MTL - An Impossible to Reject Confession-Chapter 19 heart disease

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Qiao Mu dreamed again, dreaming of things from his childhood, when he was just eight years old.

He was at home that day to solve a living problem assigned by the teacher. Because the problem was a bit difficult, he couldn't solve it after thinking for an hour. It was already dark and he was a little hungry. Just as he was about to go out to find something to eat, his mother, Lu Yinghua, pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing her mother, Xiao Qiaomu looked happy, and two deep dimples appeared on her delicate face: "Mom, you are back."

Lu Yinghua asked: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Qiaomu: "I'm solving the dead problem assigned by the teacher."

Lu Yinghua: "Did you untie it?"

Xiao Qiaomu: "Not yet, after entering the promotion class, the difficulty of living dead problem has become much more difficult, and I have not solved it for an hour."

Lu Yinghua's face sank, but Xiao Qiaomu didn't realize it, she was still saying that she was hungry and wanted to eat before solving the problem.

Lu Yinghua: "I just came back from the dojo. Your class ranking this time is tenth from the bottom."

Since Xiao Qiaomu entered the dojo, she has always been a top student, and has never taken such a low term, and lowered her head in shame: "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't play well this time, next time I will work hard."

Xiao Qiaomu is still very confident, Mr. Wang said that he can be ranked 20th in the Chong Duan class, because all the brothers in the class are seven or eight years older than him. Woolen cloth. They have studied seven or eight years more than themselves, so their exams are almost normal, and they will gradually catch up.

Lu Yinghua asked, "Why is it not solved even after an hour of solving it?"

It was only at this time that Xiao Qiaomu noticed her mother's anger, and said weakly: "Yes... I'm sorry."

Lu Yinghua approached Qiaomu: "Did you desert?"

Little Qiaomu didn't dare to speak, just lowered her head.

"Mom teach you a way to focus, come with me."

Xiao Qiaomu didn't know, so he obediently followed his mother to the bathroom, and watched his mother pick up a basin of water with her face and put it on the stool in front of him.

"Every time your father couldn't solve chess, or was unable to concentrate, he would put his head in the water, hold his breath, and force himself to think calmly. Come on, try it too. "

Little Qiaomu was a little scared, but she didn't want to make her mother unhappy, so she closed her eyes and buried her head in it. But how could the little boy hold his breath for too long, and he stood up after a while.

"Is it untied?" Lu Yinghua asked.

Xiao Qiaomu shook his head, he was just worried about being afraid, and he didn't think about life and death at all.

"Then come again." Lu Yinghua raised her hand and pressed Xiao Qiaomu's head down.

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

The next dream is endless water, and a hand pressed firmly behind his head.

"Qiao Mu, why did you lose this game of chess again, go back and calm down for me."

"Qiao Mu, why did you make a mistake in the middle game? Are you nervous? Go to the bathroom and calm down for me."

"Qiao Mu, you can become a professional chess player by winning two more games. You are not allowed to make any mistakes. Please calm down before the game."

"Qiaomu, calm down!"

After coughing for a while, Qiao Mu sat up with lingering fears, and involuntarily raised his hand and touched the back of his neck. This is his habit, even if he knows psychologically that there is absolutely no hand on the back of his neck at this time, Qiao Mu still has to confirm it himself before he can relax completely.

The alarm clock on the bedside table showed three in the morning, Qiao Mu turned his head and looked out the window, exhaling deeply.

The next day, Xu Youyou entered the classroom wrapped in a long-lost plush coat. As soon as she entered, she attracted the attention of her classmates.

"Student Xu Youyou, are you unaccustomed again?" Bai Yi asked.

"Well." Xu Youyou was too lazy to explain, lying on the table was weak, until Qiao Mu walked into the classroom, her face became better.

"Yo, what's the matter with you? The big autumn ones are wrapped like a zongzi, because they framed me and got retribution?" Lu Shi still remembered his revenge, when he saw Xu Youyou like this , couldn't help but sneer.

"Go away!" Xu Youyou originally planned to apologize for what happened yesterday when she met Lu Shi today, but now it's even.

"Is it sick again?" Qiao Mu asked worriedly.


"Isn't it all right?"

"Ghost knows, it suddenly happened again in the middle of the night last night, and it just woke me up." Xu Youyou also wanted to know what was going on. "I can't stretch my hands straight now."

Xu Youyou pitifully stuck out her five red fingers from her sleeves.


"If you don't go, the hospital can't even find out the reason." Xu Youyou refused.

"Is it true?" Lu Shi listened for a long time, raised his hand suspiciously and touched Xu Youyou's forehead.

Xu Youyou frowned, raised her hand and knocked off Lu Shi's claws.

Lu Shi exclaimed: "I'm going, it's really like ice cubes. It's like this, I must be sent to the hospital."

"No, I was like this before, just get some sleep." Going to the hospital is useless, Qiao Mu is her medicine. After a while, her body was slowly warming up.

"Then go to the infirmary, where you can sleep more comfortably and have a doctor." Qiao Mu said.

"I can't walk." Xu Youyou shook her head.

"I'll carry you." After speaking, Qiao Mu squatted down in front of Xu Youyou and motioned her to climb up.

Xu Youyou's eyes lit up as soon as she rubbed it. She was trying to find an excuse to have more physical contact with Qiaomu, and this opportunity came.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, it was the beginning of love, and the boys and girls who used to be unestimated were more reserved at this age. It is a very intimate thing for a boy to take the initiative to carry a girl. Unless the girl can't walk, which is obviously not the case with Xu Youyou.

Seeing Xu Youyou moving, Lu Shi thought she wanted to avoid suspicion, thinking about the almost inferiority liking that her cousin revealed yesterday. I can't even summon the courage.

No, Xu Youyou must not be allowed to refuse the tree.

"Qiaomu, let's help her."

Qiao Mu also reacted at this time. Just as he was about to get up, he felt a chill on his back, followed by a cold and soft touch. Xu Youyou wrapped her hands around his neck and was already lying on his back.

Qiao Mu was stunned, straightened up, stood up, and walked out without saying a word.

Lu Shi scratched his head in confusion, and thought about it a little more. Sure enough, when he filmed a lot, it was easy for people to make up their minds.

Qiao Mu knew that Xu Youyou was afraid of the cold, so he walked all the way to a place with direct sunlight. After walking for about seven or eight minutes, the two arrived at the infirmary.

"What's wrong?" The teacher in the infirmary was startled when he saw a student coming early in the morning.

"I didn't eat breakfast, my blood sugar is low." Xu Youyou's illness was difficult to explain, so she made up an excuse.

"You girls, have you lost weight again, why are you wearing so many clothes?" The teacher complained, then took a piece of chocolate from the drawer and handed it to Xu Youyou, "Eat some chocolate first , this male classmate, go to the canteen and buy her some breakfast."

Qiao Mu responded quickly and ran out.

Xu Youyou undressed and lay on the bed at the teacher's arrangement: "The body temperature is a little low, sleep and observe."

Qiaomu came back soon and brought Xu Youyou sandwiches and milk, each of which was specially heated, and it was a little hot in your hand: "Drink the milk first and warm up. "

"I'm much better." Xu Youyou replied.

Qiao Mu raised his hand and flicked Xu Youyou's forehead. As expected, her body temperature had risen a lot, and he was relieved: "That's good."

The teenager got close, and Xu Youyou realized that there seemed to be red blood in Qiaomu's eyes: "You didn't sleep well last night?"

"Ah, thinking about something, I slept late." Qiao Mu said lightly.

Qiao Mu didn't sleep well either. Xu Youyou didn't think much about it at first, and he didn't even think about the sudden relapse of her cold symptoms. But for three days in a row, he was woken up three times by the freeze, and Qiao Mu's visible dark circles under his eyes, Xu Youyou had no choice but to doubt it.

Finally, on the fourth night, Xu Youyou was woken up by the cold at 3:00 in the middle of the night and couldn't bear it anymore, so she made a phone call.

"What are you doing? Are you sleeping?"

Qiao Mu, who received the phone call in the middle of the night, was stunned, and after a long while he replied, "How do you know that I haven't slept?"

The fact that he quietly quit the drug and insomnia didn't even know about his family, how did Xu Youyou know about it.

Xu Youyou was woken up by the question, yes, how did I know that Qiaomu didn't sleep, I wiped, how to explain this?

"Arbor?" The first step, pretending to be confused too.

"It's me."

"It's you, I'm sorry, I made the wrong call. I called my dad just now. He is in country Y and the time difference is different." Xu Youyou explained superfluously.

"It's okay, then I'll hang up, you can continue to call uncle." Qiao Mu said that he was about to hang up.

"Wait, it's three o'clock now, why don't you sleep? You don't seem to have slept well for the past few days, and the dark circles are coming out. Last time you said that you were thinking about things, thinking What?" Xu Youyou asked in a series of questions, afraid that Qiao Mu would perfunctory her.

"I..." Qiao Mu paused and replied, "I'm wondering whether to participate in the National Go Competition."

"Are you going to play Go again?" Xu Youyou asked in surprise.

"Still considering." Qiao Mudao.

"What is there to consider, definitely go."


"Isn't this nonsense? You have given up Go, but you have been struggling for several days, you must have wanted to go, don't worry about what you want. Go as you want, what do you want to do? ?" Xu Youyou said.

"I'm afraid... I'll be nervous."

"Isn't it normal to be nervous? There are no people in this world who are not nervous." Xu Youyou felt that Qiao Mu's worries were really superfluous and strange.

"I'm different from others." Qiao Mu got up from the bed, walked in the yard in pajamas, looked up at the moon in the sky, "remember the last time I almost passed out in the alley? When I'm nervous, that's what happens."

"You..." Xu Youyou suddenly thought of one thing, "When you participated in the fixed stage competition before, did you pass out like this?"

"Well, at the end of the game, I fainted twice in a row." Qiao Mu said solemnly, "They said that chess skills can be practiced, but people who are mentally fragile are not suitable for playing Go."

Said he was pitiful, a sad child prodigy with a flawed personality.

"So you didn't want to give up Go, but they made you give up?" Xu Youyou asked.

Qiao Mu found that Xu Youyou's focus on issues always seemed to be different from others: "I don't know, but at that time, I really didn't want to give up, I was very scared. Am I very useless? , very cowardly."

"You were only ten years old then, isn't it normal to be afraid?" Xu Youyou said.

Yes, he was only ten years old at that time, but in the eyes of others, he is not an ordinary person, but a genius who must do better than ordinary people.

"What if I faint again?" Qiao Mu asked.

Yeah, why do you think so much? It's not the first time anyway.

"Can you do me a favor?" Qiao Mu asked.

"Speak." Xu Youyou yawned. From just now, the chill on her body suddenly receded as if she had come, and the warmth was thick at this time, making people sleepy.

"There's a game in town this weekend, but I don't want Grandma to know."

Before Qiao Mu finished speaking, Xu Youyou understood: "It's easy, wait for me on the weekend morning, I'll find you."

After speaking, Xu Youyou couldn't hold on anymore, hung up the phone, and fell asleep in seconds.