MTL - Amnesia In Movie World-v6 Chapter 1287 First draft (2)

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

According to my father and uncle, going out to sea by boat these days is nothing but torture.

Yes, a narrow escape is nothing. If you die, you will die. After all, you are trying to get rich. Before boarding the ship, you have already figured it out, and you are fighting for gold.

However, I know that it is dangerous, but the torture at sea is worse than death, endless bumps, feces, urine, fart and vomit, fresh water is terrible to drink, endless skin itching and ulceration...

Every second after going to sea is extremely long. In short, apart from gold, there is no reason for people to persevere.

But after boarding this big steel ship named "Lushan", torture? does not exist!

In fact, enjoying every minute of it! That's how I felt with my dad, my uncle, and everyone else who signed up.

And even though it is the first time for me to go out to sea on a sea boat, I have been on a river boat, so I can understand.

I won't talk about basic necessities of life, I can't say enough, the key is that this big ship is too stable.

Yes, steamships, we already know what such ships are called in the East.

And in a stable and comfortable environment, enjoying the hotbed of food, wine and luxurious clothes, I am naturally in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea through the viewing telescope. This is not an adventure, it is an extremely wonderful trip.

But we are not obsessed with it. Since we plan to go to the country of big flowers to change our destiny, we must study hard.

So even if the crew who acted as reception translators understand our languages ​​​​all over Europe (I don’t know how they learned it, are there other European pioneers?), we especially want to learn the language of flowers.

Fortunately, the captain fully agreed to our request and allowed the crew to teach us the language of flowers, which is Chinese.

So on the way, we had a very fulfilling life.

But gradually, we discovered something strange, and it was because my father was well-informed enough.

Now, the Lushan ship has been sailing in the open sea for too long. You must know that the sailboat sailing at this time...?

Conditions, sailing along the coastline is the norm. It is not that you will not enter the open sea, but the general time will not be too exaggerated, and there is no way to do it due to the technical conditions of the ship.

So at first, my father thought that this was the advantage of the big metal ship, and it was not too surprising. After all, there are too many surprising things, and we are getting used to it.

But after a long time, my father finally discovered the big problem, that is, he has been sailing in the open sea for a long time, and he has never entered the coastal zone to replenish supplies!

This is too exaggerated, because we have all noticed that there are many crew members, and the usual food and fresh water consumption is also very large. Not to mention the variety of delicacies, which are also available 24 hours a day, the fresh water consumption is even greater. In addition to drinking and satisfying In addition to daily hand washing and face washing, it can also guarantee bath water!

Such a large consumption cannot be all due to the fact that the ship is big enough to carry a lot of it. After all, the Lushan also purchased a large amount of local products from the local area before leaving the post, and out of safety considerations, no captain would wait for the supplies to be exhausted. It is purely courting death to stop at shore for supplies.

Other applicants also gradually discovered this problem, and couldn't help asking the crew, but the crew just answered with a mysterious smile, don't worry, the supplies are sufficient.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

This should be the seafaring secret of the Big Flower Country, and the crew didn't want to answer it.

(But my father, uncle and I actually already know the answer, because we have already got the answer in the communication these days, and the two prodigies only interviewed us at the beginning, so other people must not know that they have magical magic!

That's right, it must be because of the power of magic that resupply is not a problem at all.

That being the case, my father and uncle think that we should keep this matter a secret, because only in this way can we have an advantage over others. Therefore, unless the big flower grower tells it himself, we should pretend that we don’t know. )

But not long after, something even more subverting our cognition happened!

During the voyage of the Lushan, an island appeared. It is not surprising that there are islands in the far sea, but the island is actually man-made!

Is that a metal...?

Into the island!

Building islands in the sea should belong to the power of God! But Big Flower Country did it! Doesn't that mean that the country of Dazhonghua is the kingdom of God! ?

As for why we know that the island belongs to the country of flowers, because through the telescope, we saw the national flag of the countries of flowers flying!

All the applicants were dumbfounded after seeing the metal island. (This is a new Chinese idiom I learned, and I use it.)

But after we regained our composure, we learned through the crew's explanation that it is not an island at all, it is called... an offshore drilling platform.

Drilling at sea? We don't understand why this is, is it for fresh water? But is it necessary to be so extravagant?

To this, the seafarer still responded with that mysterious smile, and they did not say what the purpose of building the drilling platform was.

However, a word from the seaman made us guess the truth. He said that the sea area where the drilling platform is located is the sea area of ​​the country of Dahuahua!

The way he said that, even though he was gentle, we still saw the pride in his bones.

Haijiang? Can the sea also define national boundaries?

If this is the case, everything makes sense, the drilling platform is a sea fortress that expands to the frontier!

That's right, it must be so, that's why Great China built this extravagant metal building in the sea, in order to control the sea!

That's right, such a powerful country should have the right to control everything. This matches our definition of civilization, but it's still too gentle. If it were our rulers, I'm afraid the flames of war would have been ignited long ago. All over the world.

But the crew's next explanation made us puzzled again.

He said that there are still man-made islands, and you can see them after sailing for a few hours.

Are drilling rigs not man-made islands? Then this is naturally not considered a fortress, could it be regarded as... a sentry tower? Tsk tsk, really rich! So rich!

And a few hours later, when seeing the real man-made island, it's actually not as surprising as the drilling rig, because... ?

Because the island is not made of metal, although it is very large, it can be seen that the shape of the island is more regular, with obvious traces of artificial trimming.

But the shock I received in my heart was stronger than before. That shock caused me to suddenly have doubts about... the concept of God.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Why, because we don't see the power of magic...

First of all, on the periphery of the man-made island, the island-building project is still going on, so that we can see how the big flower planters built the island in the sea.

What they used was a bigger metal ship, and the shape of the big ship was even more strange. I can't describe it, but I just think it looks like a huge metal behemoth.

And the big ship is spouting gray-black mud, making the outside of the man-made island bigger. Although it looks like there is only a little change, compared to the reality of the sea here, I know what a little change means.

Big ship, no magic is used!

Just like this ship, like those battleships in the fleet that the crew said, the big flower planters are using a power that is not magical, I firmly believe it! Although I can't tell what it is exactly, but somewhere in my mind, it should also be the power of a tool.

Just as an ax is a tool when chopping a tree, a saw is a tool when sawing wood, and a sailboat is a tool when sailing.

It's just that the people in the country of big flowers have made tools incredible, and they have stepped into the realm of gods!

So, since the power of tools can create miracles, does God really exist? Maybe... no, tools can't make man, man is

God created it!

Yes, it must be so, God still exists!

But I still can't help wondering, will one day, tools can also create people? So, is God still God?

(This paragraph will be deleted, but I can't resist writing it, and I'm not going to tell anyone this thought, it's so deviant, how can I question the existence of God.

Even if we don't care if those two missionaries live or die, it's because we know there are liars in the church, for...?

The Polo family is very good at identifying liars, because we are colleagues...

But we still believe in God, believe in God, so... well my mind is messed up.

Otherwise, find an opportunity to ask the big flower growers to see their views on God.

These days, I can also see that although the big flower growers are proud in their bones, their etiquette is impeccable. It seems that they don't bother to use their pride to look down on the weak.

So I think, they should answer my question. )

That night, I chatted with a crew member during overtime work, and raised my question carefully.

The crew member was a little surprised, and asked me, do you really want to know the answer? That answer might overwhelm me.

I hesitated, but in the end I chose to know. Anyway, when I arrived in the country of Dazhonghua, the question about God must not be a secret, and I will know sooner or later.

The crew met me and the answers nearly drove me nuts.

He told me that the land of big flowers does not believe in God!

Although he added that it is not that no one believes in God. On the whole, Dahuahuaguo does not interfere much with religion, as long as it is not shoe religion, whatever.

But generally speaking, feudal superstition is not recognized, especially when certain feudal superstition activities have crossed the line, they must be cracked down.

Therefore, in the general environment, the vast majority of big flower growers maintain respect for religion, but there is no way for religious forces to interfere in national policy, and religion is never allowed to get involved in education, people's livelihood, and other aspects.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Those who have received the education of Dazhong Huaguo are more willing to use science to explain the world, change the world, shape the world, find problems and solve them, and push the problems to God. That is not the style of Dazhonghuaguo.

Later, the crew said something about materialism and idealism. I basically didn't understand it, because my mind was foggy...

The crew seemed to see that my heart was getting more confused. He patted me on the shoulder and advised me not to think too much. People are different, and countries are also different. Dazhonghuaguo did not force others to follow them. the same learning...?

I'm not used to it, and I don't have that plan. I can live according to my previous worldview, and I don't have to move closer to the big flower country.

But this only made me more determined.

Because the others he was talking about were me, my father, my uncle, all the applicants, all the Europeans... they were all others!

Of course others are not great flower growers, but we want to be great flower growers! This is why we seized this opportunity!

So I told my father and uncle that night. My father and uncle were silent for a long time, and then they all expressed their attitudes. Now we have only seen the tip of the iceberg, and we have not yet reached the country of Dazhonghua.

Maybe after waiting for the country of big flowers, our hearts will give us the correct answer, so we don't have to worry about it.

As for the first draft, you can write whatever you want. Anyway, there are no nobles, kings, or churches here, so what are we afraid of? As for God, since most people in the Dazhonghua Kingdom do not believe in God, it means that God is not angry. Otherwise, how can the Dazhonghua Kingdom be allowed? Exist?

In short, what really determines the follow-up of the first draft is whether we have achieved our goal.

The days passed, and finally, we were going to dock.

Because we have entered the inland sea of ​​Dahuahua Country, the crew said that the purpose of docking is to relax. After all, ocean sailing is still very tiring.

For us, the trip is the ultimate enjoyment, but for them, will they feel tired?

Well, we're rednecks...

But when we entered the inner sea, we saw more ships, and the ocean became more lively.

And even more interesting, we saw a very amazing creature.

It should be a kind of whale. Of course there are huge whales in the ocean. I have known this for a long time.

But to everyone's amazement, that kind of whale is so beautiful, its body is covered with golden scales, and it will reflect brilliant colorful light in the sun

Just like mythical animals!

So beautiful!

And those special whales are not afraid of humans and ships at all, and they look like...?

It seems very smart.

The explanation of the crew is that this is called Jinlinkun, a very intelligent animal, and is very friendly to humans, and will even take the initiative to rescue those who fell into the sea.

The key is that the value of Jinlin Kun is so precious that it is outrageous!

Jin Linkun would go to the beach to shed her skin every once in a while, and the shed skin has the medicinal effect of treating various intractable diseases, and can delay aging! That is, it can make people live longer!

Just extracting a little essence can extend the life of a person by at least twenty years!

This is definitely a baby!

And since molting has medicinal effects, there is no need to hunt and kill them at all, and the living range of Jinlin Kun is within the sea area of ​​Dazhonghua Country, and will not go to other places, so Dazhonghua Country has listed Jinlin Kun as a national first-class protected animal .

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

I heard that harming Jin Linkun will lead to imprisonment, and killing Jinlinkun will even be sentenced to death!

Of course, in view of the value of the golden scale kun, the big flower country has begun to study how to raise it artificially to increase the population of the golden scale kun. Even if the current molting is enough to meet the needs of the whole country, it is obvious that the population of the big flower country will increase. .

Instead, I overheard some content in the conversation between the two crew members, which puzzled me. They said that maybe it was because of this magical effect that the Golden Scale Kun was extinct and disappeared from history, so there is no such thing in historical materials. Ever documented extinct? disappear? Isn't this a good life? I don't understand.

However, magical animals are not limited to the golden scale kun. From entering the sea of ​​Dazhonghua, we seem to have really entered the kingdom of gods, and all kinds of rare and unheard of animals appear one after another.

For example, the golden dolphin, which can jump out of the sea more than ten feet high, is as smart and friendly as Jin Linkun. The key is that it is cute and beautiful. It is also a first-class protected animal. The magic is that the golden dolphin likes to eat soil, and its excrement will condense into balls. What kind of rare elements are rich in it, it is said that it can produce superconducting effect, I don’t understand.

For example, a long-haired sea turtle with a diameter of 30 meters is gentle and does not hurt people. It is a first-class protected animal. The economic value lies in the discoloration that grows on the shell of the sea turtle...?

The long hair can be used for weaving. It is said that the clothes made of tortoise hair are invaluable!

For example, the nine-color seagull flying in the sky is a first-class protected animal, and its reproduction rate is very low. However, the eggshell of the nine-color seagull will produce a second shape after being exposed to fire, expand hundreds of times, and become a new material. It is said to be extremely strong , and not only did not change after the fire, but also set fire, saying that the National Academy of Sciences of Dazhonghua is studying what this substance is.

In short, there are countless magical animals and plants, and there are even more under the sea.

But the strange thing is that I found out later that not only we have never heard of these animals and plants, but also the elderly people in the big flower country have never heard of them. After all, it is in the sea and on some islands.

The key point is that these valuable animals and plants just stay in the waters of the Dazhonghua Country, and they will never swim to other places. Even the Dazhonghua Country itself has not figured out why. _&?