MTL - America’s Road To Fame-Chapter 501 dangerous situation

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, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

But it seems william's current situation is not good.

There are 20 people participating in "Survivor" this time. At first, by drawing a turban, William got a red turban and became a member of the Kota tribe.

The other ten people who drew blue turbans were members of the Fang tribe.

At present, with the progress of the game, there are only 5 people left in both the Kota and Fang tribes. Tomorrow, it will be the next knockout match. The two tribes will decide through the competition which tribe will hold a tribe meeting at night to eliminate the other. people.

The two people beside william now, the blonde beauty is Amanda, who has a good relationship with william, and William Chen even felt a little ambiguous between the two.

And the black brother who looks like Dwayne Johnson is called Will. He is a good man, but if he votes, he must vote with Roman.

Roman is the "boss" of their kota tribe. He is very capable of playing and formed an alliance from the very beginning. This alliance includes the current three members of the kota tribe except william and Amanda - Roman, Will also has a South Korean named Choi Sung-sik.

This alliance manipulated the majority of their tribe, and what made William Chen speechless was that this William, who was his predecessor, had followed them with Amanda before, so they eliminated the other five people in the tribe before.

But now, Roman believes that William and Amanda are close allies, so they must be separated and one person must be eliminated.

This man, his goal is william.

William also discovered the subtle atmosphere in the tribe before. When he went to ask Will, the honest man didn't plan to hide from William, and told him Roman's plan, because even if William knew about this matter, it was useless , Roman and the three of them have been allied from the very beginning, and there are currently only five people in the tribe, and their votes are dominant, and William and Amanda have no chance of a comeback.

As for Choi Sung-sik, the last South Korean descendant in the tribe, William Chen found that he had no good impression of him at all from the memory of his predecessor william.

Because the reason why Roman wants to eliminate william is very likely that this guy gave him the idea.

This guy is very insidious. When he first needed the votes of William and Amanda, he used his Asian relationship to make friends with William Chen. When he didn't need their votes, he would target William everywhere, and often on Roman's side. speak ill of him.

These, William heard from Will, because in fact, he did not agree with the early elimination of a member of the tribe.

Because normally, there are only 5 people left in both the Kota tribe and the Fang tribe, so according to the practice of "Survivor", it is very likely that after this elimination, the tribe will be merged, and now you will eliminate your own tribe. One person, not a wise choice, is likely to put the Kota tribe at a numerical disadvantage in the next elimination vote.

However, after thinking about it at this time, William Chen thought that since Roman and Cui Chengzhi are so determined to eliminate William, then it is very likely that they also want to protect someone from the other tribe. In this case, it is very likely that someone or someone from the Fang tribe is currently The two were the people they had formed an alliance with before the turbans were drawn to divide the tribe, so that Roman could be sure that he would still have enough votes after the tribe merged.

However, it was useless to think so much at this time. The most important thing in front of Chen William now was how to escape from tomorrow's elimination.

Maybe it's not a bad thing to be eliminated. After all, he has been living in a civilized society, and he is really not suitable for the life of this primitive society. Maybe the only thing better than the primitive society is that their tribe still has some games. of modern items.

Like the iron pots they cook in, the hammocks by the shed, and two blankets.

But now the atmosphere in the tribe is almost public, and the hammocks and blankets have been used by Roman, after all, he is the boss of the tribe.

The only blanket on William Chen's body was brought to him by the kind Will because he was sick.

Just thinking of the description of the rewards in the future bank, according to the performance in this [Survivor] event, will you get a chance to win the lottery of the technology tree?

Then William Chen is a little curious, what kind of things will be drawn, is it some kind of black technology? If so, it's really worth fighting for yourself.

No matter what, I have to wait until I get a chance to draw a lottery to see if the reward is attractive enough.

Speaking of William Chen's journey, he also generally found the reason from William's memory.

It turned out that the tropical island where they were two days ago ushered in a heavy rain that lasted for two days.

You must know that the whole "Survivor" will last for 39 days in total, and now, 20 days have passed, and William had a big fight with Choi Sung-sik before, and he was very disappointed, so in this heavy rain In the middle of the day, he suffered from a cold and began to have a high fever.

That night, william fell into a coma. After the doctor of the program came to cool him down, the host Jeff asked him if he needed to retire. William refused this request. After all, he has always been a fan of "Survivor". , don't want to end this "Survivor" journey this way.

Later, after William fell into a coma again, William Chen came to this world and became the master of this body in his place.

It seems that even such a random event of [Easter Egg] follows the basic law of time-travel, and will not mess up.

"William, I just heard some really bad news."

When William Chen was picking up some firewood, Amanda came over and whispered to him:

"I just came back from fetching water, and I happened to hear Roman and the others discussing things, just on the other side of the bushes, they didn't see me, I quietly listened there for a while, I heard Cui proposed that before the tribe merged Vote you away, it seems that Roman is also very supportive of this They are discussing to lose the game tomorrow, and then they can participate in the tribal meeting in the evening, they have three votes, they can vote you away. How? do?"

Hearing Amanda's words, Chen William was not too nervous. After all, he had never experienced anything before. In his opinion, there is not much fear in this small game like a game. The big deal is to be eliminated and leave. What a **** place.

"Don't be in a hurry, amanda, think back carefully, was Will also there at the time, and what was his attitude."

"He was not very willing to give up the game on purpose. At that time, he said that even if we wanted to dismantle our alliance, we could lose the game after the tribe merged, and our votes would not prevail after the merger. However, Roman convinced him, He told Will that he had his own arrangements and that he would still be able to control the field after the tribe merged, so in the end Will agreed that he would vote for you if he lost the game. But he also said that he would not let the water go, and the game would still be played as best he could. ."

Amanda recalled.


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