology.

Thirty years after the outbreak of the Gulf War, the world's military technology has been developing faster and faster, and countries have begun to. . . .

Well, with the decline of the British Empire, the French manpower is not enough, the Russians are living on their laurels, and the five hooligans are left in the north.

Another impact is that there is no third military power in the world anymore. ---

However, all this has nothing to do with Xiao En, Lao Tzu's big knife is already hungry and thirsty!

Over there, Lao Bu was still arguing with countries in the United Nations about how to deal with YLK issues, such as war reparations, such as the new ***.

Here, Sean has already started sending people into the YLK area... Ahem, he has started to help the YLK people with post-war reconstruction work.

A long time ago, Sean greeted Norman in private, and asked him to focus on taking care of oil-related industries such as the oil refinery of the YLK people. Of course, it is not to protect them, but to blow up everything that can be blown up!

If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come!

The YLK people were defeated, but the war indemnity will not be less than a penny. The domestic oil industry chain collapsed. What do the YLK people eat and drink, and how do they pay back?

How to carry out post-war reconstruction without money?

Then the only option is to sell the resources. This is all calculated, otherwise, why would Xiao En get 20% alone, which is the same as the sum of Ying, France, Holland and others.

In addition to the sale of YLK's oil well mining rights, the related oil refineries, oil storage depots, and oil pipelines have to be rebuilt. If they have no money, they can only find a joint venture.

The people under the umbrella entered YLK to lay the foundation for the post-war reconstruction work. First of all, they wanted to occupy these oil wells and the destroyed oil refining-related industries to prevent further damage.

To put it bluntly, it is to guard against oil thieves!

Xiao En has already learned from Lao Bu in advance that the YLK processing result will not be delayed for too long, and the processing result of the 1.1 million soldiers has reached an agreement, that is, disbanding!

YLK not only invaded Kuwait this time, but also triggered the sixth Middle East War, which caused the largest casualties and economic losses after the Vietnam War. In order to prevent the emergence of ambitious people again, it is also to warn other ambitious people, such as Card Dazuo , YLK's handling method will learn from the handling method of the book in World War II.

It is forbidden for YLK people to have an army any more. They can only form a self-defense force, and the number is limited. In the end, only 100,000 people may be retained, and the remaining 1 million people will be disbanded on the spot.

This **** is 1 million people who have fought and seen blood, and many of them are veterans who have fought since the Iran-Iraq War. Is the abolition a joke?

Even laying off 1 million ordinary workers will cause social chaos, let alone veterans with guns. How to live after being cut?

In addition, this is the Middle East, and the white hat religion has a huge influence, and various sects are incompatible. Oh yes, and the ethnic issue....

It is foreseeable that the future of YLK is bound to be one of war.

According to the information in Sean’s hands, most of the 600,000 U.S. coalition forces are maintaining law and order in major cities including Kuwait, some are holding more than 1 million captives, and some are helping to put out the fire. This has led to chaos in Iraq Woke up.

Those local tribes seized oil wells and abandoned refineries, stole oil and sold it at a low price to some oil smugglers for profit.

As soon as the Gulf War started, international oil prices skyrocketed. Iraq and Kuwait accounted for 14% of global crude oil production.

Anyway, the crude oil here is produced by itself, and there is almost no mining cost.

Now Sean's job is to **** back these oil wells and equipment, and now, these things are his own! What kind of **** Ilk, what does it have to do with Lao Tzu!

Rockefeller and several other oil companies in the United States have already sent over the employment contracts, and the security fees for the first year have been paid, so the umbrella will naturally start to act.

In contrast, Umbrella has started recruiting again.

This time, about 10,000 people will be recruited, mainly the U.S. troops who are about to retire.

Of course, Umbrella also registered a security company again in Iraq, beckoning a group of Iraqi local troops to do some peripheral work. It is initially estimated that this group of people will not be less than 20,000.

It is impossible to mix in other people's local areas without benefiting the local people at all.

Doing business is not about fighting and killing, but more about people's sophistication. Fighting all day long, you can't beat people up, so whether you need to extract oil or transport it!

Sean is very clear about this point. It's only 20,000 people, and it doesn't cost much.

In 1990, Iraq's per capita GDP was 10468, and in 1991 it was US$22. . . . What is erasure!

Just erase everything in front of the zero!

More than 20,000 people are definitely not comparable to 1 million, but that's all Xiao En can do to save face, and it's not like he doesn't have other jobs. In the end, the interests of the U.S. military must also be guaranteed, and more or less must be distributed.


The specific details are handled by the people below. Sean's main job is to communicate with the US military, and communicate with those from other major oil companies who are gradually sending people over.

Half a month after the ceasefire, the United Nations finally settled the matter. The most important thing is the amount of war reparations that Iraq needs to pay.

As for the election of the new president, Sean got involved. He communicated with Lao Bu on this matter many times.

"I am opposed to having another **** president. Sean, who is democratically elected or something, thinks it is not suitable for the Middle East. It is better to maintain the Iraqi tradition, and it is better to have a hereditary and irreplaceable royal family."

"A democratically elected president is more advanced and more democratic, right?" Lao Bu said on the phone.

"Democracy and non-democracy, what does it have to do with us?" Sean sneered, "Even if it is elected by the people, the credit won't fall to you, uncle, so what's the point?"

"For the royal family, it's okay to say that Ilk is their private property. If you want to lie on Ilk to **** blood, it will not be so easy, just like Saudi Arabia. Didn't you also participate in the establishment of OPEC back then, putting Rockefeller in Most of the interests of the Middle East have been embezzled." Lao Bu objected.

He has witnessed that period of history. The first oil well in Saudi Arabia was drilled by Rockefeller.

"What is blood-sucking, how can this be blood-sucking?" Sean quit immediately, "This is to help them rebuild after the war. We are the party of justice, okay?"

Old Bu smiled and didn't speak.

"The royal family has the benefits of the royal family. Although private property makes them more disgusted with us, it is precisely because of private property that it is hereditary. They are more careful and their ambitions are not so big. These democratically elected presidents have no **** An honest man!" Sean scolded, "What kind of card Dazuo, what kind of stupid big wood, including Venezuela and his like, one counts as one, they are all **** capable, and they can all be tossed about."

"Compared to the royal family, it's much better, don't say

The top ones are trash, but the family is big and the business is big. For the sake of inheritance, it is better to be cautious...cooperate. "

"You don't need to think about control, but if you have to choose between the interests of the country and the interests of the royal family, the first thing they consider will always be the interests of the royal family." Sean sneered, just like those big families in the north.

It is clearly written in the history books that they don't care who is the emperor, and it won't affect them anyway.

The power of these emperors is not much greater than that of the royal families in the Middle East, so what, it is not a compromise with the scholar-bureaucrat group.

The country is naturally divided into two opposing factions. In Xiao En's view, this is better to control. They can stand outside the circle and be the referee, as long as the balance between the two sides is ensured.

Sean, including the oil groups behind him, can also see clearly that this is not decades ago, and the era of eating alone has passed.

Win-win cooperation can last for a long time.

Besides, starting to brainwash young people through methods such as overseas students, the control effect may not be bad.

On this point, Sean has communicated with old man David and other companies before, and everyone supports Sean.

This cooperation model has been tested by the market. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Nai all cooperate in this way, and there are mature systems here.

On the other hand, look at the presidential system, look at Venezuela, look at Libya, they are all negative teaching materials!

Regarding Sean's request, Lao Bu raised no further objections. He is the president of the United States, not the president of Iraq, and he has nothing to do with the specific system.

As for how to find the royal family to rule Ilk, there is a ready-made, the Hashemite family in Jordan. Faisal I of the Hashemite family established the Hashemite dynasty in Iraq in 1921.

It's just that unlike the Hashemite family in Jordan that has been passed down to this day, the Elkhashite dynasty has inherited three kings.

Faisal I, Ghazi I, and Faisal II. In 1958, the July 14 Revolution led by Qassem broke out in Ilk, overthrowing the Hashemite Dynasty. All members of the royal family were killed. The Kingdom of Ilk Destroyed, the Republic of Iraq was established.

Silly Damu came to power after overthrowing Kasem.

The reason why the Iran-Iraq war was launched eagerly at the beginning was because a large part of the people in the country believed that only the Hashemite family had the legal right to rule YLK.

Therefore, if you want to legally rule Iraq and convince the Iraqis, the religious circles will not come forward to oppose it, and other Arab countries in the Middle East will also support it. The easiest way is to choose someone from the Hashemite family in Jordan Just come out and restore the kingdom of Ilk.

Of course, this will definitely not be chosen from among the sons of the current king. It is not necessary for Sean to teach Lao Bu, he will choose a relatively mediocre one from other branches of the royal family to take the throne.

When the new king ascends to power, he will naturally move closer to the United States, which supported him. It is clear at a glance who is the thigh. Jordan is already unable to cope with the Israelis, and it can't help at all!

Well, sometimes the relationship between the side branch and the main branch is not much better than the enemy...

Although according to the old man David, Soros is not worthy of the title of capitalist, he is just a top capital operator who is good at financial analysis and stock market foreign exchange operations, but Sean needs this guy now.

Originally, I had been planning to meet Soros, but I got caught up in YLK's affairs. With Sean not around, who is qualified to deal with Norman and discuss YLK's overall choice with Old Bu?

Therefore, Sean could only make a phone call to Soros and ask him to come to Saudi Arabia to meet him.

The old man Soros is 61 years old. His body is very healthy. His gray hair is combed meticulously. He wears a blue suit and walks vigorously. When he came up, he gave Sean a big hug.

I don't know where the enthusiasm came from.

If it wasn't for Sean's invitation, Soros would still be happy in the United States. The old guy is having fun. Don't look at 61 years old.

The meeting place is in Athens, Greece, and Sean originally planned to be in Dubai

We met, the scenery was good, but as a result, the stupid man dumped 1.5 million tons of oil in the Persian Gulf, and half of the Persian Gulf was covered by oil. Sean had to change the meeting place to Athens.

Fortunately, the scenery of the Aegean Sea is better, there are more young models here, and it is also a paradise for the rich.

The only trouble is that the special plane has to go around Egypt, there is no way, I dare not fly directly, Jerusalem is a mess, Xiao En is afraid that the special plane will be shot down by fighter jets in the sky...

After picking up someone from the Greek airport and returning to the villa here, Sean arranged a silver party for the old woman. It wasn't until the afternoon of the second day that the two had time to talk about business.

in the study,

There were six pieces of paper on the desk in front of Sean, each of which was a member of the Hashemite family, "Which one of them do you think will become the king of YLK?"

"Ah?" Soros stared blankly at the note on the table, then at Sean, and laughed after a trace of confusion flashed across his face.

He could see that Sean was going to give him a blow, and he curled his lips inwardly. It is true that he is good at finance and doesn't know much about politics, but since Sean found him, it must be financial business. Planting mawei can't scare him.

The old guy shrugged, UU Reading said with a smile: "I can't judge, besides, isn't YLK a presidential system?"

"It won't be soon." Sean smiled and gave Soros a big look, and pointed to the note on the table with a smile, "Choose one." Soros pointed to himself, "Are we going to make a bet?"

"No." Sean shook his head, with a faint smile on his face, and tapped the table again, "I mean, the right to choose the king of YLK is up to you, and there are definitely not many chances of who can become a king , after all, it was once the third military power.”

Soros's expression changed from indifference to astonishment, and his expression gradually distorted, "Me? Choose King YLK? Are you kidding me!"

Sean shrugged, picked up the notes one by one, rolled them into balls, flipped them in his hands and scattered them on the table again, stretched out his hand and gestured at Soros, "Come on, grab one."

Soros stared at Sean, he didn't think Sean was joking, he must be 100% sure if he dared to play like this, so this is so **** ridiculous!

King YLK, Soros, draw lots...they shouldn't be next to each other!

At this moment, Soros could no longer calm down, and his heart beat rapidly. 5 minutes ago, Soros was nothing I hadn't seen!

5 minutes later, I have never seen this before!

Stretching out his hand in mid-air, his hand was trembling a little, this grasp will determine the king of YLK, the hand of God!

After hesitating for a long time, he finally grabbed a ball of paper and opened it tremblingly. Only then did he look like a 61-year-old man.

Sean smiled and looked at the name above, picked up the satellite phone next to him and dialed, "It's decided, choose..." Soros listened quietly, the flesh on his cheeks trembling.

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